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This introduction outlines an aesthetic of refusal as it emerges from instances of racialized exhaustion. Described as an aesthetics of minoritarian inaction and non-reproductivity, refusal challenges the centrality of action and repetition as the central tenets of political performance. Instead, the two valences of performing refusal/refusing to perform name an ethics of relation under racial capitalism, negating the dialectic of assimilation or resistance that shape minoritarian political performance, in favor of tactics such as opacity, imperceptibility, and obscurity.  相似文献   

由诗及乐由乐及美--宗白华《美学散步》阅读札记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗白华先生的<美学散步>是一部折射着深刻的理性逻辑思维之光、蕴含着鲜明的系统比较思想的随感.宗白华先生认为音乐、建筑、舞蹈等是一切艺术的根本形态,特别是音乐这种艺术形态,其音乐语言如何由诗歌语言转化而来,音乐艺境如何生成,在<美学散步>中都有非常丰富而深入的美学阐释.  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的深入发展,经济成分多元化、分配方式多样化、劳动就业市场化、劳动保障社会化与协调保障机制滞后的矛盾越来越突出。深刻理解工会突出切实维护职工合法权益职能的内涵,加大对主动维权、依法维权、科学维权的研究力度,不断提高新形势下的工会工作水平,团结动员广大职工积极投身“十一五”建设,充分发挥工人阶级主力军作用,使工会工作更好地服从服务于党和国家的工作大局显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

The move to ordain women as priests and bishops in the Church of England has taken nearly 40?years of campaigning in General Synod and almost 100 years of discussion and debate more widely in the Church. Christina Rees, a member of the Church of England's ruling body, the General Synod, considers why there has been such a long struggle, especially after agreeing that women can be ordained as priests, and therefore are suitable for Holy Orders. Over the past 25?years she has uncovered disturbing evidence that the insidious ideology of patriarchy has distorted theology in ways that has contributed to entrenched discrimination against women in the Church.  相似文献   

如何帮助员工进行职业生涯设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业生涯设计指一个人根据自身的兴趣、特点,将自己定位在一个最能发挥自己优势的位置,可以最大限度地实现自身价值.在市场竞争、人才济济的时代,要体现"以人为本"的管理理念,职业生涯设计是一种有效的手段,帮助员工进行职业生涯设计,可以让员工最大限度地实现自我价值;同时也是企业实现双赢的最佳策略.其中,帮助员工正确认识自己,准确定位,确立可行的目标是职业生涯设计的关键.  相似文献   

Foster and Holleman argue that the systems ecologist H.T. Odum offered a valid theoretical framework for conceptualizing ecologically unequal exchange, and demonstrate its affinity with the Marxian theory of unequal exchange of embodied labour. However, both approaches suffer from the same fundamental confusion of the biophysical and the economic. The affinity between labour and energy theories of the unequal exchange of value was demonstrated by S.C. Lonergan already in 1988, but to thus define asymmetric transfers of biophysical resources in terms of underpaid ‘use values’ is misleading. Foster's recent endorsement of Odum is inconsistent with his earlier rejection of Odum's intellectual ancestor S. Podolinsky. While the ambition to ecologize Marx is laudable, it is in the interests of correct historiography and contemporary environmental justice activism to untangle some of the analytical problems in Foster and Holleman's article. A major problem is their failure to acknowledge the implications of N. Georgescu-Roegen's conceptualization of the relation between economics and thermodynamics.  相似文献   

<正>当事人基本情况:申诉人:李某,男被诉人:某物流公司案情简介:李某2006年6月进入某物流公司做仓库装卸工,与公司签订了一年期的劳动合同。因为公司业务繁忙,李某工作基本没有固定的上下班时间,只要接到值班经理的电话,即使是深夜他也必须赶到仓库开始工作。公司以李某的装卸量来计发其每月的工资。  相似文献   

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《Labor History》2012,53(1-2):89-128

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《Child & Youth Services》2013,34(2):131-145
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(1):128-129

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This article explores constructions of marginality in practices and processes in schools. The main focus is on games played in and around the margins by school students, and on the feelings of pleasure and anxiety generated in this process. The data are drawn from a collective ethnographic project Citizenship, Difference and Marginality in Schools: With Special Reference to Gender, exploring ways in which students are differentiated in terms of gender and other dimensions of inequality. Margins construct both inclusion and exclusion. Processes of marginalisation take place in the official school (teaching and learning), in the informal school (social interaction) and in the physical school (spatiality and embodiment). Emotions located in the margins are explored through these analytically differentiated but intertwined layers. Marginality is a social positioning, a spatial location and a subjective experience.  相似文献   

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