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Positive identification relies on comparison of antemortem and postmortem data. Some identifications are based on morphological features such as fracture, pathological condition, and surgical hardware, despite little literature indicating the frequencies of such traits. This study examines whether such features are sufficiently rare as to be deemed individualizing. Data were collected on two modern North American skeletal collections (N=482 individuals). Presence/absence of features was scored by skeletal element and side. Results indicate that frequencies vary by geographic region (higher frequency of fractures and pathological conditions in New Mexico while individuals in Tennessee were more likely to have surgical interventions), many features such as fractures are remarkably common and that even suites of traits may not be individualizing. Caution is warranted when using written data rather than radiographic comparisons as the primary source of identification. The implications of these findings to missing person databases are also discussed.  相似文献   

This analysis of gunshot trauma to the bony thorax examines 87 handgun and rifle wounds from documented cases in an effort to corroborate an earlier report and to provide the forensic community with additional literature in this area. Specifically, this study tests whether the trauma signatures associated with gunshot wounds in the bony thorax are useful in determining the direction of fire. Because the ribs occupy a significant portion of the bony thorax, they are struck more frequently than other bones and, consequently, they are the focus of this report. This study confirmed that bullets can leave distinctive markers on ribs that indicate the direction of fire, including depressed fractures, bone fragments displaced in the direction of the bullet's path, and beveling. Although forensic anthropologists can determine the direction that a bullet was traveling when it struck a given rib, they cannot give a definitive statement about the number or sequence of gunshots without supporting soft tissue evidence.  相似文献   

In the last 15 years, the US Supreme Court has implemented major changes concerning the admittance of expert testimony. In 1993, Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals superseded the Frye ruling in federal courts and established judges, not the scientific community, as the gatekeepers regarding the credibility of scientific evidence. In 1999, a lesser-known but equally important decision, Kumho Tire v. Carmichael, ruled that technical expert testimony needed to employ the same rigor as outlined in Daubert, but experts can develop theories based on observations and apply such theories to the case before the court. Anthropology has never been defined as a hard science. Yet, many recent publications have modified existing techniques to meet the Daubert criteria, while none have discussed the significance of Kumho to anthropological testimony. This paper examines the impact of Daubert and Kumho on forensic anthropology and illustrates areas of anthropological testimony best admitted under Kumho's guidance.  相似文献   

肋骨骨折影像学在法医鉴定中的应用及相关问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
肋骨骨折法医学的诊断主要依靠医学影像学检查结果,影像学的误诊或漏诊将直接影响鉴定意见的准确性,从而可能导致刑事或民事案件的审判错误。本文详尽地总结和分析了肋骨骨折各种影像学检查技术的优缺点、漏误诊原因、法医学鉴定现状及法医鉴定时需考虑的因素,以提高法医学鉴定的准确性。  相似文献   

When the pelvis is unavailable, the skull is widely considered the second best indicator of sex. The goals of this research are to provide an objective hierarchy of sexing effectiveness of cranial and postcranial elements and to test the widespread notion that the skull is superior to postcranial bones. We constructed both univariate and multivariate discriminant models using data from the Forensic Anthropology Data Bank. Discriminating effectiveness was assessed by cross-validated classification, and in the case of multivariate models, Mahalanobis D(2). The results clearly indicate that most postcranial elements outperform the skull in estimating sex. It is possible to correctly sex 88-90% of individuals with joint size, up to 94% with multivariate models of the postcranial bones. The best models for the cranium do not exceed 90%. We conclude that postcranial elements are to be preferred to the cranium for estimating sex when the pelvis is unavailable.  相似文献   

There is very limited knowledge about how long perimortem fracture characteristics persist into the postmortem interval (PMI). Therefore, in this study, 60 porcine long bones were exposed to natural taphonomic conditions and fractured with a steel bone breaking apparatus every 28 days throughout a 141-day period. Differences between macroscopic blunt force trauma fracture characteristics (fracture angle, surface morphology, and outline) were examined to determine if they varied over time or in relationship to bone moisture content (ash weight) and overall assessment. There are significant relationships between (1) PMI and percent ash weight (%AW), fracture surface, and fracture angle and (2) %AW and fracture surface and fracture angle. Bone moisture content correlates significantly with fracture morphology and other characteristics commonly used by forensic anthropologists to determine the timing of traumatic injuries. However, fracture characteristics normally associated with perimortem trauma can persist long into the PMI.  相似文献   

When conventional methods of identification, such as visual recognition and dental comparison, cannot be used to identify a deceased person, it becomes necessary to consider alternative methods. The presence of an orthopedic implant in a body may assist identification if ante-mortem medical records are available for comparison. Another method of identification involves comparison of ante-mortem and postmortem radiographs. Eight cases are reported from Forensic Science SA where the presence of orthopedic implants and/or ante-mortem radiographs were used to try to establish identification. In six cases, positive identification was established, and in two cases with upper limb orthopedic implants, the bones remained unidentified. Manufacturers were unable to provide any information about the distribution and use of the implants that could be of use with identification, as there are no requirements in Australia for individual medical implants to be tracked. Such a system has the potential to aid postmortem identification if serial codes were etched onto implants that could then be traced to manufacturers, surgeons, and recipients of these devices.  相似文献   

The determination of perimortem trauma is important for forensic anthropologists. Characteristics of bone fractures such as sharp edges, presence of fracture lines, the shape of the broken ends, fracture surface morphology, fracture angle on the Z-axis, and butterfly fractures are said to differentiate perimortem from postmortem trauma. A Drop Weight Impact Test Machine was used to break 76 deer femora of various ages since death. The results of this study suggest that the characteristics listed above are unreliable at differentiating a perimortem fracture from a postmortem fracture in a forensic case. There are, however, statistically significant differences between fresh bones broken less than 4 days old and dry bones broken 44 days or 1 year old after death.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although many variables that skeletal biologists examine have been standardized, the actual techniques used to collect these data from bone thin sections vary. This project compares different methods of obtaining data (relative cortical area values) for histomorphometric research. One visual and three digital methods of histomorphometric data collection are compared: (i) Merz microscopic eyepiece counting reticule, (ii) flatbed scanner, (iii) overlaying multiple images of a thin section, and (iv) digital SLR camera with macro settings. The discussion includes a comparison of usability factors such as cost, time, user‐experience, and ease‐of‐use, which vary for each method. Values from the different methods are compared using ANOVA tests to evaluate inter‐method, inter‐observer, and intra‐observer variability. Intra‐observer error was greater for the microscopic method, although the error values are concomitant with experience. We found no statistically significant differences between the four methods examined, but certain caveats must be addressed when these methods are used.  相似文献   

The assessment of fractures is a key issue in forensic anthropology; however, very few studies deal with the features of fractures due to explosion in comparison with other traumatic injuries. This study focuses on fractures resulting from blast trauma and two types of blunt force trauma (manual compression and running over), applied to corpses of pigs; 163 osteons were examined within forty fractures by the transmission light microscopy. Blast lesions showed a higher percentage of fracture lines through the Haversian canal, whereas in other types of trauma, the fractures went across the inner lamellae. Significant differences between samples hit by blast energy and those runover or manually compressed were observed (< 0.05). The frequency of pattern A is significantly higher in exploded bones than in runover and compressed. Microscopic analysis of the fracture line may provide information about the type of trauma, especially for what concerns blast trauma.  相似文献   

This study examines primary (resulting from blast wave) and secondary (resulting from disintegrated, penetrating fragments) blast trauma to the skeleton. Eleven pigs were exposed to semi-controlled blast events of varying explosive type, charge size, and distance, including some cases with shrapnel. Skeletal trauma was found to be extensive, presenting as complex, comminuted fractures with numerous small, displaced bone splinters and fragments. Traumatic amputation of the limbs and cranium was also observed. Fractures were concentrated in areas nearer the blast, but there was generally no identifiable point of impact. Fractures were more random in appearance and widespread than those typically associated with gunshot or blunt force injury events. These patterns appear to be uniquely associated with blast trauma and may therefore assist forensic anthropologists and other forensic examiners in the interpretation of skeletal trauma by enabling them to differentiate between blast trauma and trauma resulting from some other cause.  相似文献   

The project and research reported in this collection of articles follows a long-term historical pattern in forensic anthropology in which new case work and applications reveal methodological issues that need to be addressed. Forensic anthropological analysis in the area of the former Yugoslavia led to questions raised regarding the applicability of methods developed from samples in other regions. The subsequently organized project reveals that such differences exist and new methodology and data are presented to facilitate applications in the Balkan area. The effort illustrates how case applications and court testimony can stimulate research advances. The articles also serve as a model for the improvement of methodology available for global applications.  相似文献   

目的根据腭皱的形态图特征,进行口腔腭皱在法医学同一认定的指标体系构建。方法收集100例成年人腭皱模型,依据腭皱的形状、数量、位置分布等特征对腭皱形态图进行全面系统的编码。编码顺序采用英文字母按照先右侧再左侧,先前部再后部的顺序编码,并且右、左侧编码以破折号连接。最后依据编码,统计分析腭皱形态分布特征。结果 100例腭皱形态图中,个体间未见完全一致者,每个个体不论男性与女性均表现有独特的腭皱形态图;且同一个体左右侧单条腭皱的形态及分布亦不同。波浪形腭皱所占比例最大(23.03%),三分叉形出现比例最小(0.74%),不同性别的波浪形及曲线形腭皱所占比例均较大,女性波浪形(22.7%)及曲线形(18.28%);男性波浪形(24.11%)及曲线形(21.43%)。结论口腔腭皱法医学同一认定的指标体系构建,将为法医学的同一认定提供一种新的方法。  相似文献   

The characteristics of knife tool marks retained on hard tissues can be used to outline the shape and angle of a knife. The purpose of this study was to describe such marks on bone tissues that had been chopped with knives. A chopping stage with a gravity accelerator and a fixed bone platform was designed to reconstruct the chopping action. A digital microscope was also used to measure the knife angle (θ) and retained V-shape tool mark angle (ψ) in a pig skull. The κ value (elasticity coefficient; θ/ψ) was derived and recorded after the knife angle (θ) and the accompanied velocity were compared with the proportional impulsive force of the knife and ψ on the bone. The constant impulsive force revealed a correlation between the V-shape tool mark angle (ψ) and the elasticity coefficient (κ). These results describe the tool marks--crucial in the medicolegal investigation--of a knife on hard tissues.  相似文献   

计算机X线断层摄影术具有分辨率高、成像清晰、可进行三维重建等优点,对骨骼和牙齿的成像效果较好。近十年来,国外有学者将其用于推断年龄和身高,判定种族和性别,在相关文献中介绍了有关的研究方法和数据,并对这些方法和数据在法医人类学个体识别中的应用价值进行了客观的评估。笔者对近几年发表的部分文献进行综述,希望能够为法医人类学科研和办案提供新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

In the UK, Forensic Anthropology is maturing rapidly, consequently demanding discussion of previously overlooked yet fundamental principles of this discipline. UK law and ethics are interpreted from a forensic anthropological standpoint. First, the influence of UK law and ethics on the stages of forensic anthropological research (the collection, analysis and storage of human remains) are discussed. Existing ethical codes of conduct are investigated for their relevance to researching forensic anthropologists. It is concluded that: when appropriately interpreted, UK law and ethics are extremely influential on forensic anthropological research; debate within this area is required; and that an understanding of the law and ethical thought is vital for the successful growth of forensic anthropology in the UK.  相似文献   

The interpretation of pathology on skeletal remains is mandatory for implementing the biological profile and for disease recognition. Prostate cancer is one of the most common tumors, with a high preference for the skeleton as a primary site of metastasis. Its diagnosis on bone is however still ambiguous, due to its “osteoblastic” and resorptive manifestation. This study investigates distribution and appearance of prostate cancer metastases on dry bone on six known cases (selected from the Milano Cemetery Skeletal Collection) and one healthy individual. A macroscopic inspection was performed highlighting the abnormalities observed, describing location, shape, dimension, and aspect. A great amount of proliferative and mixed lesions was noticed, but also cases of pure lytic lesions were displayed. The multiple appearances of the manifestations observed display the difficulty in correctly identifying such a pathology, but also the potential and advantages provided by investigating a study sample with known antemortem history.  相似文献   

The taphonomic effects of prolonged extreme cold and freezing on human bone have received little research attention. Questions of specific interest include whether previously frozen bone can be identified and whether freezing alters the structural integrity enough to prevent histological aging. There is no evidence from previous studies that freezing damages the structural integrity, and to date no research investigating the freezing process on bone microstructure has been undertaken. This research attempts to distinguish histologically previously frozen bone from nonfrozen bone by identifying patterned defects. To determine the effects of freezing in bone microstructure using light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), several human bone sections were subjected to prolonged freezing and allowed to thaw before thin sectioning. Light microscopy failed to demonstrate statistically significant differences between frozen and nonfrozen specimens. SEM analysis revealed fractures, although these lacked pattern and did not occur systematically throughout the section. Evidence of microstructural changes caused by liquid expansion, however, was remarkable but did not alter the structural integrity of the microstructure. The results of this study suggest that freezing does not alter the process of histomorphological analysis.  相似文献   

Age determination is a major field of interest in physical and forensic anthropology. Among the different methods based on macroscopic skeletal study, the Iscan method, which analyzes the sternal end of the right fourth rib, is one of the most reliable. We applied the Iscan method to two- and three-dimensional multislice computed tomography (MSCT) reconstructions of the sternal end of the right fourth rib on 39 ribs. The intra-observer variability on MSCT reconstructions was good (gamma coefficient equal to 0.86; value of the Krippendorff's alpha reliability equal to 0.79); inter-observer variability on MSCT reconstructions was also good (gamma coefficient ranging from 0.82 to 0.88; value of the Krippendorff's alpha reliability ranging from 0.78 to 0.86). We demonstrated excellent agreement between the results of analysis of bone samples and those of the two- and three-dimensional images, in particular regarding bone projections, morphology of the pit and of its rim. The accuracy of age estimation did not significantly differ between the Iscan method applied to dry bones and the same method applied to MSCT images. Determination of the Krippendorff's alpha reliability coefficient for the inter-error method confirmed the agreement between phase estimations obtained with the two methods (ranging from 0.55 to 0.71). The real civil age was comprised in 21 cases out of 36 for assessment performed on dry bones and in 23 cases out of 36 on MSCT reconstructions, which represented 58.3% and 63.9%, respectively. Use of MSCT reconstructions in forensic anthropology offers many advantages: no bone preparation, no damage to bone material, and the possibility of application to living individuals.  相似文献   

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