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科学心理学建立以来,心理学进入量化研究时代。量化研究为心理学带来了飞速的发展与丰硕的成果。然而,近几十年来,心理研究的质化取向日渐兴起,有关量化研究与质化研究的讨论日益引起重视。混合方法研究试图超越两者的纷争,克服单独使用某种研究方法的局限,整合两种研究取向,为复杂心理现象的研究提供更为丰富的研究思路。  相似文献   

Few empirical studies with representative samples have focused on the gendered aspect of psychological aggression and its sub-constructs of dominance and jealousy. Those that do report on gender differences, often fail to report on important dyadic factors such as whether the aggression is unilateral or bilateral in nature. Differences in psychological aggression, dominance, and jealousy constructs were assessed in a representative sample of 453 married parents. Overall, women had significantly higher dominance, jealousy, and psychological aggression scores. Both male and female respondents in relationships where there was bi-directional severe psychological aggression demonstrated higher mean levels of severe psychological aggression, dominance, and jealousy than did their counterparts who were unilaterally severely aggressive. This is the first study to demonstrate that bilateral psychological aggression is associated with higher mean levels of psychological aggression, dominance, and jealousy scores for both male and female partners than unilateral aggression. Contrary to our hypothesis, there was no differential impact of severe psychological aggression by gender.  相似文献   

Moral Foundations Theory posits five distinct foundations of morality: Harm/Care, Fairness/Reciprocity, In-group/Loyalty, Authority/Respect, and Purity/Sanctity. In combination, this should yield between four-to-six moral signatures—distinct combinations or patterns of support for these aspects of morality. We extend previous research by examining the replicability of these moral signatures in a New Zealand-based national sample (n = 3,635). Latent Profile Analysis identified four distinct moral signatures: Individuators, Moderates, Neutrals, and High Moralists. We integrate these moral signatures within the Dual Process Model (DPM) framework and show that Social Dominance Orientation predicts membership in the Neutral moral signature (moderate/lukewarm support for multiple moral foundations); whereas Right-Wing Authoritarianism predicts membership in the High Moralist signature (undifferentiated high support across moral foundations). These findings were observed controlling for Big-Six personality and various demographics. Thus, the authoritarian and dominance-based motives identified by the DPM independently predict categorical differences in the signatures people use to judge morality.  相似文献   

Three public opinion studies examined public attitudes toward prevalence reduction (PR; reducing the number of people engaging in an activity) and harm reduction (HR; reducing the harm associated with an activity) across a wide variety of domains. Studies 1 and 2 were telephone surveys of California adults’ views on PR and HR strategies for a wide range of risk domains (heroin, alcoholism, tobacco, skateboarding, teen sex, illegal immigration, air pollution, and fast food). “Moral outrage” items (immoral, disgusting, irresponsible, dangerous) predicted preference for PR over HR, with disgust the most important predictor. In contrast, preferences were not predicted by whether the risk behavior was common, no one else’s business, or harmless. Study 3 explored whether there are domains where liberals might reject HR. A sample of liberal students preferred HR > PR for heroin, but PR > HR for ritual female circumcision; path analysis suggested that this reversal was explained by moral outrage rather than consequentialist judgments of harm to self and harm to others.  相似文献   

Boris Yeltsin, who won an impressive victory in the 1996 presidential elections, used "Do not allow the country to return to Communism" as his principal campaign slogan. His supporters concentrated all their propaganda on this theme: we must move forward and continue the reforms, or return to the past. As a result, the extremely difficult problems facing the country today were, so to speak, put on hold. There was no serious discussion of how the reforms should be continued or which direction they should take.  相似文献   

Why are people with a stronger independent self-construal more opposed to affirmative action than those with a weaker independent self-construal? Drawing on prior research, we predicted that this is because the former endorse microjustice principles—which are perceived to be violated by affirmative action—and disregard macrojustice principles—which affirmative action seeks to ensure. In contrast, people with a weak independent self-construal endorse both microjustice and macrojustice. The results from three studies support our reasoning. Our research contributes to theorizing on affirmative action by illuminating the important role of both microjustice and macrojustice concerns in predicting opposition to affirmative action. We discuss the implications of our research within the North American context for increasing people’s endorsement of macrojustice in an effort to mitigate opposition to social policies aimed at redressing societal injustice.  相似文献   

析美国反对常设国际刑事法院的理由和举措   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
喻贵英 《法律科学》2006,24(4):121-131
2002年国际社会期待已久的常设国际刑事法院开始运作,它标志着一个历史性时刻的到来——侵略罪、灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪、战争罪的犯罪人不再能够逃脱国际刑事责任。然而,作为国际社会的唯一超级大国美国却也因此对常设国际刑事法院开始了强烈反对,一切可以想到和做到的阻挠措施均已被采取。美国反对常设国际刑事法院,旨在维护其自身利益和世界霸权地位,其理由和举措不符合联合国宗旨和正义原则。  相似文献   

Two subjects often fit with difficulty in 'Fortress Europe': Equality and Third Country Nationals (TCNs). EC Law presents fundamental weaknesses with regard to TCNs in the intersections between race, religion and nationality discrimination. In particular for non-EU nationals, these three grounds of discrimination can be closely related, and difficult to distinguish. However, they are of great importance for the integration and fair treatment of migrants, which was one of the objectives of the Tampere Programme. This article analyses the extent to which the Race Equality Directive (43/2000/EC) and the Framework Equality Directive (78/2000/EC) provide an effective protection against 'racial related discrimination'. It suggests that the loopholes of both Directives, together with the current interpretation of Article 12 EC, have institutionalised not only a hierarchy of equalities, but also a hierarchy of peoples, and it explores possible interpretative solutions.  相似文献   

The publication of the recent Consultation Document, proposinga new legislative framework for a Single Equality Bill for GreatBritain, provides the opportunity for consideration of the regulatoryapproaches that might be adopted in such legislation. The regulatoryapproaches adopted in previous anti-discrimination legislationare considered, followed by a discussion of a newer approachto regulation, which has been termed ‘reflexive regulation’.This newer form of regulation appears to form the preferredbasis for regulation in the Consultation Paper. The potentialproblems with this method of regulation are examined, in particularthe need to ensure that the pre-conditions for effective reflexiveregulation are identified and created. It is argued that theConsultation Paper has failed to address this issue, and thatseveral changes need to be made before the use of reflexiveregulation in the area of equality is likely to be successful.  相似文献   

平等与合理差别——兼论统一人身损害赔偿标准立法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人身损害赔偿标准的多重性,是我国人身损害赔偿立法的基本特点。科学、合理的赔偿标准,是人身损害赔偿制度科学性的重要体现。在确定具体的赔偿标准时,应在承认合理差别的基础上追求法律规则的平等性与公正性。  相似文献   

In this introductory article to the special series of articles written to initiate the new journal, Psychological Injury and Law, I provide the background and impetus for this fast-growing area as a distinct field of scientific study. Professionals working in the area need to be aware of its diverse components, from evidence law and forensic psychology to disability and assessment, to its three core areas of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and other distress, chronic pain, and traumatic brain injury, as well as issues such as malingering. I provide summaries of the articles in this special series that appear in this inaugural issue. The remaining articles of the special series of articles to introduce the journal are presented in the next two issues.  相似文献   

This article was written to introduce readers to the bodies of work that inform experts who conduct evaluations of plaintiffs or offer generic testimony in cases involving claims of psychological injuries in the aftermath of sexual trauma, including childhood sexual abuse, adult sexual assault, and sexual harassment. In addition to summarizing the research literatures on those three areas of maltreatment, it reviews what mental health experts should know about our laws, about professional standards for evaluations, and about other relevant areas of research, such as assessment of posttraumatic stress symptoms, disclosures by young children, “normal” childhood sexual behaviors, “repressed” or “recovered” memories, memory and trauma, memory distortions, and resilience.  相似文献   

In 1995 Uganda adopted the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda1995 which protected a wide range of human rights includingwomen's rights to equality and freedom from discrimination.Article 33(6) of the Constitution prohibited ‘laws, customsor traditions which are against the dignity, welfare or interestof women’. However, more than ten years later legislation,customary laws and practices have continued to be in force largelydue to the lack of political will to confront issues of inequalityand discrimination in a holistic and comprehensive manner. Thisarticle examines such discriminatory laws against women andthe jurisprudence of Uganda's Constitutional Court in the areasof divorce, criminalization of adultery, succession and marriagelaws. Using a comparative approach, it observes that these lawsconflict with Uganda's Constitution as well as regional andinternational human rights treaties to which Uganda is a Stateparty. It recommends that discriminatory laws should be harmonizedwith principles of equality and non-discrimination, and advocatesfor a litigation strategy.  相似文献   

唐兢 《政法学刊》2008,25(4):79-82
死刑复核权收归最高人民法院后,死刑犯在看守所的羁押时间延长,监管难度加大。保障死刑犯在看守所的监管安全,要准确分析其心理状态,加强教育转化和心理疏导工作,创新监管模式,改善传统控制手段,争取办案单位和社会力量的支持与配合。  相似文献   

Because physical injuries occur so frequently and are associated with significant mortality and morbidity, these injuries have been acknowledged as a worldwide public health concern. While the greatest cost associated with physical injury is the loss of life, non-fatal injuries are associated with significant personal and societal costs. Traditionally, examinations of the personal costs of physical injuries have emphasized functional losses and limitations, in addition to resulting losses in work productivity and income earning power. Efforts to capture the societal costs associated with physical injury have emphasized medical expenditures related to their treatment as well as costs related to lost work performance and disability compensation. Less emphasized but possibly more relevant to post-injury functional outcomes is the experience of psychological distress that frequently accompanies injury-related changes in function and overall quality of life. Any calculation of the true cost of physical injuries must include a reckoning of their impact on psychological health and the interactive influence of physical and psychological injuries on immediate and long-term recovery of function. In the current article, we briefly summarize data pertaining to the prevalence and cost of physical injuries; we briefly describe the more common consequences of physical injury, including injury-related limitations in physical function, pain and pain-related limitations in physical function, occupational impairment, psychological distress, and impairment in interpersonal relating; we review select theoretical models that are considered to explain the transition from physical injury to disabilities and we identify the pre-, peri-, and post-injury influence of physical and psychological health on injury management, recovery of function, risk of re-injury, and disability.  相似文献   

葛井泉 《中国司法》2004,(12):19-21
全国监狱“三化”建设是监狱工作发展的必然要求,是提高罪犯改造质量的根本途径。其中的科学化建设要求我们用科学的理念、科学的理论和思维,认真研究和把握监狱工作的基本规律,从而提高整体工作水平。在这一思想指导下,山东省监狱系统正在全面实施“罪犯心理工程”,这是继“法  相似文献   

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