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Technology Transfer to China The Issues of Knowledge and Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aspect of effectiveness of technology transfer to developing countries still raises important questions from researchers and practitioners alike. Many of these questions pertain to the nature of knowledge and of the learning process. The first question for this paper is what forms of knowledge are transferred abroad by companies. The second question is what are the characteristics of the learning process in recipient firms during technology transfer. Twenty-eight Canadian manufacturing firms were interviewed. Seven case studies were also conducted in China.Our results demonstrate that tacit knowledge constitutes a substantial part of the total knowledge transferred by Canadian firms to China. The nonexplicit nature of knowledge leaves room for numerous problems of interpretation, not only at the technical and managerial level, but also at the more global level of national culture and institutions. Our findings tend to validate the evolutionary and cognitivistic positions on the nature of knowledge. The results also partly confirm our sequential model of learning.  相似文献   

In 1980 three Finnish companies established a research joint venture as a separate firm in order to develop semiconductors. We study the initial stages of the project focusing on the two evident sources of difficulty associated with an international technology transfer. One is a hold-up problem and the other asymmetric information on the quality of the technology. We develop two simple models that capture some features of the contract governing the technology transfer, and conclude that both problems were present, but hold-up problems were considered a more serious threat.  相似文献   

我国技术市场交易中 ,专利技术转让合同占了很大比重 ,其中 ,又以专利实施许可合同为多 ,专利权转让合同和专利申请权转让合同数量也在逐年增多。作为技术转让合同 ,其主要特征在于 ,技术转让合同的标的 ,是当事人订立合同时转让方已经掌握的“特定”和“现有”技术成果。所谓“特定的”技术成果 ,指的是符合特别规定 ,受法律确认和法律保护的技术权益。如专利权、专利申请权、专利实施权等。所谓“现有的”技术成果 ,指的是作为技术转让合同标的的技术权益 ,在订立合同时已经存在。尚待研究开发的专有技术不得作为专利技术转让合同的标的。…  相似文献   

The National Institutes for Culture have not attracted much scholarly attention examining their managerial practices. The aim of this article is to explore how the state expresses its agency over the Cultural Institutes of six European countries: the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Sweden, and Greece. Agency presents varying modalities, making instrumentalism more multifaceted than has been implied so far. The authors are introducing here a framework of five “touchpoints” to capture and analyze instrumentalism in cultural diplomacy. Funding, agenda setting, evaluation, hierarchy, and appointment power constitute the typical system of interactions between the Cultural Institutes and their reporting authorities.  相似文献   

2003年4月25日,洛杉矶联邦地区法院威尔逊(Wilson)法官对MGM Studios, Inc.v. GroksterLtd1案的一纸判决,终于向世人表明了法院对新世纪高科技领域好莱坞与硅谷第一场大战所持的态度.  相似文献   

Despite a high concentration of brainpower and federally funded research, some universities have been unable to translate these assets into regionally based economic activity. The author uses an ethnographic method interviewing university officials and academic entrepreneurs in New York City, which has a relatively poor record of local start-up creation. The author finds that universities that view the primary objective of technology transfer as a revenue generator for their institutions generate fewer spin-offs than those that incorporate a local economic development component. Internal advocacy and faculty interest, however, can affect university behavior. The author also finds that academic entrepreneurs with a pre-existing affiliation with the licensing institution are more likely to locate in the area than outsiders utilizing the technology. Entrepreneurs exhibit a distinct locational calculus based on a range of variables including real estate costs, founders’ preference and the geographical proximity of key firm relationships.   相似文献   

梁咏 《行政与法》2007,(11):82-86
依照我国在入世议定书所作的承诺,自2006年12月起,我国应开放移动话音和数据服务领域,加之之前已经部分开放的增值电信服务和基础电信寻呼领域,我国电信服务业正面临着前所未有的压力.美国诉墨西哥影响电信服务的措施争端案是电信服务贸易领域第一个由WTO专家组作出裁决报告的案例,分析本案不仅可以更深入地了解WTO电信服务贸易规则,更有助于我国更好地运用《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)相关规则应对因电信服务市场开放所带来的一系列问题.  相似文献   

Economic inequality is usually assumed to be a threat to social cohesion and democracy. Nevertheless, this opposition of inequality and democracy is based on further assumptions such as (a) that people perceive economic inequality accurately, and (b) that, by and large they consider inequality unjust. Research into distributive issues has not found consistent support for neither of these assumptions. Quite the contrary, empirical evidence indicates that economic inequality is widely misperceived and that inequality is to some extent considered legitimate. So far most of the empirical evidence in the area of legitimacy comes from experimental studies in the developed world. The present research aims at widening the scope of legitimacy studies by focusing on Chile as a case country, one of the societies with the highest economic inequality worldwide, guided by the question to what extent is economic inequality considered legitimate in a context of high economic inequality? In addressing this question, and based on previous evidence, the article proposes a way to evaluate (a) the legitimacy of inequality at a country level via survey research, and (b) the role of inequality perception and justice ideologies in the justification of economic inequality. The data to be analyzed is the public opinion survey International Social Justice Project (ISJP), implemented in Chile in the year 2007 (n = 890). Multivariate analysis results reveal signs of legitimacy of inequality in Chile, opening a series of issues regarding the acceptance and stability of unequal distributions.  相似文献   

孙雷 《知识产权》2010,20(1):87-92
Real DVD案是美国第一起CSS密钥被授权使用人和版权人直接因规避CSS而对簿公堂的案件,由于涉及当今最流行视频播放软件制造商与多家电影产业巨头而受到版权界的高度关注。2009年8月,法院对涉案的Real DVD软件及设备下达了初步禁令,其中不仅对CSS密钥授权使用协议中的相关事项进行了分析,还对技术措施的有效性及其与作品合理使用的关系等目前技术措施保护领域的焦点问题进行了解读。探讨该案对于我国规范视频播放软件业的发展和技术措施保护制度的完善具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Technology Transfer (T2RERC) hosted a “State of the Science” conference in November, 2001. The conference reviewed technology transfer work within the field of assistive technology, and summarized related work in public, private and academic sectors. Invited speakers prepared papers on various topics concerning technology transfer, and related their findings to the field of assistive technology during the ensuing discussion sessions. This paper provides an overview of the material presented by the participants, and explores the implications of their findings for one particular field of application—assistive technology for people with disabilities.  相似文献   

This study investigates the types of factors which can lead to government acquisition, or the “spin-in” of bio-defense technologies from small bio-technology firms. Empirical findings suggest that for small biotechnology R&D firms desiring to increase “spin-in” technology transfer, there appears to be two distinct and important influence groups—the scientific community within federal agencies, institutes, and centers, and the more managerial, policy-oriented decisions makers. We found that personal communication and networking appear to be the primary factor that leads to a successful technology transfer, however, the form and substance of personal communication and networking will differ between the two influence groups.  相似文献   

Initial reports of domestic violence are generally made to law enforcement officers who must respond and intervene. A subset of these episodes involves cases in which the victim, and, in many instances her child(ren), have been taken hostage by her husband or partner. Moreover, there are indications that the number of such incidents is growing. The purpose of this project was twofold: (1) to provide one of the first reports on the prevalence and characteristics of these events, and (2) to more closely analyze domestic crisis (hostage) situations using actual case examples. All information was obtained from the Hostage Barricade Database System (HOBAS) of the FBIs Crisis Negotiation Unit. HOBAS is a postincident information collection tool which stores historical data from law enforcement agencies across the nation on hostage/barricade incidents. An examination of this database yielded different types of domestic hostage-taking acts and outcomes (e.g., tactical vs. negotiated resolutions, survival vs. death/injury of perpetrator and/or victim[s]). Implications of the findings, for future crisis negotiation efforts directed toward nonviolent resolution of these high-risk critical incidents, are discussed.  相似文献   

疑案·存案·结案——从春阿氏案看清代疑案了结技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清末春阿氏杀夫案在司法档案和纪实小说中有着不同版本。刑部、法部和大理院轮番审理,未能查出事实真相。大理院迫于结案的压力,以存案的方式了结了该案。判决书内容含混,而处理疑案的技艺则甚为高超。以疑案及其结案技术为切入点,重新审视并评价皇权下的司法实况,可以观察到司法现实复杂而生动的本来面目。  相似文献   

The anti-'death tax' movement is the starting point for contemporary discussions of inheritance taxation. The political rhetoric surrounding calls for its repeal typically is met with analyses of the extent to which inheritance tax avoidance benefits the wealthy, and arguments that inheritance taxation is fair and 'targeted'. This article suggests that engagement by tax lawyers with sociological theories of economic inheritance has the potential to revive this discourse. A renewed approach to inheritance taxation is of immediate concern to supporters of inheritance taxation in the United Kingdom, who face considerable obstacles posed by the increasing use of United States anti-inheritance tax movement political rhetoric by politicians. Durkheim's consideration of the conjugal family and, more recently, Beckert's sociology of inheritance are submitted as analyses that, amongst others, have particular potential. Such engagement also has the potential to revive the interest of sociologists in inheritance taxation, memorably described by MacNamee and Miller as a 'sociological lacuna.'  相似文献   

The U.S. Bureau of Mines was established in 1910 to reduce the high accident rate in the nation's coal mines. For 85 years, it conducted a wide variety of tasks related to mining before it was abolished in 1995. The BOM had many technology transfer successes in its lifetime, including more than a dozen R&D100 awards. This essay identifies and discusses five transfer factors that can explain the success (or failure) of many Bureau of Mines projects. These five factors are termed pressure, pitfalls, path, price, and profit.  相似文献   

Since the end of the 1980's transfer of government sponsored high technology space goods and services to other sectors, industry, and eventually non-government use has been a growing concern of the Russian policy makers. Today the real and functional transformation of this field is on the agenda. The paper is organized as follows. The first section analyzes the evolution of the common approach to technology transfer, looks at the main obstacles to this processes as a whole, and in the space sector in particular. The second section examines the Russian space R&D sector from the point of view of its role and place in the Russian scientific and technological base. New mechanisms of technology transfer are then considered. Here, problems of conversion, commercialization, dual-use, and internationalization are examined in the context of space technology transfer. Furthermore, issues of innovation in technology transfer are discussed. The new networks that are forming through which technologies diffuse is considered. The paper then turns to legislative and regulatory problems, including the discussion of the main principles of the Russian space transfer code, which is now being drafted. It is necessary to underline, that in the Russian case, official statistics still do not help analyze the question of technology transfer.  相似文献   

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