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墨西哥每年经历90多次里氏4.0级以上地震,特别是1985年的强震灾难推动了新一代国家民事保护体系的构建,包括将地震在内的自然灾害风险管理体制提升为国家战略。本文主要采用文献分析法探讨墨西哥1985年大地震与灾害风险管理体制机制的演进。随着民事保护概念的更新,国家民事保护体系现代化的提出,墨西哥灾害风险管理逐渐朝着法制化和制度化方向发展,在积极提高预防意识的同时更加强调综合风险管理。墨西哥民事保护体系具有常态化、规律性的波动和动员的深度与广度前所未有等特点。墨西哥自然灾害基金会是与之配套的制度安排,它通过一系列机制的运行在灾害应急和灾后重建方面发挥着关键作用。面向国际资本市场转移灾害风险的巨灾债券是重要的创新融资工具,其经验得到了世界银行的肯定和推广。鉴于墨西哥民事保护体制机制面临的重重挑战,如何将风险管理的反应体系发展为一个更具可操作性的预防体系,并实现内涵和外延都得到丰富和扩展的综合风险管理的现代化目标,仍然是一个艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

自然灾害对人类和平与发展构成重大挑战,却长期受国际关系研究的忽视.自然灾害并不只是纯自然力量作用的结果,还与经济社会体制相关,由此将灾害治理纳入可持续发展框架成为共识.目前,国际灾害治理已取得一定进展,主要体现在多边主义机制框架发展迅速、水平和垂直两个维度的协同性持续增加、对市场机制利用不断扩大、城市日益成为灾害治理重心,但也有明显不足,表现在其未成为国际体系核心议程、制度建设落后、国际政治工具属性凸显等.未来,国际灾害治理关键在于实现从一时的情景治理向长期的体制治理转变,要求技术治理体制化、行动框架深化以及治理资源更多地向城市和地方倾斜;同时,联合国治理架构在发展中国家遭受灾害时应承担更多责任.  相似文献   

印度灾害应急管理政策与法律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
印度作为世界上重要的发展中国家,经济迅猛发展,国力快速增强,国际政治地位逐步提升。然而该国独特的地质和气候条件使其成为各种灾害频发的国家,促使印度将灾害应急管理作为国家政策和法律制度中优先考虑的问题。  相似文献   

中国始终是发展中国家可以依赖的朋友,巩固与发展中国家的团结与合作是中国外交的基石.近年来,学术界对于中国与发展中国家关系的看法出现多元化趋势.《对中国与发展中国家政治关系的再思考》一文基于对近来中外相关观点的反思,再度阐释了中国与发展中国家政治关系的历史基础和主要现实问题.文章承认中国与发展中国家关系在中国外交中的基础地位,并进一步分析了这一关系随着时代背景的变迁、全球力量的转移和国际事务更趋复杂而面临的主要矛盾或失衡性挑战,提出基于历史经验和国际关系现实所制定的中国与发展中国家关系战略,不仅应该继续包含重要的地缘政治考虑,更有必要增加解决全球范围功能性议题的思想和原则.文章最后就如何改进这一新战略的具体支撑点进行了初步评估和思考.文章不仅对研究中国与发展中国家的关系,而且对研究中拉关系的现状与未来均具有启发意义.  相似文献   

中国与发展中国家的关系,是中国对外政策的重要组成部分和对外政策的基础。这包含两层重要的意义:其一,推动与发展中国家的关系是中国外交的传统.这个传统因中国也是发展中国家的一  相似文献   

灾害危机是现代风险社会的普遍反映.卡斯佩松指出.风险和灾害存在着一种"社会放大"的可能性,灾难性事件一旦发生,就会与心理的、社会的、制度的和文化的过程产生相互作用.这种作用会强化人们的风险感知并直接影响其行为,进而造成新的次级社会或经济后果.这些后果远远超过了灾害对人类健康或环境的直接伤害,导致更重要的间接影响①.灾害因其发生的突然性、性质的负面性、后果的严重性、前景的不明性使灾害的应对和治理成为世界各国的重大课题.  相似文献   

近年来,发展中国家对当今国际体系提出了三大挑战,这就是如何面对发展中大国崛起对国际格局的影响、如何解决最不发达国家的发展问题、如何从根源上清除恐怖主义的威胁等.2005年,发展中国家的形势就是这种发展趋势的真实写照,并促使人们进一步思考如何更好应对发展中国家给国际社会提出的这三大挑战.  相似文献   

一、东亚发展中国家和地区经济持续高速发展的原因根据亚洲开发银行1994年统计资料,在过去的20年内,东亚发展中国家和地区经济年平均增长率高达8%,远远超过其他地区发展中国家4.3%和发达国家3%的年平均增长率.  相似文献   

70年代以来,西方经济学界针对发展中国家的金融发展滞后问题提出的金融发展理论日益受到重视.许多发展中国家以此理论为指导,先后进行了金融制度的改革和深化.亚洲发展中国家和地区的金融改革虽然起步较晚,但由于各国采取了较为稳妥务实的方式,金融改革取得了较大的成效,表现出经济增长与金融发展互相促进的良好势头.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代初以来,国际范围内直接投资的数量和方向都发生了显著的变化.在七八十年代一直处于国际资本市场边缘的发展中国家,现在已成为资本流动的主要目的地.80年代中期,在全世界吸收的资金总量中,发展中国家吸引的资金不足15%,而1998年这一比重已达42%①.从数量上来看,1991~1996年间,发展中国家平均每年吸收的外国直接投资达到820亿美元②.但并不是所有的发展中国家都能从中受益,大部分资金流向了少数国家,即通常所说的"新兴市场",拉美国家也在其中.  相似文献   

This article studies the relationship between different sources of finance and the financial performance of microfinance institutions in 36 sub-Saharan African countries. The analysis is based on a panel dataset of 471 microfinance institutions over the period 1995 to 2012. By applying the GMM estimator, the results suggest that first, there is a positive and robustly significant relationship between equity and the financial performance of microfinance institutions; and second, debt and microsavings negatively affect the financial performance of microfinance institutions in the sub-Saharan African region. Therefore, the optimal source of finance for microfinance institutions in sub-Saharan Africa is equity. More importantly, the policy recommendation is that private or public partners must support MFIs financially; doing so could contribute to extending financial services to the poor in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

In India, microfinance and associated strategies of forming self-help groups came about in response to a newly independent nation and its need to include the rural non-banking population into national structures of development and governance. This article examines how the rapid growth of microfinance institutions during the last two decades – especially in the context of the more recent transition from non-profit to for-profit non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) – has led to a significant increase in the delivery of financial services to the rural poor. In Andhra Pradesh, the simultaneous existence of some of India’s most prominent microfinance institutions (MFIs) and their mobilisation of self-help groups – with state backing and linkages to banks leading to relatively easy availability of funds – has led to a tremendous surge in the availability of credit across the state.  相似文献   

Within the last two decades microfinance has been widely adopted as one of the best development strategies to reduce poverty and empower women in many developing countries. Drawing on ethnographic research undertaken in Ethiopia, this article elucidates the complexities of microfinance processes, and argues that current microfinance practice does not facilitate the participation of women in decision-making over the use and management of loans as well as the income they generate from running small enterprises. The article illustrates that women are engaged in running small-scale economic activities at home that produce low returns, and they have limited access to lucrative markets. It also demonstrates that due to a discriminatory household division of labour, women are overworked in their households and in their enterprises. Through engaging in a mode of representation (ethnography) that allows specific critical voices to be heard, the article contributes toward tempering the current enthusiasm for the widely expanding microfinance industry.  相似文献   

土耳其和法国巨灾保险制度对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土耳其和法国的巨灾保险制度在建立背景、要素特征、运营管理模式、风险分散机制、财税政策多方面有很大的不同,对我国未来的灾害保险制度设计和运营管理有很大启示。我国应以“充分讨论,前期准备,瞄准时机,适时推出”的方式建立巨灾保险制度,保险覆盖的风险则以单风险为主,政府主要承担再保险人的角色,并加强配套基础设施的建设。  相似文献   

The role of organising and disseminating knowledge as a global public good has become a major preoccupation of international development organisations. One area in which they are particularly active is support for microfinance programmes in developing countries. More recently, the microfinance 'best practices' deposited in, and disseminated by, these international organisations have been associated with social capital. This paper examines the ways in which the notion of social capital is employed to explain the success of microfinance programmes. It argues that various types of social interactions that are generated around successful microfinance operations are randomly called 'social capital'. This means that the presence of social capital does not tell us much about what sort of microfinance programmes, in terms of design and implementation, should be regarded as good practice.  相似文献   

Microfinance practices were originally developed in offline contexts. Modern microfinance practices were based on development models for the financial and social empowerment of the poorest of poor in developing countries. Several of these practices drew from existing traditions of money lending within local communities that were reformed to be in sync with rural development and the empowerment of the underprivileged individual. In present ‘postmodern’ times, microfinance providers are using online tools in the hopes of broadening the reach and extending the advantages provided by such a model of micro-lending and micro-borrowing. In this article, we examine an online peer-to-peer lending and borrowing website, Kiva.org, which uses online social networking tools in microfinance. The study is thus a close look at the actual content of the website with a view to understanding the representational practices of online space through Internet mediated microfinance.  相似文献   

This article investigates the interactive reciprocal relationship of microfinance activities and social capital among members of the Kufusa Mari microfinance scheme in Nyanga, Zimbabwe. It reports on a study conducted among 146 randomly selected respondents, plus other participants selected for focus group discussions and key informant interviews. A reciprocal relationship between microfinance activities and social capital existed in this case study, but was found to be three-pronged, also involving developmental goals. The community should be encouraged to join the Kufusa Mari group scheme to promote self-initiated grassroots community development and advancement.  相似文献   

南亚是世界上自然灾害发生最为频繁的地区之一。本文从实践的角度出发,着力研究南亚自然灾害及应急管理现状,南亚在自然灾害应急管理领域的合作模式和特点,以及该合作模式中存在的问题。在对南亚合作模式的研究基础上,笔者亦对中国与南亚间自然灾害应急管理的跨地区合作的可行性作了相应的探讨。  相似文献   

泰国是一个自然灾害频发的国家。2004年印度洋海啸发生后,泰国政府从完善和制定与防灾减灾相关的法律入手,从财力、人力、物力等各方面加大投入,在灾害管理体制建设方面取得了许多新的成效。本文拟在考察泰国构建灾害管理体制以及完善减灾救灾相关法律的同时,对泰国政府应对2011年特大洪水灾害的实践进行分析。  相似文献   

This study summarizes findings from a pilot project that distributed information and ran workshops in Ethiopia, Ghana, and India, on women's empowerment and microfinance. The project was funded by the British Small Enterprise Development Fund of the Department of International Development. Links between microfinance and women's empowerment are viewed as optimistic, limited by design, cost effective in eliminating poverty, and a misplaced diversion of resources. Microfinance programs range from small scale self-help groups to large poverty-targeted banks. One model may vary in delivery, group functions and structures, and complementary services. This project identified 3 contrasting approaches to microfinance and women's empowerment: the financial sustainability approach, the integrated community development approach, and the feminist empowerment approach. However, program evaluations revealed the need to question the assumptions underlying all 3 approaches. In most programs, women benefited to a limited degree. Many women did not control the loan use. Most women were engaged in low paid, traditionally female activities, and increases in income were small. Resources and time invested in economic activity were limited by responsibility for household consumption and unpaid domestic work. Microfinance programs sometimes created domestic tension between spouses and loss of spousal income and support. Group repayment pressures sometimes created pressures between women. Many women focused on personal rather than social objectives. The author proposes a gender strategy for microfinance and sets priorities for further research.  相似文献   

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