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Making an Impact     
Many tiny Expo pavilions offer a refreshing experience It is quite a physical challenge to tour all the exhibits of the more than 200 participant countries,regions,international organizations and businesses at the  相似文献   

Macao helps its residents discover themselves through cultural heritage protection Macao, a tiny place less than 2.5 percent the size of Hong Kong, doesn't even have its own textbooks for primary and middle school students. The former Portuguese colony has instead for decades used textbooks compiled in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Even before the third decade of the 21st century began,China had already broken several world records.It had ended extreme poverty and landed a module on the far side of Moon.On December 4,2020,China successfully commissioned its new-generation nuclear fusion research device,a crucial breakthrough in taming nuclear energy that could meet all our energy needs for centuries to come.  相似文献   

我国是一个资源紧缺的国家,随着经济建设的快速发展以及人民群众生活消费水平的不断提高,经济发展与资源短缺的矛盾日益突出.中共十六届五中全会明确提出建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,这是在我国经济社会发展进入新的历史阶段提出的,关系到我国经济社会可持续健康发展的重大决策.  相似文献   

Scientific breakthroughs pump steam into China’s railway-building spree When an array of emerging modern railways bring immediate benefits to China’s mountainous and isolated regions, no one doubts that  相似文献   

正China's Web security comes under fire after a massive security breach Wang Lianjun,manager of a real estate website based in Suzhou,Jiangsu Province,stared at his computer screen in disbelief.Neatly listed on a download manager website was his personal information-usernames,passwords,  相似文献   

要实现贵州经济社会又好又快发展的目标,任重道远,离不开企业家们的努力。  相似文献   

ZHANG Xin returned from a trip to Yunnan with a haul of fresh goods. Barely pausing for breath she snapped each item with her digital camera and uploaded the shots onto her infant e-store, attaching an appealing caption to each one. Last month, her e-store sprouted its first tooth of profit. "Though the profit margin is small, I enjoy this way of doing business," says Zhang Xin. Zhang deals in special local  相似文献   

Everyone Has an ’Avatar’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Avatar woos Chinese fans and kindles audience passion for 3D US. director James Cameron has offered the planet another blockbuster after  相似文献   

<正>The theme of this year’s Boao Forum for Asia,Asia’s New Future:Towards a Community of Common Destiny,which represents aspirations for peace and development in the region,drew international attention.For many years,countries in Asia have been exploring methods of development.In the aftermath of the 2008 global financial  相似文献   

<正>To penetrate global markets,Chinese enterprises may first have to ask themselves a question:"Who am I?"In contrast to panel discussions held elsewhere in the Dalian International Conference Center on September 10,the mood surrounding the event"The Global Rise of China’s Entrepreneurs"held in the building’s studio was decidedly more festive.Instead of a single moderator addressing questions to guests in a solemn fashion,this gathering featured two photogenic TV reporters—one male and one female—who flitted from guest to guest,poking gentle fun at each  相似文献   

正A collection of 50 young artists will revive Chinese sculpture Sculpture enthusiasts are treated to almost 100 works by 50 young sculptors at the Today Art Museum in Beijing from January 8 to February 13.The exhibition is part of a three-year promotion program the China Sculpture Institute(CSI) launched to introduce more young sculptors to the public.  相似文献   

Ningdong Development Zone, an important national-level base for the coal and chemical industries, is located in the eastern part of Yinchuan, capital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. It is an energy development base for transforming electricity from west to east in the country and a trial base for promoting a cyclic economy.  相似文献   

<正>One company introduces young children tothe wonder of the great outdoorsAs opposed to other young people in Beijing who choose to relax after a week’s tedious work by going out for dinner,watching a movie or going to karaoke bars on Friday night,Luo Hao and his friends have opted for another way to spend their evenings.They take more than 20 children aged 4 and up on a nature discovery adventure in Beijing’s Olympic  相似文献   

正As more children move away from home, their empty-nest parents try to build a new life Mid-Autumn Festival is traditionally a time for family reunions in China. But for 53-year-old Beijing resident Wei Xiling and her husband, this year’s festival on September 30 was the fourth in a row  相似文献   

<正>China’s largest mineral and metal giant accelerates its corporate restructuring and seeks global expansion Last December was a busy month for China’s leading business entity for  相似文献   

<正>China plans to allow cross-border yuan direct investments to expand the currency’s global presence Foreign investors will soon be able to make direct investments in China with the yuan obtained legally overseas. The Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) recently issued a draft circular on this issue,  相似文献   

<正>The Boao Forum for Asia pushes for inclusive development across the region In the 10 years since the Boao Forum for Asia(BFA)was founded in 2001,seeking "win-win"across Asiahas been the meeting’s core concept.Now,the BFA is taking a big step forward,shifting its core topics to cover a wider range of issue.  相似文献   

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