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国内经济增长速度下降以及人口红利逐步消减,调动生产要素的积极性是供给侧改革的核心[1],劳动是生产要素的一部分,因此合理发挥社会保障对就业的促进作用至关重要。以中国31个省1998-2014年的面板数据为样本,对东、中、西部地区进行分组回归,并以人均GDP为门槛变量,运用双重门槛模型,实证研究了财政社会保障支出对就业的非对称效应:经济发展水平越高,正向促进作用越明显。  相似文献   

去年8月,有媒体报道称,社会抚养费疑遭计生部门挪用,15名学者建议废除。今年7月,浙江律师吴有水向全国31个省份申请公开社会抚养费收支预算信息。昨天,国家卫生计生委对此做出回应称,社会抚养费不属于中央财政收入,也不属于卫生计生部门收入,纳入地方政府预算管理。其收入没有对应的支出科目,也不允许与计划生育支出挂钩。  相似文献   

你是不是常常觉得“手头紧”?但仔细想想挣钱也不少。消费习惯日积月累,有些人可能不自觉中就造成许多浪费。专家提出几条策略帮助人们削减没必要的消费支出。  相似文献   

三中全会《决定》提出,推进城乡要素平等交换和公共资源均衡配置。这是健全城乡发展一体化体制机制,形成以工促农、以城带乡、工农互惠、城乡一体的新型工农城乡关系的基本要求和重要举措。  相似文献   

西部地区目前经济较为落后的状况 ,可以在我国东西部地区间经济结构、国内生产总值比重、人均国内生产总值、生产税净额、农村经济实力、利用外资水平、对外贸易、基础设施建设等 11项经济指标的对比中得到揭示。党中央“西部大开发”战略既有必要性 ,也有紧迫性。  相似文献   

嘉兴市是国务院批准的长江三角洲“先行规划、先行发展”的16个城市之一,是浙江省2008年4月确立的统筹城乡综合配套改革试点城市。2011年全市生产总值2668.06亿元,人均生产总值59057元(9144美元),城乡居民收入比1.89:1(同期全国城乡居民收入比为3.13:1),所辖5县(市)全部进入全国百强县前32位,三分之二的镇进入全国千强镇。  相似文献   

城镇就业比重是衡量我国城乡、区域就业结构性差异的重要指标.研究对城镇就业比重变化、城乡和区域就业结构差异度、影响城镇就业比重的因素进行了分析.研究发现:(1)全国层面城镇就业比重稳步上升,南北方城镇就业比重同步上升,京津冀、长三角、粤港澳起步差距不大,粤港澳2012年后大幅提升;(2)全国省份间的城镇就业比重不平等呈现...  相似文献   

国务院常务会议决定对《工伤保险条例》进行修改。因公死亡一次性补助金都大幅度提高,调整为上一年度全国城镇居民人均可支配收入的20倍,且打破了地区限制。(《新京报》12月9日)  相似文献   

云南去年民生支出史上最高2012年,云南全省公共财政预算民生支出2615.3亿元,占地方公共财政预算支出的73.2%,是有民生支出统计数据以来最高的一年。根据《关于云南省2012年地方财政预算执行情况和2013年地方财政预算草案的报告》,今年的省本级公共财政预算支出安排中,节能环保支  相似文献   

完善政府、单位和个人合理分担的基本医疗保险筹资机制。城乡居民基本医保财政补助标准提高到人均320元。【解读】这两年群众看病难、看病贵有了很大缓解,但是医保补助标准还不算高,医疗资源配置也不平衡。在基层,特别是偏远农村,还有因病致贫、返贫现象。政府工作报告提出了“一提一沉”的法子,提高医保财政补助标准,医疗资源进一步向基层下沉,这将让更多基层百盎受益。  相似文献   

Age at onset of menarche was determined for a group of newly menstruating urban schoolgirls in Bangladesh. Their age at onset of menarche was correlated with their weight, height, and per capita food expenditure (PFE). Results indicated that these girls began menstruation at 12.67 years of age, which is well ahead of rural girls. Age at onset of menarche was positively correlated with weight and negatively correlated with PFE. A strong inverse relation between weight and height of newly menstruating girls indicated the existence of some unstable trend in their physiological processes.Major interests are population education, adolescent psychology, and education.  相似文献   

工作时间对就业者健康有重要的影响。研究基于CFPS2018数据,利用回归分析和Utest检验方法验证了工作时间与就业者的各项健康指标之间的关系,并计算了工作时间的临界值。研究发现:工作时间与自评健康、心理健康以及慢性病指标之间均存在倒U型关系,临界值分别为45.075小时/周、35.550小时/周、53.100小时/周,并且在城乡之间存在异质性。工作时间与城镇就业者的自评健康、城镇就业者的心理健康,以及乡村就业者的自评健康之间存在倒U型关系,但与乡村就业者的心理健康之间为线性关系,城镇就业者的自评健康临界值要大于乡村就业者。研究建议:可以提倡有限度的加班并给予加班补偿;此外,政府应该大力促进就业,尤其是提升乡村就业者的就业质量。  相似文献   

就业结构性失衡对经济实现高质量发展带来不利影响。我国就业领域重大结构性失衡表现为城乡间失衡、区域间失衡、产业间失衡、所有制之间失衡和技能结构失衡等。劳动力要素未能实现最优配置,究其原因,主要可归结为经济增长模式偏向性,政府经济政策干预不当,劳动力、人才的社会性流动面临制度性障碍等因素。研究建议,以渐进式改革推进经济增长驱动力平衡,转变经济政策的干预模式,消除阻碍劳动力、人才社会性流动的体制机制障碍来解决就业领域结构性失衡问题。  相似文献   

农村人力资本投资的影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村人力资本投资不但受到经济发展水平与风险因素的影响,还会受到政府投资政策与投资体制的影响。总得来看,由于政府财力有限以及在投资过程中的城市化倾向、农民收入增长缓慢和人力资本流动造成的风险使得农村人力资本投资水平比较低。  相似文献   

围绕农民工的基本状况、工作状况、权利保障情况、社会地位的自我感知和家庭生活状况设计了相关问题,期望获得一些有关农民工的更接近真实的信息,为城乡二元体制的改革提出思考.  相似文献   

工会经费审查工作不仅仅是工会工作的重要组成部分,而且是完成工会系列工作的前提准备."组织起来,切实维权"既为工会经审工作向前推进提供了机遇,更对工会经审工作的作用发挥提出了要求.工会经审工作必须提高质量,实现工作创新.  相似文献   

This essay focuses on the experiences of female returnees in rural–urban migration in contemporary China. Based on in-depth interviews with women migrants, returnees, their family members, friends and fellow villagers in both sending and receiving areas, the research examines rural migrant women's return migration process. It investigates rural migrant women's decision-making in the process, the ways women returnees construct their lives in the countryside, their identity negotiation as returnees and the impact of patriarchy on women's experiences of the return and resettlement process. The author argues that despite women's active involvement in migration and the ‘empowerment and agency’ gained through migration, the patriarchal power relations within rural households remain intact and continue to shape rural female returnees' life in their villages.  相似文献   

Rural African American children living in poverty have a higher prevalence rate of mental health disorders than their urban counterparts. While access to mental health services is lacking in resource scarce rural communities, African American rural residents may also be the most likely to confront significant barriers to care and help-seeking. Studies of mental health help-seeking behavior among rural families are rare, even rarer are studies of African Americans living in these areas. To address this gap, the current study examined perceptions about help-seeking for adolescents with mental health problems among rural African American families. Data were obtained from African American mothers in rural Georgia to assess their perceptions of the mental health service system, help-seeking processes, and service experiences. A mixed-method approach was implemented, integrating a quantitative survey (n = 163) with qualitative interviews (subsample n = 21). Most of the mothers expressed confidence in mental health care providers’ to help. Preferred sources of support, however, were family, church, and schools. Community stigma towards children with mental health problems and their families was a frequently endorsed perceived barrier to help-seeking. Although cultural mistrust was one of the two most frequently endorsed barriers in the survey, it did not emerge as a universal barrier to help-seeking for the mothers in this sample. Implications for research, policy, and practice include addressing family concerns about stigma, preferences for informal support and non-specialty services in addressing adolescents’ mental health problems, and building community resources to enable all youth to participate in community life.  相似文献   

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