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January 27 marks the 120th birthday of Soong Ching Ling, one of China’s greatest philanthropists. Her legacy lives on in various grassroots charitable organizations that continue to help the underprivileged.  相似文献   

““When I first arrived in Beijing, I felt China was already a developed country.““ This was American traveler Bob‘s first impression of China. But as he found out,first impressions aren‘t always true. ““When I saw western China, I got confused; the economic situation there is completely different from that of the capital.I really wonder what the true state of the Chinese economy is.““ Bob is not alone.The Chinese economy has become the subject of much global debate. In 2004, the Chinese central government carried out a national economic census covering Chinese business and industry.Its aim was to collect a comprehensive range of accurate economic data in order to get a clearer picture of the country‘s economic make-up.  相似文献   

The three phases of outer spaceexploration are:the launch ofman-made satellites,mannedspace ight and lunar explora-tion.After more than 50 yearsof perseverance,Chinese scien-tists,relying solely on their ownexpertise and technical know-how,have become the world'sthird most signi cant explorersof outer space.  相似文献   

In the months after the new leadership took power, China appears to have entered a period of accelerated reform.  相似文献   

LIFE in China has become ever more diversified in recent years,allowing more space for Western fashion and convention. Today Valentine‘s Day and Christmas are widely celebrated, particularly among the young, who jump at every chance to party,revel and romance.  相似文献   

THE Great Power Race is a clean energy competition open to college students in China, India and the United States for the most numerous and most innovative clean energy projects and solutions. It starts in September, and by the end of July, over 500 universities had lodged entry applications, 177 of them from China.  相似文献   

SEVERAL years after its publication, the Wellness Revolution remains a cult best-selling book. Its writer, businessman and motivational speaker Paul Zane Pilzer, advised investors and ama-teur stock market players that “wellness“ would be the next tril-  相似文献   

As early-born as dinosaurs, the giant panda is one of the world's rarest animals. After 3 million years of evolution, it still has a tenacious hold on life, and is often referred to as a "living fossil."  相似文献   

The epidemic spreads from Mexico to other countries at an alarming rate How serious is the swine flu? It is so sensitive that the White House had to reassure reporters that U.S. President Barack Obama is still in good health after visiting Mexico in mid-April. Besides the United States and Canada, swine flu cases have appeared in Europe and Asia. The world now faces a "public health emergency of  相似文献   

People are so accustomed to seeing China’s national treasure, the giant panda,immersed in well-protected environments that few can imagine the lovable creatures struggling to survive in the wilderness among all of nature’s predators. But it is precisely that untamed wilderness where pandas belong,and  相似文献   

出生人口性别比失衡威胁国家安全发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国已成为世界上出生性别比失衡最为严重、持续时间最长的国家。这将影响社会稳定和国家安全。如何解决这个问题,需要政府及全社会共同行动。  相似文献   

<正>Crisis highlights deep-seated food security problems on the African continent Worsening famine in the Horn of Africa, which threatens the lives of millions in countries including Ethiopia, Djibouti,Kenya and Somalia,  相似文献   

TheitinerarybeginsattheFengtongZhaiNatUreReserveinBaoxingCounty,220kilometersfromChengdu,thecaglulOfSichtal~.hoistheachomeofthegiantpandaandmostofChina'sremainingPandaPOPulationlivesinacsarea.AlOngthe600kilometerroute,touristScanvisitagiantPandafeedi...  相似文献   

As part of my ongoing—and rather futile—quest to better get to know the country I’m living in, I’ve recently been reading every China book I can get my hands on—and there are plenty thanks to the excellent  相似文献   

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