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青年网络政治参与关系到青年的政治社会化,更关系到社会的发展与稳定。通过实证的网络观测研究方法发现,青年网络政论话题多样,并向时政信息和民生问题聚焦;青年网络政治诉求多样化,以表达政治立场观点和社会性情绪最为集中;青年网络政治参与的形式以互动和网络论证为主,具有议论性参与大大高于行动性参与的特征;青年的网上表达同时也存在情绪宣泄、无理谩骂、相互攻击等负面因素。青年网络政治参与在内容和形式上的特点,需要社会与青年双方共同努力面对。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的迅猛发展,国际互联网被视为继报纸、广播、电视之后的"第四传播媒体",日益介入到社会生活的各个方面,网络环境给青年的思想、生活、学习和思维方式带来了深刻的影响。客观分析网络环境对青年带来的影响,有针对性的将网络与团青工作有机结合,对于做好青年思想政治工作具有重大的意义。  相似文献   

梳理十八大以来习近平关于青年思想政治教育的相关论述发现,习近平青年思想政治教育的话语谱系包含青年篇、理想信念篇、"双创"篇、价值观篇,并且呈现出"接地气""有底气"的话语特征,其话语体系体现了对青年的"心""意""情""令"。高校思想政治教育工作开展过程中应该坚持以中华传统文化为抓手,启发激励青年大学生凝心聚力;以"中国梦"为指引,引导青年大学生树立责任意识与行动自觉;以践行社会主义核心价值观为路径,助力青年大学生成长成才。  相似文献   

青年是网络文艺的主要受众群体。网络文艺的特质与青年的心理需求具有高度的契合性,因此它能够深深地渗透进青年的工作与生活之中。同时,由于网络文艺作为文学与艺术结合的新样态,它必然具有一定的意识形态功能,从而会对青年的价值观建构产生影响。网络文艺又是一个矛盾综合体,既有积极的内容,又有消极的部分,所以对于青年价值观建构的影响具有正负双重效应。在国家未来的发展和社会建设中,青年将是主要的承担者,青年的价值观建构不仅关系到他们自身的成长成才,而且关系到国家、民族的前途与命运。因此,在青年价值观建构中,如何发挥网络文艺的正面效应和化解网络文艺的负面影响已经成为亟需解决的问题。要解决好这些充满挑战性的问题,需要国家和社会加强对网络文艺发展的规范和引导,发挥中国精神对网络文艺发展的引领作用,提高思想政治教育对青年价值观建构的影响力。  相似文献   

网络时代的中国青年政治参与 /曹雅丽作者在《中国青年研究》2 0 0 1年第 6期上发表文章指出 ,2 1世纪是一个网络化时代 ,随着互联网的出现和急剧扩张 ,网络对政治生活的影响也不可小觑。网络对中国青年政治参与的影响应作为网络政治研究范畴中的一个重要方面予以关注和研究。作者认为 :(1)研究网络时代中国青年政治参与的状况 ,并把握其宏观方向和微观特征表象 ,对当代中国政治发展具有重要意义 ;(2 )网络的分权、平等和能力需求等特征 ,在削弱传统政治控制的同时 ,明显拓宽了政治参与的内涵 ,网络时代青年政治参与的质量将有进一步提高 ;(…  相似文献   

青年文化建设是高校共青团工作的核心与关键。从历史的起点、共青团的现状以及中国的国情和世界的政治、经济、文化格局去探讨21世纪中国高校共青团的发展思路,我们或许会认同:科学、民主、进步是高校共青团的精神支柱。以推进青年文化建设为我们的立足点和出发点,建构思想建团、组织优团、作风立团、文化强团、教育兴团、服务旺团的理论体系,统揽高校共青团青年文化建设工作,并在实践中加以检验。  相似文献   

青年工作是党的工作的重要组成部分,涉及宣传、教育、就业、婚姻等多个方面,其核心是推动青年与政治、青年与社会的有机互动.通过梳理《中国青年》相关内容发现,新中国成立初期,中国共产党青年工作主要集中在动员青年参加革命与建设、开展青年思想文化教育、引导青年成长需求,并积累了诸如重视青年思想政治教育、关注青年成长需求、围绕党的...  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义进入新时代,与之俱来的是各种社会思潮呈现出"亲民""新奇"等新特点。青年思想具有主体性、独立性和选择性,其对社会思潮的态度日趋客观、理性。但由于青年在政治社会化过程中的社会政治意识和行为未定性,加之自身政治知识、政治阅历不足,对社会思潮的实质认识不足。长此以往,将不利于青年在多元思潮中坚定理想信念,不利于青年成为社会主义建设者和接班人。这就需要从思想可塑性的角度引导青年坚持指导思想一元化。  相似文献   

我们党和国家一贯十分重视大学生的思想政治教育工作。高校要在加强日常思想政治教育工作的同时,主动占领网络思想政治教育新阵地,把握网络思想政治教育主动权,通过网络教育与日常教育的有机结合,提高教育的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

青年思想政治教育的"教育和自我教育相结合"原则有三个重要的问题未能引起应有重视,即结合的价值体认问题、结合的切入点问题、结合的情感保障问题.笔者认为结合的关键在于寻找青年的思想政治教育需要,更有赖于思想政治教育者的教育活动中的激发自我教育的需要,还要以双方良好的情感情绪为保障,归根结底要把思想政治教育转化成青年一种生存方式和自我发展的内在需要.二者结合,实现青年的全面发展,思想政治教育的根本价值真正得以确证.  相似文献   

每一种新兴事物对社会所产生的影响都是具有两面性的。特别是主宰着 2 1世纪的网络信息技术更是对社会造成深远的影响。作为网络信息技术所包含的网络文化对当代大学生产生了较大的负面影响。因此 ,高校思想工作者必须要消减这些负面影响 ,促进大学生健康发展。  相似文献   

信息网络技术的快速发展 ,使工会工作实现手段创新成为可能。工会群众工作的网络化实现作为党联系职工群众的一种新手段 ,主要借助于网络技术开展群众工作 ,更能有效地反映民声、维护民权、沟通民意、凝聚人心、集中民智、共谋发展  相似文献   

During four years (1978–82), 25–30 Norweigian women social scientists formed a research network of small local groups, studying ‘Women's mutual relations’ in various settings. Women's friendships, their cooperation in factories and local communities and in women's organizations were the focus of our research. This article, however, is not about the results of our research—although some of them are reported in the notes—but we describe the organization of our association, its purposes, structure and positive results, as well as our tendencies to build up conflict, fractionalism and withdrawal. The research network was established in opposition to male social science, both with respect to the choice of its main themes and its organizational form. A supportive work style, a ‘horizontal’ structure and a playing down of conflicts was more or less deliberately chosen by the network members. We discuss here some of the types of conflict that developed in the network, and the ways we dealt with them. Most conflicts were either solved ‘talking through’ or handled by avoidance. We ask the question if deliberate conflict avoidance is functional for a feminist network of organization. The case is made for a ‘horizontal network organization as a positive and fruitful supplement to usual academic organization structure.  相似文献   

网络对青少年的负面影响剖析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络是一把双刃剑 ,既有无可替代的优越功能 ,也有一些不足和危害。青少年由于其独特的心理特征 ,更容易受到网络的伤害。分析网络对青少年造成的心理损害和社会化障碍 ,探讨网络对青少年的负面影响 ,可以引起有关方面的重视 ,采取有效措施 ,保证青少年的健康成长。  相似文献   

Online Network Influences on Emerging Adults’ Alcohol and Drug Use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Researchers have reported that network characteristics are associated with substance use behavior. Considering that social interactions within online networks are increasingly common, we examined the relationship between online network characteristics and substance use in a sample of emerging adults (ages 18–24) from across the United States (N = 2,153; M = 21 years old; 47 % female; 70 % White). We used regression analyses to examine the relationship between online ego network characteristics (i.e., characteristics of individuals directly related to the focal participant plus the relationships shared among individuals within the online network) and alcohol use and substance use, respectively. Alcohol use was associated with network density (i.e., interconnectedness between individuals in a network), total number of peer ties, and a greater proportion of emotionally close ties. In sex-stratified models, density was related to alcohol use for males but not females. Drug use was associated with an increased number of peer ties, and the increased proportion of network members’ discussion and acceptance of drug use, respectively. We also found that online network density and total numbers of ties were associated with more personal drug use for males but not females. Conversely, we noted that social norms were related to increased drug use and this relationship was stronger for females than males. We discuss the implications of our findings for substance use and online network research.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is on the ecology of pro- and antisocial behavior. The study was conducted in Stavanger, Norway, with a representative sample of ninety-two 16-year-old boys. Data collected included socioeconomic background, neighborhood risk level, amount of time spent with parents and peers, maps of social network relations, self-reports of alcohol use and criminal activity, and school reports of academic performance, truancy, school motivation, and social behavior. Analysis of results produced two models linking background and process with outcome variables: (A) higher neighborhood risk and less time spent by the boys with their parents were linked with greater propensity for self-reported alcohol use and illegal activity, and (B) more educated parents and larger numbers of nonkin adults in the boy's network were related to better school performance, less absenteeism, and more positively evaluated social behavior. Discussion of these findings centers on the neighborhood and family processes involved in social control, and on adult network members in their roles as positive models, norm reinforcers, and sources of information for adolescent boys.College of Human Ecology, MVR Hall. He is trained in psychology and sociology. His current interests are in development in context with particular reference to personal social networks, child care, and family policy.He is trained in youth development. His current interests are in youth culture, including the influences of the social network, schooling and clubs and organizations.  相似文献   

网络互动是一种全新的人际互动模式,它改变了人们交往过程中吸引力诸要素的排列顺序,是青年人释放情感的最佳方式,网络互动形成了网络亚文化群体,有利于实现青年人的亲和社会需求。  相似文献   

Journal of Youth and Adolescence - Adolescence is a developmental period when peer network structure is associated with mental health. However, how networks relate to distress for youth at...  相似文献   

In order to examine the relationships among social network structure, types of social support, and determinants of support satisfaction, an alternative method was used to score the Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ). Factor analysis procedures suggested that college students' (N=198) social networks consisted of four groups: nuclear family, other family, friends, and others. Satisfaction with support was positively related to the proportion of the network occupied by nuclear family and negatively related to the proportion of friends in the network. Evidence was found for the presence of both support specialists and support generalists in the networks of the college students. These results are discussed from a developmental perspective with attention to the implications for interventions.  相似文献   

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