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This article examines the 1996 press releases issued by Republican presidential nominee candidates during the invisible primary and the subsequent stories generated by these press releases in newspapers. We systematically examine how campaigns structure their messages, which messages are transmitted by the press to the voting public, and what factors influence the transmission of the campaign's message. We find that campaign organizations disseminate a variety of messages to the media. Our analysis demonstrates that national media organizations are most receptive to informative (logistical) messages disseminated by candidates who are at the head of the field and most hostile to substantive (issue-oriented) messages regardless of their campaign of origin. By contrast, the state press is most open to substantive messages issued by lower-tier candidates. It appears from our results that the media, more than the campaign, bear the responsibility for the emphasis on the horse race.  相似文献   

Kliemt  Hartmut 《Public Choice》2012,150(3-4):439-467
I study a game where two agents bargain on an agreement to replace the status quo. For their agreement to come into effect, they need the approval of a third agent. The preferences of this third agent is private information, but there is communication among agents. I study this game in the context of international agreements to provide an explanation for involuntary ratification failures. I show that under certain assumptions, the informational deficiency is incurable due to incentives to misrepresent preferences, and that a parliament whose majority is more hawkish than their executive prefers the executive to be risk averse.  相似文献   

The Significance of The Administrative State   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To mark the 60th anniversary of the appearance of The Administrative State by reexamining the politics–administration debate is confining and ignores Waldo's grand enterprise to describe the unique context in which American public administration emerged and developed. Instead of bemoaning or strategizing the reconciliation of a supposed schism, modern scholars should appreciate what is, in fact, a natural and necessary tension.  相似文献   

王玮 《学理论》2010,(27):49-50
罗尔斯的正义理论并不是从原初状态出发,而是从更深的基础:人性的道德权利出发,进而来保证自由平等权利的赋予以及作为公平的正义的实现,从这个基础上来理解作为公平的正义实质上便是基于道德性的正义。  相似文献   

姜丽 《各界》2008,17(6)
本文通过对传统教学方法的分析,找出其存在的问题和弊端.并根据素质教育应培养具有创新能力的人才的需要,提出新的教学方法,以其对高校体育教学改革提供参考.  相似文献   

纸币制度推动了人类社会商品经济飞速发展,但纸币制度存在严重缺陷,带来了多种形态的经济危机,纸币制度还不是人类终极的货币制度。 电子货币时代正在向我们走来。尽管今天的电子货币还只是作为纸币的代用物形式出现,就像历史上纸币一开始也曾以金属货币代用物形式出现一样,最终电子货币会  相似文献   

在我国,建立协议鉴定规则很有必要:与民事诉讼的本质相契合,弥补由法院指定专家证人或鉴定人的僵硬性,避免重复鉴定的发生.我国虽然建立了协议鉴定规则,但实践效果并不理想,这主要体现在:利用率较为低下,当事人鉴定协议后再次申请鉴定的比率非常高.完善我国的协议鉴定规则,需要确立诚信理念,强化法官的释明权,进一步完善其他相关规定.  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Terry L. Cooper, The Responsible Administrator: An Approach to Ethics for the Administrative Role
Evan M. Berman, Jonathan P. West, Stephen J. Bonczek, eds., The Ethics Edge  相似文献   

Zuckert  Michael P. 《Publius》1992,22(1):123-142
The Federalist claims to present a republican response to thetypical political problems faced by republics. That solutionrequired a departure from all models of republics known at thattime, and in particular a break with Anti-Federalist modelsthat posited heavy reliance on responsibility, understood aseither political accountability or as moral and political virtue.The Federalist challenges the Anti-Federalist notion that a"no-gap polity" is the means to safe and effective republicanism.It also challenges those who believe that virtue of people orrulers is the precondition of a republican polity. Publius doesrequire quasi-virlues of certain sorts—and thus does notrely entirely on calculating selfinterest—but these aresignificantly different from the virtues posited by earlierrepublican theorists or certain contemporary interpreters ofThe Federalist.  相似文献   

It is often argued that clientelism is a key feature of electoral mobilisation in southern European democracies. This article examines the evidence for clientelism in the Spanish case, assessing the recruitment, redistributive strategies and electoral performance of governing parties in the 1977–96 period. It finds little evidence of extensive clientelistic mobilisation; instead, political parties’ use of state resources is largely consistent with their programmatic and ideological positions. ‘Old’ clientelism from the pre‐democratic era mostly did not survive the change of regime, whilst ‘new’ clientelism based on the expansion of state employment contributed to the Socialist Party's organisational consolidation, but was not a significant feature of its strategy of electoral mobilisation.  相似文献   

岳云强 《学理论》2014,(26):1-2,30
社会主义和谐社会是充满创造活力、利益关系协调、民主法制、安定有序、人与自然之间和谐的社会;社会主义和谐社会理论的提出是我们党实现马克思主义中国化的新成果和对中国特色社会主义的新认识,标志着我们党治国理政的理念和思路的创新发展;坚持科学发展观、以人为本、官民崇德、万众尚法、统筹兼顾、全面协调,可持续发展,是实现人与自然、人与社会、人民与政府之间和谐的根本途径。  相似文献   

The Solomon Islands became independent in 1978. Influenced by developments in neighbouring Papua New Guinea, a plan for provincial government has been introduced in order ostensibly to achieve more effective decentralization than operated through local government councils. This article describes the successive attempts at establishing local government councils and discusses the present plan for provincial government in the context of experience with local councils. The plan is seen as an attempt at returning power to the people and avoiding the development of a centralized authority serving the interests of those associated with Central government.  相似文献   

潘星宇 《学理论》2013,(3):38-40
当今中国正走在社会现代化的道路上,而社会现代化的关键在于人的现代化。人的现代化的核心是人的素质的现代化,这也是形成现代人格的前提条件。孔子提出的"君子人格"是先秦儒家的理想人格,是具有中国特色的符合中国民族性格和文化传承的基本人格,同时也符合现代价值观,对于现代人格的形成有不可或缺的作用。  相似文献   

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