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序言是我国宪法的一个重要组成部分。过去的三部宪法都有序言,现在的宪法修改草案也不例外。从世界各国宪法的情况来看,有没有序言的情况很不一样。有人统计,目前世界上一百四十二部成文宪法中,有四十六部没有序言,然而有序言的还是占多数。对于序言的性质,它是不是法律规范,有没有法律效力,曾经有两种意见。一种认为序言只是起说明、解释或宣言的作  相似文献   

序言是我国宪法的一个重要组成部分。过去的三部宪法都有序言,现在的宪法修改草案也不例外。从世界各国宪法的情况来看,有没有序言的情况很不一样。有人统计,目前世界上一百四十二部成文宪法中,有四十六部没有序言,然而有序言的还是占多数。对于序言的性质,它是不是法律规范,有没有法律效力,曾经有两种意见。一种认为序言只是起说明、解释或宣言的作  相似文献   

<正> 宪法修改草案在很多方面都体现了革新的精神,在国家机构一章尤为明显。草案总结过去我国国家机关的建设的经验和教训,适应新时期为实现四个现代化建设的需要,做出了许多新规定,这对于进一步健全和发展我国国家机关的组织制度,无疑地有着极为重要的意义。  相似文献   

<正> 人民代表大会制度是我国的根本政治制度,简言之,就是我国的政体。它的本质特征是民主集中制,所以彭真同志在关于宪法修改草案的说明中直接把民主集中制称为我国的政体。我国人民代表大会制度是在总结国际无产阶级专政经验的基础上,结合我国的国情,在长期革命政权的建设中建立、发展和完善起来的。在近半个世纪的时期内,从红色政权时期的苏维埃到建国后的人民代表大会,经过民主革命和社会主义革命两个时期的实践检验,证明它最便于发挥人民当家作主的权力,不但能组织革命根据地的局部政  相似文献   

《天坛宪草》中国会与立法权力优越过度的国家权力配置具体表现为:超强的国会和立法权力;受到严格制约的总统和国务院以及行政权力;漂移的法院和司法权力;纵向的国家权力配置阙失;法律工具主义隐身于权力之争。国会与立法权力优越过度的配置模式与法律工具主义的缺陷成为招致宪法草案胎死腹中之命运的一个关键因素和直接诱因。  相似文献   

汪荣宝在清末《大清新刑律》制定过程中,力主废除纲常礼教条款的《暂行章程》,但民初起草《天坛宪草》时,却是“孔教入宪”的积极倡导者。他支持孔教为国教,批评《临时约法》的信教自由条款,并使得孔子之道写入了《天坛宪草》的教育条款之中。在清末民初这一转折的背后,折射出一个儒家宪政保守主义者内在之善变和其时代的智识话语与意蒂牢结之变。  相似文献   

张振国 《现代法学》2003,25(1):145-150
张君劢起草的《国事会议宪法草案》和《政治协商会议宪法草案》有关中央政制都采用了新内阁制设计,两部宪草都产生了很大影响,后者还被国民党政府采用为1947年宪法的底本,本文就是对这两部宪草设计的中央政制的研究。  相似文献   

受教育权入宪研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
温辉 《法学家》2001,(2):68-72,129
二十世纪以来,特别是第二次世界大战后,人权观念的重心发生了深刻的变化:由"警察国"消极保护之自由权利转移到"福利国"积极服务之社会权利.社会权利,"乃是指基于社会国家之理念,由政府采积极的作为,以保障人民过着尊严生活之权利的总称."①受教育权即是其中一种.教育是事关公民素质、民族兴旺的"百年大计",对文化教育之注重早已成为现代宪法的主要内容之一.②我们党和国家历来十分重视文化教育事业的发展.从54年宪法到现行宪法都涉及了公民受教育的问题;党的十一届三中全会以来,我国始终把教育摆在优先发展的战略地位.教育的发展与受教育者有着密切的关系,也直接影响其权益.如果受教育者的权利不能得到充分的保护,势必影响我国教育事业的发展.  相似文献   

“梁启超宪草”与民国初期宪政模式的选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李秀清 《现代法学》2001,23(6):21-34
本文对“梁启超宪草”的主要内容作了具体的分析 ,并同时阐述了民国初期中国宪政实践中移植西方宪政模式的艰难与反复。  相似文献   

宪法修改草案序言的最后一段说:“本宪法记载了中国人民奋斗的成果,规定了国家的根本制度和根本任务,是国家的根本法,具有最高的法律效力。全国各族人民、一切国家机关和人民武装力量、各政党和各社会团体、各企业事业组织,都必须以宪法为根本的活动准则,并负有维护宪法的尊严、保证宪法的实施的职责。”这段话最明确扼要地说明了宪法的意义和权威。  相似文献   

孔庆平 《中外法学》2008,(6):900-910
<正>个人与社会或个人本位与社会本位,确切地说个人权利与社会利益,在法律当中究竟应该占有怎样的地位,这种本位说,在当前的法律理论中,不再是一种流行的表述方式,但在民国时期的法律理论中,却是一个非同寻常的问题。无论这个问题是否依然值得关注,  相似文献   

This article describes the Chinese laws of marriage and divorce under the People's Republic of China and traces their historical antecedents. The actual laws are included at the end of the article in the appendixes. Fascinating changes are occurring in China and are documented in this article.  相似文献   

私法惩罚论 以侵权法的惩罚与遏制功能为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
阳庚德 《中外法学》2009,(6):835-850

The Latvian government is being praised for successful national recovery from the severe economic crisis. However, the praise is followed by accusations that it is achieved at the cost of socially vulnerable populations who are still unable to recover from the economic crisis or simply decided to leave the country. Was the cost of victory too high? The question still remains to be answered," however it highlights the fact that such a problem exists. Problems and the ability or inability to resolve them are especially brought to the fore during such crisis situations and it is clear that the Latvian government model is not effective enough. The low level of public confidence level towards the Saeima and the government, frictions between coalition partners, lack of responsibiBty, unprofessionalism - are just some of the problems that characterise it. Is an executive branch reform necessary or just some improvements? Is legal regulation or legal nihilism to blame? How to make the executive branch stronger and more responsible? These questions have been addressed during recent years within the context of administrative reforms as the process of forming the government and the executive branch plays a very big or deciding role in national development. The existing system has run its course and no longer provides qualitative government which underlines the necessity for change.  相似文献   

This study examines how patrol officers respond to citizens' requests that officers control another citizen—by advising or persuading them, warning or threatening them, making them leave someone alone or leave the scene, or arresting them. Data are drawn from field observations conducted in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1996 and St. Petersburg, Florida, in 1997. Officers granted the request for the most restrictive form of control requested by the citizen in 70% of the 396 observed cases. Several factors were modeled to determine their influence on officers' decisions to grant or deny the most restrictive request. These factors include legal considerations, need, factors that attenuate the impact of law or need, the social relationship between the requester and target of control, and personal characteristics of the officer. Multivariate analysis shows that the most influential factors were legal considerations. When citizens requested an arrest, the likelihood that the police would be responsive dropped considerably. However, as the evidence of a legal violation against the targeted citizen increased, so did the odds of an arrest. Officers were less likely to grant the requests of citizens having a close relationship with the person targeted for control, disrespectful of the police, or intoxicated or mentally ill. The race, wealth, and organization affiliation of citizen adversaries had little impact on the police decision. Male officers, officers with fewer years of police experience, and officers with a stronger proclivity to community policing, had significantly greater odds of giving citizens what they requested. The implications of the findings for research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Female romantic partners' influence on official crime occurrence for men across a 12‐year period in early adulthood was examined within a comprehensive dynamic prediction model, including both social learning and social control predictors. We hypothesized that relationship stability, rather than attachment to partner, would be associated with reduced likelihood of crime, whereas women's antisocial behavior would be a risk factor, along with deviant peer association. Models were tested on a sample of at‐risk men [the Oregon Youth Study (OYS)] using zero‐inflated Poisson (ZIP) modeling predicting 1) arrest persistence (class and count) and 2) arrest onset class. The findings indicated that women's antisocial behavior was predictive of both onset and persistence of arrests for men and that deviant peer association was predictive of persistence. Relationship stability was protective against persistence.  相似文献   

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