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ROYAL Philips Electronics first entered China in 1920 and established the very first joint venture in 1985. With its accumulated investment worth in excess of US $2.6 billion, Philips owns 35 joint ventures and sole proprietorships in China. After seven quarters of losses, Philips began to profit in 2003. During this time, the Chinese market played an important role for Philips - its business in China maintained a good profit record. "China's economy has helped provide for speedy and stable growth," said Philips' president Gerard Kleisterlee on a 2003 visit to China. "It is a high point of the world economy and one of Philips' most important markets. We are confident about our business in China and the future of China's development."  相似文献   

IN the past. Indian software t'irms targeted the European and American markets, but now, they have turned their eyes to.China. Six years ago,Prakash Menon, an Indian busi-nessman aged 33, visited China for the first time in search of a location for NIIT, the largest software train-ing Corporation in India. After 15 days' roaming around China, Mcnon decided to set up headquar-ters in Shanghai.  相似文献   

FEW things are as synonymous in the popular imagination as China and tea, and with excellent reason. Tea drinking in China can be traced back thousands of years, and the humble Camellia sinensis bush continues to be regarded as one of life's basic necessities, right alongside rice, oil and salt.  相似文献   

THE reform andopening policy of1978 wrought dramatic and beneficialchanges on theChinese economy.Of private entrepreneurs who havecontributed to China's ongoing economic boom,many are from poorrural backgrounds that precludedgoing to college.Those that succeeded got ahead by making intelligent decisions and grasping opportunities.  相似文献   

Almost 20 million personal computers, including desktops, laptops and PC servers, were sold on the Chinese market in 2005, up 18.8 percent over the previous year. In all, sales were worth some RMB 121.09 billion, a year-on-year increase of 8.7 percent.  相似文献   

There are too many tea varieties, factories, and styles of packaging and too few registered trademarks and known domestic and international brands. No brand name means no market, let alone reputation or consumer loyalty. Beneath the superficially prosperous Chinese tea industry there lurks a nagging insecurity over its dearth of brand names.  相似文献   

THE First China International Animation Festival and Exposition was held in Hang-zhou, capital of Zhe-jiang Province from the 1st to the 5th of June this year. One of Disney's most popular cartoons, Mu-lan, was adapted from an old Chinese folk story, and hauled in more than US  相似文献   

The launch of China's first lunar probe,Chang'e I,is slated for the latter half of 2007.Could a Chinese lunar landing be in the offng?  相似文献   

MORE than 2,300 universities in over 100 countries have introduced Chinese courses to their curricula, and young overseas nationals flock to China each year to learn Chinese. In 2004, the number of international students in China was 400,000. with an annual increase of 20 percent in the past five years, according to the Chinese Ministry of Education.  相似文献   

AFRICA has 60 percent of the world's uncultivated land and millions of potential jobs in the agricultural sec-tor, according to the World Bank and other institutions. Meanwhile, the utilization rate of tractors is only 10 percent and manual irrigation has been available on only four percent of cultivated land in Africa.  相似文献   

It's that time of the year again. As millions of his peers anxiously await the results of their university entrance examinations, the successful investment analyst and author of Essentials of Speculation on Stocks and Futures is busy working out a kink in his 5-million-yuan portfolio. No one expected this. Seven years ago, Xiao Jie was regarded as a demon child: burning his exam papers, fighting in a gang, looting other pupils' pockets to pay for long hours at the Internet cafe. After moving school four times in two years, he quit, at age 14.  相似文献   

Chinese literature has transformed its function from that of messenger of Dao to spiritual consumer product  相似文献   

VCD是中国人创造的市场奇迹。其4000万台几百个亿的惊人表现和仍深具潜力的农村市场,令经验丰富、技术先进的老外们大跌眼镜。如今,被誉为“20世纪最后一朵玫瑰”的DVD在企盼声中昂首’挺胸跨入新世纪,国内DVD消费市场也持续升温,渐入佳境。生不逢时、命运多舛的DVD,还能创造奇迹吗? 第二战场 VCD战场的失利,令外商始料不及,悔恨不已。然而,老外们绝非等闲之辈,怎会善罢甘休!他们把“超级”目光直接投向DVD(DVD:英文DIGITAL VIOEODISC缩写,印数字视频光盘,应用DVD技术的有:…  相似文献   

GIVEN the Chinese governmem's determination to stimulate industrial and urban development during the past 50 years, policymakers now look to improve rural conditions. Although the central government has made efforts to redress the situation in recent years, implementation of relevant policies has been slow. In 2004, the government put forth a series of agricultural reform measures concerning rural taxation, domicile status and land, which was seen as a demonstration of the new leadership's resolve to tackle rural problems. Some policy watchers likened the year 2004 to a "second spring" for rural China. In February. the central government's first policyfor 2004 addressed increasing farmer income. During  相似文献   

JI Jing, a 24-year-old sound engineer, works out a budget on each payday so as to make ends meet each month. Ji found work in Beijing after graduating from college, and now makes a  相似文献   

I have the privilege of visiting China four or five times a year,usually for business meetings in Beijing,but with the occasional opportunity for a purely social outing.Always,there are surprises.Always,I encounter something new and fascinating.And always,someone observes that still, after all this time,I speak very little Mandarin.My response is  相似文献   

AT the 2008 Summer Davos Forum held in Tianjin, China Today saw Feng Jun ,spare no effort in demonstrating his products to visitors. At that moment, it was really difficult to imagine he was the CEO of Beijing Huaqi (Aigo) Information Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  相似文献   

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