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The paper evaluates a broad spectrum of Soviet computing capabilities ranging from the development, production and service sectors to applications in enterprise management, national security, education, and consumer products. Comparisons between Western and Soviet information technologies, summarized in tabular form, reveal gaps in Soviet computing and communications resulting from both technical limitations and administrative/political constraints in the economy. Programs designed to narrow these gaps are described in a final section. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: 052, 124, 635.  相似文献   

An apparent shift and rethinking of earlier views on prices by one of perestroyka's most outspoken and visible architects prompts an analysis by a leading American specialist in the field. Problems of the three main components of the Soviet price system, namely industrial producer prices, agricultural producer prices, and state retail prices, are examined. Proposals and official plans for changes in the price system are discussed. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: 027, 052, 124, 227.  相似文献   

A prominent American economist and leading foreign advisor to Russian President Boris Yel'tsin comments on prospects for privatization by focusing on selected aspects discussed in a paper on managerial strategies for spontaneous privatization. Issues raised here include the need for more thorough understanding of the economic consequences of privatization, the precise characteristics of legal changes designed to bring it about, the role and relative importance of “insiders” and “outsiders” in the privatization process, and the potential of latent reserves of entrepreneurial talent in privatizing struggling enterprises. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: P20, L2.  相似文献   

Six senior American specialists in Soviet, Ukrainian, and Russian affairs reflect on economic and political developments in light of apocalyptic expectations articulated in the West after the collapse of the USSR. Presentations, formulated in November 1992, focus on the lot of the consumer during the winter, a survey of direct foreign investments, the leadership of Yel'tsin, military and security considerations, and Russian-Ukrainian relations. Coverage of economic issues also includes discussion of food shortages, pervasive corruption, and Russian nationalist views of pro- or anti-market orientations. A concluding afterword embraces the December Congress of People's Deputies and Gaydar's departure. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: D19, F21, K42, P26.  相似文献   

Satellite communications, specifically TV distribution, constituted the first commercial application of space technology in the USSR. Soviet comsat systems have been costly and technologically unsophisticated. The capacity of these systems is low. Little has been achieved in exploiting the potential of communication satellites for other tasks important for operation of the economy, such as telephony, facsimile transmission, or data exchange, due in part to competition with the military. The USSR has rejected membership in the International Telecommunications Satellite organization in favor of its own Intersputnik system, but has been an active member of the international organization Inmarsat. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: 052, 124, 620.  相似文献   

Specialists from three countries report the results of survey research conducted during March-April 2000 in Dagestan. Questions addressed include identification with Russia and with Dagestan, confidence in local, regional, and federal institutions, perceptions of changes in the economy, politics, and cultural life, and perceived threats from external sources. Analysis also specifies attitudinal differences among ethnic groups and among other demographic categories within Dagestan.  相似文献   

A distinguished and outspoken Soviet proponent of perestroyka, who is one of its key architects, outlines the major components of an “ideal” price reform package before examining its possible consequences and obstacles to its full realization. He then presents what he believes is a workable alternative to the official Soviet policy on price reform, as well as a crude timetable for its implementation (sequence of reforms in retail and wholesale prices). The paper marks a significant shift in the author's view on the subject, journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: 027, 052, 124, 227.  相似文献   

A specialist on Russian politics and society examines the apparent success of economic and political liberalism in Novgorod oblast' in the 1990s. The article is based on published and unpublished documentary sources from the region, as well as in-depth, repeated interviews with local officials during 1997-1999. Focus is on progress in economic reform, finance, and foreign investment, forms of political decentralization and representation, the growth civic associations, and styles of political leadership. Several explanations for these outcomes are proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

比较地区化理论评析:一种方法论的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当下比较地区主义研究虽然已经成为一门显学,但该题域尚缺少深厚的理论支撑,主要问题集中在:第一,地区比较过程中,如何对待欧洲经验的问题尤为突出;第二,具体的比较项较为模糊,缺乏实际操作的经验性工作;第三,采用的比较方法存在缺陷。加强国内外学界相关理论成果的评析,特别是对方法论的重视是解决上述问题的主要途径。本文以赫特的新地区主义理论为例,评析了地区主义理论的现状、局限以及突破的方向。  相似文献   

The opposition to the Soviet river diversion projects is analyzed in order to explore the nature of environmentalism in the USSR. Three groups are distinguished: (1) utilitarians, who concentrate upon economics and argue for the more rational use of natural resources and freer specialist participation in policymaking; (2) populists, who argue that nature also has noneconomic value and advocate broader public participation; and (3) Russian nationalists, who argue that economic development has destroyed the spirituality of modern Soviet man, and wish to reverse this process in order to return to the traditional values of the Russian village. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: 052, 124, 720.  相似文献   

The paper studies Russia's Ukraine policy since the Orange Revolution. Russia's policy toward its western neighbor has evolved from unhappy relations with Victor Yushchenko to rapprochement with Victor Yanukovich and then confrontation over the revolutionary power change in Kiev in February 2014. The paper argues that Vladimir Putin's actions following February revolution in Kiev demonstrate both change and continuity in Russia's foreign policy. Although these actions constituted a major escalation, relative to Russia's previous behavior toward Ukraine, the escalation of relations with Kiev also reflected a broader policy pattern of Russia's assertive relations with the Western nations adopted by the Kremlin since the mid-2000s. What made Russia's conflict with Ukraine possible, even inevitable, was the West's lack of recognition for Russia's values and interests in Eurasia, on the one hand, and the critically important role that Ukraine played in the Kremlin's foreign policy calculations, on the other. The paper provides an empirically grounded interpretation of Russia's changing policy that emphasizes Russia–Ukraine–West interaction and a mutually reinforcing dynamics of their misunderstanding. It also addresses four alternative explanations of Russia's Ukraine policy and discusses several dangers and possible solutions to the crisis.  相似文献   

An up-to-date paper by the Deputy Chairman of the State Commission on Foreign Economic Relations, USSR Council of Ministers, details recent economic reforms in the foreign trade sector of the USSR. Particular emphasis is placed on direct business relations between Soviet enterprises and their foreign counterparts, and on joint ventures with CMEA partners as well as firms in Western and developing countries. Anticipated changes in the role exports and imports are to play in the Soviet economy are also discussed. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: 052, 124, 420.  相似文献   

This article examines the severe structural and geograpic imbalances imposed on the Soviet economy by the demands and priorities of the energy complex; it also deals with imbalances manifest within the energy system itself. The feasibilities of policy change and prospect for success in energy conservation under Gorbachev are briefly assessed. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: 052, 124, 723.  相似文献   

An American specialist on the Soviet and Russian military-industrial complex examines the economic, social and political tensions within one of the most important, closed nuclear cities in Russia. Based on an intensive examination of the city's daily newspaper, not heretofore available in the West, the author explores the implications of the current situation for prospective nuclear accidents or proliferation. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: P29, R58, O18.  相似文献   

This paper engages with that by William Tow. By discussing the contentious aspects of the interpretive traditions used in Tow's article and further interrogating the distinction between hard power and soft power, it draws attention to the contested nature of international relations theory in general, as well as to the need for a diversity of approaches to the terrorism question in particular. It questions the continuing integrity of nation-states and the ideas of rational action and proportional response. It elaborates some of the methodological problems concerning the respective priority of interpretation or prediction. Its conclusion is less sanguine than Tow's because it indicates that the causes of violence and resentment remain unaddressed; nonetheless endorsing the need for cooperative political processes.  相似文献   

A specialist on Russian local and regional government examines relations among levels of political authority within Tyumen' Oblast'. Russian-language publications and on-site interviews constitute the base of evidence. Issues examined include challenges to the region posed by dissolution of the USSR, legal and political conflicts among levels of government, relations with federal authorities in Moscow, the role of oil companies in the region, and the impact of changes introduced under President Putin.  相似文献   

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