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美国经济学家马丁·布朗芬布伦纳对日本经济颇有研究,并深入参与了战后日本经济的重建工作。他极力支持"道奇路线"的紧缩政策,为解决冲绳货币问题提出了政策建议,在夏普税制使节团和联合国亚洲远东经济委员会中发挥了重要作用。本文参考其论文与自传,并结合其学习和工作经历,力图概括指出马丁.布朗芬布伦纳对战后日本经济发展的思考及其所作出的贡献。  相似文献   

战后日本的中小企业作为日本经济发展的一支重要力量对其经济腾飞发挥了重要作用.他们依靠先进的技术,不断开发新产品,开拓新市场,在国际竞争日趋激烈化的今天,依然保持较高的竞争实力.这很大程度上取决于政府对中小企业技术提升的各项扶植政策,同时,民间及业界团体的努力和实践也发挥了积极作用.  相似文献   

二战后期和战后初期,在构建关于战后世界政治安排的同时,苏联领导人也非常关注在战后同美英发展经济关系的问题.迈斯基向莫洛托夫提交的关于战后美英经济政策的报告正是在这种情况下制订出来的.在这两份报告中,迈斯基对战后美英的经济政策以及苏美和苏英经济关系进行了深刻的分析,他提出的关于苏联与美英发展经济关系的构想,对当时苏联领导人在战后与美英发展经济关系等问题上的认识产生了影响,并且这种构想与苏联领导人在战后初期奉行的大国合作战略以及关于国内经济重建问题的一些思考是一致的.  相似文献   

This paper critically reviews postwar population development in Japan and aims to identify unsolved issues, which are possibly shared by other countries, and extract lessons for the future. First, I examine long-term development on fertility and life expectancy in Japan with a brief introduction of pre-war population history. I stress that some critical issues have often been ignored in policy debates and some important new challenges are now emerging, factors that are indispensable to extract lessons for the future. Second, I turn to the official population projections and related issues which again require scrutiny. Third, I emphasize that serious scientific investigation from multiple disciplines is essential to cope with the challenges of demographic changes and that Japan should take the leading role in research for the next generations all over the world.  相似文献   

日本战后动漫角色商品化是在美国迪士尼角色商品化模式影响下发展起来的,尤其是由大众传媒发展、角色版权授权、角色商品系列开发等所带来的动漫产业链条的拉长,以及丰厚的利润回报,为日本动漫从业者以及动漫企业开辟了新的经济增长点。日本战后动漫角色商品化发展也进一步明确了以授权为主的市场交易机制,并以丰富多样的商业实践,奠定了日本动漫产业的发展基础。同时,日本战后动漫角色商品化发展也与当时社会需要相呼应,并为首要目标群体——儿童消费者广泛接受,这也为日本动漫产业的快速发展提供了社会基础与发展空间。  相似文献   

战后初期美国在对外政策中的两党合作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
节大磊 《美国研究》2004,18(1):105-121
本文的研究对象是第二次世界大战结束后初期美国在对外政策上两党合作的实践。两党合作的对外政策指的是在对外政策领域内 ,以总统为代表的行政部门同另一党的某些国会领袖以协商等形式进行的政策制订过程 ,其目的是为了最高的“国家利益”而将对党派私利的考虑排除在外 ,并使政策最终获得总统和国会两党多数的支持。第二次世界大战后 ,美国在对外政策上的两党合作始于创立联合国 ,并在此后确保了援助希腊、土耳其 ,马歇尔计划 ,以及建立北大西洋公约组织等一系列重大政策的成功。长期来看 ,两党合作的深层影响则是加强了冷战共识和行政部门权力的扩张 ,并在本质上与美国分权制衡的宪政原则相抵触。两党合作的外交政策在短时间内看是必要的和有益的 ,但也蕴藏着危险。  相似文献   

战后日本选择在亚太地区推行重振战略、大国战略和拓展战略,逐步减轻战后体制束缚,恢复亚太强国地位,进而掠夺发展空间。三步战略目标明确、实施有序,相互衔接、融为一体,帮助日本洗脱战争罪责,骗取国际信任,攫取发展资源。这其中饱含了日本政府的政治谋略,具有很强的隐蔽性和迷惑性。由于日本亚太战略始终偏离正确轨道,并且为转嫁政府执政危机服务,所以很难取得最终胜利。当前中日关系紧张微妙。不能对日本保守政府抱有太多幻想,以防落入圈套,可以尝试联合国际力量,强化战后制裁体制,防止日本重蹈覆辙。  相似文献   

Fifty years after the devastation of World War II, Japan's remarkable long‐term, export‐driven economic success is known as the East Asian development model and East Asian economies have become the engine for the world's economic growth. Yet the collapse of Japan's 1980s over‐inflated “bubble economy” has created apathy and pessimism, says former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone. In May 1995, on the occasion of his seventy‐seventh birthday, after more than 45 years in the Diet, IIPS Chairman Nakasone reflects on Japan's modern history and issues a call for renewal in the following speech. Above all, he says, “Japan does have a few mavericks” and “people with true convictions [should] come forward . . . the Japanese are waiting for genuine leadership.”  相似文献   

Three German economists analyze the determinants of access to health care in rural Russia and ask whether income and ability-to-pay, emerging as the major determinants of access in urban areas, have begun to govern rural populations' access to health-care services. Using household data from a survey conducted in the year 2000 (N=321 households) in two regions of Russia—Oryol and Leningrad Oblasts—the authors examine how the reduced role of the state and the concomitant decentralization of policy-making have affected access of the rural populace to health services. Broader policy implications and suggestions for ensuring future access to services in rural areas are offered.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the migrant family in postwar Australia. The Commonwealth government’s two-year work contract scheme had significant effects on the initial settlement experience of displaced persons (DPs)—particularly, through the family separation that the contract enforced. Family reunification was afforded in accordance with an occasionally callous and pragmatic concern for maintaining a directable pool of labour. In this regard, the scheme and the available hostels and centres, while extensive in their bureaucracy and administrative reach, were woefully unprepared for the needs and wants of DPs, specifically the need for family unity during the initial settlement process. In drawing on archival sources, this article explores bureaucratic practices, and responses to DP resistance and dismay in the face of family separation.  相似文献   


It now becomes possible to summarize our conclusions on the Brussels Line:
  1. It does not fulfil the object of British policy completely in that it surrenders to Turkey the control of Assyrian destinies. It does, however, provide for the establishment and security of an ‘Iraq state sufficient to assure our own security.

  2. The frontier does not, and cannot, satisfy the linguistic, racial, and religious requirements of a good frontier owing to the chaotic intermixture of these elements in its vicinity.

  3. It is not strategically the best frontier for ‘Iraq, but it is sufficiently defensible to guarantee the security of the ‘Iraq state. It is economically sound.

  4. It satisfies the political desires of the minorities concerned, except those of the Kurd and Assyrian.



Fiji's post-colonial journey has been fraught, a promising beginning hobbled by political instability, periodic military coups and stagnant economic growth. Political disagreements over the best form of political representation have featured prominently in Fiji's political discourse, with no enduring resolution in sight.  相似文献   

韩宇 《美国研究》2006,20(3):93-106
第二次世界大战后,美国东北部的产业结构经历了深刻的变革,以生产服务业为代表的服务业部门高速发展,取代制造业成为主导产业。本文介绍了美国东北部服务业概况和特点,重点剖析了“曼哈顿效应”和信息技术推动这两个生产服务业发展过程中的突出现象。文章认为,从整体上看,美国东北部服务业更多以全美乃至国际市场为服务对象,新兴生产服务业已经在很大程度上摆脱了传统服务业部门低劳动生产率、低工资的状况。以生产服务业为代表的服务业已成为区域经济发展的重要支柱,在东北部经济的后工业化转型过程中发挥着关键作用。但是,服务业发展中的两极分化现象也亟待解决。  相似文献   

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