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Capital Destination China has maintained its appeal to foreign investors thanks to a thriving economy and government policies to entice investors.  相似文献   

WTO规则对中国民用航空产业特别是我国民用飞机产业的发展有着巨大的影响和积极意义。从目前来看,中国的法律体系尚不完善,现行的民航法规和规章,要么在一些方面规定阙如,要么不符合WTO规则的要求,法治观念还没有完全树立起来。在这种法制环境下,中国民机产业必须规避入世风险,其核心问题是处理好政府的行政管理行为与民机产业法制之间的关系。对此,中国民机产业要建立健全法律法规制度,才能使我国作为WTO成员按照WTO规则和国际惯例保障和促进民机产业的发展。同时,通过典型国家民机产业发展立法的经验借鉴,也能为我国民机产业发展立法提供有益的启示,从而加速我国民机产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

In August 2010, Nanchang was chosen as one of China’s eight pilot cities for low-carbon development. Today, Nanchang Municipal Government has adopted the development of eco-agriculture as one of its core missions. Environment-friendly planting methods are not only helping build Nanchang into a model city for China’s green drive, but also adding impetus to the local tourism industry.  相似文献   

China’s manufacturing industry continues to lose momentum, as reflected by a falling PMI.The third-party payment sector’s transactions have grown rapidly as a result of an e-commerce boom.Foreign companies make in- roads into China’s restaurant industry by acquiring local competitors.The Ministry of Railways is burdened with a load of debt due to a building spree of high-speed railways.The Internet portal Sohu.com has generated juicy profits.  相似文献   

Market Watch     
Moderate Prospects Investment and consumption have been the biggest motors of the economy,both surging in the first four months this year.Exports also regained some lost ground,soaring 30.5 percent in April from a year ago.  相似文献   

空间碎片现在已经成为外太空的主要污染源,各国航天事业需要共同攻破的课题。鉴于空间事故的屡次发生,对于空间碎片的探讨已提上日程。通过对中国参加的相关国际条约和中国国内空间的立法研究,发现国际条约中并没有具体的界定空间碎片的概念,更没有具体的条款来规范空间碎片,而国内关于空间的立法里亦没有提及到空间碎片。为了更好的发展我国航天事业,应该进一步完善我国国内空间立法,使航天事业的发展有法可依,有法可循。  相似文献   

China's Currency China's renminbi exchange rate reform will be a gradual process,but its impact on the markets has already been felt. The central parity of the renminbi (yuan)to the U.S. dollar reached 6.7980 on June 22, a substantial appreciation of 0.43 percent over the previous day, the highest since China unpegged the yuan to the U.S. dollar.  相似文献   

廖国一  王林 《桂海论丛》2012,(4):111-115,4
文章提出要发挥文化遗产事业在广西未来发展中的作用,努力构建具有广西特色的文化遗产事业产业体系。具体思路有:发挥文博在经济建设中的作用,积极拓展文博产业发展空间;实施"百家博物馆建设工程",鼓励社会力量办馆;重点构建"两区一带"博物馆群,推进"文化共享"工程;加快宁明花山和兴安灵渠申遗工作,创建广西文化旅游精品;促进与东盟国家的文化交流,建设中国—东盟艺术品展销中心。  相似文献   

交通运输是国民经济中基础性、先导性、战略性产业和重要的服务性行业,是可持续发展的重要支撑。新中国成立以来特别是改革开放以来,在中国共产党领导下,中国的交通运输秉持与经济社会协调发展、与自然生态和谐共生的理念,以建设人民满意交通为B标,自立自强,艰苦奋斗,取得了举世瞩目的发展成就,从根本上改变了基础薄弱、整体落后的面貌,为经济社会发展提供了有力保障,走出了一条中国特色交通发展之路。  相似文献   

郁鸿胜 《中国发展》2012,12(3):16-18
转型发展已经成为新世纪头十年中国经济最为关注的重要议题。今年全国“两会”期间的政府工作报告,第一次将GDP增长主动调整到8%以下,为中国的转型发展提供了一个高质量的增长空间。该文提出了上海在转型发展过程中要处理好的五个重大关系,包括目标与目的的关系、功能与效能的关系、结构与同构的关系、产业与就业的关系、资源与财源的关系。  相似文献   

Market Watch     
China’s exports are tapering off as the world economy teeters,but investment and consumption have maintained momentum, offsetting the impact of weakening exports. The auto market continues cooling as the with drawal of policy incentives pours cold water on buyers’interest. A bright spot is the ecommerce sector, which reported surprisingly brisk growth in the third quarter. China’s industries are currently the world’s most competitive, but the road ahead will be a bumpy one.  相似文献   

Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (Xinjiang Shengchan Jianshe Bingtuan—shortened form Bingtuan) is a distinctive military agricultural settlement and production institution in China’s western region, Xinjiang. It is also a modern form of China’s traditional ethnic frontier governing mechanism. This article discusses Bingtuan’s historical precedents, modern development and innovative change for Xinjiang governance. In an examination of Bingtuan’s main functions for China’s ethnic frontier governance, this article argues that in addition to economic sustainability and territorial security, Bingtuan played an important but multifaceted role in ethnic relations in Xinjiang, such as territorial fragmentation, ethnic separation and redefinition of regional identity; therefore Bingtuan not only makes its administrated area China’s ‘frontier of settlement’ but also acts as a key state agency for whatever future Xinjiang might have.  相似文献   

信息化条件下我国制造业绿色创新政策体系构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从信息化对我国制造业绿色创新的影响分析入手,探讨了我国制造业绿色创新现行政策的缺失,阐明了信息化条件下构建制造业绿色创新政策体系的必要性。从产学研合作、人才培养与引进、知识产权信息服务、财政补贴、税收优惠和金融支持六个方面构建了信息化条件下我国制造业绿色创新政策体系,以期为我国制定信息化条件下制造业绿色创新政策提供依据。  相似文献   

孙成武 《长白学刊》2021,(2):1-8,F0002
中国共产党是社会主义中国的领导核心,是中国政治体系的核心特征和显著优势,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的根本保障。党的十九大在党的建设方面最具开拓性的贡献,是第一次把党的政治建设纳入党的建设总体布局,突出新时代党的建设要以党的政治建设为统领。我们不仅要把政治建设看作党建理论和实践的重大突破,更要把它作为党建重大课题的破题和任务的开启。要深刻理解和把握党的政治建设的深刻内涵和重大实践意义。从理性逻辑上看,中国共产党强调政治建设遵循了现代政党建设的一般规律和要求;从历史逻辑上看,中国共产党强调的政治建设是总结国际共产主义运动和中国共产党百年历史经验教训所得出的基本结论;从现实逻辑上看,中国共产党强调的政治建设是推进党的自身建设和实现中华民族伟大复兴的要求。  相似文献   

Hochul Lee 《当代中国》2013,22(80):312-331
China reacted very differently to the first and second North Korean nuclear crisis: engaging in passive and ‘behind-the-scenes’ diplomacy in the first and choosing more proactive and ‘stage-managing’ diplomacy in the second. This article has sought to explain this striking contrast in China's foreign behavior. Though most studies tend to rely on Chinese strategic and security interests in explaining China's proactive diplomacy as demonstrated in the six-party talks, those strategic and security interests do not explain directly the contrasting foreign behavior of China. China faced basically equal strategic and security concerns and equally dangerous potential military conflict between the US and North Korea through the first and the second nuclear crises. This article, then, argues that ‘same interests, but different behaviors’ should be explained not by China's external interest calculus but by internal changes within China itself. By the turn of the new millennium, China had undergone an evolutionary change of state identity from a cautious accommodator to an active constructor, or from a state of ‘taoguang yanghui’ to a state of ‘fuzeren daguo’. The contrasting foreign behaviors in the first and second nuclear crises are profoundly reflective of this identity shift of China.  相似文献   

何中华 《长白学刊》2021,(1):142-148,F0002
马克思主义的中国化,意味着马克思主义必须有机地融入中国文化及其传统。因此,从中国国情的角度了解并把握中国文化的特质,对于深入阐释马克思主义中国化在学理上的可能性具有重要的前提意义。土地、农民、儒学,既是中国国情的特点,又塑造着中国传统文化本身。从明清之际的"西学中源"说,到晚近的"马克思主义中源"说,虽然是特定历史语境中的某种文化心态的反映,但也从某个侧面折射着马克思主义中国化的可能性。以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人之所以能够创造性地实现马克思主义中国化,其重要原因之一就在于他们熟谙中国国情。由中国国情所塑造的中国文化背景,在自觉和无意识的双重意义上,决定了马克思主义中国化的可能性。  相似文献   

Via quantitative analysis and interviews, this article examines the credibility and sustainability of Beijing’s patronage policy towards Taiwanese business. The new finding is that the rise of economic nationalism and local protectionism in China is undermining and constraining Beijing’s patronage policy. Consequently, China’s rising economy does not deepen cross-Strait integration but rather crowds out Taiwanese business. Moreover, considering the growing influence of Chinese domestic constraints, this article attempts to provide a bilateral two-level game to grasp the new dynamics on cross-Strait relations under the new normal.  相似文献   

取保候审制度是我国刑事诉讼法规定的五种刑事强制措施之一,在我国刑事强制措施体系中有着不可替代的位置,但司法实践中却存在一些问题。本文通过对取保候审实施情况的分析,针对其存在的问题,试图找出完善取保候审制度的路径。  相似文献   

Mingjiang Li 《当代中国》2016,25(100):515-528
China has been quite successful in developing its relations with Central Asian states and expanding its influence in the region since the 1990s. Most analysts contribute the success to the strategy and policy of China’s national central government. This observation certainly has a lot of truth, but at the same time we should not neglect or downplay the role that the local government in Xinjiang has played in cementing China–Central Asian ties. Xinjiang has functioned as an indispensable actor in China’s look-west and act-west policies towards Central Asia and beyond. With Chinese foreign policy elites increasingly interested in using the act-west policy as part of their counter-hedging strategy in Asia, Xinjiang appears to enjoy many more opportunities and play an even more significant role in China’s relations with countries in its western flank.  相似文献   

China remains an attractive destination for foreign investments,despite signs that capital inflow is tapering off.China’s textile manufacturers are generating handsome returns,but uncertainties still loom large.The country’s funds spill red ink due to less-than-favorable stock market outcomes.The sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corp.cashes in on its expanding global presence.The Chinese search giant Baidu.com gains momentum thanks to robust traffic growth and business diversification.  相似文献   

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