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朱敏  王寨华 《行政与法》2010,(10):103-106
随着科学技术在经济发展中的地位不断提高,科技立法成为各国重要任务之一。美国、法国、日本等国外科技法制,在管理法制化、科技评估制度、科技人员管理机制、科技税收优惠制度等方面,对我国科技立法的完善均有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

米铁男 《行政与法》2012,(12):91-95
美国出台《网络空间国际战略》是争夺制网权,主导互联网世界的信号,既有其自身安全上的考虑,也有政治上的目的。该"战略"从美国自身利益出发,试图为全世界的互联网活动制定规则,有违国际法中主权平等等一系列基本原则。中国应该尽快建立自己的信息化战略,依托国际法原则,努力参与国际网络行为准则的制定,争取平等的话语权,平衡世界制网权。同时也要逐步完善国内互联网立法,提高网络应用技术,增强网络空间的软硬件能力。  相似文献   

美国是一个自然灾害高发的国家,主要灾害有洪水、地震、飓风与龙卷风等。由于经济发达物质财富高度集中,每一次严重自然灾害都会造成巨大的经济损失。为了尽量减少灾害所造成的损失,美国政府非常重视各种灾害对策研究及其立法。本文作者从美国灾害救援体系、灾!言对策立法两个方面着重介绍了美国的灾害对策模式,最后论述了美国经验对我国的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article compares and contrasts the legislation that would be used to prosecute acts of cyber-terrorism in five western democracies: Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. It argues that each of the four Commonwealth jurisdictions sets too low a threshold for prosecuting acts of cyber-terrorism against electronic and other infrastructure systems. By contrast, the United States has enacted more finely calibrated legislation that sets a much higher threshold for acts of cyber-terrorism deserving life imprisonment.  相似文献   

华劼 《河北法学》2008,26(6):7-12
随着网络和信息技术的快速发展,网络上的个人隐私权正在被严重地侵害,面对这种侵害,各国都致力于建立完善的网络隐私权法律保护体系。从比较研究的角度讨论美国和欧盟的网络隐私权立法保护模式和规则,并对我国网络隐私权的保护提出立法建议。  相似文献   

张宪 《法学评论》2020,(2):175-184
实用艺术品的著作权保护问题实质上是如何确立著作权保护范围及标准的问题。我国现行《著作权法》并未将实用艺术品作为受保护客体,但也并未将其排除在著作权保护范围之外。而美国在实用艺术品的著作权保护上于立法层面是非常清晰的,在《1976年版权法》中已明确将其列为受保护客体,美国法院的诸多判例也影响了实用艺术品著作权保护研究的方向。本文梳理了中美两国实用艺术品的著作权保护问题的历史沿革及现状,总结归纳了两国具有代表性的判例,以求通过对比提炼出两国著作权法及司法实践中存在的问题。美国的相关立法及其司法裁判经验对于我国实用艺术品的著作权保护具备重要借鉴价值。  相似文献   

“被遗忘权”是大数据时代个人信息删除制度的立法新发展。美国并不赞同欧盟模式的被遗忘权。加利福尼亚州立足美国法制传统构建了一个体现美国利益需求的被遗忘权。加州立法从维护个人发展权意义上建构未成年人的被遗忘权,以数据最小化原则为基础,建构适用于消费者与企业之间数据处理的被遗忘权,赋予个人删除本人发布的个人信息的权利,同时规定了一系列删除信息的例外,较好地协调了被遗忘权与言论自由和信息经济发展的矛盾。加州立法已成为美国个人信息保护立法的典范。未来,美国可能以加州模式为模板构建媲美欧盟被遗忘权的个人信息删除制度。加州对被遗忘权制度的取舍对我国《个人信息保护法》第47条的理解与适用具有启示意义。  相似文献   

王哲 《时代法学》2014,(1):96-103
在当前国际经济秩序中,跨国公司凭借其强大的经济实力愈发扮演起重要的角色.跨国公司在经营活动中,侵犯东道国人权的问题已引起广泛关注.然而,现行法律框架不足以规制跨国公司在东道国侵犯人权的行为.在现行国际法规制模式下,跨国公司不是国际法主体,国际法无法直接规制跨国公司行为.在现行国内法规制模式下,东道国没有实力进行规制,甚至有些侵犯人权行为在东道国法律体系下根本不构成违法;母国没有意愿进行规制,唯一相关的母国立法,即美国ATCA存在诸多缺陷,实际效果有限.通过母国法律规制母公司的行为是一种解决途径,主要基于“企业理论”使母公司对子公司在东道国的侵犯人权行为承担责任,或者母国通过立法给母公司施加规制子公司行为的义务,但是该途径也在法律上及实践中存在障碍.根本的解决途径是促使发展中东道国积极签署并切实履行人权保护相关公约,来规制境内跨国公司侵犯人权的行为,提升本国法治环境.  相似文献   

生物技术对专利制度的挑战与中国专利法修改探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乔生 《法律科学》2005,23(2):66-72
蓬勃发展的现代生物技术已对传统专利制度形成了挑战。美国率先对基因、转基因技术授予专利 ,欧盟随之对生物技术发明出台法律保护指令 ,中国虽早有水稻等基因技术产品的发明与大面积种植 ,却在 2 0 0 1年修订的专利法中回避了生物技术发明的可专利性 ,使生物技术陷入努力开发但得不到充分法律保护的窘境。因此 ,阐明生物技术对专利制度的挑战 ,比较欧盟立法 ,探讨中国生物技术专利保护对生物技术发展的影响 ,及生物技术专利的国际合法性 ,对中国专利法修改提出意见 ,当前亟具意义  相似文献   

Despite a sustained period of peace and prosperity in the United States, Congress has enacted considerable anti-terrorism legislation, which-like past laws based in fear of foreign threats to the national security-erodes freedom of expression. This article provides a political, historical and legal background before examining this legislation and its application in cases affecting the rights of First Amendment claimants. The article finds that most courts, including the United States Supreme Court, have tended to use a formulaic strict scrutiny analysis of the legislation that endorses the government's position that, for example, the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, is a content-neutral response to the important interest in reducing the threat of terrorism. The article argues that the courts instead should adopt an analysis based on the real intent and discriminatory effects of the law to find it is impermissibly content based, overbroad and vague.  相似文献   

张冬 《河北法学》2012,(1):70-71,72,73,74,75,76,77
解决中药知识产权保护问题离不开国际化因素的考量,但是国际化并不能等同于西方化,尤其是美国化的西药审批及保护标准,这是中医入欧盟零注册危机给国人的最新启示。从专利特别保护、传统知识特别保护及公用知识无保护三种主要路径对中美中药市场竞争的影响出发,应用实效方法论的重要工具博弈均衡理论,对中美中药及植物药保护的不同选择路径不同利益效果作了对比性的数据及逻辑分析。研究发现,我国对中药知识产权国际化保护的最佳选择应是理清中药作为传统知识的知识产权地位,而促进美国对植物药的专利化具备利益的可行性。建议在构建国内中药传统知识保护的专门法律制度的同时,创建性地促进中药的科技创新、国际合作以及相关国际公约的修改。  相似文献   

《联合国反腐败公约》在强调打击腐败犯罪的同时,更强调对腐败犯罪实施综合预防战略。《公约》设立专章,对预防腐败措施作了系统的规定。目前,我国尚无预防腐败措施方面的中央级专门立法,但是,许多省、自治区、直辖市和较大市都进行了预防职务犯罪的地方立法。以《公约》为参照,借鉴国际经验,检视我国地方立法中职务犯罪预防措施,有利于促进我国预防腐败的制度建设和工作机制的进一步完善。  相似文献   

The ongoing developments of artificial intelligence have made the self-driving car industry enter the phase of extensive road testing in recent years. However, in China, research on self-driving car legislation is basically nonexistent. This paper focuses on comprehensively analyzing the self-driving car legislation and testing process based on the latest provisions in both China and the United States and conducts a comparative study. This study gives a detailed analysis of legislation trends in the legal field and provides practical suggestions for promoting the self-driving car industry in China as well as for that in other countries.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cell research promises to deliver in the future a whole range of therapeutic treatments, but currently governments in different jurisdictions must try to regulate this burgeoning area. Part of the problem has been, and continues to be, polarised community opinion on the use of human embryonic stem cells for research. This article compares the approaches of the Australian, United Kingdom and United States governments in regulating human embryonic stem cell research. To date, these governments have approached the issue through implementing legislation or policy to control research. Similarly, the three jurisdictions have viewed the patentability of human embryonic stem cell technologies in their own ways with different policies being adopted by the three patent offices. This article examines these different approaches and discusses the inevitable concerns that have been raised due to the lack of a universal approach in relation to the regulation of research; the patenting of stem cell technologies; and the effects patents granted are having on further human embryonic stem cell research.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that altruistic surrogacy arrangements occur in Australia, the law does not adequately regulate many important aspects of such arrangements. Failure to regulate surrogacy leaves infertile couples contemplating such treatment, as well as clinics dealing with them, in an unsatisfactory position. This article examines the law that operates in Australian States and Territories (and the problems associated with them) as well as in New Zealand, the United Kingdom and some United States jurisdictions, considers whether the argument against surrogacy arrangements can be legitimately sustained in modern times, and examines some regulatory regimes that seem to be working satisfactorily elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

Strong encryption can prevent anybody from accessing user data, including the technology companies responsible for its implementation. As strong encryption technology has become increasingly prevalent, law enforcement agencies have sought legislation to secure continued lawful access to the data affected. Following analysis of the encryption debates in the United States and the United Kingdom, this article will propose three rules that governments should follow to facilitate open debate and prevent the implementation of unsafe lawful access solutions. Firstly, we will provide context on current encryption policy. Secondly, it will be shown that continuous open debate must be facilitated in order to prevent the implementation of unsafe lawful access solutions. Finally, it will be argued that governments should be held to three rules when engaging in debate about lawful access: legislation governing lawful access must state clearly on its face whether decryption can be mandated; the encryption debate must not be oversimplified or reduced to emotive examples in order to secure public support for unsafe solutions; and safeguards on warrants must not be conflated with safeguards on lawful access mechanisms in order to suggest that solutions are safer than is actually the case.  相似文献   

我国反垄断立法规制对象的取向选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侯富强 《现代法学》2000,22(6):55-58
我国反垄断立法规制对象是以规制行为为取向 ,还是以规制结构为取向 ,理论界多有争论。本文从美、日等国反垄断法规制对象的变化 ,我国经济发展的现状得出 :选择行为主义规制垄断是我国反垄断立法的最佳、也是必然选择。  相似文献   

我国互联网内容分级制度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨攀 《法律科学》2014,(2):184-192
保护未成年人健康成长需要净化互联网内容,兼顾成年人的权利,弥补现行法律漏洞,需要建立互联网内容分级法律制度。国际上,德、美、韩三国未成年人互联网保护立法的主要经验是间接监管、减轻企业负担、扩大社会参与、强化行业自治。我国互联网内容分级制度是指为避免未成年人接触互联网不适宜信息,由提供者对互联网内容分类、标签,学校、家庭等过滤,社会监督、评估,政府间接监管的法律规范总和,在立法时应坚持共同治理、最小限制、适当负担、奖惩并用四项原则;应明确分级范围、分级标准和过滤软件;确定七大类主体的权利义务。  相似文献   

Child sex tourism: extending the borders of sexual offender legislation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Child sex tourism, the act of traveling to engage in sexual acts with minors, plagues developing nations worldwide. Several laws have been passed internationally in recent years designed to curtail this practice. Government entities and human rights organizations have driven these efforts. United States citizens represent a significant proportion of participants in child sex tourism. The PROTECT Act of 2003 prohibits United States citizens from participating in sexual acts with minors while traveling, and establishes extraterritorial jurisdiction. The case of Michael Lewis Clark, the first United States citizen convicted under this legislation, is highlighted. Child sex tourism poses unique issues to courts that will require ongoing clarification as challenges arise. This article discusses potential future challenges, describes strategies to address this problem, and relates this issue to psychiatry. Mental health providers may have the role of evaluating both the victims and perpetrators of child sex tourism. The authors propose a classification system for offenses and an initial list of topics to discuss with victims. The authors also describe the proper mechanism for reporting United States citizens suspected of participating in child sex tourism.  相似文献   

As the number of U.S. states that seek to loosen restrictions on marijuana rapidly increases, a heated debate over state and federal regulation has ignited. But an important component of that debate has been largely absent—are these state efforts placing the United States in violation of its international treaty obligations? This article attempts to answer this question by tracing the history of marijuana regulation both in the United States and abroad and outlining the foundations for domestic legislation. It argues that the experiments happening among a number of states and countries to liberalize marijuana laws are bearing fruit and should be tied to a broader reform agenda of the same international narcotics treaties that the United States sought decades ago.  相似文献   

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