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Chronic dissociative reactions and dissociative disorders can occur following traumatic events and are associated with suffering and impaired functioning. Therefore, trauma-related dissociation could be part of the claims made in civil actions or contribute to mitigation or an insanity defense in criminal actions. Dissociative reactions to trauma, including dissociative disorders, are more common than most mental health professionals realize. Unfortunately, few professionals have training in the assessment of dissociation, and forensic experts may be unaware of research indicating that standard interpretations of well-regarded assessment instruments can result in inaccurate determinations of symptom exaggeration in cases with dissociation. This paper is the second paper of a two-part series that aims to expand assessors’ knowledge about trauma-related dissociation (TRD) and enhance their ability to assess and present information about dissociation. In this article, we focus on the forensic assessment of TRD and discuss: dissociative symptoms; complex trauma; trauma-related disorders; an approach to assessment of TRD; trauma-related reactions that can impede the detection of TRD; and differential diagnosis of genuine versus feigned dissociation. In addition, we review research related to the validity and appropriate interpretation of the following measures in use with persons with TRD: Dissociative Experiences Scale, Multiscale Dissociation Inventory, Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire, Trauma Symptom Inventory-2, Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation, Structured Clinical Interview for Dissociative Disorders-Revised, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2, Personality Assessment Inventory, Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms, Test of Memory Malingering, and the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale.  相似文献   

Although trauma-related dissociation (TRD) is a common reaction to trauma often associated with significant impairment and prognoses that necessitate extended treatment, few assessors are knowledgeable about dissociation, its assessment, and methods for presenting information about it to courts in a way that is evidence-based yet understandable. This paper is the first part of a two-part series that aims to expand forensic assessors’ knowledge about TRD and enhance their ability to assess and present information about dissociation. This article provides overviews of research about dissociation and offers suggestions on how expert witnesses can assist counsel and courts in understanding dissociative reactions and their importance in personal injury cases. Specifically, we define dissociation; discuss the links between trauma, dissociation, and posttraumatic stress disorder; briefly review neurobiological findings related to dissociation; describe dissociative-related impairment and treatment; review challenges that can interfere with accepting and understanding dissociative symptoms; and suggest methods for helping counsel and courts accurately understand and consider TRD in assessing cases and deciding their outcomes.  相似文献   

The Interstate-35 West Bridge collapse offers a unique case of state crime. First, it illuminates a new topical area in the state crime literature, public infrastructure. Second, it illustrates how the bridge collapse was not a discrete act (Tombs in State Crime 1(2):170–195, 2012), but rather the outcome of relationships between different social institutions. Specifically, it demonstrates how processes within a state, in confluence with the broader political economy, produced decisions (omissions) not to invest in infrastructure repair, take expert advice, and improve coordination between agencies. Simultaneously, these same processes resulted in deliberate actions (commissions) to invest in new infrastructure rather than in maintenance and repair of existing infrastructure, and to reduce both regulatory oversight and safety procedures. We provide a detailed overview of the bridge collapse, then utilizing Kauzlarich and Kramer’s (Crimes of the American nuclear state, Northeastern University Press, Boston, 1998) integrated theoretical framework, contextualize the causes of the collapse and highlight how state processes and political-economic conditions resulted in the simultaneous occurrence of crimes of omission and commission on the part of the state.  相似文献   

Today the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (CCU) repealed the "quadruple two"—the scandalous constitutional reform that was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in the "Orange winter" of 2004. Today, in the fall of 2010, six years later, the hands of the Ukraine's political clock have been turned back.

Ukraine has returned to the old edition of the constitution, and has again become a presidential-parliamentary republic. The director of the Kyiv Center for Political Research and Conflict Studies, Mikhail Pogrebinskii, gave his assessment of the event, which many have called a coup d'état, in an exclusive mini-interview with ForUm.

Mikhail Borisovich, the CCU today declared that the constitutional reform of 2004 was unconstitutional, with the clarification that this decision is final, not subject to appeal, and mandatory for implementation. However, some experts have already expressed the assumption that it will "get hung up" in the parliament. What do you say?  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) has been identified as a significant issue for pregnant and parenting adolescents. This study thematically analyzed data from focus groups with service providers (n?=?43) who work with pregnant and parenting adolescents to learn about barriers and strategies for addressing IPV. Service providers described four primary barriers to addressing IPV with their adolescent clients: adolescent clients?? definitions of love, intergenerational relationship patterns, cultural norms about gender and violence, and developmental-contextual considerations. Service providers also indicated that they respond to adolescents?? IPV related concerns by taking steps to identify IPV, building working relationships, and taking appropriate follow-up action. Results suggest that providers can benefit from increased training and skill development in working with IPV, as well as working in interdisciplinary, collaborative teams to increase effectiveness with challenging cases. Programs should consider integrating IPV prevention initiatives that target broader social norms. Future research should pilot and test the effectiveness of targeted IPV training and programmatic interventions with service providers who work with this population.  相似文献   

当前地方政府“庸官懒政”现象及其治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,我国的"庸官懒政"现象有滋长蔓延之势,"庸官懒政"问题已经成为各级地方政府干部管理中的一个突出问题。为此,应当以庸官、懒官行为特征为切入点,依据行政学、公共管理学的相关理论,采用文献查阅、案例分析等规范性研究方法,从思想认识、制度体系、法律规范、文化观念四个维度深入剖析"庸官懒政"现象产生的根源,提出治理"庸官懒政"的对策及建议,即转变观念,强化意识;健全选人用人制度;完善治理"庸官懒政"的法律体系;摒弃传统文化中的糟粕因素。  相似文献   

The word ‘governance’ has become an increasingly central policy motif in the European Union and elsewhere yet its meanings are ambiguous and often poorly understood. This article examines the genealogy of that concept focusing in particular on the European Commission's claim to have developed a new, more open and progressive model of ‘European governance’. The paper is set out in four steps. The first analyses the European Commission's claims for ‘governance’ as a concept integral to its new vision for Europe. The second interrogates some of the conflicting definitions and meanings inherent in the term and examines the highly selective paradigm of governance that has been developed in official Commission discourse. The third addresses two specific areas where the Commission's governance model has been applied: the Green paper on The Future of Parliamentary Democracy and the Open Method of Coordination. The fourth turns to analyse these findings using critical social theory. I conclude that far from laying the grounds for a more inclusive, participatory and democratic political order, the Commission's model to governance represents a form of neoliberal governmentality that is actually undermining democratic government and promoting a politics of exclusion.  相似文献   

The European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 is the cornerstone of UK legislation designed to accomplish the legal dimension of Brexit. It brings the entire acquis of EU law into UK law in order to avoid regulatory black holes that would otherwise occur. The Act embodies a twofold legislative strategy: EU law brought into UK law thereby is to be made fit for purpose by exit day, with necessary changes being made by statutory instrument; Parliament can then decide at greater leisure thereafter whether it wishes to retain, amend or repeal this legislation. The burden placed on Parliament is unprecedented, all the more so given the exigencies of time in which the changes are to be made. This article explicates the principal provisions of the 2018 Act, and the concerns as to constitutional principle and the rule of law raised by the legislation. The tensions in the drafting process are made apparent, and uncertainties in the resulting text are revealed.  相似文献   

This article brings classic constitutionalism to an analysis of delegated legislation in the European Union. To facilitate such a constitutional analysis, it starts with a comparative excursion introducing the judicial and political safeguards on executive legislation in American constitutionalism. In the European legal order, similar constitutional safeguards emerged in the last fifty years. First, the Court of Justice developed judicial safeguards in the form of a European non‐delegation doctrine. Second, the European legislator has also insisted on political safeguards within delegated legislation. Under the Rome Treaty, ‘comitology’ was the defining characteristic of executive legislation. The Lisbon Treaty represents a revolutionary restructuring of the regulatory process. The (old) Community regime for delegated legislation is split into two halves. Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) henceforth governs delegations of legislative power, while Article 291 TFEU establishes the constitutional regime for delegations of executive power.  相似文献   

The DNA Commission of the International Society of Forensic Genetics (ISFG) regularly publishes guidelines and recommendations concerning the application of DNA polymorphisms to the problems of human identification. A previous recommendation published in 2001 has already addressed Y-chromosome polymorphisms, with particular emphasis on short tandem repeats (STRs). Since then, the use of Y-STRs has become very popular, and a numerous new loci have been introduced. The current recommendations address important aspects to clarify problems regarding the nomenclature, the definition of loci and alleles, population genetics and reporting methods.  相似文献   

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