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For Han Meilin,the Chinese New Year of the Rat,which starts on January 25 according to the Chinese lunar calendar,has a stupendous wealth of associations.  相似文献   

Abstract Ink     
正A Chinese artist evokes environmental sense of the public through ink paintings Chinese ink paintings once teetered on the edge of oblivion-at least according to a thesis of a postgraduate art student. Li Xiaoshan from the  相似文献   

Imperishable Ink     
MFA's creative exhibition presents contemporary artists' response to classical works The idea is compelling—inviting contemporary Chinese artists to interpret classic masterpieces with brush and ink.It embedded itself deeply in the mind of 37-year-old Hao Sheng, the Wu Tung  相似文献   

Colorful Ink     
Chinese artist invigorates traditional water-ink painting "For an artist like me, the most important thing is the pursuit of change,"Hong Xuguang said during an interview with Beijing Review several days into 2013.  相似文献   

Ink with Feeling     
IN the early 1980s, China issued a set of 16 stamps in commemoration of the artist Qi Baishi (1863- 1957). Each featured a work by the great ink and wash master. The image on stamp number five was created in 1957, inspired by a line from an ancient poem: "Frogs are heard in a mountain brook miles away." The story of how this work came about reveals much about the philosophy behind traditional Chinese painting.  相似文献   

吕西 《北京观察》2007,(7):20-21
在香港见到李胥委员有一种亲切感:他那北方人特有的高高大大的身材,他那一口略染粤音的普通话,都在告诉你,他也是北京人。李胥委员的成功之路很不平坦。他出生在北京,文革之初,父母遭下  相似文献   

The Music of Ink     
AChinese calligrapher and an English cellist share one stage. The former creates a work of calligraphy, the lat-ter plays music. Their performance dialogue of music and calligraphy con- stitutes an interactive work of art - The Music of Ink. "A Young Monk Named Huaisu" British cellist Rohan De Saram sits on one side of the stage, his eyes half closed, and begins to play Bach's Cel- lo Suites. Chinese calligrapher Zeng Laide begins grinding his ink stick. He momentarily shuts his eyes t…  相似文献   

在这个研究中,红外显微镜聚焦功能得到了充分验证。该研究采用的检测方法是通过红外显微镜将红外光斑直接聚焦在样品表面,采集其红外光谱。根据样品红外吸收峰的个数、位置、强度及形状进行定性分析,以达到区分相同颜色不同品牌的圆珠笔油墨色痕的研究目的。研究结果表明,采用的检测方法可有效区分相同颜色不同品牌的圆珠笔油墨色痕。而且该检测方法具有无损检测特点,保持了物证的原样性。  相似文献   

JANUARY 11, 2004, 20th day of the 12th lunar month, was Lisu ethnic minority girl Zhang Zhengxiu's wedding day. Her traditional wedding ceremony was held in her home village in Dechang County, Sichuan Province. The date had been cho-  相似文献   

碳素墨水或墨汁掩盖下有色字迹的一种无损显现方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对被碳素墨水或墨汁掩盖的有色字迹,用透射光照相,最大程度地表现出碳素墨水或墨汁与被掩盖有色字迹的颜色差异,然后结合直方图均衡、图像运算和颜色空间变换等方法,可以进一步增强碳素墨水与有色字迹的差别,从而使字迹易于分辨.  相似文献   

正A younger generation of crosstalk performers focuses on combining tradition with elements of the modern eraIt’s 9:30 p.m.on a Friday night.Over 100 audience members casually sip tea while taking in the performance of a comedic dialogue showcasing the traditional Chinese linguistic art  相似文献   

可擦中性笔墨水色痕形成文件的检验是目前法庭经常遇到的问题,建立一种简便、灵敏、快速、定性准确的区分可擦中性笔墨水色痕种类的方法是当前公安实战部门所需要的。研究中利用红外显微镜,采用单点模直接采集可擦中性笔墨水色痕的红外光谱。实验结果表明,根据样品红外吸收光表征的红外吸收峰的位置、数目、强度及形状可将不同品牌的可擦中性笔墨水色痕区分开来。  相似文献   

终极价值观来源于社会发展对道德体系的需要。中国传统终极价值观就是儒学所构筑的“以人为本 ,天人合一 ,志在仁义”的精神价值体系。它的传承主体 ,主要是由中国士大夫阶层———古代的知识分子构成的。中国传统终极价值观的确立和发展 ,不仅吸取了儒、道、佛思想 ,同时也是中国士大夫阶层在充满纷攘争斗的封建社会中寻找确立自身地位与作用的过程。  相似文献   

民族传统体育与民族传统节日互动发展的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族传统体育与民族传统节日活动在长期的社会历史文化演进中,经历了由嫁接到互动发展的漫长过程,这是社会发展的必然.结果.民族传统节日是连接民族传统体育的重要形式,它深刻地影响着民族传统体育的发展.民族传统体育与民族传统节日的互动发展是其文化的共性所决定的,它伴随着社会历史文化的发展,人们生产、生活方式的改变,在相互作用、相互促进、相互协调中共同发展.  相似文献   

Jointly sponsored by the CPAFFC and theSekido Suibokuga (a Japanese ink painters'association headed by Sekido Unemura), an inkpainting exhibition of Sekido Unemura, well-known Japanese ink painter, was held at the ChinaNational Art Gallery from September 17 to 20. Unemura was born in Kanazawa of Ishikawa  相似文献   

ON April 9, Zhang Jinling's solo art exhibition "Time Sculpting Beauty" opened in the Wuxi Museum.  相似文献   

THERE are many designated special economic zones and coastal cities in Guangdong Province. Foshan is not one of them, but its economic strength is nonetheless well known throughout the province. Statistics over the past two decades are testament to Foshan's rapid growth. In 1978, the city's GDP stood at 1.296  相似文献   

水平ATR法无损检验纸张上的印油   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章利用傅里叶变换红外光谱中的衰减全反射(水平——ATR)技术无损测定了纸张上的10种红色印油,根据其红外光谱的特征吸收,可将10种印油分为2大类7种。该技术具有快速、准确和不破坏样品等特点,为印油的检验提供了一种适用的检测方法。  相似文献   

AT a time when the surge of avant—garde fine art isin abeyance,the art world has been drawn into theimpetuosity of instant—gain lucrative art.Persecerance and honesty in an artist are,there—fore,to be valued.Having emerged from the MiyangStudio,Duan Xiucang has never forgotten his artistic,modem ink and wash roots,and has maintained an his—  相似文献   

中国传统纠纷解决机理体现在四个方面:即伦理化司法的确定性和可接受性、诉调对接的传统、实质正义解决纠纷的传统、限制诉讼与终结诉讼机制。对这种独特的纠纷解决机理,应辩证认识,合理运用,力求实现纠纷解决民族性与国际性的结合。  相似文献   

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