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Friends from the press,Ladies and Gentlemen,Good afternoon.I am very pleased to meet you with President Barroso.Let me once again extend a warm welcome to President Barroso,High Representative Ashlon and the EU commissioners.  相似文献   

从"总理帮民工追讨工资"引发的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
据全国总工会的资料显示,目前全国进城务工的民工被拖欠工资现象严重。且主要发生在建筑施工企业和餐饮服务等企业,其中建筑施工企业占拖欠民工工资案件的70%全国民工的总数高达9000多万人,在有些地方和部门平均每个民工被拖欠工钱1000多元,甚至更高。他们用自己辛勤的劳动为城市建设添砖加瓦,为中国的现代化作出巨大的贡献,得到的只是微薄的工薪。就是这点微薄的工薪往往还从月薪变成了年薪,甚至被一再拖欠。直到“总理帮民工追讨工资”的事件发生以后,事情才有了实质性的进展。此后,全国各地普遍开展了或利用行政措施或采取法律手段帮助民…  相似文献   

Premier Event     
<正>China and Russia look to move beyond resources and light manufacturing to hi-tech trade Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin paid an official visit to China at the invitation of his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao on October 11-12, Putin’s first visit abroad since he declared his intention to run for president next year.  相似文献   

At the invitation of Presidents Dilma Rousseff of Brazil,Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia,Ollanta Humala Tasso of Peru and Michelle Bachelet Jeria of Chile,Chinese Premier Li Keqiang paid official visits to their countries from May 18to 26.It is the first time that Premier Li has touched down in the land of Latin America since taking office in 2013.The visit has further strengthened bilateral cultural exchanges and traditional friendship.It has also advanced mutual political trust and bilateral pragmatic cooperation in all areas and opened a new state of China-Latin America comprehensive partnership of cooperation.  相似文献   

THE day Premier Wen took office he stated, "Leaders should be closer to the masses." His visit to comfort and talk with everyday workers in Tongchuan City, Shaanxi Province on January 1, 2005, where a few weeks previously a gas blast in the  相似文献   

In an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency in Beijing on December 27, 2009, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao shared his visions of the current economic situation in China and the government's economic policy orientations for 2010. Here are the highlights of the interview.  相似文献   

Li Lanqing, vice premier ofthe State Council of China,met with the delegation of theJapan National Governors' As-sociation (JNGA) headed by itspresident Yoshihiko Tsuchiya atZhongnanhai in Beijing on June2. The guests and the host had acordial conversation.  相似文献   

正Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s four-day trip to Britain in June is expected to energize the China-Britain comprehensive strategic partnership,which sees its 10th anniversary this year,and whose strategic,reciprocal and global signif icance continues to grow.The trip,Li’s f irst to Britain since taking off ice in March last year,marks another major diplomatic event between China and Europe following President Xi Jinping’s Europe tour in late March.During his visit the Chinese premier met with Queen Elizabeth II  相似文献   

THE day Premier Wen took office he stated.““Leaders should be closer to the masses.““ His visit to comfort and talk with everyday workers in Tongchuan City, Shaanxi Province on January 1, 2005, where a few weeks previously a gas blast in the Chenjiashan Coalmine had killed 166 workers, was by no means his first. But it was the first time he publicly shed tears. In one household that had lost its breadwinner, Wen Jiabao embraced the victim‘s son and shared his grief. He later had a simple lunch of steamed bread and tea in a tunnel 1,300 meters belowg round as he chatted with workers at another mine in the city.  相似文献   

从 50年代中国共产党第一代领导集体制定的解放台湾(包括武力解放和和平解放两个阶段)的方针, 到70年代末以后党的第二代领导集体确立的“和平统一,一国两制”对台工作的大政方针,直到90年代以来党的第三代领导集体提出的发展两岸关系、推进祖国和平统一进程的八项主张,纵观这一发展脉络,可以看出,中共三代领导集体根据不同历史时期的国际国内形势、包括海峡两岸关系状况制定的对台方针政策,堪称是马克思主义普遍原理与祖国统一实践相结合的典范。  相似文献   

家庭,是构成社会的基本细胞,家庭的和睦安康是社会稳定昌盛的前提条件。当今,人类已进入了现代文明时期。人们的思维理念、行为模式大多完成了对粗俗与野蛮的超脱。然而,“家庭暴力”这个与现代社会极不协调的现象还在困扰着时代文明,由家庭暴力引发的各类案件频频发生。对此,党和政府以及社会各界给予了极大关注,越来越多的人对“家庭暴力”问题进行着种种思考。本文从对家庭暴力事件的认定入手,分析阐述了家庭暴力的各种成因及防治对策。  相似文献   

正Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visited four African countries—Ethiopia,Nigeria,Angola and Kenya—from May 4 to 11.In Ethiopia he gave a speech at the AU Conference Center titled"Bring about a Better Future for China-Africa Cooperation."Li raised in his speech the"461"cooperative framework:adhere to the four principles:treat one another with full sincerity as equals,enhance  相似文献   

引致和谐的社会政策——中国社会政策的回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
回顾自1978年至今30年间中国社会政策的演变和发展,一种引致和谐的社会政策正在中国形成.社会政策的结构从实践性社会政策与学科性社会政策的失衡走向协调;主题从发展与公正分离走向二者的统一:目的从追求高的生活水平走向追求好的生活方式;功能从应付矛盾走向引致和谐:品格从他性走向自性;地位从边缘走向中心.  相似文献   

The scene: 5 pm on April 26 at the President Hotel in Moscow, and Vice Premier Li Keqiang, having just arrived in Russia for an official visit, cordially meets Chinese and Russian friendly personages from various sectors of society including people-to-people diplomatic, academic, cultural, scientific and educational, and business circles. Among them are experts and scholars in their seventies and eighties, important professionals of their respective workplaces in their prime, as well as students in the bloom of their youth.  相似文献   

正Refusal to grant China market economy status puts the EU at a crossroads The European Parliament’s recent refusal to grant market economy status(MES)to China is not merely a rise in trade protectionism,but also an exemplar for economic,  相似文献   

张英 《理论月刊》2007,4(12):33-35
毛泽东虽然和其他一些经典作家一样并未正式使用过政治文明概念,但以他为代表的中共第一代领导集体创立的人民民主理论包含了丰富的社会主义政治文明思想。他们创建的中国特色社会主义基本政治制度及运行机制,奠定了我国社会主义政治文明发展的制度基础。他们对我国社会主义民主政治的睿智思考,为我国新时期社会主义政治文明的建设及其发展指明了前进的方向。  相似文献   

Amid a complicated domestic and international economic front,maintaining steady economic growth has become key for China's macrocontrol efforts.During a recent inspection tour in central China's Hubei Province,Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said more priority should be given to promoting steady growth.In the meantime,concerned authorities,including the National Development and Reform Commission,Ministry of Finance,Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,are preparing for further slowdown of China's GDP growth.  相似文献   

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