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This paper approaches the stand-for relationship that is fundamental to semiotics from the point of view of a specific semiotic situation: that of relationships of proxy whereby a person is authorised to act for an absent party. I hope to open up the question of what a semiotics of the proxy might look like, but also make some observations about semiotics-in-general as a discipline reliant on proxy relationships. The paper makes special use of Derrida's writings on communication and Peirce's theory of signs. My reading of Derrida and Peirce is not exhaustive, but rather seeks to highlight the way that both thinkers provide useful frameworks for discussing the example of the proxy, and the challenges it represents.  相似文献   

镜与灯的对话--反映论与物感说的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张渭涛 《理论导刊》2002,20(4):37-39
中国新文化运动以来,马克思主义的文艺反映论逐渐成为中国文艺理论的主导思想。它的形成、确立以及巩固,固然与国际共运和国内社会主义革命运动的历史选择分不开,但是,一种异国学说或理论,能够长时期根植于中国并有所发展,与中国传统文艺思想物感说的相似性机制密不可分。当然,作为东西方两种古老文明传承下来的两种文艺思想,特别在文化原型上,也是异质分流的。一、反映论———镜:“摹仿”派生的主客二分的认识论求真模式关于反映论的哲学基础,马、恩在《德意志意识形态》一书中,论述得全面而精要。社会的精神生产和意识形态,…  相似文献   

The paradox of Confucian ethics in prioritizing filial piety over humane love can show that only the good of right, which is encapsulated in an age-old precept “harm no one and benefit fellow humans” as well as in a modern principle “respect the deserved rights and interests of every human being,” is the ultimate good and should trump any other goods in human life. In cases of the conflict between the good of right and other goods, therefore, one should give up other goods for the good of right. Otherwise, the result will be an ultimate evil: doing substantive harm to human beings or infringing upon the deserved rights and interests of human beings.  相似文献   

垄断是一个歧义较多的概念 ,从不同的角度分析 ,其所展示的内涵各不相同。垄断与反垄断法密切相关 ,要制定一部科学而又切合我国实际的反垄断法 ,首先必须界定反垄断法的规制对象 ,而反垄断法规制对象界定的前提是对垄断涵义进行全面、系统的界定。只有这样 ,才能搞清楚我国未来将制定的反垄断法到底要反什么样的垄断 ,即我国反垄断法将以何种垄断作为其规制的对象。  相似文献   

Leading researchers are questioning the continued use of competitive model testing to explain participation within British political parties. This paper argues that difficulties with this approach have not arisen out of the use of model testing per se , but because of the shortcomings of the models currently in use. A multidisciplinary approach towards accounting for participation exposes some of the theoretical and analytical shortcomings in previous research into political party members, and identifies relevant factors underlying participation that merit investigation in greater detail. In particular, analytical frameworks derived from the disciplines of marketing, nonprofit management and organisational behaviour provide appropriate and robust instruments for measuring factors underlying participation that are generally ignored in the political science literature. Alternative models comprising appropriately theorized variables drawn from a number of disciplines are presented, and the implications of a multidisciplinary approach towards explaining party activism are discussed.  相似文献   

服务型政府理论研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王东强 《行政论坛》2009,16(6):48-50
服务型政府建设的实践起源于西方,但是“服务型政府”概念却是我国学者的创造。关于服务型政府内涵的界定主要有“三公共”理论的界定、政府治理模式角度的界定、范式理论的界定、政府职能和角色定位维度的界定以及目标导向角度界定。构建服务型政府的路径选择可归纳为:变革理念、引入战略工具选择、探索规范化的制度创新、引入社会化和市场化机制。对服务型政府的质疑和挑战则体现在:关于公共服务是“顾客主权”还是“公民主权”、关于价值理性和工具理性的争论、以及关于服务型政府的异化等方面。  相似文献   

杨满云 《学理论》2012,(25):85-86
情绪工作是近20多年来西方组织行为学研究中一个新兴的研究领域。文章主要介绍了情绪工作的概念,情绪工作的维度与测量工具、情绪工作的影响因素,并进一步分析了情绪工作的未来研究趋向,以期为深入研究情绪工作提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Roy Gardner 《Public Choice》1987,54(2):171-185
In a spoils system, it is axiomatic that ‘to the winners go the spoils.’ This essay formalizes spoils systems as cooperative games, with winners given by a simple game structure, and represented by a fixed number of political appointments. We analyze the resulting spoils games by means of the non-transferable utility value, and we offer two practical applications of the results.  相似文献   

A constitutional interpretation of the firm   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When members of a firm make firm-specific investments they will earn rents. Potential rent-seeking on the part of the owner of the firm and other employees reduces the value of an employee's firm-specific investment and, as a result, reduces the level of those investments. In this context the firm can be thought of as a set of interdependent relationships where the actions of any one individual can affect the rents of all others. The owner of the firm will desire to set up an institutional arrangement to protect the individual's property rights in specific investments as part of his effort to maximize profit. Establishing this institutional arrangement is similar to the establishment of a constitution by the state or other organization. This constitution protects the property rights of the members of the firm and as a result encourages the creation of property, that is, the firm-specific investments. The constitution of a firm consists of a set of interdependent explicit and implicit contracts between the firm and its various members, as well as mechanisms for enforcing and monitoring these contracts. As a practical matter, it is obvious that workers normally do not enjoy costless or near-costless mobility, and thus an ordinary “at will” employment contract may no longer be sufficient to induce workers to join a firm. If, in order to function productively within an enterprise, individuals have to accumulate, and pay for, firm-specific capital assets, the simple neoclasical logic fails (Furubotn, 1988: 167).  相似文献   

This paper contributes to a genealogy of the discourses and government of poverty. It offers a statement of what might be understood bya genealogical perspective and method, and then focuses on the emergence of a ‘liberal mode of government’ of poverty in the early nineteenth century, of which the reformed poor law in England is emblematic but not exhaustive. The emergence of this mode of government is followed through a series of related transformations of the older systems of the relief and administration of ‘the Poor’, best understood as a dimension of ‘police’ in its archaic sense. The conditions of the problematization of this older system of government in matters of population, economy, police, and so on. This emergence has implications for the formation of a national labour market, notions of self-governance and responsibility, forms of patriarchy and household, and issues of morality, philanthropy, admkinistration, and the state. Above all, it is within this liberal mode of government that we can witness both the constitution of poverty as a field of knowledge and invention, perhaps for the first time, and also the various surfaces of emergence for what will become ‘the social’. The implications of this liberal mode of government for our present are far from exhausted.  相似文献   

The integration of twelve Western European countries into a single market in 1992 will make the European Community (EC) a major force in world affairs. To familiarize the reader with the EC, this article examines the EC budget-how is it prepared, what it includes, and how it is financed. Some selected comparisons with U.S. institutions and processes are also offered in order to facilitate understanding.  相似文献   

王军 《学理论》2013,(19):19-20
建设美丽中国是全国人民的共同愿景,体现了我们党治国理政的新境界,是执政理念的新发展。在建设美丽中国过程中,我们要挖掘美丽中国文化内涵,塑造良好的人文环境,整合社会各界力量,创造良好的社会环境,在加快经济建设步伐的同时,构建良好的生态环境。美丽中国建设,任重而道远。  相似文献   

杨诚 《行政论坛》2010,17(1):33-36
服务型政府评价可以帮助我们明确服务型政府建设的目标,规范和推动服务型政府的建设。开展服务型政府评价需要解决服务型政府的界定、服务型政府的基本条件和要求、服务型政府评价的指标体系和等级评定等方面问题。  相似文献   

大学的办学理念是一些大学基本问题的价值判断 ,是一种具有强烈主观色彩的大学理想和价值追求。自从有大学以来 ,大学的办学理念经历了三个阶段 :(1)大学是培育人才的机构 ;(2 )大学既是教育机构 ,又是研究中心 ;(3)大学不仅是教育机构、研究中心 ,还应该是一个服务机构。  相似文献   

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