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当前亚太地区海军发展的特点和海军军控的前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着与海洋有关的经济利益的增加,以及一些国家之间存在岛屿主权归属问题和海洋权益争议,海洋对亚太国家军事安全的重要性越来越突出,海洋的军事战略地位明显上升.在这种情况下,亚太各国海上力量的发展出现一些新的特点.同时,亚太地区的海军军控有所进展,这在某种程度上有利于亚太地区海上形势的缓和.  相似文献   

His publications includeChina’s Development Experience in Comparative Perspective, and, with Allen Whiting,China’s Future. This is a revised version of a paper presented at a conference on “Problems of Peace, Security and Economic Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific” June 1987, in Beijing, P.R.C. The conference was co-sponsored by the Institute for Sino-Soviet Studies and the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, Beijing, P.R.C.  相似文献   

In the following article, Kurt M. Campbell, senior vice-president and director of the International Security Program (ISP) at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Washington, DC., and Yuki Tatsumi, ISP research associate at CSIS, explore the changes that have taken place in US foreign policy since the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 and how such changes might be reflected on its policy toward the Asia-Pacific region. They point out that the US will shift its focus to security at home and war on terrorism abroad. In the short-term, US focus will deviate from Northeast Asia to Southeast, Central and South Asia, but as the region will continue to be strategically important, the US will remain engaged in the region. It is up to the countries in the Asia-Pacific to ensure that the US engagement in their region is not dominated by unilateralism and excessive preoccupation with the war against terrorism.  相似文献   

The year 2018 marks the 150th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Sweden. It is believed that the first contact between Sweden and Japan came during the Edo Period and was mediated by the Netherlands. The Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Japan and Sweden, signed in 1868, also came into being thanks to the good offices of the Dutch. This treaty, like many others into which Japan entered at that time, was an “unequal treaty.” As Japan increased its presence in East Asia, this unequal treaty with Sweden was revised in 1911. The world was changing. Sweden and Japan shared a common interest in opposing Russia’s ambitions. Russia in particular was a common threat to the diplomatic posture and security of both Japan and Sweden. These two nations, positioned like bookends on either side of Russia, could be important strategic partners for one another and allies in their relationships with Russia. Considering the current issue of North Korea, Sweden also has the potential to act as a mediator because it maintains diplomatic relations with North Korea. There is reason to believe that the diplomatic relationship between Japan and Sweden will develop further.  相似文献   

Shulong Chu 《East Asia》1994,13(1):77-95
The United States and the Soviet Union/Russia have undertaken major arms reduction in the Asia-Pacific region since the late 1980s, but they have not withdrawn from the region. The United States and Russia will maintain greater military forces than any other countries in the region. China has increased its military strength steadily due to its booming economy. However, Chinese military modernization has been modest compared with other countries in the region and its rapidly growing economy. China focuses on economic development; it is not filling the “power vacuum” because there is no such vacuum left in the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   


This study aims to assess the development of regional cooperation in the Baltic Sea area through an analysis of regional security interdependence, and to develop the lessons of this regional experience for application to the wider European framework of security and cooperation. The analysis of Baltic Sea regional security and cooperation is divided into three phases: the first looks at 1989 to the early 1990s; the second covers the period from the early 1990s to the enlargements in 2004; and the third lays out a scenario for the post-enlargement period. Subsequently, I discuss what this regional experience might be able to offer to Europe. Here, attention is given to the EU's relations with its neighbors, with particular reference to Russia.  相似文献   


The globalisation processes driving development and the transnational nature of crime require the collaboration of police within regions using sophisticated technology to combat crime. This article examines the role of technology and leadership in enhancing cooperative policing. Following a successful safety strategy during the 2010 Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) Soccer World Cup (SWC) tournament in South Africa, the aim of the article is to demonstrate how technology and strategic leadership contributed to the success of this event. The research conducted consisted of an extensive review of existing research publications on the state of policing in southern Africa; and a conference presentation by Lieutenant-General Pruis about policing the SWC from which key policing lessons have been extracted. The literature survey revealed the challenges of police forces and policing in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) as being primarily resource constraints, and socio-political environments that are not always conducive to effective policing. Conclusions drawn are that some of the lessons from the SWC, such as planning, budgeting, strategic leadership, regional and international cooperation of security personnel, community involvement, an informed media strategy and the use of technology to support these processes, can be replicated in regional policing operations.  相似文献   

台湾在亚太地区投资分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
亚太地区是台湾对外投资的重点地区,1987~1991年台湾对外投资主要流向东盟四国,1992~1993年主要流向祖国大陆,1994~1996年主要流向又从祖国大陆转向东盟地区.亚洲金融危机发生后,台湾在亚太地区投资有所下降,在东南亚投资数量明显下降,但开始注重提高产品的科技含量,加大对金融保险业和其他服务业的投资力度;与此同时,台商在大陆投资稳中有升,且掀起了第三波大陆投资高潮,其最突出的特点是投资行业以电子信息产业为主.  相似文献   

九一一事件使本来就出现弱势的美国经济进一步下滑.美国经济的走低对世界经济尤其是东亚经济产生深刻的影响.估计2002年美国经济有可能走出低谷,东亚经济将会有缓慢的增长.  相似文献   

Komori  Yasumasa 《East Asia》2009,26(4):321-341
This article examines the emergence of and relationships between Track 1 and Track 2 arrangements in East Asia and the Asia-Pacific. It argues that the emerging complex webs of institutional arrangements in East Asia and the Asia-Pacific exhibit a multi-layered structure of governance in which public and private actors are increasingly connected, but hierarchically organized. It also suggests that the coexistence of multiple governance mechanisms with overlapping but different memberships at both Track 1 and Track 2 levels signals difficulty in their attempts to enhance the overall efficacy of the governance mechanism.  相似文献   

朱颖 《当代亚太》2005,5(10):15-22
目前亚太区域经济合作的显著特征是双边主义,具体表现为优惠贸易协定(包括地区贸易协定、双边自由贸易协定)数量的激增.优惠贸易协定在本质上是双边主义,有别于多边主义.1997年的亚洲金融危机等一些原因导致90年代后期亚太地区优惠贸易协定增加,并且还有增加的趋势.亚太地区的双边主义有若干特点.双边主义对多边贸易体制有利有弊.中国应该积极参与双边主义,以赢得更大的经济发展空间.  相似文献   

“东盟地区论坛”为中国在亚太安全领域的对外合作方面提供了一个相对可靠的平台,从中中国可以找到符合自身利益的合理定位。尽管以该论坛为核心的亚太多边安全合作的前景面临不确定性,但其作用不容忽视。  相似文献   


Two recent books make significant contributions to the scholarly literature both in East Asian security studies and in international relations theory more generally. While developing international relations theory by drawing from the non-Western experiences of East Asia, these books complement the existing international relations theory that has been criticized for being overly West-centric. The books also develop some interesting East Asian, neopragmatic ideas on the “theory of theory” in international relations. These ideas have a potential of not only changing our answers to questions about East Asian security but also reformulating the questions we ask in our investigation of international security issues.  相似文献   

The US–Japan alliance serves as the cornerstone of US security strategy in East Asia. The Bush administration remains supportive of efforts by Japan to become a more “normal” nation and is expected, during its second term, to continue to encourage Tokyo to play a more active role in regional security (while refraining from open pressure or from meddling in the debate over constitutional revision). The Pentagon's ongoing Global Force Review will likely result in some modest adjustments in the US military footprint in Japan, but with no lessening of Washington's overall commitment or ability to respond to regional crises. Meanwhile, Washington will continue to support institutionalized multilateral mechanisms (including sub-regional efforts that do not include the US) as useful means to promote regional security and coordinate counter-terrorism efforts, while relying on ad hoc coalitions (or unilateral actions if necessary) to address specific threats to its own security or to the security of its allies.  相似文献   

In the economic development of East Asain countries during the 1980s and 1990s, there has emerged a distinct form of capitalism characterized by active state intervetion in the economy and close state-business relations. This article attempts to identify the key ingredients of the relations between the state and market that has led to industrial development in East Asia. It also explores how these characteristics are reflected institution-building in the Asia-Pacific as, for example, in the case of APEC where conflicts have developed between the Asian and western members in their attempts to promote economic cooperation An earlier version of this paper was presented at the conference on “Global Visions Toward the Next Millennium: Modern Civilization and Beyond” in South Korea, September 24–26, 1998. The author is grateful to G. John Ikenberry, Jong-Chan Rhee and William James for their comments on the paper.  相似文献   

李淑娟 《当代亚太》2006,(12):58-60
2006年11月17~19日,中国亚洲太平洋学会2006年年会暨学术研讨会在长沙召开,会议由中国亚洲太平洋学会、湖南省社科院国际问题研究所和湖南省人民广播电台共同主办,来自全国30多所知名高校和研究机构的50余位专家、学者出席了会议.会议围绕全球经济失衡的原因、影响及应对策略、亚太地区合作、亚太地区形势等问题进行了广泛而深入的探讨.  相似文献   

龚浩群 《当代亚太》2007,(11):60-62
2007年10月17~19日,"构建和谐世界在亚太地区的实践"学术研讨会暨中国亚洲太平洋学会2007年年会在成都举行.会议由中国亚洲太平洋学会和四川大学南亚研究所共同主办,来自全国20多所知名高校和研究机构的50余位专家、学者出席了会议.会议围绕"和谐世界"理念的内涵与实现机制、亚太地区新秩序的构建以及区域一体化进程等问题进行了广泛而深入的探讨.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the challenge of implementing the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in the Asia-Pacific region. The article starts with an analysis of the Strategy itself and then examines the nature of the threat facing areas within such a vast and diverse region. It then turns to the roles that relevant regional and sub-regional bodies and the different parts of the UN system can play in strengthening implementation. It also examines how the Strategy might be a vehicle for creating a more coherent regional response to the terrorist threat.  相似文献   

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