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The article is concerned with the question of how legal institutions are structured with the use of constitutive, institutive, consequential, and terminative rules. To that end, the regulation of international treaties as laid down in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969 is analysed. This leads to the discovery of two additional categories of rules: content rules and invalidating rules. Finally, the special status of unique legal institutions is investigated. Unique legal institutions – for example, heads of state, parliaments, and supreme courts – enjoy validity in a legal system to the exclusion of the validity of any other legal institution of the same category in that system.  相似文献   

探索建立中国法律援助值班律师制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律援助值班律师,是指由法律援助机构指派,在警察讯问、法庭审判等诉讼阶段免费为当事人提供即时法律咨询、指导、或者作为犯罪嫌疑人的代理人,帮助申请延期审理、进行保释听证、申请法律援助或者处理其他法律事务的律师。该制度最早起源于英国,目前已成为英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和我国香港特区等国家和地区法律援助制度中的一个不可或缺的重要组成部分。2006年联合国开发计划署、商务部、司法部联合在河南省修武县启动了UNDP法律援助值班律师制度试点项目.经过一年半的运行,  相似文献   

This article is a contribution to the occasional series dealing with a major book that influenced the author. Previous contributors include Stewart Macaulay, John Griffith, William Twining, and Carol Harlow.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the role of social capital in lawyers' careers by examining the career outcomes of Jewish lawyers. Although research on the legal profession has emphasized social capital as an inherently positive resource, this article conceptualizes social capital as multivalent, with the potential for both positive and negative effects. Drawing on five forms of social capital and examining four separate outcomes (type of practice setting, prestige of field of practice, satisfaction, and income), the analyses demonstrate that particular forms of social capital are indeed related to diverging outcomes. This study finds positive effects for the social capital that derives from reciprocity exchanges, but it also finds that the social capital built through dense social ties can lead to less successful professional settings. The conclusion explores the possibilities this raises for understanding the interplay between religion, capital, and legal careers.  相似文献   

法律援助值班律师制度比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭婕 《中国司法》2008,(2):101-105
一、国外法律援助值班律师制度 (一)英国的值班律师计划 在英国刑事法律援助体系中,值班律师计划(DUTYSOLICITOR)是一项非常重要的制度。该计划由警察局值班律师计划和法庭值班律师计划组成。  相似文献   

In this late modern era within which the basic values of life have been reordered (driven by globalisation, the corporate agenda and mass communication technologies), the individual has effectively been reduced to a mere abstraction. It might be argued that the rational, moral and humanistic concept of freedom has, to a great extent, been compromised by a consequent crisis within the intelligentsia. These groups, in particular the gatekeepers of a classical liberal approach to legal scholarship, are caught between the twin evils of increased unreflective populism and pragmatism evident within many law schools and modern legal institutions. Although a contested term, defenders of the ‘socio-legal’ tradition, who place the humanities at the heart of legal research and education, are obliged to restate with increased determination the utility of the liberal arts and literature to the law profession and wider legal community. In a normative environment, law and narrative are inextricably linked and narrative poetry is not only invaluable to explaining the origins and location of the legal tradition, but also elicits a mode of understanding which transcends the boundaries of narrowlydefined legal hermeneutics—which often only addresses issues of an operational nature. French novelist Flaubert claimed “chaque notaire porte en soi les débris d’un poète” (Flaubert in Madame bovary (trans: Wall, G.), Penguin Classics, London, 1960: 269), paraphrased by American civil rights lawyer, Clarence Darrow, as “inside every lawyer is the wreck of a poet” (Lukas in Big trouble: a murder in a small western town sets off a struggle for the soul of America, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1997: 323). In an age of disenchantment, this paper explores the poetic form as an important medium within which to understand the nature and function of law in a society of differentiated individuals.  相似文献   

认罪认罚从宽制度改革是创设多元化刑事案件处理机制的关键。在试点推行的过程中,强化值班律师法律帮助权的有效性,是保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人认罪认罚自愿性的关键。由于立法规范的不明确,实践层面上值班律师法律帮助并没有发挥应有的作用,存在虚化现象,应当加强值班律师法律帮助的有效性,明确其权利,注意区分不同阶段、不同案件进行设计,更好地保障认罪认罚的自愿性,从而推进改革的进一步深入。  相似文献   

中国法治进程中的法律资源分享问题   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
法律资源分享状况体现着社会成员在推行法治过程中的生存状态。我国法律资源的配置与分享存在着失衡现象。政治权力、物质财富以及其他社会势力以不同的方式并在不同程度上影响和趋导着法律资源的配置。由此不仅放大了社会分化的负面效应,对法治的核心价值也有一定的损伤。为此,我国推行法治的重心应从创造法律资源转向公平、合理地配置法律资源,并通过调整相关的权力关系,以及为部分弱势社会成员运用法律资源提供更多的便利等措施,完善我国法律资源配置与分享机制。  相似文献   

司法过程中的法律方法论   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
法律方法是法治理想成为可能的条件之一。本文通过对种种法律方法关系的梳理,揭示了法律方法对维护法治的积极意义。作者认为,法律发现是法律方法中首先使用的方法,而法律推理则是由成文法向判决转换的必用方法。在法律发现到法律推理的过程中,法律解释、法律论证、价值衡量、漏洞补充等都发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

李安  乐国安 《法律科学》2008,26(2):29-37
法律推理前提之获得又称为法律发现,一度被视为是心理学的研究议题。但是,实际存在的法律发现毕竟为法律证立提供了逻辑起点。而且,探究法律前提获得的机制还可以为人们提高在证成的脉络中提炼证成要件的准确性与效率。我们没有理由放弃对法律发现的深入探讨。法律前提的获得虽然可以从思维与推理的双重加工理论这一新近的心理学研究成果进行普通的阐释,但更要从能够体现法律领域特点的法律认知上进行解读。  相似文献   

法制现代化与地理存在一定的关联性.15世纪以来西方的世界性扩张不仅在地理空间方面结束了各古老区域文明的相互隔绝状态,实现了全球范围内的关系整合,而且伴随着全球化的进程,西方的法律制度开始向东方国家扩张.19世纪末20世纪初中国也在全球地理背景的影响下开始了法制现代化的进程.  相似文献   

齐伟 《行政与法》2014,(8):126-128
本文从企业国际化过程中的“国家”面向。追问了企业在进入某国市场时该国法律对企业国际化选择可能具有的作用:从合约的角度分析了如何运用交易成本及准备成本对企业国际化的约束、上头成本对企业国际化的保护及其限度问题。  相似文献   

英国律师制度A、B、C……   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应英、法两国律师协会的邀请,中华全国律师协会代表团一行五人,在高宗泽会长的带领下,于2000年5月14日至27日,对英、法两国各进行了为期一周的工作访问,两国的律师制度历史较长,在专业化分工、行业管理、监督惩戒、教育培训及执业……  相似文献   

值班律师制度的引入无疑是我国刑事法律援助事业的一大进步,一定程度上解决了认罪认罚从宽案件中有人帮助的问题,但距有效帮助尚有一定距离。值班律师不仅参与率比较低,而且在保障被追诉人认罪认罚自愿性和真实性方面并未发挥实质性作用,尤其是存在着选择性提供法律帮助以及为认罪认罚进行背书等问题,这与我国制度设计中对值班律师的职能及其权利配置不无关系。值班律师主要提供一种初步、即时的程序性法律帮助,具有普惠性、应急性的特点,由此决定了其所固有的局限性,即难以提供较为深入的全程辩护。当前值班律师功能的发挥关键在于扬长避短、实现法律帮助全覆盖,这是值班律师有别于辩护律师的制度优势所在。在推进刑事案件律师辩护全覆盖试点中,需要从制度和实践层面明确两个不得放弃:一是为认罪认罚的被追诉人提供法律帮助作为国家的一项义务,不得放弃;二是认罪认罚的被追诉人获得值班律师法律帮助的权利不得放弃,以此避免公安司法机关利用信息不对称及其资源优势,采用不正当手段获得虚假认罪或者不公正认罚之情形发生。  相似文献   

新《律师法》保障了律师在侦查阶段会见在押犯罪嫌疑人的权利和自行调查取证的权利,这些权利的行使必然会对检察机关职务犯罪侦查工作产生一定的消极影响。检察机关应当通过转变侦查模式、改进侦查方式、加强特殊侦查手段的运用等策略,推进职务犯罪侦查工作在法律规定的框架内持续发展。  相似文献   

A current Supreme Court case concerning lawyer advertising, In re R.M.J., is analyzed in the context of a discussion of the diverse state regulations governing lawyer advertising and solicitation. The article considers the regulations in terms of their constitutionality, their tendency to impede effective advertising, and the effect they have on the legal profession's provision of information to potential clients about the nature, availability, and cost of legal services. Analysis of the major commercial speech cases, from Virginia State Board of Pharmacy to Central Hudson, indicates that many state rules infringe on attorneys' First Amendment rights.  相似文献   

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