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A meeting for the publication of the Book Biography of Han Xu--Experience of a Diplomat was held in the auditorium of the CPAFFC on September 20. Chen Haosu, president of the CPAFFC, and Wang Chengjia, president of the World Affairs Press, co-chaired the meeting. About  相似文献   

Jointly sponsored by the CPAFFC, the China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development, the China NPO Network and the Japan Foundation, a seminar on Nongovernmental Organizations of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea was held at the Friendship Museum of the CPAFFC on March 14. The seminar was co-chaired by Masachika Yamazaki, director of the  相似文献   

Aceremony celebrating the publication of JapanesePhonetics ABC and StandardJapanese-Conversation jointlyorganized by the CPAFFC, theChina-Japan Friendship Asso-  相似文献   

The ceremony for the publication of the Selected Works on Africa, cosponsored by the CPAFFC and the Chinese-African People's Friendship Association (CAPFA), was held in Beijing on September 1. CPAFFC President Chen Haosu, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of The People,s Daily Jiang Shaogao, CAPFA President Yang Fuchang, among over 80 leading members, experts and scholars from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Part…  相似文献   

FRIENDSHIP is like a tree. If you tend it whole-heartedly, it will grow luxuriant foliage and blossom despite of wind and snow. The Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) which plants trees of friendship all over the world is greeting its 40th birthday. The number of growth rings of the friendship trees planted by the CPAFFC has also increased to 40. What a glorious history! It heralds a bright future.  相似文献   

At the invitation of the CPAFFC,the delegation of the Maldivian Ministry of Atolls Development led by its Deputy Minister Fathimath Sheereen paid a visit to Beijing and Jiangsu from April 24 to 30. This was the first substantial exchange aiming at strengthening friendly contacts since the CPAFFC and the Ministry of Atolls Development established links last December. CPAFFC President Chen Haosu and Vice  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries(CPAFFC), Mr. Dario De La Fuente, vice chairman of the Chilean-Chinese Institute ofCulture (CCIC), and his wife paid a visit to Shanghai, Guilin, the Yangtze River Three Gorges,Wuhan and Beijing from June 4 to June 17. During their stay in Beijing, CPAFFC Vice-presidentXu Qun met with and entertained them. On separate occasions they had discussions on questionsthey were interested in with the leading officials of the China National Publications Import and Ex-  相似文献   

Ameeting in celebration of the first publication of the Chinese version of The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri jointly sponsored by the CPAFFC, the People's Literature Publishing House and the Chinese Academy of International Culture was held in the Friendship Museum of the CPAFFC on January 15,2003. CPAFFC President  相似文献   

Invited by the CPAFFC, a24-member delegation from theThailand-China Friendship Asso-ciation led by its presidentChatichai Choonhavan visitedBeijing, Tianjin and Shanghaifrom October 6 to 11. In Beijing,Vice-President of the Peoplp' sRepublic Rong Yiren met with thedelegation. CPAFFC President QiHuaiyuan and President ZhangWeilie of China-Thailand Friend-ship Association feted the delega-tion; a working session was heldto discuss the exchanges betweenthe two organizations. ZhangLichang, vice-mayor of Tianjin,  相似文献   

On the afternoon ofFebruary 20, 1995, theChinese People's Associationfor Friendship with ForeignCountries (CPAFFC), the Chi-na-Russia Friendship Associa-tion (CRFA), the China DivineSword Literature and Art Soci-ety and the Russian Embassy inChina held a tea party in theauditorium of the CPAFFC incelebration of the publication ofthe full-length picture album "AJourney on the Volga River."  相似文献   

A seminar on economic development and eco- logical safety of China and Russia in the 21stcentury jointly sponsored by the CPAFFC and theRussian Centre for International Scientific andCultural Cooperation (RCISCC) was held in Beijingon September 19, 2001. Invited by the CPAFFC,Vladimir Platonov, vice chairman of the FederalCouncil of the Russian Federal Assembly and chair-man of the Duma of Moscow, specially led anofficial delegation to China to attend the seminar.Officials, scholars, businessmen of the economic  相似文献   

The CPAFFC gave a recep-tion on the afternoon of Oc-tober 13 at the Friendship Mu-seum of the CPAFFC to celebratethe 45th anniversary of the es-tablishment of diplomatic rela-tions between China and Canada.Vice Foreign Minister YangJiechi, CPAFFC Vice President LXiaolin and Canadian Ambassa-dor Robert Wright attended thereception. Vice President LiXiaolin and Ambassador Wrightmade speeches. Over 60 peoplewere present at the reception.They included leading membersof the Ministr…  相似文献   

The year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Austria.On the evening of May 6,the CPAFFC and the Austrian Embassy jointly held a reception and a concert in the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing in celebration.  相似文献   

The CPAFFC and the Hong Kong Eric Hotung TrustFund jointly held a Forum on theDevelopment of East Timor in theFriendship Museum of theCPAFFC on January 27,2000.CPAFFC President Qi Huaiyuanand Mr. Eric Hotung, renownedinternational social activist, spoke  相似文献   

The CPAFFC and the China-Korea (DPRK) Friendship Association (CKFA) jointly held a reception at the auditorium of the CPAFFC to mark the 46th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Friendship,Cooperation and Mutual Assistance Between China and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on July 9. DPRK Ambassador to China Choe Jin Su,CKFA President Li Shuzheng and CPAFFC Vice President Feng Zuoku attended the reception.  相似文献   

July 5,2000 marked the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations be-tween China and Ghana. The CPAFFC held a grandreception to warmly celebrate this happy day of  相似文献   

The ceremony of the first publication of the Chinese edition of Anthology of Mihai Eminescu, jointly sponsored by the CPAFFC, the China-Romania Friendship Association, the Chinese Writers' Association and the Writers' Publishing House, was held on August 20 at the CPAFFC. The book was  相似文献   

The 40th anniversary of the CPAFFC is a remarkable occasion. In order to meet the needs to develop nongovernmental diplomacy, The Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, the predecessor of the CPAFFC, was established in 1954, and thus started New China's people-to-people diplomacy. In the early years of New China, only the Soviet Union, India and some north-  相似文献   

At the invitation of the CPAFFC,from May 21 to 31,president of the Australian Sister Cities Association (ASCA) Kevin Hill led a delegation of leaders of the Association to visit Beijing,Huhhot,Baotou and Shanghai,and attended the Seminar on China-Australia Friendship Cities. The delegation consisted of members of the Board of Directors of the ASCA and the chief editor of Sister Cities News. CPAFFC President Chen Haosu met with the delegation.  相似文献   

The CPAFFC held a reception on the evening of November2, 2001 to celebrate the 30th an-niversary of the establishment ofdiplomatic relations betweenChina and Peru. Cheng Siwei.vice chairman of the StandingCommittee of the National Peo-ple's Congress, Chen Haosu.CPAFFC president. ZhouWenzhong, assistant foreign min-ister, Li Xiaolin. CPAFFC vicepresident, and leading officials ofthe Ministry of Foreign Affairs.the International Department of  相似文献   

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