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公共采购中的公私关系包括采购人与供应商的关系,采购人与其工作人员或其代理机构、聘用专家等的关系,供应商与其员工的关系,纳税人(或公众)与采购人、供应商之间的关系,跨国公私主体之间的关系等.公共采购公私关系的多维度存在、公共采购合同混合论的共识、公共采购法公法与私法调整机制的综合运用,说明公共采购法是公私耦合之法.其公私关系具有范围、功能与规制的多维度、采购流程上的公权与私权强弱渐变、规制与激励上的复式等特征.正确处理公共采购中的公私关系对完善我国公共采购法具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

商标法是公法还是私法,是决定其发展方向的关键问题.从法律文本角度而言,我国<商标法>具有浓厚的行政管理色彩,是公法.<商标法(第三次修改送审稿)>进一步巩固和强化了<商标法>的公法属性.然而,不管是国内学界还是国际条约抑或国外立法,都将商标权视为财产权、私权,都将商标法定位为财产法、私法.我国已由高度集权的计划经济向市场经济转型,再将<商标法>定性为公法,已不合时宜.<商标法>在第三次修订时应回归其私法本性,修改立法宗旨、重构商标确权程序、删除不必要的监督管理条款和修订商标侵权判断标准等.  相似文献   

公私法的划分与法的内在结构   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
公私法的划分是法理学的基本问题之一 ,也是建设中国特色社会主义法律体系必须解决的一个基本问题。本文回顾了公私法划分的历史 ,评析了学者们关于公私法划分的根据 ,对公私法的含义进行了新的阐释 ,认为公私法的划分是法的内在结构问题 ,划分公私法的直接根据是法律调整的不同方法 ,而法律调整的方法 ,基本上或主要地决定于法律调整的对象。明确这一问题 ,有利于澄清长期困扰法理学界的一些重要问题 ,以便根据法律调整对象的不同和实际生活的需要 ,选择最佳的法律调整方法 ,这对建设中国特色社会主义法律体系具有重大的指导意义  相似文献   

姜昕  王景斌 《行政与法》2005,4(5):82-85
对法治问题的探讨已经历时久远,众所周知,法治的核心内容是基于保障个人自由和权利的需要而对国家权力施加必要的限制,现在,我们又处于一个界定权利的时代,一个认真对待权利的时代,因此,明确公法法治的目标显得尤为重要。本文的视角就在于以私权为中心,从公法内外入手来把握公法法治的问题,认为要实现公法法治,必须培育公法主体的现代法精神,使其尊重私权利,公法法治应从尊重私权开始。  相似文献   

Craig Rotherham reviews:
Hanoch Dagan, Unjust Enrichment: A Study of Private Law and Public Values  相似文献   

我国非物质文化遗产体系中的民间文学艺术保护工作正在全面展开,知识产权是否能够适用于民间文学艺术的保护仍存有争议.探析民间文艺著作权保护的缘由是厘清选择何种保护模式必要的举措.社会正义是民间文学艺术知识产权保护的价值取向.采用分类保护方式是民间文学艺术保护的优先选择.  相似文献   

比较法学派是国际私法中继普遍主义与特殊主义学派之后的第三大学派。比较法学派的科学立场和研究方法使它既避免了普遍主义学派的那种脱离现实中的各个国家的法律制度而在抽象的真空中进行理论推测的不足,也避免了特殊主义学派的那种仅仅站在本国立场上,对先前国内司法判例和个别法官观点进行纯粹实证主义分析的缺陷。因此,比较法学派客观地认识到了国际私法的实然性与应然性之间的矛盾,并以化解这一矛盾为契机,促使国际私法从实然走向应然,使之成为沟通普遍主义与特殊主义的一座桥梁。  相似文献   

从采购人的主体性质、采购资金的来源、采购目的、采购人的权利义务、采购程序等方面来看 ,政府采购合同属于行政合同 ,不同于一般平等主体之间的民事合同 ,因此不能一概适用合同法。此外 ,若适用合同法 ,在某些情形下不利于监督采购主体依法行政、有效保障供应商的合法权益 ,也难以解决采购者的赔偿或补偿责任  相似文献   

王建文 《现代法学》2020,(1):132-142
按照是否为自然人之间的借贷,《民间借贷司法解释》对利息约定不明的两种情形规定了不同的裁判规则。这种区分处理具有进步意义,但未能根据民商区分的理念作科学合理的区分,导致相关裁判规则存在标准混乱、规则缺失的问题。要确定民间借贷民商区分的判断标准,首先得解决民商区分的判断标准。我国应回避从内涵到外延都存在极大争议的商主体概念,借助“以营利为主要目的”的商行为概念及内涵和外延都确定的企业概念来界定商事法律关系,从而确定民商区分的法律适用难题。在确定了我国民商区分的判断标准后,民间借贷民商区分判断标准的厘定就迎刃而解了。据此,可确定民商区分视野下民间借贷纠纷裁判规则的完善方案。  相似文献   

Though many years in the making, the UN Human Rights Norms forCorporations only registered on the radars of most states, corporationsand civil society organisations in August 2003 when they beganto move up the ladder of the United Nation's policy-making processes.Since then they have been subject to intense, and sometimesintemperate, debate, scrutiny and controversy. A particularlegal feature of the deliberations has been the focus on theclosely related questions of the legal standing of the Normsin their present format (namely, an imperfect draft, and therefore,of no direct legal force), and what they might become (possibly—thoughnot likely soon—a treaty that speaks to corporations butbinds states). A potent mix of distrust and suspicion, vestedinterests, politics and economics has given rise to a greatdeal of grand-standing and cant concerning these questions andhow they might be answered. In this article, the authors explorethe history of the Norms and the form and content of the debatethat surrounds them, in their attempt to disentangle the legalfrom the rest. That said, the article also focuses on the realpoliticking of the circumstances in which the Norms now findthemselves and it seeks to offer some guidance as to where theNorms—or at least their substance, if not their form—mightgo from here.  相似文献   

熊丙万 《中国法学》2014,(3):138-155
中国私法学在借鉴两大法系私法制度和私法学说时,在很大程度上接受了支撑两大法系私法的个人主义认识论。近年来,个人主义认识论得到中国私法学者的系统阐述,并产生了较为广泛的影响。然而,个人主义过分侧重强调对既有私权的静态享有和安全保护,忽视了私有权利的动态生成机制,进而忽视了私人社会生活和私法的合作面向,即私人之间共同合作创造的过程。受此影响,个人主义认识论不仅无力对现有私法制度作出系统合理的解释,而且很可能成为中国私法学在两大法系传统智慧之外构想更优替代方案的绊脚石。中国私法学有必要认真对待私人社会生活的合作面向,在认识论上从个人主义走向合作主义。  相似文献   

The development of commercial trade on the Internet has generateda demand for commitment services not met by publicly providedlaw. In this environment, privately provided means of deliveringlegality to support trade have emerged, supplying "trust" and"assurance" services through digital certificates and digitalseal programs. I survey these developments and from them generatea set of principles to guide economic analysis of privatelyprovided commercial law.  相似文献   

Has federal antidiscrimination law been effective in moving women and minorities into management? Early studies show that government affirmative action reviews improved the numbers, and rank, of blacks, but evidence of what has happened since 1980 is sparse. There is little evidence that civil rights lawsuits improved the employment status of women or African Americans. We examine establishment‐level effects of compliance reviews and lawsuits on the percentage of women and blacks in management. We find that compliance reviews, which alter organizational routines, had stronger and more lasting effects than lawsuits, which create disincentives to discriminate. We also find that deregulation was more consequential for compliance reviews than for lawsuits: Compliance reviews initiated in the 1980s were less effective than those initiated in the 1970s. Not so for lawsuits. Compared to lawsuits, compliance reviews appear to have a greater capacity to elicit lasting organizational change, but their effects are mediated by the regulatory environment.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In European legal discourse, the old public/private divide is experiencing a revival and a transformation. Member States used to claim autonomy in private law matters. Now private law is subsumed into a functionalist logic and can presumptively be harmonised if so demanded by the goal of market integration. States or local constituencies can only resist harmonisation by highlighting the connection between their private laws and those 'public' matters still immune from Europeanisation. Property law can effectively illustrate this phenomenon. The written pledge of non-interference with States' property systems, restated both in the TEC and in the draft Constitution, cannot be taken at face value, given the plethora of supra-national inroads into this field. But it performs the essential rhetorical function of reassuring national law makers that Europe will pay special attention to sovereign choices when harmonising those areas of private law which, like property, harbour an obvious core of constitutional values.  相似文献   

All the European Union Member States have long traditions of state activity in providing key services (such as the utilities, health and education) to their citizens and underpinning both such direct provision and provision of services by non‐state actors with certain administrative or legal guarantees. In European Community doctrines they are referred to as ‘services of general interest’ within which is a narrower class of ‘services of general economic interest’. The diverse national public service traditions have been challenged both by the requirements of the single market and by other pressures such as fiscal crisis and broader public sector reform. This article examines the means by which services to which special principles should be applied can be identified and focuses on the range of sometimes contradictory values denoted by the term ‘services of general interest’, examining the range of regime types (based on hierarchical, competition‐based and community forms) by which those values might be pursued. The concluding section suggests that the matching of values to techniques should not be made according to the importance of the values to be pursued, but rather by reference to which techniques are likely to be effective given the configuration of interests and capacities and existing culture within the target domain.  相似文献   

面对行政实践中行政机关和法律、法规授权的组织广泛采用新型合同的情况,原有的行政合同和民事合同理论出现了解释上的困境,有必要借鉴行政私法(行为)的理论创造行政私法合同这一概念。这类合同有其独特的内涵和法律特征。行政私法合同综合了公法与私法的双重因素,是具有行政法、私法双重性质的合同。行政私法合同与行政合同、私法合同之间均存在着界限,亟需探讨此类合同的特殊法律问题。  相似文献   

This article examines the problems inherent in any endeavor to rank law schools on a qualitative basis. Analysis of possible ranking criteria forces the conclusion that attempting to assign specific rankings based on objective criteria is a futile task. However, objective tests are suggested which indicate, on application to available data, that about 40 of the approximately 165 ABA-AALS-accredited law schools are of superior quality and differ among themselves only as to an image of prestige.  相似文献   

江保国 《政法学刊》2007,24(6):98-101
国际私法主体性可以在本体论意义、认识论意义和价值论意义等三个层面上进行界说,它不仅包含对中国国际私法理论和实践现状的反思,也隐含了对中国国际私法理论和实践现状理想状态的勾勒,以及对理想与现状之间的紧张关系的疏解。主体性缺位正是造成国际私法在立法期未能取得突破的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

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