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Randomized controlled trials have become an important component of evidence-based policy in criminal justice. Because searches of electronic bibliographic databases often miss relevant trials, handsearch – or the visual inspection of the contents of an article – is recommended as an additional search strategy. In this paper, we conducted an electronic handsearch of every available issue of the British Journal of Criminology (1960–2004) to determine how many randomized field experiments were published. We compare these results to earlier manual handsearch efforts to augment the Campbell Collaboration Social, Psychological, Educational and Criminological Trials Register (C2-SPECTR). We find only nine trials (although two used quasi-random allocation such as alternation), and just one published in the past 20 years. We discuss some possible reasons for this, and conclude with a modest agenda for improving the reporting of evidence in the age of evidence-based policy.  相似文献   

A review of recent criminal justice textbooks and standard reference sources indicated a lack of historical studies. Scholars in the United States have not investigated the historical roots of criminal justice and as a result the literature and curricula of criminal justice educational programs portray a narrow contemporary perspective. The author critically analyzes selected historical publications of the past decade and provides suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

Recent scholarship on penality describes profound changes in the ideology, discourses, and policies shaping criminal punishment in the late-twentieth-century United States. To assess the implications of these changes for those subject to criminal punishment, we examine the experiences of women in prison at two key points in the recent history of penality. We compare how imprisonment was practiced and responded to at the California Institution for Women in the early 1960s, when the rehabilitative model dominated official penal discourse, and in the mid-1990s, near the height of the "get tough" era. We find that the ways in which women related and responded to other prisoners, to staff, and to the prison regime, while in some ways specific to one or the other penal era, did not fundamentally change. Thus, penal regimes ostensibly informed by profoundly different rationalities nevertheless structured the daily lives of prisoners through a very similar set of deprivations, restrictions, and assumptions.  相似文献   

文学的本土化研究是一个重要且意义深远的课题。但在以往的研究中,文学本土化问题经常被文学的现代化问题遮蔽。1980年代以来城市书写的本土化研究,是进行文学本土化研究的有益尝试。借助地域属性、传统诗性文化等方面对文学中的城市展开的本土化想象,可以突破长期以来现代性指导下的城市文学研究的困境,发掘中国城市在文学中呈像的丰富性与复杂性,拓展当代城市文学研究。  相似文献   

Drawing on databases going back to the middle of the nineteenth century, this article examines how changes in the opportunity structures in political recruitment have influenced the socio-economic backgrounds and career patterns of British and German MPs. Extending opportunity structures enables legislatures to respond to socio-economic changes in society, but there may be a significant time-lag before they are reflected in the legislature. In spite of significant differences in their political history, there has been a convergence of socio-economic backgrounds and career patterns, driven largely by changes in the opportunity structures, which, particularly in the German case, preceded the full impact of changes in political culture. This convergence does not preclude significant differences, but these are principally the product of particular factors, such as party and electoral systems, and changes do not necessarily occur simultaneously, but the tendency towards similar educational and occupational backgrounds and similar career patterns remains.  相似文献   

历经半个多世纪沉浮的革命历史题材文学作品,在1990年代以来这个中国社会深刻的历史转折时期,以非纸质媒介一电视剧的文本形式,再次清晰地呈现于文化视野中,成为当代文学艺术领域的重要现象.在政治意识形态话语和市场消费话语的"共谋"、"冲突"和"妥协"之中生存和发展的革命历史题材电视剧,不论是在主题意识及其阐释方式,还是其文本形态和发展策略上,都体现着与以往不同的时代特征,是"革命"话语在时代语境巨变中的重构与重述.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,是中国宪法学理论体系和研究范式急速发展与嬗变的历史时期,频繁而热烈的学术争论是其显著标志。基于宪法学本体论、知识论和方法论三个维度的学术史考察发现,这20年的宪法学研究呈现出一条以"反思与重述"为基本特征的学术演进脉络,以及研讨主题和范式的两次转换与嬗变。面对持续的社会转型与国家制度建设,中国宪法学需要立足宪法文本和宪政实践来寻求新的共识,发展出一种能够解释中国问题,弥合事实和规范之间缝隙,指引中国宪政建设的知识体系与研究方法。  相似文献   

Journal of Experimental Criminology - When it comes to interviewing suspected terrorists, global evidence points to harsh interrogation procedures, despite the likelihood of false positives. How...  相似文献   

陈锐 《现代法学》2013,35(4):47-61
唐代判词是中国古代法律智慧的结晶。一些用骈文写成的判词,修辞考究,形式优美,给人以华而不实的感觉,一些学者认为其是堆垛故事之浮词。经考察发现,一些优秀判词并非如此,华丽外表之下有着丰富义理,这与评判唐代判词的标准有很大关系。一篇优秀判词首先要观点正确,其次要合乎法律,此外还要合乎逻辑、言辞优美。只有这四者比例协调,才能形成好的判词。以刑狱门为代表的唐代判词符合上述原则,因此,并非徒有其表。唐代判词还非常注重法律论证,论证结构非常复杂,普遍采用中国传统辩证论证方法,即双证方法,亦即理证与事证相结合、正面证明与反面证明相结合、演绎论证与模拟论证相结合,一阴一阳,构成一个统一的整体。这表明,到唐代,我国古代法律思维已经逐渐发展成熟。  相似文献   

军职罪中存在封闭的特权条款,想象竞合与法条竞合必须加以区分.形式上,两罪构成要件要素之间存在特别或者交叉关系的为法条竞合;两罪构成要件要素之间既不存在特别关系也不存在交叉关系的则为想象竞合.在法条之间存在特别关系的情况下,应严格适用特别法优于普通法的原则.在法条之间存在交叉关系的情况下,原则上应适用重法优于轻法的原则,但存在封闭特权条款的除外.  相似文献   

Economic Change and Restructuring - How relevant could capital income tax be as a growth engine? We analyse the Chilean experience that since the mid-80s has shown significant increase in its...  相似文献   

1990年代以来,国家的意识形态与文化战略不仅强化了对文学的文化要求,还积极倡导和支持"主旋律"的文学生产,建立了"党政领导-选题的规划立项-资金保障-深入生活-创作修改-组织协调-激励表彰-宣传评介-市场业绩-影视改编"这一"主旋律"文学的生产机制.  相似文献   



This state of the art review of 102 studies is a primer on ADHD and its major comorbidities for criminologists unfamiliar with the genetic, neurobiological, and evolutionary literatures.

Materials and methods

Neurological, genetic, medical, and criminal justice data bases were keyword searched for articles on ADHD and/or articles using ADHD as a major independent variable.


ADHD is a disorder that is closely connected to externalizing behaviors, conduct problems, and criminal behavior across the life course.


To date, ADHD research has been carried out primarily by biomedical researchers and de-emphasized by criminologists whose training is overwhelmingly in the social sciences. The special expertise of criminologists in uncovering environmental correlates of antisocial behavior can benefit biomedical researchers who in turn can assist criminologists in uncovering the individual-level correlates of antisocial behavior.  相似文献   

1945年8月东北光复后,创刊于长春的大型文学期刊《东北文学》展现了伪满作家告别旧我,创造新我,积极建设东北文坛的热情与愿望,以及在历史解放后自我救赎的种种努力。他们总结着丰富的过往和有限的过去,沿袭着东北意识和创作惯性,流露出自我纯洁化倾向与个人危机感。这本杂志上的创作及与之相关的争鸣,真实地体现了缺少主导潮流的惶乱自由的东北历史文化与文学转型的粗糙面上,伪满作家面对幽冥莫辨的未来的困惑迷茫和他们试图维系在东北文坛的主体地位的顽强坚持和自处之道。他们与彼时现实的多元和不适关系中也隐含着认同危机与文化割裂的痛楚,以及旧的文化与文学时代即将终结的历史讯息。  相似文献   

By exploring how early political investments in favor of a European Constitution have been turned into a legal enterprise to constitutionalize the European treaties, this article analyzes the changing role of legal elites in the genesis of a European transnational order. At first, legal activities of constitution-making were closely linked to military issues and political mobilizations; later, the legal work of constitutionalization took a different path as a result of the process of differentiation of the European field of power and of the internal and contradictory logics of a newly created legal institution, the European Court of Justice (ECJ). By reconstructing the constitutionalization process, this article highlights the various types of elites then competing for the early definition of a European transnational order and, in particular, the capitals and representations of legal agents in the making of a Constitution for Europe.  相似文献   

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