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成文法、习惯法与传统中国社会中的土地流转   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文详细考察了宋代至清代有关土地的成文法和习惯法的发展情况 ,在此基础上 ,对成文法和习惯法在农村土地流转方面所造成的影响进行了分析 ,指出习惯法的长期存在是由于其能够起到降低契约达成和执行中的交易费用的作用。同时本文还就法律制度中所反映的土地所有权和使用权思想进行了总结  相似文献   

One of the sharpest critiques of law and society scholarship in recent years has come from scholars who maintain that law and society scholarship fails to address the issue of race appropriately. This essay considers several critiques of law and society scholars' engagement with issues of race and uses them to evaluate Kitty Calavita's exploration of race in Invitation to Law & Society: An Introduction to the Study of Real Law (2010). The essay advocates the use of “race as process” as a mode of analysis that will allow for greater explanatory power to law and society scholarship when it touches on racial issues.  相似文献   

法治国家、法治政府与法治社会一体建设的重要途径就是必须全面推进科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法.  相似文献   

法治国有多种类型:从专制的法制国到自由法治国、国家主义法治国、社会法治国.它们同社会的关系虽各有特色,但基本上是以国家为本位,以控制社会为目的.社会主义法治国家应当是自由社会法治国,它是以社会为本位,不只是要建设民主化、法治化的国家,更要形成法治社会;国家既服务于社会,又保障社会的自主、自治、自由.而法治社会则应当是自由的社会、公民社会.这种自由社会的终极目标也就是马克思所追求的"自由人的联合体".权力的多元化社会化和法的社会化多元化将消减国家法对社会的绝对统治,转为国家法与社会自治规范的共治,最终使法与权力逐渐复归于社会.  相似文献   

曹鎏 《行政法学研究》2008,(4):136-140,144
中国法学会行政法学研究会2008年年会于9月25日至26日在贵州省贵阳市召开.来自全国各地的230余位专家、学者参加了会议,共提交论文130篇.本届年会的主题为"服务型政府与行政法",与会代表围绕该主题展开了广泛而深入的讨论,现将本届年会讨论的议题综述如下:  相似文献   

The paper presents the beginning and the initial results of the process of privatization in Poland. Starting from the summer of 1990 it examines the political debate on the Privatization Act and corresponding social reaction. It shows how the society answers such important questions as: who, and on what principles, is to take over the hitherto state-owned property? The next question is on the content of the “social contract on privatization”: the legal starting point and the first empirical results. It appears that the most visible social effect was the growth in the inequalities between workers and the elites of the society. The role of workers in the process of transformation is also of special interest. Finally, the paper examines the role of privatization law, which on the one hand presents a compromise between the ruling class and the society and on the other hand has been replaced by current privatization policy.  相似文献   

社会、国家与法——从法的视角思考国家回归社会问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
社会与国家在经历了曲折的合一与分离的往返运动之后 ,国家最终要溶于社会之中而实现向社会的回归。本文讨论了在具有长期专制主义传统的中国 ,法在促进国家不断回归社会中的作用 ,指出法是国家回归社会的桥梁 ,法必须也能够成为制约国家、特别是政府 (行政 )权力的重要力量。通过对权力的制约 ,使国家权力逐渐向社会回归 ,最终实现国家溶于社会的伟大目标。  相似文献   

The linkages among law, morality, faith and spirituality are historically accepted. Yet, the separation between law and morality/faith/ spirituality have also been accepted and expected in order to preserve the traditional separation of church and state. Nevertheless, application, infusion and adoption of legal, moral, faith and spiritual principles have been the cornerstones of the building of this country for almost three centuries. Recently, and increasingly, those cornerstones are being chipped away. Stated more succinctly by Selleck and Josephson (1995). “There is a hole in the moral ozone and we've got to fix it” (p. 53). This paper explores and revisits the unique contributions of each and the connectedness among law, morality, faith and spirituality as partners in refurbishing the cornerstones that can support this nation securely into the next millennium. While examined separately, it is clear that these four components of lifespan development are not mutually exclusive and overlap considerably, both historically and in modern society. Included are models of morality, faith development and spirituality which may provide the reader with concrete touchstones for reflective thought.  相似文献   

社会权的确立催生了社会法.社会权体现的是一种由社会化大生产所决定的关系特质,是公民个人应当享有的基本权利,主要包括劳动权、社会保障权、受教育权、环境权等.社会权的确立不仅是一个理论理性,更是一个实践理性,还取决于权利主体的政治成熟程度.社会权和社会法的“历史起点”具有同步性,社会权的产生和发展催生并推动了社会法的产生与发展.社会法是一个由社会权内在本质决定的有逻辑结构的制度体系.  相似文献   

论和谐社会与法治   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
和谐社会与法治是人类社会孜孜以求的理想,是社会主义社会高度发展的重要标志.本文阐释了和谐社会与法治两者的内涵,探索了两者之间的关系,通过对中国现实社会的审视,有针对性地提出了运用法治来构建中国和谐社会的路径.  相似文献   

"自然人"的社会与"自然人"的法律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡玉鸿 《法律科学》2006,24(4):3-16
现代化的法律语境之下,“自然人”还能否有存在的位置?当法律日益与人们的本性疏离的时候,这是否是一种可欲的法律?作为调整人的特定行为的规则,法律应当与人性、人的欲望与需求相联系。简单地说,法律应当为个人的自然生存留下特定的空间,为个人的自然性的保护创造条件。  相似文献   

物权法是构建社会主义和谐社会之法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
社会的和谐有赖于财产的和谐,物权法为财产的和谐奠定了法治基础。在我国市场经济条件下,物权法承担着塑造社会主义公有制之实现模式的重任。这一由物权法所界定的公有制实现模式,本质即在于公有制主体的民事主体化与公有制财产的民事权利化。由此决定了物权法上的“平等对待”与“一体保护”准则,乃是社会主义市场经济内在规律要求,也是社会和谐的要求。物权法与和谐社会的关系,就是“定分”与“息争”的关系。  相似文献   

略论和谐社会中的公平正义与法律   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
要具体化为处理各种具体矛盾和争执的法律规则,追求社会和谐也必然要求实行法治,法治中的法必须体现正义。为构建社会主义和谐社会必须加强和重视对法的正义性的研究。  相似文献   

Examined in this paper are some important paradigmatic differences between novel economic institutionalism as espoused by the new institutional economics and sociological institutionalism as advanced by economic sociology. Just as the old and the new institutional economics, economic institutionalism and sociological institutionalism display important differences in their assumptions, domains and methodologies. The paper also takes a look at the possibility for multidisciplinary integration, in a multiple-paradigm approach, of economic and sociological institutionalism, particularly law and economics (economic analysis of law) and law and society (sociology of law) literatures, in these times of interdisciplinary social analysis. Since in the current literature comparative analyses of economic and sociological institutionalism in general, and economic and sociological approaches to legal institutions in particular, are relatively rare, the paper attempts to fill in a gap in this respect.  相似文献   

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