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In the newly emerging field of biotechnology, Japan so far is generally considered to be lagging somewhat behind the US. Through the judicious application of industrial policy to encourage the growth of the industry, however, Japan is rapidly gaining on the US lead. Joint ventures between large Japanese companies specializing in areas such as chemicals and food and new American biotechnology companies play a key role in the technology-transfer process. This paper analyzes the dynamics and potential of Japanese efforts in biotechnology. Certain structural features of the Japanese economy, such as extensive corporate financial resources, traditional fermentation expertise, and, in particular, government policy to encourage high-technology research and development, serve to increase Japanese competitiveness in the field.  相似文献   

The emigration of scientists facilitates the formation of international networks. However, are ties in such networks maintained after the scientists return to their respective home countries? Using data from the Web of Science, this paper analyzes whether Japanese migrant scientists returning from the US maintain the collaborative research network ties that they formed during their stay in the US and, if so, what features of these ties contribute to maintaining these relationships. The geographical distance between the US and Japan can impede the transfer of knowledge that is transmitted most effectively through face-to-face interactions. However, social proximity may compensate for geographical distance. Accordingly, the ties that Japanese scientists have formed with other Japanese scientists living in the US are more likely to be maintained than the ties that they have formed with scientists of different ethnicities. Social proximity was also measured by past experiences in collaborative research. The ties to scientists with whom Japanese scientists collaborated more frequently or co-produced papers with higher citation counts are more likely to be maintained after the scientists return to Japan. When collaborative research of American and Japanese scientists is worthwhile, they obtain mutual benefits through a ‘give and take’ in which they compensate for one partner’s lack of knowledge by the other partner’s knowledge. In a research field with which the developmental gap between the US and Japan is great, ties are less likely to be maintained.  相似文献   

Japanese health policy shows that even with physician ownership and the absence of for-profit, investor-owned health care, physicians' conflicts of interest thrive. Physician dispensing of drugs and ownership of hospitals and clinics were justified in Japan as ways to avoid commercialization of medicine. Instead, they create physicians' conflicts and fuel patient overuse of services. Japan's Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHW) has responded by introducing per-diem payment, thereby creating incentives to decrease services in ways similar to those of American managed care organizations, but with none of their benefits, such as coordination of care, oversight of physicians practices, and quality assurance. Although the United States and Japanese health care systems are organized and financed differently there is convergence in the source of their physicians' conflicts and the way they are addressed. The United States is starting to integrate institutional and physician payment and align their incentives, in a traditional Japanese way. In so doing, the United States creates new physicians' conflicts and reduces the role of countervailing incentives and power, an advantage of previous policy. Japan, in turn, has combined incentives to increase and decrease services, thus moving closer to the U.S. policy.  相似文献   

二战中日本选择南进政策的根本动因何在?从全局上看,日本选择南进与中国抗战有必然的联系。正是中国抗战促使日本放弃了北进,而不得不贸然南进。南进既是日本帝国主义的无奈之举,又是破釜沉舟之策,由此注定了日本的最终失败。从这种意义上说,日本帝国主义的失败始于侵华战争。  相似文献   

Is globalization promoting regulatory convergence in agricultural biotechnology policies in the South? This article examines the nature and limits of regulatory convergence in the field of agri-biotechnology and investigates the effects that international forces have on biotechnology and biosafety policies in developing countries. Based on detailed case studies of Mexico, China and South Africa this article shows that these three leading biotechnology countries in the South are exposed to powerful international influences but are responding to the regulatory challenges of genetically modified organisms (GMO) adoption in distinctive ways. The existing regulatory polarization between US and EU biotechnology approaches has not forced a convergence around either of these two international models. GMO policies in the South do not simply follow the binary logic of the US–EU regulatory conflict. Instead, they integrate elements from both regulatory approaches and are steering a course that suggests substantial regulatory diversity in the South. The globalization of biotechnology thus goes hand in hand with regulatory diversity in the developing world. Furthermore, regulatory polarization between the EU and US has helped to open up political space in key developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper describes recent changes in policy and procedures to address drug offenders in Japan. Methamphetamine use is the major substance problem as one in every eight arres‐ tees involves a violation of the Stimulant Control Act and sentence lengths have increased in recent years. Prevalence is difficult to determine, but the drug has a long history in Japan; methamphetamines were first synthesized by a Japanese scientist in 1893 and legal use was common during WWII. New treatment and correctional approaches adopted since 2007 are discussed.  相似文献   

US consortia were right to look to Japan back in the mid-1980s for a model, but details on how Japanese achieved success were scarce and the Americans did not look closely enough. The Japanese have developed an effective way to use competitive forces to promote innovation in a consortium. The US must put industry in the lead in order to develop programs that reflect broad strategic priorities. And industry associations must play a more active role in diffusing the innovations developed by the consortia.  相似文献   

The EU, Japan, and the US now share many environmental norms, laws, and institutions and cooperate on international environmental matters through numerous bilateral and multilateral channels. They disagree, however, on how to deal with some of the most serious issues facing the global environment and the quality of human life including wide-scale biodiversity loss, climate change, the use of genetically modified (GM) organisms; the trans-boundary movement of hazardous wastes, and chemical safety. As these are all issues that require the involvement of developing countries if global environmental protection efforts are to be effective, the discord that exists among the Northern states is of tremendous significance. The US has pulled out of the Kyoto Protocol arguing that the treaty is poorly designed and would be detrimental to the US economy. Japan and the EU have had to try to find a way to bring the treaty into force without the participation of the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases and to convince participating countries to meet their targets even though this may put them at a competitive disadvantage. In the case of biodiversity loss, although the US initiated international negotiations on biodiversity preservation, it has refused to join the EU and Japan in ratifying the Convention on Biological Diversity. There are also differences between the US, on the one side, and Japan and the EU on the other, regarding the use of GM organisms. This article analyses the reasons for the differences that have emerged among northern states in their international environmental policy positions and what the implications of this northern policy divide are for the effectiveness and legitimacy of international environmental protection efforts.  相似文献   

近来,日本政府宣布将恢复和修改陪审法,建立陪审团制度,实现接近市民的司法.人们希望重新采用陪审团制度,以避免或尽量减少法官的错误裁判,并提升公众的司法信赖感.在陪审制度的类型选择上,日本政府面临英美陪审团制度和欧洲大陆混合法庭制度两种选择.在文化上,日本社会的等级制性质,对权威人物的高度信赖,日本人的团体意识及维持和谐的愿望,有利于陪审团制度的有效运行.在社会方面,日本社会的大多数人属于受过良好教育的、同质性的中产阶级,这有助于陪审团制度的功能与目标的实现.在法律上也没有阻止日本重新引进陪审团制度的障碍.因此,日本将会促成更可能是一种以英美模式为基础的陪审团制度.  相似文献   

This article deals with reciprocity requirement for recognition of foreign judgments in Japan. Following German law, Japanese law requires reciprocity to the rendering state in addition to the jurisdiction of the state, the service of process, and the compatibility with Japanese public policy. Although Japanese courts have rarely refused the recognition of foreign judgments for lack of reciprocity for a long time, some Chinese judgments recently have not been recognized for this reason. The author clarifies first with historical review what was the purpose of the Japanese legislator, when the original law of 1890 required the reciprocity by international treaties, and when later the reform law of 1926 required the simple reciprocity that is similarly provided in the current law. The author surveys then the Japanese case law concerning the reciprocity requirement after the reform of 1926. The author focuses further on the reciprocity between Japan and China and compares the Japanese practice with the German one that led to a different result. Last, it is concluded that the reciprocity requirement is contrary to the protection of human rights under Japanese constitution.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship or new firm formation plays an increasingly important role in knowledge-based economic development. Public policy to encourage new firm formation has not focused on high quality, high potential firms, and the search for entrepreneurship policy with high economic impact is still needed. This research evaluates the efficacy of the US Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program from the perspective of promoting high technology entrepreneurship. In particular, we examine whether the local presence of SBIR awards is associated with increased new firm formation rates in the high technology sector. Although the primary objective of SBIR is to facilitate technological commercialization in small businesses, our policy analysis based on spatial multivariate methods suggests that this program may also serve as an effective entrepreneurship policy.  相似文献   

Kazumasu Aoki 《Law & policy》2000,22(3&4):319-351
Based on the experiences of a multinational corporation with contrasting effluent control in the United States and Japan, this article suggests that American regulations are more costly to comply with, but do not necessarily sustain superior effectiveness to the Japanese counterparts. The informal character of Japanese regulations and cooperative interactions between industry and government appear to encourage the firm to implement measures that overcomply with the current laws, and may reduce the marginal cost of pollution control. On the other hand, the greater legalism and contentious process associated with American regulations dampen the firm's incentives to overcomply with permits requirements and to adopt certain environmental management practices that the firm has employed in its Japanese factories.  相似文献   

朱翠微 《法学论坛》2005,20(5):134-140
随着生物技术的飞速发展,它在现实生活中碰到了一些新的问题,其中既有知识产权法律保护问题,又有社会伦理道德等理论问题;既有政府管理部门实际管理政策问题,又有实践中关涉公民的食品安全等切身利益问题。本文拟结合国内外生物技术知识产权保护的现状,对生物技术与专利、生物技术与食品安全及生物技术与WTO有关协定的关系做些初步的探讨。  相似文献   

生物技术对专利制度的挑战与中国专利法修改探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乔生 《法律科学》2005,23(2):66-72
蓬勃发展的现代生物技术已对传统专利制度形成了挑战。美国率先对基因、转基因技术授予专利 ,欧盟随之对生物技术发明出台法律保护指令 ,中国虽早有水稻等基因技术产品的发明与大面积种植 ,却在 2 0 0 1年修订的专利法中回避了生物技术发明的可专利性 ,使生物技术陷入努力开发但得不到充分法律保护的窘境。因此 ,阐明生物技术对专利制度的挑战 ,比较欧盟立法 ,探讨中国生物技术专利保护对生物技术发展的影响 ,及生物技术专利的国际合法性 ,对中国专利法修改提出意见 ,当前亟具意义  相似文献   

倪正茂 《现代法学》2002,24(5):32-34
新世纪伊始 ,日本法学界大力推动、积极参与司法制度改革 ,不仅改革司法制度 ,而且首先从法学理论上开拓了新的课题、新的视野和新的学术境界。这对中国法学界来说 ,是有借鉴意义的。  相似文献   

High-temperature superconductivity has been used as a probe for evaluating science and technology policy-making in various countries. Differences in response time and behavior have been detected among the three main actors: The US, Japan, and EEC. While the US had by far the highest response rate, national research laboratories and the universities with extensive government grants responded significantly slower than did corporate research laboratories and universities with less government support. The study suggests that dependency on large governement contracts dampen the ability to make quick decisions and change policy direction mid-stream. In Europe, the response process has been slow and indicates a need to re-evaluate science policy to increase responsiveness to major events.  相似文献   

In recent years, Japanese and American societies have been beset by massive corporate scandals involving accounting firms and their certified public accountants (CPAs). These scandals included major accounting frauds by CPAs and have led to deep distrust of corporate accounting in both societies. This paper provides a detailed probe into three major financial scandals in Japan and United States: Enron, Kanebo, and Livedoor. Case histories are used to highlight both the characteristics of frauds perpetrated by CPAs as well as the social reactions to these economic crimes in Japan and the US. Finally, the paper outlines similarities and differences in CPA frauds perpetrated in both countries and considers how cultural variations play a major role in producing these outcomes.  相似文献   

The documentation of dental materials used in the USA during the WWII era is readily available, while references for the Japanese are minimal. It was therefore important to build a photographic database of Japanese restorative care which could be utilized as a comparison tool for the deployed odontologist. The dental restorative care of approximately 400 US and 100 Japanese sets of remains was evaluated. Both countries share many similar restorative techniques to include collared crowns, full‐coverage restorations, cantilever bridge/pontics to close spaces; restorative materials such as amalgam, gold, and zinc phosphate (temporary) restorations; and removable prostheses. The dental restorative materials most commonly used by US dentists include the amalgam and silicate cement, while the full‐coverage crown was the type of restoration most frequently seen on the Japanese remains. Silicates, porcelain and replaceable crowns, and partial‐coverage prepared crowns were not observed on the recovered Japanese remains.  相似文献   

This study examines Japanese crime trends and explores an area rarely investigated by researchers. By focusing on relationships between penal code offenses known to the police and population growth in Japan over the last six decades, it is possible to gain further insight into Nihon's (Japan's) low crime figures. In addition, the paper compares Japanese and American crime rates for selected offenses. The findings support previous research that identified low levels of crime in Japan. During the 62 year period included in this study, population and population density increased considerably in Japan, but crime rates, after fluctuations immediately before and after World War II, dropped significantly. On the average, total penal code offenses, homicide, and arson were greater during the pre-war years, and rape, robbery, and all felonies, as a composite, were higher in the post-war era.  相似文献   

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