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Across multiple African countries, discrepancies between administrative data and independent household surveys suggest official statistics systematically exaggerate development progress. We provide evidence for two distinct explanations of these discrepancies. First, governments misreport to foreign donors, as in the case of a results-based aid programme rewarding reported vaccination rates. Second, national governments are themselves misled by frontline service providers, as in the case of primary education, where official enrolment numbers diverged from survey estimates after funding shifted from user fees to per pupil government grants. Both syndromes highlight the need for incentive compatibility between data systems and funding rules.  相似文献   

Government by Consent: The Principles and Practice of Accountability in Local Government, M. Simey, Bedford Square Press, 1985, pp. 47, £2.95

Education Accountability: An Analytical Overview, M. Kogan, Hutchinson, 1986, £8.95  相似文献   

The great Iranian whodunit

Edward Shirley (pseud.): Know Thine Enemy: A Spy's Journey into Revolutionary Iran, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 1997, 247 p. $24.00

The big con game

John Barron: Operation SOLO: The FBI's Man in the Kremlin, Regnery Publishing, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1996, 368 p., $24.95.  相似文献   

Rossell, C. H., & Hawley, W. D. (Eds.). (1983). The Consequences of School Desegregation. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Stephen, W. G., & Feagin, J. R. (Eds.). (1980). School Desegregation: Past, Present, and Future. N.Y.: Plenum Press.  相似文献   

China's experience of organizational reform is representative of the country's attempts to implement more general administrative reform. Forty years of organizational reform have produced only short-term successes. In the 1988 reforms, however, leaders proposed for the first time to re-define the role of the state in society. In general, the reforms have been undermined by political, economic, and institutional problems. These include conflicting elite priorities, cycles of economic centralization and decentralization, the interdependence of government agencies and economic enterprises, and the lack of incentives to economize. Consequently, the organizational reform management institutions are very weak. Successful implementation of organizational reform in the future depends to a large extent on further economic development.  相似文献   


This study examines public officials' preferences for different performance measures. Understanding these preferences is important for public officials to reach consensus on performance measurement. It finds that public officials overwhelmingly favor outcome measures, although output measures are more likely to be used in government. Public officials favor the capacities of outcome measures in addressing organizational goals and achievements. Measurement validity is not a major concern to public officials in their selections of performance measures. Finally, public officials favor the use of outcome measures in performance monitoring rather than in resource allocation.  相似文献   

自2017年美、日、印、澳“四方安全对话”重新启动以来,其虽然只开展了少量且缺乏实质性内容的行动,却引发了大量讨论和高度的政策关注。纵观这一对话的发展演变可以看出,四国之间的某些共识构成了其重启后的显著特点,如更明确地将目标指向中国、以“民主价值观”作为秩序构建的出发点、服务于美国“印太战略”的需要以及开始将关注重点延伸至发展和治理领域等。基于这些新特点,“四方安全对话”在近三年来的实践中提升了四国之间的战略联系和协同作战能力、从议题领域和地理范围两个维度拓展了四国的战略合作、在外交上释放了四国团结一致的政治信号,并强化了美国主导的地区安全结构,从而对“印太”地缘环境产生了不容忽视的影响。尽管从组织内部以及次区域战略环境角度分析,“四方安全对话”的前景仍有很大的不确定性,但考虑到这一新的地缘战略安排针对中国的目标指向性,以发展的眼光看待并审慎地予以应对,是中国从外交上塑造地区和平秩序、维护国家安全和发展利益的应有之义。  相似文献   


Financial scandals in city governments have received increased publicity in recent years. Audit committees have been suggested as a way review and improve standards and procedures for financial accountability. Audit committees assist local government managers in overseeing and monitoring the financial accounting and auditing process. They provide a communication link between elected officials, municipal managers, and independent auditors. This study relies on national survey data to examine the prevalence, role, and composition of audit committees in cities with populations over 65,000 and the conditions affecting their use and effectiveness. Interviews and a brief case study supplement survey data to provide richer detail regarding the performance of audit committees in ensuring improved accountability.  相似文献   

Costs, quality, and access are the central themes in health care policy in the United States. In the 1980s the predominate issue is becoming access, and the likelihood for universal health coverage, or a national health insurance program, is growing. This paper explores how the America health care system got to this point and examines the present conditions, the trends, and the consequences of those trends.  相似文献   

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