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行政法律文化影响行政执法,主要是通过作用于参与行政执法的社会主体来实现其促进或消解作用。依据法治原则,良好的行政执法需要至少包括信仰法律、权利本位、服务行政、正当程序等内容的社会主义行政法律文化的支撑。社会主义行政法律文化就必须以合理取舍本土文化、借鉴外来先进文化为思路,以发展社会主义市场经济、完善法律运行机制、发展文化教育事业、调整社会结构为路径来培育。  相似文献   

社会主义对现代文明的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪社会主义推动了整个人类的历史进步.它对人类现代文明进步的贡献不仅体现在社会主义本身的发展和进步上,同时也体现在资本主义发展上.没有社会主义就没有今天相对稳定和发展的资本主义.社会主义代表着新世纪人类文明进步与发展的方向.  相似文献   

In recent years a growing number of scholars have developed cognitive and ideational theoretical frameworks for the analysis of policy-making processes: their underlying belief is that ideas (conceived as beliefs, causal theories and paradigms) really do matter. The concept of policy paradigm has been particularly useful in studying both the contents and dynamics of policy change. The present paper takes this concept, partially reformulates Hall's definition in terms of the distinction between the hegemonic and dominant paradigm, and then uses it to come to terms with the contents and dynamics of the Italian administrative reforms implemented during the 1990s. Mixing the conceptual lenses offered by the ideational and cultural path taken in the field of public policy and by historical neo-institutionalism, this article attempts to explain the Italian trajectory, and to underline how normative and cognitive elements represent an important influence on the 'design' and 'strategy' of policy change. Our analysis of the consistency of the reformers' documents and policy strategy shows that, despite their claims, the contents and strategy of reform do not represent a paradigmatic about-turn, but constitute an evolutionary adaptation to external pressures imposed by the hegemonic administrative paradigm.  相似文献   

The study finds that open government does not only have effect on economic prosperity, but on social capital and environment through the mechanisms of Rule of Law and Control of Corruption. The role of Rule of Law and Control of Corruption are emphasized in this study, because of their significance in mediating open government and prosperity. Unless mechanisms like regulation formulation, law enforcement and control of corruption are not put into practice; open government itself will not be a driving force to a prosperous society.  相似文献   

5月23日,四川省在成都举办了首届"2005四川国际友城合作与发展周".参加此次活动的有来自16个国家的18个代表团,与会外宾人数达145人.这是我省首次举办如此大规模的友城交流活动.省、市相关部门组织了200多个项目、198家企业参加推介活动.全国政协副主席黄孟复,省委书记、省人大常委会主任张学忠,省政协主席秦玉琴,国家发改委副主任、国务院西部开发办副主任李子彬,全国政协副秘书长张龙之,全国对外友协副会长刘志明出席开幕式.开幕式由省委副书记、省长张中伟主持,省委书记张学忠致欢迎辞.  相似文献   

法国社会党对社会民主主义理论革新的贡献   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着经济全球化的发展,西欧社会党面临新的挑战.它们都在关注社会民主主义的革新问题,法国社会党在这方面作出了重大贡献.它既强调不与资本主义决裂,又坚持对资本主义的批判;既坚持改良主义,又强调国家的"主观能动性";同时还强调自己是一个"跨阶级的政党",提倡多元主义政治.  相似文献   

国际友好城市工作是国家总体外交在地方的延伸,是民间外交的重要形式,是地方政府开展国际交流与合作的重要渠道.自1980年福州市与日本长崎市缔结为我省第一对国际友好城市以来,我省的国际友好城市工作已走过了24年历程.目前,全省已与19个国家的41个省(州、县、大区)、市建立了友好城市关系,初步形成了覆盖亚洲、欧洲、美洲和大洋洲的友好城市交往格局,在经贸、农林、水产、科技、文化、教育、体育、卫生、环保、旅游和人才培养等领域开展了富有成效的交流与合作,取得了可喜成果.  相似文献   

The study of the processes and effects of internationalization has become a major field of inquiry in the social sciences. This article takes stock of corresponding research efforts in the field of public administration (PA) to understand the internationalization phenomenon by analyzing studies that were systematically sampled from major PA journals over recent decades. After delineating, sampling, categorizing, and subsequently examining the scholarly production of PA regarding what can be understood as the internationalization of domestic PA, three major themes of PA-related debates are identified: diffusion, resistance, and the transformation of bureaucratic power. The article concludes that PA has developed neither genuine research questions nor a coherent theoretical framework able to come to grips with the internationalization challenge. It ends with an appeal for PA to become aware of this deficit and recommends PA scholars liaise more intensively with other social sciences to overcome the current state of affairs.  相似文献   

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