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Beyond zoos,museums and games,virtual reality(VR)technologies are wooing a more unexpected sector in China:the real estate industry,which is using it to keep itself afl oat during the novel coronavirus outbreak.VR salesrooms and livestreams are gaining popularity among property developers and agents to pitch their projects to potential house buyers.  相似文献   

Most athletes in the national teams were born in the 1980s and 1990s, and their common pursuit is individuality and realization of self-value. This indicates how training methods for the  相似文献   

揑 am a man of integri-ty with a university education, and have recently begun renting a fully furnished apartment in Chaoyang District. I would like to share it with a tidy, outgoing woman of a similar educational background." The average Chinese person would read this as a Lonely Hearts ad. The advertiser  相似文献   

<正>Miles(or kilometers)away from home,I find that it’s the similarities and not the differences between Beijing and my home country that strike me.Picture this.The wind from an incoming subway train ruffles your hair as you stand in line.As the doors open,your heart flutters—the subway is nearly empty!Eagerly,you take—no,you claim—your seat triumphantly and settle in for a leisurely trip.As  相似文献   

正New locally transmitted COVID-19 cases show need for continued alert With sporadic confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) popping up again, the possibility of another wave of the epidemic has risen in the country.On July 29, the Chinese mainland reported  相似文献   

正Until the international community unites,stopping terrorism is impossible The year 2015 could be remembered as the year in which terrorism was coordinated on a global scale,with targets ranging from Africa to Asia,Europe and across the Middle East.Many events,such as the downing of a Russian airliner in Egypt,the horrifying series of attacks in Paris on two occasions,and the hostage abduction in Mali’s Bamako,have resulted in heavy casualties of innocent people.  相似文献   

社会和谐与人文精神   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国社会一步一步走向和谐的过程是漫长的,因此,我们必须有若干精神支柱支撑我们的这一选择,并作为我们长期追求的目标。“人文精神”应该就是其中之一。  相似文献   

ON the morning of July28, a group of construc-tion workers headed fora hutong in Beijng'sDongcheng District andbegan to tear down a number of con-demned buildings. They left one build-ing standing among the rubble. Thusbegan the first siheyuan restoration proj-ect as part of the capital's plans to hosta "Humanistic Olympics" that, amongother things, preserves and restores itscultural relics. The building was the oldresidence of Zuo Zongtang, an impor-tant official involved in the Westerniz…  相似文献   

人文教育可以通过决定社会主导型价值观,影响人际关系,制约犯罪,对社会稳定起特殊作用,为良好的法治秩序的建立奠定坚实基础.加强人文教育,提高人们的文化素质,对控制和预防犯罪具有极高的社会价值,是从根本上减少犯罪产生的重要战略性措施.  相似文献   

促进个性发展,培养健全人格,已经成为当今世界现代教育的根本目的。中国古典诗歌有着深厚的人文精神,是对学生进行人文熏陶和人格教育的有利资源。本文旨在从人伦情怀体验、人性生命意识、人格精神魅力及人生价值追求等几个方面,来探讨中国古典诗歌的人文精神内涵。  相似文献   

正March 15,2017,is bound to be viewed as an important day in the history of law in China,as it was on this day that the General Provisions of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China(hereinafter referred to as General Provisions of the Civil Law)were adopted at the fifth Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress of  相似文献   

我们究竟需要怎样的人文精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对中国人文精神的探讨中,我们发现存在着以下三种畸变现象:一是古代中国人文精神的完美化,二是现代中国人文精神的神秘化,三是当代中国人文精神的宗派化。而最近发生的张悟本事件、李一道长事件和汪晖涉嫌抄袭事件中的联合签名声援信等现象,正是中国人文精神畸变的典型表现形式。通过对这些畸变现象的批判性考察,我们应确立真正的或理想型的中国人文精神,这一精神以平等、理性、科学、真理、人格、个性和公平作为自己的基本观念。  相似文献   

广西的大明山历史上其名称曾经有过多次的变迁:壮语名字叫"Byacwx",为祖山、灵山的意思。汉文文献记载的大明山,古称A天之山、博邪山、镆钅耶山、五峰山、大鸣山、大名山、大冥山等。历史归属和称呼的多次变迁并无损于大明山文明的发展,反而给予了大明山本身蕴含有某种历史魅力,无疑也增加了这座大山对世人的诱惑。  相似文献   

论素质教育与人本教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当代中国教育应注意三个问题,即素质教育理论、人本教育思想、素质教育与人本教育的关系.从这三者而言,其理论是正确的,思想是科学的,关系是相辅相成的.其中特别要注重马克思主义关于人的学说、我国古代"以人为本"的传统教育思想,以及现代西方人本教育思想,并融汇于素质教育实践中.  相似文献   

ON 21 September, the Chinese translation ofthe long awaited HarryPotter and the Order of the Phoenix finally appeared in Chinese bookshops. The Beijing Bookshop alone sold a record 10,000 copies on the day and Chinese Potterites were recompensed for their long wait with distributions of free crystal balls, magic chess pieces and other Potter paraphernalia. The publish-  相似文献   

方新文  边林 《前沿》2010,(6):12-15
人类对于物质世界的认识实际上就是其自我认识的一个重要组成部分,对此,"伯姆对话"是一个很好的例证。文章首先对戴维.伯姆从物理世界到物理世界的思考脉络进行解读;其次,揭示"对话"与人的本源的密切关联;最后,通过对"伯姆对话"基本内容的解读来明确它在多元化时代的重要价值。  相似文献   

论犯罪控制的人文基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犯罪控制是人类基于对自身利益与生存环境的一种理性关怀,因此犯罪的减少和最终消除注定要以人文精神为其精神底蕴。就个体而言,一个人犯罪与否,主要取决于个体素质(主要是人文素质)的高低,人性中美好东西的生成和邪恶力量的消解有赖于人类精神的提升。现代法治秩序的建立亦离不开大众人文精神的有力支撑,特别是在当代科学技术发展越来越强势的全球化时代,提出人文精神对科技理性的适当约束和引导,重构当代社会可持续发展的人文基础,是有效控制犯罪,实现社会治安秩序根本好转不可或缺的基础工程。  相似文献   

现代国际法应以人本主义为其理念,即应以追求单个人、整个人类、国家的各种权益的确立、维护和实现为其最高的、终极的目标。这是由国际社会结构的变迁和全球化双重因素决定的,同时,人权观的国际化也为其确立提供了契机和导向。为了实现国际法这一终极目标,应强化人权原则的国际法地位,为国际法实然法规范提供价值引导;加强国际合作机制,建立新型国际安全观;完善治理机制,构建国际新秩序。  相似文献   

论创新的科学精神和人文精神   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
蔡贤军 《理论月刊》2005,3(7):34-36
创新活动要取得成功,一方面必须科学求实,尊重客观规律,必须以科学态度和科学精神为依据,具有强烈的科学性;另一方面,创新也具有明显的人文关怀,要发挥人的能动性,并以尊重人的价值为归宿。因此,创新应该是科学精神与人文精神的统一。  相似文献   

公安高校图书馆人性化管理初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人性化管理是一种新的管理思想。公安高校图书馆实行人性化管理具体体现为充分尊重师生人格、满足师生需要、关心师生的利益。公安高校图书馆实行人性化管理,应以“尊重馆员、信任馆员”为基础,建立公正、公平的竞争机制和奖励机制,为馆员成长创造良好的环境,鼓励馆员参与图书馆的管理。  相似文献   

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