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随着科技的发展和经济的增长,如何培养适应现代社会发展的技术应用型人才,已成为当前高等教育迫切需要解决的关键问题。本文结合我国的实际情况,从高职教育技术应用型人才的培养模式入手,从培养目标、素质教育、课程体系等三个方面提出培养高职教育技术应用型人才的对策,以期对高职教育的发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

随着司法警务从业人员需求量的不断加大,高职院校也相应的加大了对司法警务人才的培养力度,并对人才培养模式进行不断探索。广东司法警官职业学院司法警务专业坚持坚持校警合作,协同育人的人才培养模式,重视警察职业道德培养,不断探索司法警务专业发展的新道路。  相似文献   

创新高职人才培养模式是解决目前高职教育人才培养和社会脱节问题的必然选择。本文分析了高职教育的特点,从而归纳出高职教育人才培养创新的基本理念,以期为高职教育人才培养模式创新提供一个理论思路。  相似文献   

社会对高素质技能型人才的需求不断加大,这就要求法律类高职院校在理论教学的同时,大力发展职业技能教育,培养高素质技能型人才。为此,高职院校要适应社会对人才的要求,调整人才培养目标,更新教育教学理念,加强实务化师资队伍建设,以适应培养高素质技能型法律服务人才的需要。  相似文献   

浅议法学本科精英型人才培养模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑茜 《行政与法》2010,(4):82-84
目前,我国高等教育法学本科人才培养模式已不适合我国未来发展的需要,更难适应全球化趋势对法学专业人才的要求,因此,必须反思现行的法学人才培养模式中存在的问题,从根本上改变教学观念,实事求是地分析法学人才培养上的障碍性因素,借鉴发达国家的法学人才培养经验,立足于我国国情提出可行的改进方法。本文认为,精英型人才是我国高等法学教育的培养目标,应以此为方向改进法学本科人才的培养模式。  相似文献   

航空法特色教育与卓越法律人才教育在目标上是一致的,应符合涉外型、复合型法律人才培养要求.但目前的旁观者法学教育培养模式扼制了本科生成为卓越法律人才的可能.本文指出应当调整课程结构,改进培养环节,实现由旁观者教育模式向自体验教育模式的转向,以培养卓越的航空法人才.  相似文献   

关于高职院校办学特色的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭梅  杨卫辉  杨玫 《行政与法》2006,(12):79-81
培养大批高素质技能型人才,是高等职业技术教育的根本目标。高职院校应从教育理念、办学定位、专业建设等方面不断挖掘办学潜力,寻找办学新途径,探索高职教育发展的新思路。  相似文献   

贺彬 《法制与社会》2012,(12):238-239
近几年随着我国法制化进程的不断发展,依法治国、建设社会主义和谐社会的基本方针对未来大学生,尤其是高职院校毕业的大学生的素质提出了更高的要求,离职院校作为高技术人才培养的重要基地,不单单要传授给学生专业基础知识,训练过硬的专业技能,培养良好的道德品质,成熟的法律素养也是高职院校大学生培养的重要目标之一.所以,本文分析了目前高职院校对学生进行法制教育的现状和法律教育过程中存在的问题.同时提出了基于改变现行法制教育模式,立足于自身办学特色的法律教育新理念,用发展的眼光看待高职院校法律教育的重要性,提出了高职院校法律教育的新目标.  相似文献   

职业选择多样化的背景,对人才提出了更高的要求。针对法学人才的培养,法学教育模式的改革和创新已经成为必然趋势。高校应该着重培养复合型、专业化、职业化的应用型卓越法律人才,促进经济的不断发展和社会主义法治进程的进一步深化。  相似文献   

高职教育发展过程中存在着三大问题,我们要把握特色,准确定位,根据市场需求设置专业、制定人才培养计划,以建立"双师型"教师队伍、推行"双证制"为手段,通过产学结合方式,培养个性化高职人才,政府也要发挥宏观调控的职能,帮助市场和高职院校实现发展的"双赢"。  相似文献   

本文从我国高等职业教育人才培养模式构建的理论基础和遵循的原则入手,结合我国的实际情况,从培养目标、课程体系、师资队伍、培养途径等方面进行探讨,提出构建我国高等职业教育技术应用型人才培养模式的具体措施。  相似文献   

This paper examines and analyzes primary and secondary data relative to the history and development of criminal justice education and training in North Carolina for six decades. Emphasis is focused on the early attempts to provide education and training for criminal justice personnel from 1920 to 1940, the expansion and improvement in criminal justice education and training from 1940 to 1960, and the establishment of criminal justice education and training programs in two-year community colleges and technical institutes and four-year senior public and private postsecondary education institutions from 1960 to 1980. In addition to discussing the similarities and differences in the methods utilized by institutions to establish criminal justice education and training programs, this paper discusses the curricula, course offerings, and characteristics of the faculties, as well as internal and external conditions, forces, and factors that influenced the history and development of education and training programs for criminal justice personnel. As a result of the impact of these and various influences from within police departments and individual institutions, educational and governmental state agencies, and from demands and needs of criminal justice personnel and society for better protection and safety, criminal justice education and training programs were in force at 15 two-year community colleges, 30 two-year technical institutes, 10 four-year senior, public institutions, and eight four-year, senior, private institutions in North Carolina in 1978.  相似文献   

高职教育职业能力培养存在的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高职教育的迅猛发展,高职教育为各地经济社会发展,培养了大批急需的高等技术应用型人才。但在高职学生职业能力培养中,部分高职院校还存在着一些亟待解决的问题。本文从职业能力的理解、专业设置、"双师型"教师队伍建设、实践技能培养和评价体系等方面,对高职学生职业能力培养中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

论法律硕士专业学位教育的现状与改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱立恒 《河北法学》2008,26(5):159-165
法律硕士教育是我国法学教育改革的一项重大举措。经过10余年的不断探索和试验,法律硕士教育改革已经取得如下成绩:法律硕士教育培养了大量高层次法律人才;法律硕士教育是我国法学教育改革的有益尝试;法律硕士教育规模逐渐扩大,且日趋规范化、科学化。法律硕士教育改革存在的问题包括:法律硕士教育与法律职业之间缺乏实质性的联系,培养目标难以得到充分的实现;法律硕士教育仍然沿袭传统的法学教育模式;在职与非在职法律硕士教育之间存在矛盾。我国法律硕士教育的出路在于:坚持法律硕士教育的法律职业教育定位;大幅度扩大法律硕士教育的规模,使我国硕士阶段的法学教育以法律硕士教育为主;修改法律硕士教育的报考条件,入学考试制度;强化法律职业教育;理顺法律硕士教育与司法考试之间的关系。  相似文献   

复合型法律人才是具有跨学科专业知识和能力的高级法律人才,培养复合型人才是卓越法律人才培养计划的任务之一。我国培养卓越复合型法律人才要以专门培养模式为主,延长培养时间,制定合理的课程体系,培养学生的职业技能,建立高校与实务部门联合培养机制,以推进培养方法的改革。  相似文献   

漫谈公安院校专业师资队伍建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
封野 《政法学刊》2004,21(6):94-95
针对公安院校专业教师结构性短缺,以及专业理论和实践技能教学难以及时跟进公安工作发展的现状,建立专业师资培养机制已成为公安院校提升教学质量的关键。这种培养机制可以从三个方面着手建设:一是建立公安院校的专业师资培训基地;二是逐步推行专业教师资格认证制度和定期轮训制度;三是组建一支高水平的师资培训队伍。  相似文献   

目前,济南正处于工业化、城镇化快速发展阶段,节能减排的压力越来越大.济南走低碳发展的道路,就应当结合济南经济社会发展的实际,改变传统的高碳发展模式,准确把握低碳产业发展方向,加快调整产业结构,从整体上加以推进,建立以低碳排放为特征的产业体系,寻求适应济南发展的模式.  相似文献   

The field of police training is undergoing a paradigm shift due to technology, and this study used an andragogical lens to explore various considerations for the implementation of online education (OE) into police training regimens. This comprehensive assessment utilized quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the feasibility of OE for professional development among police officers in Tennessee. The study examined whether the potential performance of police officers in OE is related to various demographic factors and evaluated the perceptions of police regarding online education. Data analyses indicated a statistically significant relationship between potential online learning success and various factors, including formal educational level and previous exposure to OE. The majority of participants in the study said they preferred OE to traditional instruction, felt that OE is an appropriate delivery method for professional development, and believed that the use of OE for delivery of professional development provides increased training opportunities.  相似文献   

“中国梦”的实现离不开经济发展,而经济发展需要人力资源的支撑.MBA教育是被国际广泛认可的为社会输送人才的培养模式,但现阶段的MBA教育存在一些问题.本文探讨了“中国梦”背景下MBA教育规范化的内涵,阐述了MBA教育对实现“中国梦”的重要作用以及MBA教育的现状与规范化之间的差距,针对目前MBA教育在法制规范化方面存在的不足,提出了相关的改革建议.  相似文献   

The apprenticeship model of solicitor training in Ireland is split between time spent in the law firm and time spent in professional education at the Law Society of Ireland. Learning in law is a process of shaping identity and becoming part of a community, and professional socialisation is a key aspect of this professional development. However, many trainees arrive at the vocational training stage with little or no understanding of how their personal morals and ethics will impact on their future roles as lawyers. This article relates to an intervention study in the Law Society of Ireland with trainee solicitors at professional legal education level in the form of a two-month course entitled “Certificate in Legal Ethics and Lawyering Skills”. This intervention embraces an experiential learning approach and a wide view of ethics that moves beyond a defensive rule-based approach and supports trainees in grappling with ethics and negotiating within the more rigid and collectively based moral discourses which are a necessary part of constructing professional identity. The course framework embraced a variety of pedagogic approaches for effective teaching and fostering ethical professional identity such as role-play, small group discussion, video and online discussion forums and mixed method assessment.  相似文献   

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