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The Observation Scale for Aggressive Behavior (OSAB) has been developed to evaluate inpatient treatment programs designed to reduce aggressive behavior in Dutch forensic psychiatric patients with an antisocial personality disorder, who are "placed at the disposal of the government". The scale should have the sensitivity to measure changes in the possible determinants of aggressive behavior, such as limited control of displayed negative emotions (irritation, anger or rage) and a general deficiency of social skills. In developing the OSAB 40 items were selected from a pool of 82 and distributed among the following a priori scales: Irritation/anger, Anxiety/gloominess, Aggressive behavior, Antecedent (to aggressive behavior), Sanction (for aggressive behavior) and Social behavior. The internal consistency of these subscales was good, the inter-rater reliability was moderate to good, and the test-retest reliability over a two to three week period was moderate to good. The correlation between the subscales Irritation/anger, Anxiety/gloominess, Aggressive behavior, Antecedent, Sanction was substantial and significant, but the anticipated negative correlation between these subscales and the Social behavior subscale could not be shown. Relationships between the corresponding subscales of the OSAB and the FIOS, used to calculate concurrent validity, yielded relatively high correlations. The validity of the various OSAB subscales could be further supported by significant correlations with the PCL-R and by significant but weak correlations with corresponding subscales of the self-report questionnaires. The Observation Scale for Aggressive Behavior (OSAB) seems to measure aggressive behavior in Dutch forensic psychiatric inpatients with an antisocial personality disorder reliably and validly. Contrary to expectations, a negative relationship was not found between aggressive and social behavior in either the OSAB or FIOS, which were used for calculating concurrent validity.  相似文献   

社会资本研究沿着关系效用的逻辑发展,只关注其经济性,而遮蔽其社会性,这违背了布迪厄提出资本理论以破解结构与能动二元对立的初衷。资本是结构和能动视角的双重蓄能,社会资本不仅仅是人与人的关系问题,更是人与群的互动问题,社会资本不能仅仅被理解为个体层次的关系资本,而是源于占据了一个熟识关系制度化的社会网络,其网络身份让个人可以借用集体共有的资本和信用。社会网络的社会性即在于网络整体的不可化约性,网络整合人,人也同时占据网络。徐福敦另立门户的例子具体阐释了社会资本如何在道德化、制度化和总体化的过程中进行积累即再生产的。  相似文献   

张雅光 《行政与法》2006,(9):116-118
长时间来,资本市场的虚假与欺诈已经让人感到触目惊心,法律的不断健全与政府监管力度的不断加大并没有使事情变得好转,人们开始重新审视法律规范与政府监管的效力,终于认识到“监管和法律并非万能的,都有其作用的边界。”[1]那么,如何才能从真正意义上规范资本市场,笔者认为在资本市场中强调企业的社会责任尤其重要,建立以企业社会责任为基础的自律性监管是规范资本市场的关键。  相似文献   

A case is presented of hybristophilia – attraction and sexual arousal to the criminal acts of another – in men which, to date, is a phenomenon that has not been documented. A sexually motivated female serial killer recruited the help of three male accomplices to aid her in her crimes and avoid police detection. The men became enthralled by the killer, falling ‘under her spell’, and willingly aided her, in varying degrees, in locating and disposing of victims. The behaviour of those men is explored here and the scant literature base on hybristophilia is expanded.  相似文献   

There is virtually no information or research on group treatment for women who may behave abusively to intimate partners. The Calgary Counseling Centre has offered a group treatment program for such clients, Responsible Choices for Women, over the past several years. This paper describes the group format, the demographic characteristics of the 64 women who began the group, and a comparison of those who completed treatment versus those who dropped out. The pre/mid/post-test group evaluation utilized measures of physical and non-physical partner abuse, self-esteem, depression, clinical stress, marital satisfaction, family relations, locus of control, sex roles, and assertiveness. The repeated measures analysis on data from 33 women found statistically significant improvements on non-physical abuse of partner, clinical stress, generalized contentment, self-esteem and assertiveness, using a conservative p-value of .009, given the use of multiple tests. Clinical implications of these results are described.
Leslie M. TuttyEmail:

邱兴隆 《现代法学》2001,23(2):63-72
国际人权法对死刑的态度经历了由放任到限制再到废除的转变。《世界人权宣言》对死刑以沉默显示放任;《公民权利与政治权利国际公约》等对死刑转向了限制;《旨在废除死刑的〈公民权利与政治权利国际公约〉第二议定书》等对死刑明令废除。中国现行死刑制度与国际人权法的要求尚存较大距离,应该采取必要的应对措施尽快缩短这一距离。  相似文献   

人力资本是指通过对人的各种投资,使自然人具备改造自然和社会的价值,并通过一定的制度安排,使这种价值实现价值增值。人力资本作为资本的一种,首先是一种商品,是价值和使用价值的统一;是生产与再生产的统一;是与一定阶段的生产力水平相适应的,是具体的历史的统一;人力资本是内在本质和外在形式的统一,是生产力与生产关系的统一,是技术与制度的统一。结合人力资本的含义和农民工的自身特点看,农民工属于人力资本的范畴。确认农民工人力资本的存在具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

从社会资本理论视角,对中国律师执业中的关系因素进行调查和分析,为探讨中国律师与中国司法的新视角。在问卷调查的基础上,本文认为,作为重要的社会资本,人际关系在中国律师执业中具有重要的意义,关系在律师办理案件时有便于证据收集和采用、有利沟通、获得信息、方便工作、判决倾斜等作用。  相似文献   

School corporal punishment is associated with many negative outcomes. This research explores the antecedents to the practice and prevalence of school corporal punishment. A series of regression models indicated that two variables were significant predictors of a state’s practice of school corporal punishment: rate of evangelical Protestant adherents and social capital. A path analysis indicated that these two variables significantly predicted the rate of school corporal punishment in practicing states. The path analysis also revealed a significant and negative relationship between rate of evangelical Protestant adherents and social capital, but no relationship between rate of mainstream Protestant adherents and social capital. A mediation analysis indicated that social capital serves as a mediating variable between evangelical Protestantism and rate of school corporal punishment. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

张辉 《政法学刊》2006,23(2):19-23
公司资本退出是股东权保护的底线,但资本维持原则的限制以及对资本流动价值、公司团体性等认识的局限,在一定程度上阻碍了资本退出之功能的实现。将资本退出的形态进行分类,并归纳具体的退出方式于统一的退出规则之下,是确立和巩固其法律地位的必然。尽管资本退出仅是股东自我保护的最后手段,但退出机会的提供以及退出利益的保障仍然是不可或缺的。  相似文献   

领导者权力性影响力是领导者有效管理组织的必要条件,因此,如何提升领导者的权力性影响力是一个值得我们研究的课题。近年来.随着竞争的不断加剧和环境不确定性的增加,社会资本在领导者有效管理组织中日益凸显其独特魅力.本文通过对领导者社会资本影响力的获取与权力性影响力之间关系的分析.认为领导者对社会资本的占有是提升其权力性影响力的重要途径.提出了领导者获得社会资本并借此提升其权力性影响力的建议.希望对领导者有效管理组织有所裨益.  相似文献   

行政规则的规范和信任资本的积累是地方政府治理的重要基础,行政规则的运作会影响信任资本的发展,而信任资本的状况也会影响行政规则的效力。行政潜规则的存在会弱化显规则的效力,削弱地方政府的公信力。因此,必须完善行政规则体系,提升信任资本,通过行政规则和信任资本的良性互动循环增进地方合作治理的绩效。  相似文献   

Social behavior is brought about mainly through social ties and connections. Our contacts with other people shape our view of the world, reinforce our identity, and the interactions provide us with all kinds of opportunities and resources to get things done. The social capital associated with networks is also one of the primary ways facilitating crime. Therefore, the systematic analysis of criminal networks is considered a viable means to gain a more thorough understanding of criminal behavior. This paper is a general introduction to social network analysis (SNA) as an analytical tool for the study of adversary networks. The paper reviews some theoretical and key concepts, highlights functional applications, and presents a tentative protocol for data handling and coding. The discussion deals with some methodological issues, challenges and future developments in the field.
Renée C. van der HulstEmail:

This study examined multiple risk factor models of links among callous-unemotional traits, aggression beliefs, social information processing, impulsivity, and aggressive behavior in a sample of 150 antisocial adolescents. Consistent with past research, results indicated that beliefs legitimizing aggression predicted social information processing biases and that social information processing biases mediated the effect of beliefs on aggressive behavior. Callous-unemotional traits accounted for unique variance in aggression above and beyond effects of more established risk factors of early onset of antisocial behavior, social information processing, and impulsivity. These findings add to recent research showing that callous-unemotional traits are a unique risk factor associated with aggression and criminal offending and suggest that targeting both affective and cognitive vulnerabilities may enhance clinical intervention with antisocial youth.  相似文献   

袁田 《北方法学》2012,6(4):103-112
学界通说认为,折中资本制与法定资本制、授权资本制共同构成了公司资本形成制度的三种模式,然而作为一种学说,折中资本制的制度内涵和合理性尚存在可质疑和再讨论的空间。基于对折中资本制的本质研析,对比欧盟与美国公司资本制度建构的不同路径,并从制度移植的角度考察日本及我国台湾地区立法例的晚近发展,探讨资本制度的模式选择问题,从而审视我国现行资本制度的立法规制,以对我国资本制度改革提出建构意见。  相似文献   

资本运作已成为全球经济发展与科技成果转化的重要原动力,而创业风险投资更是国际资本运作中极为重要的一环。中国面临着如何建立适合国情的创业风险投资法律环境架构,通过调整风险资本来源加速中国创投产业发展的问题。文章从分析风险资本的来源出发,指出中国及美国创业风险资本来源及结构的差异,探讨了中国现有的法律法规导致社会资金进入创业风险投资产业的困难,从而造成资本来源受限并在结构上形成以政府或外资为主导的状况。因此,适度修改相关法律法规以调整中国现有风险资本来源与结构问题,就成为加速完善中国创业风险投资产业发展的重要课题。  相似文献   

社会资本对经济增长的重要作用,已越来越受到人们的广泛关注。笔者在对社会资本、工业集聚与经济增长相互关系进行理论分析的基础上,采用中国2000年的截面数据,实证检验各地区信任指数对地区工业集聚水平的影响。结果发现,我国各地区的信任指数对地区工业集聚具有非常显著的促进作用。在我国,社会资本通过加速工业的集聚的方式,进而促进了经济的增长。这也进一步表明,我国地区间在社会资本水平上的差异是造成我国地区经济差异的一个十分重要的原因。  相似文献   

孔令驹 《河北法学》2005,23(1):83-86
耗散结构社会治安防控体系包括"器物防控、制度防控、价值防控"三个层面上的优势互补与功能耦合。将其置于治安防控与社会进步辨证关系的历史考察,当前,社会治安防控体系构建,最具意义的是以社会资本提高为框架的社会人际互动和心理沟通整合机制的实现。  相似文献   

公司资本信用悖论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
公司信用是无法依赖立法者安排与创设的。欲构筑公司信用的参与人 ,有内在动因经由公司法之内或之外的规则安排 ,展示自己的信用。而试图探询交易对方信用的参与人 ,有内在渴求在公司法制度之内或之外 ,达致自己的目标。立法者的使命就是创设一个空间 ,给前者一个自由安排或彰显自己信用的选择权 ,给后者一个多渠道获取信息的管道。  相似文献   

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