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钟建荣 《政法学刊》2000,17(3):81-83
通过对《中共中央关于加强和改进思想政治工作的若干意见》的有关精神的学习与领会,根据“两课”教学和学生思想政治教育工作的经验并结合公安院校学生思想政治教育工作的特点,阐述了在新形势下做好公安院校学生思想政治教育工作的理论依据和基本思路。  相似文献   

This article examines the citizen submission process laid out in Articles 14--15 of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), the 1993 environmental NAFTA “side agreement.” These articles set out a process by which nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) or individuals may file a submission alleging that one of the Parties to the agreement “is failing to effectively enforce its environmental law.” The paper traces developments set in motion by two submissions alleging failure to enforce migratory bird legislation. The first targets the United States, the second, Canada. Developments in these and other Article 14--15 cases have enfeebled an instrument that, from the outset, many regarded as having quite limited potential. These cases indicate, nonetheless, that the procedure still has some limited usefulness as a way of highlighting implementation failures. NGOs that do choose to invest in pursuing a citizen submission process would be advised to combine these efforts with other approaches to mobilizing public pressure.  相似文献   

李启成 《现代法学》2006,28(4):26-37
中国司法近代化与治外法权问题紧密相关,调查法权委员会及其报告书是近代中国撤废治外法权的一个阶段性标志。通过考证调查法权委员会组织的前后经过,对作为调查结论的报告书内容进行分析,可以认为该事件强化了近代中国自学习西方法律和司法制度以来一直存在的为废除治外法权而改良法律和司法的论证逻辑;导致了在此之后发动民众,以运动的方式参与法律和司法事务的先河,从而对中国法律和司法近代化产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

The decision in ASIC v Healey raises hitherto unexplored questions about the standard of care of non‐executive directors in monitoring the production of financial statements. More particularly, it considers the power of directors to delegate areas of responsibility requiring specialist knowledge and the degree of permissible reliance on professional advisers. The reasoning of the judge will doubtless prove helpful to the English courts not only in relation to duty of care issues under section 174 of the Companies Act 2006, but also when considering the duty to exercise independent judgment which is now restated in section 173.  相似文献   

高新亭 《法学论坛》2003,18(1):70-73,34
我国入世已经过去一年 ,反思一年的入世实践 ,使我们更加深刻地体会到入世的重大意义 ,但也应当清醒地认识到入世对我国社会稳定和政法工作带来的负面影响和严峻挑战 ,为此应当抓住机遇 ,趋利避害 ,迎难而上 ,积极应对 ,采取切实有效的措施 ,确保大局稳定 ,为改革发展创造更加良好的社会环境。  相似文献   

德、法文学领域的古今之争体现了两国知识界在现代化转型期对于时间问题的关切。由于历史、传统、经济、文化及地域等多方面差异,法国知识界多信奉线性时间观及与之伴生的乐观历史进步论,德国知识界则对线性时间观态度谨慎,倾向于一种杂糅了线性时间观和轮状时间观的文化时间观。这种向后看的文化自觉不仅使德国启蒙界在时间观念上独树一帜,更导致其在现代化转型路径的选择中走上了一条文化现代化优于社会现代化的独特路径。  相似文献   

Many authors have written about issues related to privacy, legitimacy and efficiency in relation to CCTV systems in public space as a crime prevention strategy. Some have approached them separately; others have tried to come up with more comprehensive approaches. Few, however, have dealt with how such concerns have been put into practice by those who have to decide on the uptake of CCTV. This article considers some reflections on efficacy, legitimacy and privacy in relation to CCTV, as an introduction to the case of how the members of the Control Commission of Video surveillance Devices in Catalonia took these issues into consideration and interpreted the Law when deciding whether to approve a petition submitted by the City Council to install three cameras in Barcelona’s public space in 2003. It concludes by drawing some conclusions from the process, as a way to highlight the complexity of the policy process around surveillance in open, public spaces.  相似文献   

The concept of proportionality has been central to the retributive revival in penal theory, and underlies desert theory's normative and practical commitment to limiting punishment. Theories of punishment combining desert‐based and consequentialist considerations also appeal to proportionality as a limiting condition. In this paper we argue that these claims are founded on an exaggerated idea of what proportionality can offer, and in particular fail properly to consider the institutional conditions needed to foster robust limits on the state's power to punish. The idea that appeals to proportionality as an abstract ideal can help to limit punishment is, we argue, a chimera: what has been thought of as proportionality is not a naturally existing relationship, but a product of political and social construction, cultural meaning‐making, and institution‐building. Drawing on evolutionary psychology and comparative political economy, we argue that philosophers and social scientists need to work together to understand how the appeal of the idea of proportionality can best be realised through substantive institutional frameworks under particular conditions.  相似文献   

This article explores the experience of taking part in the Irish State’s Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse (CICA) and the subsequent redress scheme. The Commission was set up in 2000 with the task of investigating Industrial and Reformatory Schools that were in existence for most of the twentieth century. A redress scheme was also set up by the government to compensate those who were abused in these institutions. 25 qualitative interviews were conducted with male and female Industrial and Reformatory School survivors. The focus of this article is to understand some of the issues that this cohort of survivors faced in taking part in the inquiry and redress process, dealing with issues such as re-traumatisation, retributive justice and procedural justice.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to discussions surrounding interest group representation in the European Parliament. Drawing from conceptualizations of legitimacy, and theoretical work on information-access we argue that different procedures bestow a different type of authority to parliamentary committees affecting their legitimacy orientation, in turn impacting the balance between private and public interests mobilised. We assess a population of 10,000 accredited lobbyists, and the procedural output across the 7th legislature’s committees (2009–2014). Our analysis indicates that committees with a higher ratio of Ordinary Legislative Procedures to Own Initiative Reports see greater private interest mobilisation. Conversely, in committees where the procedures’ ratios are inverse we observe greater public interest mobilisation. Theoretically, we provide a novel approach for framing the committee’s nature from a procedural perspective, bridging discussions on interest group mobilisation and the democratic deficit. Empirically, the results overturn the premise of business dominance across the institution’s committees through a unique dataset.  相似文献   

亚洲法研究始于二十世纪五、六十年代的美国,其后在欧洲、亚洲国家陆续展开。存在两种主要的亚洲法研究进路,一是以"法律与发展理论"为代表的西方法律视角;一是基于亚洲法的内部立场。美国的"法律与发展理论"经历了三个阶段的发展历程,各个阶段有其自身的特征。亚洲的亚洲法研究始于日本,韩国、中国等国家也正逐步展开,但其也存在若干困难。未来的亚洲法研究需要亚洲国家加强合作以及建立起对亚洲法的身份认同。  相似文献   

立法权的限制是宪政理论的一项重要内容。作为一项权力形态的立法权 ,其出现及其发展是有着深厚历史渊源的 ,因而 ,对“立法权”这个语词本身就应当作历史的考察 ,在厘清“立法权”这个语词本身蕴含的深厚意义的前提下 ,才能探讨“如何限制立法权”这个进一步的论题。从法律和立法二元划分的进路探讨立法权的限制 ,有利于厘清立法权限制的另一个维度 ,即内在限制的维度 ,在此基础上 ,另外一个重要问题是立法权内在限制和外在限制的结合。  相似文献   

Two experimental studies were undertaken to investigate the processes of reincorporation and redistribution of trace evidence on garments when worn by a suspect or a victim (reincorporation) or after the garments have been seized and packaged for subsequent forensic analysis (redistribution). The first experiment utilised UV powder, an established proxy for geoforensic trace particulates and the second experiment utilised daffodil pollen transferred onto garments under conditions that mimicked forensic reality. It was demonstrated that reincorporation of trace particulates occurs from upper to lower parts of the same garment and also from upper garments to lower garments. Reincorporation also occurred to all areas of the lower garments, however the highest concentration of particulates was found to be the lap area of the jeans. Particulates also tended to be preserved around technical details such as stitching or relief design features of the garments. Thus the decay of particulates after a contact has been made does not necessarily involve a loss of those particulates from the entire system. These findings have implications for the interpretation of trace evidence when seeking to establish the source of initial contacts or the chronology of pertinent events. The second study demonstrated that folding and packaging items of clothing leads to a redistribution of any trace particulate evidence that is present thereby eliciting an alteration in the spatial distribution of that evidence. There is therefore a necessity to take the context of trace evidence into account and also to follow protocols that are sensitive to these aspects of trace evidence behaviour as a failure to do so may have consequences for the correct interpretation of such evidence.  相似文献   

中国法学研究中广泛运用"国家—社会"这一分析框架具有重要的意义,中国法学界目前主要是利用这一框架进行范例研究,论者试图通过这种范例的研究对该框架的效力进行证明,并在打通市民社会两个层面的基础上,在渐进的过程中构建起中国的市民社会或者为实现现代化法治进行论证。"国家法与民间法"研究是中国法学运用"国家—社会"框架取得成果颇多的领域。法学界在运用这一框架时并未保持必要的警醒,对该框架的理论前提或预设很少质疑,而对于框架的作用和限度也没有深刻的把握。站在反思和批判的立场对中国法学研究中的"国家—社会"框架的作用和限度以及相关研究进行检视,并对这一框架背后的理念支撑进行分析,这或许是推进相关研究的一种可能的方向。  相似文献   

郭秉文是获得教育学博士学位的中国第一人.他所提出的"四个平衡"广为人知.作为郭秉文大学管理思想的一部分,他所践行的"学术与事功的平衡"堪称是其"第五个平衡"."所学者皆有所用,所用者皆本所学",学以致用、学用一致、用其所学,鼎足而三支撑起第五个平衡.有一种现象既是学术与事功平衡的题中应有之意,又是这一平衡的升华与超越,那就是引领.而引领似可说是与教学、科研、服务等量齐观的高等教育的"第四职能".  相似文献   

董仲舒"天人三策"之后,西汉朝廷确立了"独尊儒术"的统治策略。此后,汉朝又不断地推进儒家的德礼之教向郡县法秩序的渗透,皇帝诏令及地方官的政务均为此种努力的表现。在"以法为教,以吏为师"的法律独尊时代,郡县是皇帝对民众之垂直统治的基点,法律则成为民众的唯一行为规范。然而,在重视儒术的汉代,郡县既是皇权统治的施展空间,也是朝廷将儒家的德礼之教付诸实践的空间。正因为此,儒学对郡县法秩序的影响不断扩大,此种影响的扩大则又是中国古代儒教国家得以形成的重要一环。  相似文献   

笑话既是一种娱乐的方式.亦是一种讽刺的工具。明清时期流行的笑话汇编《笑林广记》收录的法律笑话,在一定程度上反映出民间社会的法律意识:首先,契约与诉讼构成了庶民法律意识的核心内容;其次,帝国官员的贪黩与酷虐是庶民讽刺和批判的对象;最后,对官吏昏聩和庶民狡黠的描写则反映出官民之间不同的司法智慧。  相似文献   

This study assists the interpretation of glass and paint evidence by filling an existing gap in the background occurrence that reflects the socioeconomic and demographic circumstances in the United States. The collection was performed in a college US city (Morgantown, West Virginia) to determine the effect of the type of clothing worn at different seasons on the presence of glass and paint. Tape lifts and sole scrapings (1038) were collected from 210 participants and up to six clothing and footwear areas per individual. Glass fragments were analyzed via polarized light microscopy (PLM), refractive index (RI), micro-X-Ray fluorescence (μXRF), and scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), while paint specimens were examined by light microscopy and infrared spectroscopy (μFTIR). Higher occurrences of glass and paint were found in the winter season. The winter collection yielded 10 glass fragments and 68 paint particles, whereas the summer collection resulted in one glass fragment and 23 paint particles. The percentage of individuals with traces varied between seasons; 7% of individuals in the winter and 0.9% in the summer had glass, whereas 36% of individuals in the winter and 19% in the summer bore paint. Lastly, when considering the overall garment and footwear areas, glass was detected in 1.4% of the winter set, compared to 0.2% in the summer collection; paint was found in 9.2% of the winter collection, whereas only 4.2% was found in the summer set. There were no instances where both glass and paint were detected on the clothing and footwear of the same individual.  相似文献   

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