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为强化鉴定意见质证,刑诉法规定了鉴定人出庭的情形,加大鉴定人人身安全保护,明确拒不出庭的后果,并通过专家辅助人出庭以加强鉴定意见质证。2012年《刑事诉讼法》新规定实施的效果值得研究。鉴定人出庭案例的实证分析表明,“有必要出庭”情形的模糊表述造成实践做法不一。鉴定人出庭时控辩质证水平有所提高,但鉴定人与专家辅助人无法对话影响质证效果。鉴定人出庭的成本较大,出庭费用无保障,影响其积极性。应克服专家证人制度移植的张力,重视鉴定人出庭的实质效果,完善鉴定人出庭保障机制以保护当事人的对质权,以庭审中心变革为契机推动鉴定制度完善,降低鉴定人出庭负担,提高其出庭积极性。  相似文献   

诉讼实践中,司法鉴定人出庭率低已成为我国审判方式改革过程中的一大顽疾。这一问题的现实存在,不仅令鉴定意见质证流于形式,更使得直接言词原则无法在庭审中发挥其应用功效。诚然,我国已通过刑诉法、民诉法的修改,对司法鉴定人出庭作出了明确规定,但现行法律中对于司法鉴定人出庭权利与义务的规定严重失衡,出庭质证保护等规定亦极为笼统,缺乏可操作性。为此,有必要进一步从制度上保障司法鉴定人出庭质证的差旅费用和经济补偿,并加强对其出庭质证安全的保护措施。通过制度性构建与优化,探索司法鉴定人出庭质证的应然路径。  相似文献   

2005年颁布的《全国人大常委会关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》(以下简称"《决定》")规定:"当事人对鉴定意见有异议的,鉴定人应当出庭作证"。随着我国法律制度的不断完善,司法改革的继续推进,庭审方式日趋成熟,鉴定人出庭质证已成为我国诉讼过程中重要的一环。根据相关法律并结合实践对司法鉴定的一些认识,本文是对司法鉴定人出庭质证制度一些问题的看法和建议。  相似文献   

正新《刑事诉讼法》第一百九十二条第二款规定:"公诉人、当事人和辨护人、诉讼代理人可以申请法庭通知有专门知识的人出庭,就鉴定人作出的鉴定意见提出意见"。对于一个专家型法医来说,可以作为"具有专门知识的人"被申请出庭,对其他法医鉴定意见提出意见,这就是通常所谓的"专家证人出庭制度"。但是非专家型法医是否也可以出庭对其他法医鉴定意见提出意见呢?在《刑事诉讼法》修订前这个  相似文献   

新《刑事诉讼法》第一百九十二条第二款规定:"公诉人、当事人和辨护人、诉讼代理人可以申请法庭通知有专门知识的人出庭,就鉴定人作出的鉴定意见提出意见"。对于一个专家型法医来说,可以作为"具有专门知识的人"被申请出庭,对其他法医鉴定意见提出意见,这就是通常所谓的"专家证人出庭制度"。但是非专家型法医是否也可以出庭对其他法医鉴定意见提出意见呢?在《刑事诉讼法》修订前这个  相似文献   

新实施的《刑事诉讼法》~([1])把法定证据之一的鉴定结论修改为鉴定意见,并且规定用作证据使用的鉴定意见须经过法庭质证,同时规定:"公诉人、当事人或者辩护人、诉讼代理人对鉴定意见有异议,人民法院认为鉴定人有必要出庭的,鉴定人应当出庭作证。经人民法院通知,鉴定人拒不出庭作证的,鉴定意见不得作为定案的根据。公诉人、当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人可以申请法庭通知有专门知识的人出庭,就鉴定人作出的鉴定意见提出意见。"《刑事诉讼法》~([1])的上述规定,对司法实践中如何正确运用鉴定意见,特别是如何通过庭审的诉讼活动,保障鉴定意见正确地得以采信提出了一个新的课题。为此出具鉴定意见的鉴定人员出庭作证并对鉴定意见进行相应的表达,是鉴定人接受质证必须要面对的新问题。  相似文献   

我国司法鉴定质证程序自《关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》颁布后并没有显著改变,鉴定人不出庭和对鉴定意见质证流于形式的问题仍然存在。究其原因,从宏观上看是诉讼制度的问题,从微观上看是鉴定意见质证本身的缺陷。解决这一问题,在宏观上应当在诉讼程序中建立和完善证据开示制度、交叉询问制度;在微观上应建立异议和关键鉴定意见强制出庭制度,明确不出庭的后果,规范质证规则和内容,并建立专家辅助人制度。  相似文献   

随着新《刑事诉讼法》的实施 ,审判方式改革的深入 ,法医学鉴定人在刑事诉讼时出庭质证的案件逐渐增多 ,法医工作者从幕后走到台前 ,法医工作又面临着新的挑战和机遇。笔者就近两年来在刑事诉讼出庭质证时所遇到的情况,就法医出庭质证的法律依据、法医在质证时的主要内容、原则及对策进行探讨。1法医出庭质证的法律依据《刑事诉讼法》第一百五十六条规定 :“......公诉人、当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人经审判长许可 ,可以对证人、鉴定人发问。......审判人员可以询问证人、鉴定人。”此条规定保证了刑事审判对公正、效率的要求…  相似文献   

当前,鉴定人出庭制度不尽完善,影响了庭审质证功能的发挥。由人民法院技术室组织当事人对鉴定意见进行庭前听证,能够有效答复当事人对鉴定意见提出的异议,保证鉴定意见的公正,同时也能有效减轻审判执行人员工作量、提高审判效率。一、庭审质证效能发挥的不足鉴定人出庭接受质询是法律规定,《民事诉讼法》第125条规定:当事人经庭审许可,可以向鉴定人发问。《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证  相似文献   

鉴定人出庭作证一方面属于广义上的证人出庭,另一方面又有别于普通证人出庭。因此,应当正确认识鉴定人出庭作证的特殊性,以正确把握鉴定人出庭作证的诉讼地位。鉴定人出庭作证的诉讼任务整体上是履行鉴定活动的委托方或指派方承担的举证责任,具体来讲则包括陈述鉴定意见和接受他人针对鉴定意见提出的质证两个方面,其中后者是具有挑战性的诉讼任务。为此,鉴定人应当主要从五个方面培训、学习、提高接受质证的能力。  相似文献   

高洁 《北方法学》2013,(6):147-157
我国2012年新《刑事诉讼法》首次设立专家辅助人制度,对鉴定意见的质证提供了技术上的支持,对于刑事辩护来说意义重大。从证据法的角度看来,专家辅助人意见具有言词证据、意见证据、弹劾证据的多重属性,因此意见的内容应围绕鉴定意见中的专门性问题,并结合《刑事诉讼法》及相关司法解释对鉴定意见的审查判断规则来提出;而法庭对于鉴定意见的审查也应从准入资格与可靠性两方面进行,以免专家辅助人意见替代鉴定意见来主导审判。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(4):551-561
The findings from a bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) may assist in formulating or falsifying scenarios that are considered in the investigative stages of a criminal investigation. When a case proceeds to trial the bloodstain pattern expert may be asked about the relevance of their findings given scenarios that are proposed by the prosecution and defense counsel. Such opinions provided by an expert are highly relevant to police investigation or legal proceedings, but the reasoning behind the opinion or implicit assumptions made by the expert may not be transparent.A proper framework for the evaluation of forensic findings has been developed since the late twentieth century, based on the hierarchy of propositions, Bayesian reasoning and a model for case assessment and interpretation. This framework, when implemented in casework, mitigates some of the risks of cognitive biases, and makes the reasoning and scientific basis for the opinion transparent. This framework is broadly used across forensic science disciplines. In this paper we describe its application to the field of BPA using a case example from the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI).  相似文献   

The delivery of forensic science evidence in a clear and understandable manner is an important aspect of a forensic scientist's role during expert witness delivery in a courtroom trial. This article describes an Integrated Evidence Platform (IEP) system based on spherical photography which allows the audience to view the crime scene via a virtual tour and view the forensic scientist's evidence and results in context. Equipment and software programmes used in the creation of the IEP include a Nikon DSLR camera, a Seitz Roundshot VR Drive, PTGui Pro, and Tourweaver Professional Edition. The IEP enables a clear visualization of the crime scene, with embedded information such as photographs of items of interest, complex forensic evidence, the results of laboratory analyses, and scientific opinion evidence presented in context. The IEP has resulted in significant improvements to the pretrial disclosure of forensic results, enhanced the delivery of evidence in court, and improved the jury's understanding of the spatial relationship between results.  相似文献   

《刑事诉讼法修正案》就鉴定意见作为证据的名称、省政府指定医院、鉴定人出庭的法律后果、鉴定人人身保障以及有专门知识的人出庭协助公诉人、当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人就鉴定意见提出意见等方面作出了修改,其意义是不可低估的。同时,由于修改的内容在前瞻性上不明显,有些重要的问题,如鉴定启动权、强制鉴定等没有涉及,仍需要司法鉴定制度改革予以进一步完善与弥补。  相似文献   

Evaluation of the fitness of an accused person to participate in legal proceedings is a classic forensic activity. Before the trial, the forensic expert will already assess any preexisting somatic and psychological illnesses and give a written expert opinion describing the condition of the accused at the time of the examination and assessing whether he is fit to stand trial. Nevertheless, decompensation or aggravation of a disease may occur--especially in stress situations as they are to be expected for an accused in the courtroom--so that apart from the current evaluation of the state of health of the accused, emergency treatment may occasionally become necessary in the courtroom. The article tries to answer the question how the expert can meet this challenge.  相似文献   

鉴定意见的审查判断问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
司法鉴定制度的改革不仅带来了司法鉴定体制的变化,而且促成了相关证据规则的完善。作为一种法定的证据种类,"鉴定意见"不再具有"鉴定结论"的效力,而要像其他证据一样,在证明力和证据能力方面经受法庭上的审查过程。违背法定的鉴定主体资格、鉴定程序、鉴真方法或鉴定文书的形式要件,鉴定人所提供的鉴定意见应被排除于法庭之外。有关鉴定意见的证据能力规则,不仅维护了法律程序的实施,而且可最大限度地增强该证据的证明力。从未来刑事证据法发展的角度来看,只有在宏观层面的司法体制和中观层面的鉴定程序方面发生实质性的变化,处于微观层面的鉴定证据规则才能有更大的制度空间。  相似文献   

This article reviews the legal basis for the development of forensic psychiatry in China, the organization of clinical assessments, and training of forensic psychiatrists. Regulations for the management of patients in Ankang hospitals and the role of forensic psychiatrists within the Criminal Justice system are described. The primary role of forensic psychiatrists is to provide expert opinions on competence to stand trial and criminal responsibility in criminal cases. They are increasingly involved in civil court proceedings and tribunals at the request of a range of official agencies. The clinical cases assessed by Chinese forensic psychiatrists are very similar to those of their counterparts in Western countries, but the organizational and legal framework for these assessments reflects a very different system that has evolved independently.  相似文献   

论我国司法鉴定人出庭作证制度的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
司法鉴定人出庭作证对法官采信正确鉴定意见、消除当事人对鉴定意见的怀疑、提高鉴定质量都有重要作用。但目前由于种种原因,司法鉴定人出庭作证率极低,需要我们认真分析其原因,完善司法鉴定人出庭作证制度。  相似文献   

In this paper, I introduce the Forensic Field Map (FFM) that provides a two-dimensional view on the forensic field. This field is by definition very broad, encompassing a wide range of scientific areas and activities. The forensic work that supports solving criminal cases ranges from recognizing and preserving traces at crime scenes to explaining forensic results as expert witness in court. This goes hand in hand with the development of scientifically based methods and tooling as well as legal, forensic and laboratory procedures. Although the FFM came into being while developing a (visual) framework for digital forensic investigations, the framework turned out to be generically applicable to other forensic disciplines.  相似文献   

刘晓丹 《证据科学》2012,20(1):21-32
科学证据是运用科学知识和科学方法对证据分析所得的判断意见。因此,科学证据属于意见性证言。为防止不可靠的科学证据对法庭的误导,英美法系国家建立了科学证据可采性规则,包括相关性规则、必要性规则、专家证人资格规则、排除规则、可靠性规则。美国科学证据可靠性规则经历了从Frye规则、Daubert规则到修订后的《联邦证据规则》702条的嬗变。我国对鉴定意见的审查主要限于相关性和合法性的审查。由于缺少对鉴定意见可靠性审查的指导与限制,导致了错误裁决的风险。本文提出确立鉴定意见科学可靠性规则的构想,以利于法官排除错误的鉴定意见,同时有助于法庭科学实验室的管理与制度完善,促使法庭科学实验室更严谨更科学地为法庭提供优质的法庭科学服务。  相似文献   

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