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维持和平行动作为联合国维护国际和平与安全的一种重要方式,在避免冲突和恢复和平方面起到了重要作用。当前维和行动对传统维和原则的突破是国际环境变化和联合国实践相互作用的结果,维和行动由"冷却冲突"到"解决冲突"的嬗变也面临着许多困境,"战后法"为维和行动提供了新的理论基础和法律语境,能力建设是它对维和行动提出的新的要求,它有助于推动维和行动向更加系统化和规范化的方向发展。  相似文献   

冷战后联合国维和行动发展评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
联合国维和行动是联合国维护世界和平与安全的重要手段.在美苏对峙的冷战时期,联合国维和行动的发展受到极大的抑制.冷战结束后,新的国际政治与安全形势为联合国维和行动的开展提供了前提条件和机遇,国际社会对维和行动提出了新的要求,因此联合国维和行动得到了迅速发展并表现出许多新的特点和发展趋势.但是,由于国际环境的变化和日趋复杂,冷战后的联合国维和行动也面临着一些问题与挑战,这些问题和挑战对联合国维和行动的未来发展将产生重要影响.  相似文献   

联合国及其安理会为了维护国际社会的和平与安全,专门设立了“维护和平行动”,在第二次世界大战后,尤其是冷战结束后发挥不可替代的重要作用和深远影响.维和行动是联合国对于维护世界的和平与安全做出的重要贡献.维和行动是联合国为了实现《联合国宪章》中“维护世界和平与安全”这一宗旨采取的重要手段,在国际社会和平与安全领域起到十分重要的作用;而中国作为联合国安理会五大常任理事国之一,维护世界的和平与安全,是中国的外交目标和外交手段.本文通过介绍维和行动的基本概况和历史轨迹,安理会所面临的挑战,以及中国参与其中所采取的行动这一线索展开论述.  相似文献   

冷战结束后 ,联合国维和行动问题多多 ,困难重重 ,面对新的世纪 ,维和行动将如何发展 ?本文对冷战后之维和行动进行了深入思考和冷静分析。从冷战后实施的维和行动的变化和存在之问题的分析入手 ,剖析了存在问题的原因 ,提出了确定与完善维和行动规则的建议与设想 :强调维和行动应正确定位在维持和平、缓解冲突上 ,而不应成为干预别国内政和大国推行其战略的工具 ;强调维和的基本原则应当坚持 ,维和行动应规范化和制度化 ,尽快修改《宪章》 ,改变维和至今游离于《联合国宪章》之外的“无法可依”的局面 ,期望未来的维和行动能在正确定位的基础上有章可循地进行 ,为维护世界和平与安全做出更多贡献。  相似文献   

维和行动在国际争端解决、冲突化解、维护国际和平与安全等方面发挥着重要作用。维和部队武力使用规则作为维和行动中一个极为敏感的问题,其经历国际社会多次探索革新后逐步形成完善的体系架构,但其在武力使用合法性、武力使用限度及相关责任归因等问题上仍值得国际社会继续探究。中国军队自1990年向联合国停战监督组织派遣5名军事观察员以来已走过30年维和历程,其作用发挥在联合国维和行动中已日趋明显。  相似文献   

联合国维和行动的国际法根据和问题宋玉波联合国及其安理会为维护国际和平和安全而创设的“维持和平行动”在维护和平与安全方面发挥了不可替代的作用。1988年9月29日挪威诺贝尔奖委员会将诺贝尔和平奖授予联合国维持和平部队以表彰其“在极端困难的条件下,为缓和...  相似文献   

二战以后建立的联合国及其安理会,为使后世免遭“惨不堪言之战祸”,创设了“维持和平行动”。五十余年来,它在维护世界和平与安全方面发挥了不可替代的作用。然而,维和行动就像一把双刃剑,在维护和平、安全与人权的同时,也存在着侵犯人权的隐患与现实问题。本文以国际刑法为视角对此问题进行了分析,进而提出了强化维和行动中人权保护的几点思考。  相似文献   

贺月泓 《法制与社会》2012,(23):129-130
维持和平行动是联合国为帮助受冲突之患的国家创造实现持久和平的条件而确立的一种独特而有活力的手段.本文将试通过对冷战结束后维和行动发展趋势的阐述来分析当前新形势下维和行动面临的困惑与挑战,并从几个不同方面提出了未来发展的可行性规划与期待.  相似文献   

联合国维和行动作为联合国的重要功能之一,对维护世界和地区和平发挥着越来越重要的作用。因此,深入探讨维和行动在国际法上存在的缺陷,进而制定一部完整的维和行动法典,对其进行国际法上的规制具有很重要的意义。  相似文献   

1988年9月29日,挪威议会诺贝尔奖金委员会在奥斯陆决定,把1988年诺贝尔和平奖授予联合国维持和平部队。该委员会认为它对减轻国际冲突起了重要作用,对推动冲突各方走向真正的和谈作出了贡献。联合国维持和平部队获得诺贝尔和平奖,表明它在维持和平方面所发挥的作用,并已得到国际社会的正式确认。联合国维持和平部队是在联合国维持和平行动的实践中发展起来的。迄今共建立了15支部队,其中有8个军事观察团,7个维持和平部队。这些部队中有8个已经结束了工作,有7个目前仍在执行任务中。  相似文献   


This article provides a critical reading of the judgments of The Hague District Court and especially The Hague Court of Appeal in the case of Mothers of Srebrenica v. the State of the Netherlands, which concerned the liability in tort of the Dutch State for facilitating the massacre of Bosnian Muslims in 1995. It engages with the courts’ considerations regarding the attribution of conduct to the State in UN peacekeeping operations, the extraterritorial application of human rights treaties, the State obligation to prevent genocide, and the State’s liability for damages. While not fully agreeing with the courts’ argumentation, the author concludes that the judgments contribute to the refinement of the law and practice of State responsibility in respect of wrongful acts committed in complex multinational peace operations.


The UN Secretariat provides annual statistics on allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse made against peacekeeping personnel, with reduced numbers of allegations leading to claims of success for the UN's ‘zero tolerance’ policy. This article explores the use of data as ‘technologies’ of global governance, to examine the function that these annual statistics serve for the UN and the impact that they have on calls for legal reform. Thus far, the statistics have attracted little academic appraisal. Yet, they have been used to establish the UN's authority to resolve the ‘problem’ of sexual exploitation and abuse, diminishing the space for critique of UN policy and undermining the quest for improved legal arrangements.  相似文献   

With Resolution 1638 (2005), the UN Security Council requestedthe peacekeeping mission in Liberia (UNMIL) to apprehend anddetain former President Charles Taylor in the event of his returnto Liberia, and to transfer him to the Special Court for SierraLeone (SCSL). This new task assigned to a UN peacekeeping missionis a significant departure from previous practice. Althoughthere are a few precedents of military troops acting withinthe framework of UN missions which have been authorized to arrestwar criminals, the conferral of an explicit and clear mandateconstitutes a welcome novelty. This resolution is indicativeof the trend emerging in the UN Security Council's practiceto combat impunity by enhancing the rule of law and promotinginternational criminal justice; in particular, it is notablebecause it evinces the Security Council's willingness to strengthencooperation with international criminal tribunals. The examinationof the precedents (UNOSOM II: Second United Nations Operationin Somalia and IFOR/SFOR, the NATO-led multinational force deployedin Bosnia-Herzegovina) is useful for the discussion of legalissues raised by Resolution 1638. The task of arresting a warcriminal can easily be reconciled with the non-coercive natureof UN peacekeeping operations, provided that the consent ofall parties involved is secured. Interestingly, UNMIL troopsare not only authorized but also obliged to implement Resolution1638. After completion of this article, on 29 March 2006, Taylor wasarrested while trying to flee Nigeria. He was put on a jet boundfor Liberia, where at the airport he was taken into custodyby UNMIL peacekeepers and flown by UN helicopter to the SCSLdetention facilities at Freetown, Sierra Leone.  相似文献   

In 2001, the United Nations Security Council established an Expert Panel to study the issue of whether the UN should institute HIV testing of peacekeeping personnel. This article, based on a 9 July 2002 presentation to the XIV International AIDS Conference (abstract TuOrG1173), reports on the findings of a paper prepared for the Expert Panel by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. The paper examined whether it is permissible for the UN to implement mandatory HIV testing of its peacekeeping personnel, and whether HIV-positive UN peacekeeping personnel should be excluded or restricted from service on the basis of their HIV status or HIV disease progression. The article describes some of the court cases in which these issues have been considered; discusses the importance of analyzing such issues in the context of a human rights-based approach to the pandemic; and formulates a series of key principles for guiding UN decision-making. The article concludes that a policy of mandatory HIV testing for all UN peacekeeping personnel cannot be justified on the basis that it is required in order to assess their physical and mental capacity for service; that HIV-positive peacekeeping personnel cannot be excluded from service based on their HIV status alone, but only on their ability to perform their duties; and that the UN cannot resort to mandatory HIV testing for all UN peacekeeping personnel to protect the health and safety of HIV-negative personnel unless it can demonstrate that alternatives to such a policy would not reduce the risk sufficiently. In the end, the Expert Panel unanimously rejected mandatory testing and instead endorsed voluntary HIV counselling and testing for UN peacekeeping personnel.  相似文献   

Netherlands International Law Review - In the last decade UN peace operations have begun to explicitly seek ‘stabilization’ in the states to which they are deployed. Despite the term...  相似文献   

联合国经济制裁通常以安理会决议的形式出现,安理会决议具有法律效力,各国有义务全面、严格地执行安理会决议。安理会决议应当遵循《联合国宪章》的宗旨及原则,不得与一般国际法强制规律相抵触。当一国出现严重侵犯人权的罪行并怠于履行人权保护义务时,安理会可以代表国际社会对其采取保障人权的必要措施。联合国制裁经历了从"传统制裁"到"聪明制裁"的转变。由于缺少对公正审判权的保护,各国执行"聪明制裁"面临选择困境。针对"聪明制裁"可能引发的人权危机,有必要从制度设计层面入手,明确安理会决议的授权范围,完善"和平之威胁"的判断标准,加强对各国执行安理会决议的监督与审查,保障制裁对象的公正审判权,建立多元化的人权保护救济渠道。在联合国经济制裁中加强人权保护,有利于积极应对国际安全形势变化,有利于促进和平解决国际争端,有利于推动构建人类命运共同体。  相似文献   

李若瀚 《时代法学》2012,10(5):91-100
冲突后阶段作为武装冲突的特殊阶段已为人们所认可,正义战争理论关于"战后正义"的讨论为"战后法"提供了理论来源。事实上,传统武装冲突法不能涵盖冲突后阶段的所有内容,当前武装冲突法中调整冲突后阶段关系的实体规则需要加以完善,"战后法"应作为其独立分支调整该阶段的特殊法律关系,以保障从冲突到和平的实现。此外,国际上处理冲突后重建问题的其他机制,如"联合国建设和平计划"、"保护的责任"等,也为"战后法"的建立及完善提供了实践上的启示。  相似文献   

Allegations of criminal conduct have been made against UN peacekeeping personnel. While only a small number commit criminal offences, these personnel must be held accountable for their actions. Ensuring accountability is difficult due to jurisdictional issues, including in which jurisdiction (host state, sending state, or third state) to prosecute offenders. However, the possibility of the International Criminal Court exercising jurisdiction over peacekeeping personnel (civilian or military) has not really been considered. This article will examine the potential applicability of the substantive law of war crimes and crimes against humanity under the Rome Statute to crimes committed by peacekeeping personnel.  相似文献   

This essay speculates on howimageries/imaginations of peace emerge beforeand beyond the words of peace talk andpractice. Exploring the example of OperationRestore Hope (1992–1993) in Somalia, itis argued that imageries/imaginations of peace,e-merging from and into everyday socialities and tribal puissance –echoing Maffesoli – to a significant degree tostructure the outcome of (international)peacemaking operations. The essay describeshow, during Restore Hope (a test casetowards President Bush's ``new world order')imageries/imaginations of peace as immobilitye-merged, before and beyondthe words of a medic's Law of Stabilization.This essay explores the imaginary ofinternational peacekeeping operations. As such,it tries to move beyond the words and the signsof international law. It wants to explore theimages, the imageries, the imaginations thatroam – merging and dissipating – beforelaws, before the Law of the Symbolic.  相似文献   

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