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理性思维是人类思维的高级形式,它能使人们正确把握客观事物的本质和规律,但人们运用理性思维的时候往往并非是纯粹无比的,导致理性思维常常陷入困境,例如形式逻辑与辩证逻辑将理性思维困于动静的泥潭,相对主义否定理性思维的客观性,感性思维又常常羁绊着理性思维的认识过程,这些影响因素不仅导致我们理性思维的不纯粹,甚至可能使理性走向非理性。  相似文献   

阳海音 《学理论》2010,(1):82-83
马尔库塞一方面批判了资本主义社会片面发展科技合理性所导致的种种危害,另一方面他又指出不能全盘抛弃科技理性,科技理性在计划和开发可用资源等方面,仍然是至关重要的。他主张人们应该树立一种新理性观念。这种新理性是一种包含批判和否定精神的历史理性,是工具理性和价值理性的统一,是科学理性和艺术理性的统一,是理性与感性、与幸福的统一。马尔库塞的上述思想对于我们思索当代中国的发展问题具有诸多重要启示。  相似文献   

世界各国的文化有其共性和个性,各国的文化现状客观存在着发展不平衡,从而影响着国家间的文化交流.世界跨文化交流的文化冲突具有普遍性、客观性、敏感性、关联性的特点,了解文化冲突,把握科学导入.文化导入应注意选择先进文化大胆引进;继承发扬优秀传统文化、保持相对独立性;结合本国国情,扬长避短.  相似文献   

理性思维和线性思维的教育传统成为公共管理理论与实践之间存在鸿沟的重要因素,填平这条沟壑只是理想,能做的只是减小这条沟壑,以及在这条沟壑上架起一座座桥梁。公共管理理论研究与其他许多社会科学研究的一个重要区别就是它与世俗权力意志有着密切的联系,在这种情况下研究者个人的兴趣、爱好和自由的思绪更显必要,它要求公共管理理论研究者必须有强烈的求真意志,应采取理性怀疑、开放视野、多元思考的态度,在探索中求知,在批判中学习。政策科学及公共政策分析得以迅速发展便是应上述这些理论和实践的诉求,体现着理论与实践的统一,要跨越公共管理理论与实践的鸿沟,还有许多工作亟待开拓和创造。  相似文献   

张杰 《各界》2009,18(11)
中华古诗源远流长,内涵丰富,名篇佳作,美不胜收.其间包含着丰富的美的素养,以美感染学生的情绪,启发学生的心智,引导学生由感知美入手,到欣赏美、热爱美,最后创造美,是古诗教学的目的之一.同时它是祖国传统文化的瑰宝,其中古诗美的领域就是一个辉煌的殿堂,帮助学生认识美、感受美和创造美,陶冶学生爱美的情操,是培养学生古代文化素养的目的所在.为了使学生在有限的时间里体会到最广博、最丰厚的诗歌韵味并铭记在心,让诗歌这块在学生心中渐渐荒芜的田地重新燃起生机,我在教学中通过自己的文学积淀和审美体验去影响学生,让他们接触美,发现美,从而欣赏美和领悟美.  相似文献   

非理性因素对公共政策执行的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在公共政策执行中,非理性因素对理性因素起着重要的补充作用,政策执行主体应该全面认识非理性因素的影响,在坚持理性因素的支配和定向作用的前提下,准确把握政策环境,正确分析政策问题,适度运用非理性因素,科学地发挥其认知作用、选择作用、推动作用、调控作用和创新作用。  相似文献   

文化自觉的现代社会发展意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化自觉是人类理性在求取自身生存发展和自由过程中的最高体现,它主要涉及人的解放的目的、意义、价值等关于“人自身”的问题。在社会发展的文化过程中,具体表现为人的求真精神、求善精神和求美精神,使人牢记人永远是目的而不是手段,人的目的在于人自身,关心人、热爱人,关注全人类的发展和进步,从而使人成为一种具有崇高境界的真正全面自由发展的主体。  相似文献   

中国政治学恢复为一门独立的社会科学以来,取得了相当大的发展,但与当前中国特色社会主义事业对政治学提出的要求还有较大差距.基于政治学研究的特殊属性,只有在中国特色社会主义民主政治建设的过程中实现政 治学研究求真、求实、求善、求美的价值取向,才可能实现政治学研究与政治实践的结合与共赢.  相似文献   

审美活动与科学创造赵伯飞对美的热爱与追求是审美活动和科学创造的情感动力,本文试图从审美活动与科学创造的关系入手,就审美活动对科学创造的积极促进作用作一些初步的探讨一审美活动与科学创造本属两个不同领域的问题,一是寻美,一是求真,但两者之间又确有密切的联...  相似文献   

关于历史唯物主义的争议总是与历史唯物主义的定位有关.回应科学的客观性要求,体现人和社会历史独特性的历史性思维,二者的结合促成了历史唯物主义的创立.这二者也正是历史唯物主义创立背后的学术动机.在理论结构上,历史唯物主义理论包含一个"前提一理论(纲领)一解释"的架构.呈现了马克思历史唯物主义思考的表述逻辑.在理论性质上,历史唯物主义则具有科学、哲学的二重性.这一二重性也预示着历史唯物主义未来发展的二重路径.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the state of the art in the field of Political Sociology in Germany. It turns out that Political Sociology has been established as an independent sub-discipline in Political Science. The theoretical approaches predominantly follow an empirical-analytical perspective. In terms of methodology, a quantitative approach is prevailing. The number of research fields has significantly broadened. Major research topics are: democracy and the transformation of political systems, political parties, political participation and voting behaviour, political values and attitudes, political communication.  相似文献   

在我国近现代艺术歌曲宝库中,有许许多多优秀的作品,其中《沁园春·雪》是大家广为熟悉的作品之一。作曲家生茂、唐诃深悉毛泽东诗词《沁园春·雪》的内在涵义.通过充满才华的艺术创作。使得这首艺术歌曲在高等艺术院校的声乐教学中被频繁使用.深受广大师生喜爱。大家知道,演绎作品时对于作品创作背景的了解是非常重要的。《沁园春·雷》如果单纯从词的文学结构来分析.分上下两篇;上篇大笔挥洒.描写北国雪景。展现祖国山河的壮丽:下篇借景抒情.由祖国山河的壮丽引出英雄人物.纵论历代英雄.抒发诗人的抱负。  相似文献   

A content analysis was conducted on 181 randomly sampled articles published in nine leading social policy journals from 1975 through 1980. The purpose of the study was to obtain a methodological and substantive profile of the state of the art of the policy sciences. Results indicate the existence of two prevailing types of policy analysis: quantitative-empirical and rhetorical-discussive.The positions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the National Science Foundation, the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, or Applied Science Associates, Inc.  相似文献   

This article presents a reading of David Byrne's Envisioning Emotional Epistemological Information, an art work created with MicroSoft's presentation software PowerPoint, as an instance of creative research on semiotics and semiotic technology. It reveals commonalities and differences between Byrne's ideas about PowerPoint and related ideas from linguistics and semiotics, and is intended as a contribution to research on PowerPoint, and on semiotic technologies generally, as well as to efforts aimed at developing criteria for evaluating art as research on semiotics.  相似文献   

Michel Foucault in his lecture “What is Critique?” argues that criticism offered a response to the state's developing art of governing in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Instead of accepting the state's way of governing, critics presented alternative visions of not being quite so governed or of not being governed thusly. Similarly, in the latter half of the twentieth century, factions within academic disciplines also rejected their disciplines' mode of governing and created alternatives. In response to the desire to make political science more relevant and visible, the Caucus for a New Political Science formed as an alternative to the American Political Science Association. A similar trend occurred in other disciplines. Over the next few decades a number of academic journals were founded that included the word “critical” in their titles or explicitly stated a “critical” aim or approach. However, even dissenting academic groups, like the Caucus for a New Political Science, began to be reabsorbed within their disciplinary homes. With time, many of these groups succumbed to a degree of professionalization that perhaps inhibited their larger aspirations. As Foucault argues, the critical attitude does not reject governing altogether; it is not a call for anarchy. Rather, it demands an alternative to the current governance. The question becomes how to maintain the critical attitude while also building alternative institutions. Does institution building attenuate critique? And what then is critique? This article reflects on these questions by providing a brief study of “critical” disciplinary reorganizations, with greater attention to the Caucus for a New Political Science and its journal, New Political Science.  相似文献   

This analysis addresses the question of how different levels of culture were used in the Cold War by political and civil institutions to influence public opinion in Western Europe, and, more specifically, in Germany. It illuminates how what are commonly defined as ‘cultural exports’ or ‘cultural propaganda’ refer to a highly heterogeneous and complex group of governmental and non-governmental agents, actions and motivations. While governmental exports focused increasingly on highbrow products such as book and art exhibits, manifestations of popular culture were only admitted if they revealed a specific educational purpose. It can be argued that high culture provided the basis for much Cold War propaganda as much as the Cold War manipulated representations of high culture. Competing against communist claims that America had no high culture, US Cold War programs invoked previous instances of high cultural exchange, particularly with Germany. In doing so, they sealed and politicized a cultural partnership that had been in existence for almost 100 years.  相似文献   

The development of policy rests on skilled practice by knowledgeable practitioners – ‘policy work’ – and it is important to know what skills and knowledge this work calls upon, and where these are learned. Although there is substantial academic knowledge and courses in this field, many practitioners will argue that policy work is ‘as much an art as a science’ and is something that ‘you learn as you go’. This article reports on an exploratory study of policy practitioners’ accounts of their practice, what counts as knowledge, and in what contexts it is ‘useful’. We examine the discourses through which policy work is accomplished, the way in which people learn to do it, and the place of academic work in the constitution of these discourses. Drawing on our respondents understanding of policy practice, we discuss what more might be done to facilitate learning about the work of policy.  相似文献   

Despite the growing literature on polarization, students of comparative politics have not yet been able to reach much assured understanding of how party polarization influences voter turnout in multiparty settings, which often put on offer both centrist, and divergent mainstream and niche party policies. I evaluate how politically sophisticated and unsophisticated citizens with different ideological preferences respond to high and increasing party polarization by employing individual- and party system-level data from 17 European multiparty democracies. I hypothesize that high levels of actual and perceived party polarization increase voter turnout, and policy seeking, sophisticated citizens are more likely to turn out when polarization in party policy offerings in the short run increases their utility from voting. The empirical analyses show that high party polarization increases both politically sophisticated and unsophisticated citizens’ propensities to turn out. However, such positive effect for the most part comes from the between- and within-party systems differences in actual party polarization, rather than how individual citizens perceive that. The implications of these findings with respect to strategic position taking incentives of political parties and the effects of the knowledge gap between sophisticated and unsophisticated citizens on political participation and democratic representation are discussed in the concluding section.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(3):296-320

Schelling’s philosophy of art between 1801 and 1807 can be defined as metaphysics of art. The object of that metaphysics is to deploy the absolute as the being of art and of the arts. Schelling has been criticized on the basis that this metaphysics of art represses the infinite diversity of existing works of art, while overlooking concrete aesthetic experience. Based on Schelling’s definition of the “philosophical construction” of art as an inseparably speculative and historical construction, the aim of this paper is to challenge such assertions. It will show that “historical construction” has to be understood in a twofold manner: first, as a transcendental history of the absolute’s artistic individuation and second, as a cultural history of both the ancient and modern worlds of art. Working within this twofold setting the paper argues that Schelling’s systematic approach, while exhibiting a unifying force, still remains open to the otherness of the real.  相似文献   

The idea that science simply mirrors nature has been challenged by postmodernism that has considered the way it contructs the world, our bodies and identities. But such criticisms, apart from the odd exception, have been directed at science in general with little insight or attention to actual empirical procedures that take place in laboratories, for example. This article investigates the idea that Enlightenment is not redundant, and that in fact laboratory procedures are not so different to those used in the humanities. The article shows that scientific procedure shares much with the way narratologists might analyse story. It likens representations of cancer development and cell cycles to the narratological models used by Barthes and Greimas. Science does not so much make nature reveal its secrets but offers an epistemological opportunity for examination, expression and ultimately creativity.  相似文献   

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