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Hans Kelsen’s claim that the state and the law are identicalis surrounded by a somewhat mystical air. Yet, the ‘identitythesis’ loses much of its mystical aura when it is seenas an attempt to recast the state, qua social fact, in deontologicalterms. The state is seen as a condition necessary to accountfor the validity of legal acts. Indeed, the meaning of the stateis reduced to the function performed by a conception of orderin the reproduction of a system of norms. No further socialfact would attest to its existence. From a sociological pointof view, all law is essentially, and principally, law sans state.  相似文献   

时间的流逝使法学家和实践者面对两个相互联系的问题,即因果关系的证据问题以及根据反事实推理,如果原先的非法行为不发生,现在看来会是怎样的合理性问题。虽然心理学、历史和国际关系等多个学科越来越多地利用反事实推理,但国际法在很大程度上忽视或忽略了该方法。反事实推理可增加国际事件可被感知的法律意义。反事实推理能让我们评价因果关系,这对于在国际法律体系中伸张正义来说尤为重要。反事实推理是贸易救济中一种有用的方法。反事实推理在评价国际法的有效性方面起着重要作用。但由于其假设性的本质和社会事件的复杂性,反事实推理只应被视为其他方法的补充。  相似文献   

AIDS and the Limits of Discrimination Law   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The Rule of Law and its Limits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Law and Philosophy -  相似文献   

吕玉赞 《河北法学》2015,33(3):2-16
陈金钊教授提出的“把法律作为修辞”理论根据当代西方法律修辞学虽可获得相应的证成,但这种法律修辞理论也有自己无法克服的多种局限和限度:游移于分析性修辞学和法律论辩理论之间,理论进路混乱;合法性、可接受性和合理性三种价值立场因无法在法律修辞的语境下兼容而始终充满张力;构造的“法律修辞方法”无法满足法律方法论的要求,并非一种真正的法律修辞方法;勾勒的法律修辞“谋篇布局”过于模糊、残缺不全且充满内在缺陷.这四种缺陷注定了“把法律作为修辞”理论难以作为完整的或真正的法律修辞理论.  相似文献   

Three recent publications evidence a growing interest in critical jurisprudence with materiality, technology, affect and atmosphere. These approaches pose fundamental challenges to existing traditions within legal critique, spurning a focus on the ideology of legal reasoning and exploring instead the unique practices through which the law binds subjects through material, affective and atmospheric manipulations. Through either Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos’s ‘lawscape’ or Kyle McGee’s ‘jurimorphs’ these innovative theoretical projects pluralise the ‘forces’ which account for the law’s normativity, disavowing the notion that such forces can be reduced either to a transcendental form (like sovereignty) or to notions of structural or symbolic violence. These approaches address a ‘democratic deficit’ in legal philosophy that has generally excluded the realm of the material in its theorising and allows us to attend to the multiple forms that allow for the passage of law.  相似文献   

论取得时效制度在人身关系法和公法上的适用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐国栋 《中国法学》2005,5(4):67-75
本文从研究罗马法中的统一适用于人身法和财产法的取得时效制度入手,扩展研究了近现代欧美民法人身法和刑法中残留的身份占有制度,得出了有必要恢复取得时效制度在人身法上的适用的结论,据此研究了取得时效在我国民法人身法和公法上可适用的情形,提出了在未来民法典总则中规定取得时效,把取得时效理解为跨部门法的制度的主张。  相似文献   

合同法的局限:一个劳动关系的视角   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
合同法规范合同关系的根据主要依赖于合意理论。受有限理性限制,合同法实际上是以一次性交易为典型调整对象构造其规则体系的,对具有持续性并随时发生变化的劳动合同关系则存在无法克服的调整障碍:劳动合同的成立仅仅意味着劳动关系被启动,随之发展起来的复杂样态远远溢出当初合意所能规划的范围。依合同法固有的法律行为技术进行调整,既缺乏合意根据,也缺乏足够大的规则供给体量。面对由现代企业科层组织塑造的人格从属性劳动关系,以及由此引发的劳资矛盾和冲突,如果仅依赖意思自治,而不引入国家管制和劳工集体力量的约束,是无法实现秩序和公正的。  相似文献   

先占是一种重要的私人财产权获取方式和原则.其合理性在于先占人的资格比较容易识别,且一般蕴含着尊重劳动及征得他人同意、先占人与其他人之间存在着明示或默示契约之意.通过加利福尼亚淘金热中先占原则的历史变迁,阐明了不同变量对先占原则的影响,并进一步说明先占原则的有效性取决于资源的状况、先占者与他方的力量对比、是否需要合作、信息费用、权利的维护成本等诸多因素.权利冲突现象的广泛存在,更进一步解释了现代社会先占原则式微的原因.但市场定价制度的非精确性,却使先占原则以“排队伦理”的形式获得了新生.  相似文献   

Crimes against humanity are supposed to have a collective dimension with respect both to their victims and their perpetrators. According to the orthodox view, these crimes can be committed by individuals against individuals, but only in the context of a widespread or systematic attack against the group to which the victims belong. In this paper I offer a new conception of crimes against humanity and a new justification for their international prosecution. This conception has important implications as to which crimes can be justifiably prosecuted and punished by the international community. I contend that the scope of the area of international criminal justice that deals with basic human rights violations should be wider than is currently acknowledged, in that it should include some individual violations of human rights, rather than only violations that have a collective dimension.  相似文献   

The incident in May-June 2007 involving a U.S. citizen traveling internationally while infected with drug-resistant tuberculosis involved the U.S. federal government's application of its quarantine and isolation powers. The incident and the isolation order raised numerous important issues for public health governance, law, and ethics. This article explores many of these issues by examining how the exercise of quarantine powers provides a powerful lens through which to understand how societies respond to and attempt to govern threats posed by dangerous, contagious pathogens. The article considers historical aspects of governmental power to quarantine and isolate individuals and groups; analyzes the current state of quarantine and isolation law in the United States in light of the recent incident with drug-resistant tuberculosis; and explores global aspects of public health governance and law highlighted by this incident.  相似文献   

赵帅  翁里 《科技与法律》2009,80(4):60-64
当今社会,网络世界中的照片搜索已经对我们的现实生活产生了重大影响。美国的威廉·普罗瑟四种隐私侵权体系等现存的侵权法体系并不能对其中的受害者有任何实质意义的帮助。许多美国学者提出改革侵权法、发展合同规则、实行美国国会干预等建议解决这些问题。美国Ryan Budish博士撰写的“In the Face of Danger:Facial Recognition and the Limits of Privacy Law”,支持在妥善处理好对言论自由、自由市场影响的前提下,采取美国国会干预的行政手段。  相似文献   

地方先行法治化的基本路径及其法理限度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
倪斐 《法学研究》2013,(5):63-74
近年来,江苏、广东、浙江等地提出了先行法治化目标。针对这一现象,学者们就我国单一制体制下地方先行法治化的可行性、与法制统一原则的关系以及是否仅限于发达地区等问题产生了争议。在政府、法律职业阶层和民间力量等地方法治发展主要推动力的相互作用下,地方先行法治化的立法、行政和司法实践呈现出“体制内回应型”的基本路径。“体制内回应型”路径下的地方先行法治化在主体、内容和形式上存在偏离法治的情形。客观评判“地方先行法治化”命题的法理限度,重塑地方先行法治化的回应型路径,是协调地方法治与国家法治关系,保证地方法治建设合乎法治理念的关键。  相似文献   

Today it is widely recognized in both academic literature and the mainstream media that prosecutors have substantial discretion. Yet prosecutorial decisions involve, in our view, something more than a straightforward exercise of discretion. In this article we move from the language of discretion to that of sovereignty to describe prosecutorial power. In so doing we want to move from the language of administration to the language of power. Focusing on the decision not to prosecute, we argue that prosecutorial decisions participate in, and exemplify, the logic of sovereignty and its complex relationship to legality.
By drawing on Carl Schmitt and Giorgio Agamben, we seek to recast prosecutorial decision making as something that allows prosecutors to grant exemptions from the reach of valid law. The sovereign power of prosecutors is most vividly on display when they decline to bring charges where there is a legally sufficient basis for doing so. By exercising what is, in most jurisdictions, an all but unreviewable power, they can and do exempt individuals from the reach of valid law.  相似文献   

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