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<正>中央、北京市党的群团工作会议,深刻阐明了新形势下党的群团工作的重大意义、方向目标和基本要求。结合对群团工作提出了新的要求,房山区总工会坚决贯彻落实中央和北京市决策部署和工作要求,努力做好党的职工群众工作,展现工会作为,服务区域发展。一是统一思想,坚持正确政治方向,增强工会组织三性。在思想上、政  相似文献   

唐永红 《台湾研究》2010,(3):11-15,22
新形势下构建“两岸人民交流合作先行区”。是进一步发挥福建对台优势与作用的需要,是促进两岸一体化顺利发展的需要。应以党的“十七大”精神与“胡六点”精神为指导,力争在构建“两岸共同家园”、维系“两岸同胞命运共同体”中先行先试,充分发挥祖国统一前沿平台的作用。特别是应将海峡西岸经济区的发展与祖国大陆改革开放的深化发展、区域经济的协调发展、对台工作的深入开展、两岸关系的和平发展有机结合起来,整合构建起一个有助于深化改革开放、推动区域(两岸)合作、促进国家统一的平台。  相似文献   

一元复始,万象更新。在2005年到来之际,我代表北京市总工会,通过《工会博览》杂志向全市各条战线的广大职工和工会干部致以新年的问候!  相似文献   

一元复始,万象更新。在2005年到来之际,我代表北京市总工会,通过《工会博览》杂志向全市各条战线的广大职工和工会干部致以新年的问候!  相似文献   

正结合分管工作,我对党史学习教育谈三点认识体会。第一,深刻认识工运事业是党的事业的重要组成部分,坚持党的领导是工运事业和工会工作根本政治原则。通过党史学习,最大的感触是中国工运事业发展与党的领导密不可分,中国工人阶级始终是党和国家事业发展的主力军。作为一名党员领导干部、一名新时代的工会工作者,必须从党史学习中看到党领导中国工人运动走向胜利的历史必然性,  相似文献   

本刊讯日前,在北京市东城区总工会十五次委员(扩大)会上,区委副书记冯熙认真听取了基层工会主席的经验发言后,在讲话中对全区工会工作充分肯定。他说:一是工会工作的观念有了更大的转变。各级工会组织把维护职工合法权益摆上了更加重要的  相似文献   

季工 《工会博览》2004,(14):20-21
北京市公共交通总公司是一个以经营地面公共交通客运为主的特大型国有企业,现有职工近10万人,拥有各种运营车辆21,049辆,运营线路739条,2003年总客运量37.6亿人次。近几年来,公交总公司工会紧紧围绕企业改革发展大局,以群众性的经济技术创新活动为载体,调  相似文献   

北京市人民还沉浸在奥运圣火传递的喜悦之中,又迎来了北京市工会第十一次代表大会的胜利召开,这是首都工人阶级政治生活中的又一件大喜事。我作为一名首都产业职工代表有幸参加了本次代表大会,感到十分光荣,同时也感到了责任和压力。  相似文献   

权保 《工会博览》2004,(24):26-28
近年来,湖北省各级工会把做好工会保障工作作为实践"三个代表"重要思想,落实"组织起来、切实维权"工作要求,履行维护基本职能的重要任务,先后对全省32万名困难职工提供了生活援助和帮扶,资助18,240名困难职工子女圆了大学梦,帮  相似文献   

改革开放以来,地方外事部门坚持以经济建设为中心,大力发展对外友好合作关系,广泛开展对外经贸交流与合作,积极引进国外资金、技术和人才,为促进地方经济发展做出了贡献.加入WTO以后,对外开放进入了一个新阶段,地方经济建设要求外事工作为其服务的主题更加突出,但服务的方式和手段与过去大不相同,在这种形势下,地方外事工作如何更好地为经济建设服务,已成为我们外事工作者关注和探索的焦点问题.  相似文献   

台湾证券柜台市场为破解台湾中小企业融资难题和完善多层次资本市场做出了积极贡献。但是,台湾证券柜台市场发展空间狭小,加强闽台证券柜台市场合作,既有利于扩大台湾证券柜台市场发展空间,又有利于破解福建中小企业融资困境。在充分论述闽台证券柜台市场合作必要性和可行性的基础上,文章提出引入台湾上柜和兴柜交易机制与福建产权市场对接,阐述了闽台证券柜台交易市场的框架设计、合作路径及配套措施。  相似文献   

This study examines Taiwan's economic development experience and identifies major achievements and challenges. The study first provides an overview of the past development record by analyzing several key economic indicators. It then explores major factors contributing to economic development, including general social background and supporting economic conditions as well as government development policy and activities. The paper especially focuses on changes and challenges resulting from the implementation of internationalization and liberalization of economic policy and the introduction of political democratization since the 1980s. The paper concludes with the implications of Taiwan's achievements and challenges.  相似文献   

For-profit prison corporations have sold prison privatization as a tool for economic development. The idea of prisons became more appealing once for-profit prison corporation demonstrated that they could finance, build, design, and construct prisons with private capital from private investment companies. Many private prisons throughout the United States are provided local, state, and federal economic development subsidies — which may include tax advantaged financing, property tax abatements, infrastructure improvements, and personnel training and development resources. Most research on prison privatization has examined costs and quality comparisons of private run prisons to government run correctional facilities. This article examines the factors that predict economic development subsidies to private prisons, which include: economic, social control, geographic, and political factors. Logistic regression results indicate the per capita gross state product, political ideology, black male disenfranchisement, and mandatory sentencing laws predict economic development subsidies to private prison corporations.  相似文献   

区域经济增长取决于区域拥有的物质资本存量和人力资源存量的数量和质量,而区域的经济竞争能力越来越取决于该区域人力资源的质量.改革开放以来我国区域经济呈现出东、中、西部之间差距不断扩大的格局,较发达地区与相对落后地区经济差距拉大的马太效应正在引起社会的广泛关注,造成这种状况的原因很多,人力资源的区域差异是其中最重要的一个.探讨区域人力资源的差异及其成因,并制定出符合市场规则的人力资源配置对解决目前日益扩大的地区差距有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

经济全球化与蒙古的应对战略措施 蒙古在上个世纪90年代初,伴随苏联东欧剧变后,选择了东欧型激进改革模式,进入了向"西方式民主制度"和市场经济体制"全面过渡"的转型时期.  相似文献   

In this paper we challenge the conventional wisdom that the world’s poorest countries are also the most vulnerable to spikes in international food prices. We derive an inverted U-shaped relationship between food price transmission and the development level of a country from a theoretical model. This prediction is subsequently tested in two sets of regressions where economic development is approximated by per capita income and where we control for a number of other potential determinants of food price transmission. The first set of regressions is based on estimated transmission elasticities and the second on actual domestic food price changes during spikes in international food prices. In both sets of regressions we find strong evidence of the existence of an inverted U-shaped relation between food price transmission and income. Thus, food prices in middle income (rather than in low income) countries respond the strongest to changes in international food prices, implying that the poor in these countries are the most exposed to spikes in food prices. We also show that the factors explaining the variation in the estimated transmission elasticities can explain the variation in domestic food price changes during spikes in international food prices equally well.  相似文献   

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