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知识产权证券化已经成为知识产权融资的一种发展趋势,而基础资产的选择则是知识产权证券化的核心内容之一,直接关系到证券化的成败。结合美日等国知识产权证券化实践,从知识产权资产证券化的适格性、基础资产的选择策略等方面进行理论探讨,对我国知识产权资产证券化具有一定价值。  相似文献   

DNA-based analysis is integral to missing person identification cases. When direct references are not available, indirect relative references can be used to identify missing persons by kinship analysis. Generally, more reference relatives render greater accuracy of identification. However, it is costly to type multiple references. Thus, at times, decisions may need to be made on which relatives to type. In this study, pedigrees for 37 common reference scenarios with 13 CODIS STRs were simulated to rank the information content of different combinations of relatives. The results confirm that first-order relatives (parents and fullsibs) are the most preferred relatives to identify missing persons; fullsibs are also informative. Less genetic dependence between references provides a higher on average likelihood ratio. Distant relatives may not be helpful solely by autosomal markers. But lineage-based Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA markers can increase the likelihood ratio or serve as filters to exclude putative relationships.  相似文献   

我国法官选任制度研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“法律是靠人来执行的,司法的权力如果经过无知和盲从的非职业者之手,那么再神圣纯洁的法律也都会变质。” 经过二十余年的司法改革,我国的法治状况已经有了的长足的发展。但历史和政治体制等多种原因造成的司法人员的低素质而导致司法不公正和司法腐败的问题已经严重影响了司法的形象和权威,无法与繁荣发展的市场经济和诉讼的繁多复杂相适应。法律界于是开始把关注的视角从法律制度和法律技术层面的变革转向司法主体—法院及法官制度的变革。手握司法权柄的一个个具体的法官是司法公正和司法效率的最终实现者,因此如何建设一支适应现代法治要求的职业化法官队伍成为新世纪司法改革“公正和效率”主题中的焦点,而法官选任制度是法官职业化建设的起点和守护神。科学合理的法官选任制度的构建无疑将对整个司法改革起到重要的作用,尽管它必然离不开外部政治体制配套改革和内部其他法官制度改革的支持。本文拟在探讨法官选任制度的意义及现代法治对法官素质要求的基础上,对我国法官选任制度与国外法治发达国家法官选任制度进行比较,进而对我国法官选任制度改革中一些具体制度的改革提出建议。  相似文献   

关于人民监督员选任机制的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现行的人民监督员选任机制存在选任范围过窄、选任资格条件规定不明、选任程序缺乏规范和透明度等问题,不利于人民监督员制度的健康发展。因此,需从拓宽人民监督员的选任范围、明确人民监督员业务素质的标准、改革人民监督员的选任程序等方面予以完善。  相似文献   

This article examines the unusual circumstance of what the author has tentatively termed "negative enhancement". This term is used to describe those instances where individuals seek to use preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to achieve outcomes that, commonly, are socially not preferred. In a recent survey by the Genetics and Public Policy Centre, it was found that 3% of IVF-PGD clinics in the United States reported having provided PGD to couples who seek to select an embryo for the presence of a particular disease or disability, such as deafness, in order that the child share the characteristic with the parents. The idea of "negative enhancement" is, therefore, both a paradox and a useful means to describe the hidden assumptions behind claims that enhancement technologies can only lead us in one direction -- towards a race of blond, blue-eyed, able-bodied, intellectually magnificent and athletically superior beings. In Australia there does appear to be a consensus that PGD should only be used to select against serious disability. This inevitably raises the question of how we define disability and who is best placed to make decisions about the kind of kin we want to create.  相似文献   

关于法官的选任年龄   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前 ,我国的司法改革已经提出了实质性的问题 ,即法官职业化。但是 ,我们所要造就的未来法官职业阶层到底是应由什么样的人来构成呢 ?除了现在人们已经谈到的各种法官素质要件外 ,本文作者在此还提到了一个并非要件的条件 ,即选任法官的年龄标准问题。对此 ,作者不仅尝试从理论上 ,而且还试图从实践上予以说明 ;不仅以比较的方法 ,而且还通过对人的社会心态和人的生理和心理成熟程度的分析方法 ,阐释其法官不应年轻化的理论。无论其理论成立与否 ,均可给人以一个方面的启示  相似文献   

公益诉讼模式比较与选择   总被引:54,自引:0,他引:54  
公益诉讼是为了保护社会公共利益而提起的诉讼。但是 ,我国至今还没有关于公益诉讼的立法。随着我国社会各方面的发展 ,特别是法治国家进程逐步展开 ,人民群众法治观念日益增强 ,关涉社会公共利益的行为和活动越来越引起人们的关注 ,因此而产生的公益诉讼问题也越来越突出尖锐。显然 ,公益诉讼立法只是个时间问题。然而 ,在我国现今的社会历史条件下 ,如何建立起一个可以操作的、行之有效的公益诉讼制度 ?作者在此为我们简练地介绍并勾画了国外公益诉讼制度的模式和操作机制 ,并且在此基础上指出了我国作为以公有制为主体的社会主义国家 ,应该予以选择和确立的制度模式。  相似文献   

构建学习型政府的价值取向及其路径选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学习型政府是“以人为本”、“以学习为基础”、“以强化公共服务”为特征的民主政府,而构建学习型政府则正是对学习型政府中的“人本价值”、“学习价值”、“服务价值”和民主价值的追求和索取。因此,要实现学习型政府的公共价值,就必须提出科学合理的对策和建议,以加快构建学习型政府的实践进程。  相似文献   

We present a model where an incumbent firm has a proprietary product whose technology consists of at least two components, one of which is patented while the other is kept secret. At the patent expiration date, an entrant firm will enter the market on the same technological footing as the incumbent if it is successful in duplicating, at certain costs, the secret component of the incumbent's technology. Otherwise, it will enter the market with a production cost disadvantage. We show that under some conditions a broad scope of trade secret law is socially beneficial.  相似文献   

In certain cases of chronic mental illness (for example bipolar disorder) a self-binding directive or Ulysses contract may be a helpful intervention to prevent harm to the person him- or herself and/or others. By choosing such an arrangement, the patient can indicate when and how mental health professionals may intervene against his or her will and provide indicated care which may lead to an improvement of the patient's mental condition. In the Netherlands, since 2008 the Compulsory Admissions Act has been amended and now includes a paragraph on self-binding. Starting from the Dutch debate and statutory regulation of self-binding in mental health care, a number of issues with broader relevance are discussed, particularly as these pertain to the legal regulation and juridification of self-binding. It is argued that too many detailed rules are a threat to increasing patient empowerment.  相似文献   

理据性是翻译的根本特性。同一原文之所以会产生不同的译本,就在于译者的翻译理据存在差异。从理论角度看,作为翻译主体的译者可以选择任何因素作为理据,但翻译与纯粹意义上的创作毕竟具有本质界线,所以在选择上不可能没有阈限,否则很可能造成翻译失误,不但影响译文的传播效果,严重一点还会扭曲一个国家和民族在异域文化和社会中的形象。因此,在中国文化走出去以及建设中国文化软实力的新时代背景下,译者在选择翻译理据时有必要遵循一定的原则。  相似文献   

张骏 《法学》2018,(12):161-173
我国理论界与实务界对转售价格维持的规制路径存在分歧的原因在于他们对《反垄断法》转售价格维持规定的看法不一,有的依赖于经济学理论支持适用合理原则,有的则立足于法律解释坚持可抗辩的违法推定规则。由于他们使用的论据不在同一理论轨道,引致争执不休。从法律规则的评判标准上看,合理原则以经济学理论为基础,体现了后果主义标准,但遮蔽了转售价格维持反垄断法分析中最为重要的权利问题视阈,内在缺陷明显,故并不可取。而可抗辩的违法推定规则体现了义务论标准,它以秩序自由主义理论为基础,凸显了反垄断法保护竞争过程的目标,彰显了反垄断法蕴涵的自由、公平的社会、政治和伦理价值,能够更好地规制转售价格维持。  相似文献   

余平  解铭  黄瑞华 《河北法学》2004,22(10):113-115
网络传播带来的法律冲突是目前知识产权界研究的热点之一。基于对网络环境下法律冲突的特点和复杂性的分析,重点探讨了网络传播对传统国际私法连结点的冲击。并提出了以ISP为新的连结因素解决网络传播法律冲突问题的主张。  相似文献   

论宪政模式选择中的本土文化传统因素   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着我国民主宪政制度的发展和宪政观念的不断深入人心,宪政模式的选择问题也越来越为人们所关注。而在这个问题上,本土文化传统因素的影响至关重要。西方国家与近代中国宪政的发展历史证明,本土固有的文化传统及其特异性,直接决定了宪政发生与发展的道路,以及宪政模式的基本特征。因此中国要选择符合自己国情的宪政模式,构建有中国特色的民主宪政制度,首先必须对本土文化传统因素及其影响问题有一个清楚的认识。  相似文献   

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