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雨果·格老秀斯(Hugo Grotius)所处的16世纪,可谓西方历史的巨变时期,一般说到近现代政治与法律思想,我们自然会想到英国、法国、德国乃至美国,其实深究起来,上述诸国的法政思想基本上都是在文艺复兴之后逐渐生长和培育出来的,16、17世纪主要是法国思想的世纪,18世纪是英国思想的世纪,19世纪属于德国.  相似文献   

During the last thirty years Mozambique has undergone two major processes of socio-political transformation, which have culminated in the creation of new legal systems. The first change took place atindependence in 1975, when a state-socialist system was adopted; the second came twenty years later when a liberal-democratic model was embraced. Setting out from Lotmanian semiotics,this paper analyses the political context of legal change in Mozambique. The analysis shows that the collapse of the radical project in the 1980s was linked to the new centre's failure to establish its metalanguage over the periphery, and to penetrate and transform the cultural memory of the rural population. During this period the political culture of the ruling party changed from rule-focused to expression-focused, becoming at the same time increasingly defensive and pragmatic. During the latest phase political debate has concentrated on local communities and the role of customary institutions. Both are burdened with contradictory textual memories, which the parties have failed to reconcile. However, due to its strong institutional position the ruling party has managed to maintain centralised control, albeit with an altered metalanguage to support it.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以来,西方社会的变迁为法理学提供了新的课题。豪埃克教授以哈贝马斯的沟通行为理论为指导,提出一种沟通视角的法理学。他认为,法律在本质上是基于沟通:立法者与国民间的沟通,法庭与诉讼当事人间的沟通,立法者与法官间的沟通等。这种沟通现在被认为是法律合法化的来源:法律人之间的理性对话是“正确”地解释和适用法律的最终保证。  相似文献   

In this essay, I situate Kunal Parker's Common Law, History, and Democracy in America, 1790–1900, within a broader set of intellectual currents engaged with questions of time and temporality. Although Parker's book centers on the common law and history and develops specific conceptions of time, in so doing, he invites legal historians and legal scholars to ruminate on the times of law, particularly the temporal relations that law has with itself. Placing Parker in conversation with Henri Bergson and the recent Bergsonian revival in critical theory, I suggest that law has a duration, a formulation that opens other itineraries to consider the dynamic times of law.  相似文献   

综合执法体制改革打破了以往分散、无序、重复执法的局面,将相关的执法资源整合在一起,节约了执法资源,提高了执法效率,优化了执法秩序,减少了执法扰民,增强了市场主体和社会公众的自由度,促进了社会的公平正义,体现了效率、自由、秩序、正义、安全等多重法理价值。但理想的价值目标是不会轻易实现的,对此应当进行价值优化和价值整合,其方法包括提高效率价值、扩大自由价值、维护秩序价值、强化正义价值、保障安全价值等。  相似文献   

In Australia, prostitution regulation has taken a very different path from many other countries. Law reform has led to the opening of some significant new spaces for legal sex work, including the (very different) regulatory regimes established in two Australian states – Queensland (brothels legal if their owners are licensed) and New South Wales (most commercial sex businesses and some street prostitution decriminalized; no licensing regime). The main research question is: how has regulation impacted on the positive rights of sex workers? I argue that law reform has engaged a mix of neo-liberal and other approaches – not to increase personal or corporate freedom but as part of a practical strategy designed to control a range of social problems, such as police corruption and organized crime. Neo-liberal regulation of prostitution in Australia has always been deployed in tandem with other modes of regulation – including new criminal law and policing strategies, planning law, health regulations, and (of course) moral regulation.  相似文献   

相沿数千年之久的传统法观念在近代的演变,一直是学界的研讨的热点。但以往的研究多将注意力放在中西文化大规模冲撞的1840年鸦片战争、尤其是戊戌变法之后,忽略了此前明末清初时中国传统法观念的自我更新的萌芽。本文主要提出了三个观点:第一,尽管明末清初的启蒙思想规模有限,但其是中国近代法观念演变之始;第二,明末清初与1840年以来法观念的演变具有不同的特征和路径;第三,在法近代化的过程中,既要重视吸纳外国的经验,又要重视传统资源的开掘,而目前对传统的开掘尚未引起足够的重视。  相似文献   

梁志文 《法律科学》2009,(5):157-164
专利制度需要改革,譬如我国的专利无效程序因其环节多等原因而颇受学者非议,专利侵权的认定标准等方面也存有争议。然,专利制度改革需要理论的支持。澄清专利授权行为的法律效力,在专利授权条件、侵权争议中的权利推定、现有技术抗辩、权利要求解释规则等各项专利制度中,强调专利授权行为的公示公信力,保障专利制度促进技术扩散的信息系统功能,这对专利制度改革和实践具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

经济分析是认定垄断行为违法性的主要工具。我国在反垄断法律制度建构过程中,自始十分重视经济分析方法和经济证据的使用,但是,如何将经济分析有机融入规范分析的法律过程,始终是个难题。20世纪90年代以来,欧盟竞争法经历了“基于效果的分析方法”的现代化改革,实现了核心价值目标的转换,构建了较为完备的经济分析规则体系,同时也面临...  相似文献   

SARS带来的冲击和变革是全方位且意义深远的。研究为什么危机可以推进和促成变法这个命题 ,其理论价值并不因SARS已经远离我们而有所减弱。变法是通过创设新的权利和义务对社会利益的进行重新分配。变法的目的 ,旨在适应社会生活的需要 ,协调不同利益集团的关系 ,增进社会整体的福利。政府与公众在利益上处于双赢格局 ,这是变法共识的重要基础和保障。  相似文献   

This paper argues for the practical importance ofpsychoanalysis for criminology, an importancewhich finds its raison d'être in thenecessity that a subject be response-able for there tobe full legal responsibility. In recognising therequirement for a certain linguistic constellation tobe in evidence – namely that there be a subject ofenunciation who is able to answer for what hearticulates at the level of his statement – thecorrespondence between legal responsibility and thelaw of symbolisation, Lacan's term for theOedipus complex, is addressed. Starting from thefictitious structure of truth and its corollary, thefact that `truth is grounded on the fact that itspeaks', the unconscious emerges as a grammaticalapparatus for the production of meaning. The logic ofexception, indexed on the signifier of theName-of-the-Father, is exposed as the mechanism forthe operation of this grammatical apparatus as it isbrought to bear on the trace of subjective division.I then demonstrate the importance of division for thesubject of law by presenting the deleterious effectsof the dysfunctional grammar of psychosisthrough a study of President Schreber's Memoirs and his use of grammatical devices in orderto institute a constitutional democracy in the realmof God – and thus submit the Father to his Name.  相似文献   

《反不正当竞争法》第20条规定了反不正当竞争案件中损害赔偿额的计算方法,但是对于既无充分证据证明原告损失、也无法认定被告所得的情况,没有相应的规定。司法实践中,为了解决此类案件,法院进行了各种探索,并逐渐确立了定额赔偿的制度。但此种制度一直受到合法性的困扰。在商标法、著作权法以及专利法明确规定法定赔偿金制度后,反不正当竞争法中确立此种制度也势在必行。而法学理论界对这一制度变迁未能提供相应的理论支持与关注,是法学研究值得总结的教训。本文通过对我国司法案例的类型化整理与系统考察,对这一制度变迁过程进行了研究。  相似文献   

Law’s regulation of transboundary hydropower dams is a field of study brimming with paradoxes. The most notable being the paradox of a hydropower dam solving one problem and creating another. From a logical perspective, such a paradox would typically be viewed as an obstacle to be avoided because it brings everything to a standstill. But from a social perspective, paradoxes are not necessarily negative, as managing them also potentially enlightens and transforms planning systems. The latter perspective, which brings to analysis a kind of dynamism, is employed in this text. In order to work out the reoccurring patterns under which law might productively make use of paradoxes, this text therefore proposes the methodological tools of exposing and building upon paradoxes. Exposing paradoxes sets out to make more visible some of the unthought limitations, self-deceptions and self-contradictions which arise in modern planning practices, while building upon paradoxes attempts to open up headways towards a more adequate conceptualisation of the solutions which law can offer. The overall intention here being to offer a Luhmannian-inspired theoretical framework which illuminates the value of social systems theory as a methodological tool for describing the communicative challenges facing law’s regulation of transboundary hydropower power dams.  相似文献   

法益:法律的中心问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
法益是法律的基本范畴。可以以法益的主体、被保护的程度、存在的形态、内容等为标准进行分类。法益总量的最大化是法律目标量的规定性,法益结构的最优化是法律目标质的规定性,二者是法律的双螺旋价值追求。权力、权利是法益配置的基础性手段。  相似文献   

邓纲 《现代法学》2012,34(1):186-193
经济法学界对法律责任已有20多年的研究,在法律责任的一般理论基础上形成了多种学说。在这些研究中,经济法中的法律责任的称谓、独立性问题争议尚存;对经济法中的法律责任的特点形成了一定程度的共识;在具体责任形态方面,经济法通过直接和间接方式承继了传统法律责任,同时又以企业社会责任、缺陷产品召回、惩罚性赔偿、纠正性广告等形式展现了经济法中法律责任的特色。相关研究的争议和困惑反映了经济法学理论研究中较为普遍存在的概念术语范畴体系的矛盾冲突,这主要是经济法学非传统的新兴交叉学科特征所决定的,用"经济"一词在传统术语上贴标签式的研究进路值得反思。  相似文献   

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