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As an impact of International Financial Crisis, the Greek sovereign debt crisis suddenly turned up. Some European countries' debt crisis got further unveiled. The mounting risk of world sovereign crisis could be the principal risk of world economy and financial market after the international financial crisis and would threaten the global economy recovery. The world economy, unchained from the international financial crisis, might enter the next phase of sovereign debt crisis.  相似文献   

Under the impact of the sovereign debt crisis, the European Union pays less attention to its foreign policy and the Common Foreign Policy tends to be renationalized; the EU is again embracing geo-economics with an enhanced tendency of highlighting economic ties and trade in its external relations; EU countries have greatly cut their defence expenditures, making it more difficult to implement the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) in future. The author holds that the prospects of economic growth in the Eurozone countries, European integration under the pressure of structural changes in international relations, and competition and collaboration in a multiple structure of foreign policy establishments are combined to shape the EU’s foreign policy in the coming years.  相似文献   

Judging from the international circumstances and the balance of strength be-tween the forces for and against peace in the Middle East, the short-rangeobjective of the accord will be realized, i. e., limited self-government for the PLO.the reasons for this are as follows: 1. The international community, most Middle East countries and the majorityof Jews and Palestinians all support the accord. After the declaration of the conclu-sion of the accord, most member countries of the United Nations, including the  相似文献   

On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama sworn in as the first African-American President of the United States. More than two million people witnessed this unforgettable moment in American history in glacial wind. Obama took office with high expectation from the people and ushered in "a new era of Obama administration".  相似文献   

The international nuclear arms control process is facing stern challenges due to America's pursuit for a mono-polar world and  相似文献   

In recent months, Ukraine has undergone dazzling tragedies and ordeals, revealing deep domestic conflicts, changes in the international strategic landscape and big power relations in the post-financial crisis era. On March 18, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a treaty with the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol,  相似文献   

30years ago , China and Bangladesh established diplom atic relations , w hich opened a new chapter of friendship and cooperation betw een China and B angladesh.Since then , no m atter how the inter鄄 national situation changes , the governm ents and people of our two countries have always respect鄄 ed , trusted , understood and supported each other. W e never intervene in each other's internal affairs but carry forw ard exchanges on the basis of e鄄 quality.O ur cooperation in all fields has …  相似文献   

Asia’s rise has caused waves in terms of both geopolitics and the global economy in the 21st Century. Its rise is also poised to heavily influence future global growth. Many scholars are talking about the eastwards migration of global power and debating who will emerge as a leading power in Asia. While the rise has caused rifts in regional cooperation mechanisms it has also created many channels for Asia’s development path. How should we look at Asia’s rise? How can we ride these changes and how can we create a win-win situation for all Asian countries? How do we ensure that Asia has a bright future? These questions merit the careful attention of academics in political and economic fields in China, Asia and the rest of the world.  相似文献   

Although China began to engage in military cooperation with Africa quite soon after the founding of the People's Republic in 1949, there are as yet few articles on Sino-African security cooperation. Now, with a much closer security relationship between China and Africa, there is a need for more study of this issue. This article gives some idea of the evolution of Chinese engagement in African security cooperation and examines new opportunities for, and challenges to, a more active Chinese engagement in Africa in this domain.  相似文献   

China-U.S. relations are one of the most important bilateral relations in today's world. It not only relates to the overall interests of both sides, but also has an important influence on peace, security and development of the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large. In the foreseeable future, China-U.S. relations will definitely be upgraded to the world's most important bilateral  相似文献   

Japan's diplomacy related to the United Nations can be traced back to 1956 when it formally joined the United Nations. After raising the goal of becoming a "political power" in the 1980s, Japan, in order to boost its international status, has spared no efforts on enforcing its diplomacy toward the United Nations. Boasting the world's second largest economy, Japan, after the end of the Cold War, openly declared its pursuance of permanent membership of the UN Security Council and competed for a permanent seat on the Council respectively during the 50th and 60th Sessions of the UN General Assembly held in 1995 and 2005. Besides, by rallying G4, Japan also aligned with Germany, India and Brazil in jointly claiming permanent seats on the UN Security Council. Though suffering repeated setbacks, Japan has never given up its attempt in this regard.  相似文献   

The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis has rapidly developed andspread from the region to the world and from the economic and financial field to the political and social field. It has evolved into an international financial crisis with a powerful force of impact and covering a wide range of fields rarely seen in history, and has become a major historical event that has a profound impact on the United States and the world at large since the 9/11 incident. The international community generally believes that it is a crisis of the existing order and system, and calls for reform of the international financial system are unprecedentedly high. This again has led to a discussion of the reform of the international system. The impact of the crisis on the transition of the entire international system has begun to appear.  相似文献   

Kazakhstan, a big power in Central Asia, is one of the first countries affected by the U.S. financial crisis. As the funds of Kazakh banks are mostly from the international bank loans, Kazakhstan has suffered a slowdown in the international capital flows after the outbreak of the U.S. subprime lending crisis. In the second half of 2007, many other issues such as the decline in bank solvency, the increase in non-performing loans and the problem of "loan stint" emerged in Kazakhstan. Several projects had to be stopped due to capital-strand break.  相似文献   

当前这场金融危机具有深刻的经济性和政治性根源合成、并发的特征,其影响将更为持久、广泛而深远.金融危机将全面启动新一轮国际金融乃至全球经济体系的改革进程,表现为全球金融体系朝着更加均衡、公平和综合方向改革的步伐加快,但全球金融/经济体系改革和过渡仍是一个长期而渐进的过程.金融危机推动了世界政治、安全格局的深度演变和改变国际政治议程的优先程序,对中国的对外关系提供了更多的战略机遇和挑战.  相似文献   


Coercive diplomacy has long been seen as a viable alternative to war by political decision-makers. There is, however, a long line of credible academic and policy critique—stretching back to the Cold War—that asserts the failures of coercion almost always overwhelm its benefits. Our examination of the 2001–2002 Indo-Pakistani crisis supports the overall analytical consensus that coercive methods, under certain circumstances, accomplish little. We discover that India's use of coercive diplomacy was severely hobbled because of Pakistan's possession of nuclear weapons, strong Pakistani conventional forces, and other geopolitical realities that strongly favored Pakistan. Despite careful attempts by Indian elites to apply the principles of “forceful persuasion” to end the crisis on terms favorable to India (the stronger power in the dispute), the Indian strategy failed to accomplish most of its objectives. Our analysis thereby exposes the limits of coercion and compellance for solving chronic territorial and ideological disputes between enduring rivals.  相似文献   

The next 5-10 years will be a pivotal period in which China will implement its " 11 th Five-Year Plan" and accelerate its construction of " a moderately prosperous society." It will also be an important period for Russia's resurgence. Sino-Russian relations are therefore facing new challenges and will be steadily developing. Under these new circumstances, clearly defining China's national interests in Sino-Russian relations will be an important prerequisite of ensuring the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations and of safeguarding China's peace and security. For the foreseeable future, China's national interests in Sino- Russian relations will be the further consolidation of mutual trust between the two countries and increasing Sino-Russian security cooperation so as to maintain peace and security in China 's northern border areas. As the two countries are both in a phase of social transformation, they can nevertheless learn from each other throughout this process. China will continue promoting diversity of cultures and the multi-polarization of world. China should also exploit Sino-Russian economic cooperation and try to frame a joint strategy with Russia in order to achieve common development and prosperity. Consequently, the two countries will be able to march forward side by side along the path of economic reforms and structural adjustment." In the 21st Century, China and Russia not only need to maintain a good neighbor relationship and guarantee their joint security, but also build a closer cooperation in their common development.  相似文献   

Supranationalism and Intergovernmentalism are two methods of decision-making for multi-state institutions, and ever since the founding of the European Economic Community (now the European Union) a debate has raged about which of these paths it should follow. This essay will be divided into two parts: the first is about how the EU is perceived on the international stage - is it seen as an intergovernmental organization or a supranational entity? The second focuses on the factors influencing the level of European integration, examines the present state of European integration, and predicts the likely development of this integration in the future.  相似文献   

Given the increasingly intense Sino-American strategic dynamic in the Asia-Pacific region and Sino-Vietnamese disputes over the South China Sea, the United States and Vietnam are gradually promoting a "comprehensive cooperative partnership" driven by realistic benefits. Progress on US-Vietnam security cooperation not only affects the two countries' strategic military plans, but also exerts considerable influence on the overall geostrategic environment in the South China Sea region.  相似文献   

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