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The Korean nuclear issue has entered a phase of substantive settlement. Neither the DPRK nor the United States wanted the  相似文献   

In recent months, the persistence of the Democratic People'sRepublic of Korea on conducting nuclear detonation and longrange missile test regardless of wide opposition from the United Nations and the international community incurred severe sanctions on and unprecedented diplomatic isolation for it. Aiming at breaking the plight,  相似文献   

Strategic dialogues are not rarely seen in contemporary international relations and diplomatic practices. The United States and the Soviet Union held strategic nuclear weapons negotiations as rivals during the Cold War; the United States has been holding strategic consultations with Japan and the Europe as allies in the framework of the U.S.-Japan alliance and NATO respectively. China had a few classical cases of strategic dialogues in the 20th Century, among which the most well-known are the meeting between Chairman Mao Zedong and U.S. President Richard Nixon in 1972,  相似文献   

On February 12, 2013, North Korea announced it had successfully conducted its third underground nuclear test. After such a dangerous move, the U.S. and South Korea tightened their bilateral security cooperation and beefed up defense measures. This caused tensions to escalate on the Korean Peninsula, and the situation appeared to spin out of control. The crisis pushed China and the U.S. together to work on this issue. This article will analyze those deep-seated factors affecting bilateral cooperation and make an initial exploration of its prospects while providing an overview of their joint actions to solve the North Korean nuclear issue.  相似文献   

Unlike his predecessor George W. Bush whose Latin America policy is characterized with strong unilateralism, President Obama, while putting Latin America higher on his foreign policy agenda, has adopted an accommodating approach to the region in the aim of improving once rigid, even tense relations with countries in the region. However, as it has not fundamentally changed its hegemonic and arrogant habit, it is difficult for the Obama administration to "reset" its relations with Latin American countries.  相似文献   

第二次朝鲜核危机   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朝美核问题日益升级。美要朝放弃核计划,朝要美提供安全保证。现双方互不信任,但谈判的可能性是存在的。朝坚持由朝美双边解决核问题,美则主张多边会谈,最近双方态度略有松动。朝核问题有望和平解决,但也不排除发生冲突的可能。朝核问题如何解决对于朝鲜半岛和东北亚地区形势都会产生重要影响。  相似文献   

China is located at the eastern end of Eurasia and on the western side of the Pacific.Since ancient times,China has had both land and sea territory.In addition,China has common land or sea borders with many neighboring countries.So China has always regarded her land and  相似文献   

Development and use of nuclear energy was undoubtedly one o the greatest accomplishments by mankind in science and technology during the 20th Century. Once discovered, atomic energy, like other technological discoveries, has brought about mixed results: by its military application, man produced deadly nuclear arsenals; but at the same time it became a major energy  相似文献   

刘鸣 《国际观察》2007,(3):65-73
2006年12月18日,六方会谈得以重启,但最后仍然无果而返.朝鲜半岛无核化到底能否实现?六方会谈是否还有进行下去的意义?核问题的发展趋势会使朝鲜半岛陷入何种动荡和危机升级的局面?我们又将如何应对?本文将以这些令人困扰的问题为切入点,对朝鲜和美国在核问题上的相关行动、意图及各要素之间的互动关系进行分析,就朝鲜核问题的发展态势做出大致的预测,进而为正确认识矛盾的症结和解决问题的难度、寻找缓和与控制危机的良策提供一些思路.  相似文献   

The overall objective of the Obama administration's policytoward the Taiwan Strait region remains to maintain the status quo of cross-Strait relations, i.e., neither reunification nor independence. The bottom line of the U.S. government in supporting improvement of relations across the Taiwan Strait is that Taiwan will not embark on the path of no return toward reunification.  相似文献   

I. Debates about Indian's Strategic Culture
Debates over India's strategic culture originate from the report "Indian Strategic Thought", drafted by the Rand Corporation in 1992. After analyzing the influences of geography, history, culture and British rule (otherwise known as the Raj) on Indian strategic thinking,  相似文献   

In recent years, with the U.S. and European economic downtums, the -global economy and international relations are facing difficulties. Incontrast, the Asia-Pacific region is growing rapidly and shows great potential, leading to its increasingly prominent strategic status. Changes in regional order have affected relations,  相似文献   

North-East Asia is of strategic significance to major world powers such as the United States, China, Japan and Russia. It is a region full ofproblems, such as the North Korean nuclear crisis ano me uni...  相似文献   

Land frontiers and territorial seas are important to a country’s development and security.The issue of frontiers should be considered and dealt with within the country’s overall strategy of diplomacy and security.It should never be dealt with in isolation as some members of the  相似文献   

First of all I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone for attending this meeting.In particular I’m grateful to Professors Hu Dekun,Li Jinming and Huang Renwei,who have traveled far to participate in the discussion.As the topic of this section isHow should China  相似文献   

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