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由于性变态杀人案件的现场与一些常态人的性犯罪杀人现场、常态人杀人案件伪装现场和精神病患者杀人案件现场有相似之处,给侦查人员把握案件性质增加了难度。对案件认识应注意的几个问题与报复和奸情杀人案件现场相比较报复和奸情杀人案件现场的尸体损伤有时候也存在手段极其残忍的情景,如被害人尸体的乳房和阴部被切割掉等。但是报复和奸情杀人案件的案犯这一行为不是为了性满足,只是因为对被害人恨到了极端或者为了伪装成性变态杀人现场而为之。这两类杀人案件有一个共性特点,就是案犯与被害人之间有明显的因果关系,并且关系密切的占多数。报复杀人案件中,虽然也有与被害人之间互不熟悉的,如被雇佣犯罪,但是雇主与被害人之间却是相互熟悉的。况且报复杀人案件的被害者没有性别和年龄之分。而性变态杀人案件的被害人大多为女性并且多是年轻女性。与强奸杀人案件现场相比较强奸杀人案的犯罪分子施用暴力威逼、伤害的目的是为了达到迫使对方就范而与之性交,  相似文献   

目的本课题收集真实案例进行回顾性研究、比对,寻找常州市武进区命案特征,总结命案现场的法医学检案重点、难点和相关实践经验。方法收集江苏省常州市武进区2006~2010年94例已破命案资料,应用Microsoft Excel软件进行一般描述性统计分析。结果 2009年、2010年案件数量略有上升,而每年的第一、三季度为命案高发季度。受害人及嫌疑人多为流动人口,男性显著多于女性,以青壮年为主。嫌疑人均学历较低,多从事打工、务农,或无业,多由纠纷升级为命案。以锐器伤及钝器伤多见,死因基本为机械性损伤和机械性窒息。结论命案发生与人口数量呈正相关。受害人及犯罪嫌疑人基本情况、作案动机、致伤工具、损伤分布、死因等均反映出了命案现场法医工作的基本内容、工作重要性及未来的研究发展方向。  相似文献   

目的总结故意杀人案现场的法医学检案重点、难点和相关实践经验。方法收集某县2004—2013年88例已破故意杀人案件资料并进行回顾性分析。结果本县籍女性被害人数明显高于外埠籍女性。犯罪嫌疑人中外埠籍明显高于本县籍,男性明显高于女性;职业多为打工、无业或务农;学历明显较低。被害人死亡原因以机械性损伤、机械性窒息为主。故意杀人案件以熟人作案为主,陌生人作案主要表现为谋财。行为类型在谋人、谋财、谋性三类案件中具有一定的指向性,伪装行为及愧疚行为指向性最明显。结论犯罪嫌疑人的准确刻画是法医学鉴定中最重要的任务之一,也反映了故意杀人案现场法医工作的重要性及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

目的总结杀亲案件的特点,为此类案件的分析、预防提供参考。方法调查溧阳地区2004—2014年破获的17例杀亲案件,对原始登记信息、现场勘验笔录、尸体检验鉴定书、破案情况进行统计分析。结果 17例杀亲案件中受害人以女性居多,嫌疑人以男性居多,杀人动机以配偶不忠或怀疑配偶不忠占较高比例。杀亲案件中有精神病患者杀人、伪装杀人,嫌疑人杀人后自杀占有一定比例。结论杀亲案件多与婚外性行为、精神病患者杀人等家庭因素有关,部分为杀人旋即自杀,致伤工具具有简单随意、易于获取的特点。  相似文献   

高冬  朱金龙 《法医学杂志》2013,29(1):31-33,36
目的通过总结苏州市已破命案的案例资料,研究命案特征及其共性,分析命案现场的法医学要点。方法收集苏州市公安局2006年1月至2010年3月已破命案资料共483起,对数据资料进行分析。结果受害人和犯罪嫌疑人多为1人,均以男性、青壮年、外埠人为主。犯罪嫌疑人多为故意杀人,以激情犯罪为主,口角纠纷最为常见。致伤工具以锐器为主,多为随身携带。死亡原因以机械性窒息和机械性损伤最为常见。结论苏州市命案在涉案人员社会学特点、作案动机、致伤工具、损伤分布、死亡原因、死亡方式等方面均反映出一定的共性,为今后命案侦破提供了经验。  相似文献   

纺织品整体分离痕迹在一些案件中大量存在,如抢劫、强奸、杀人案件中,由于受害人与犯罪嫌疑人在搏斗过程中的撕打、拉扯,很可能在现场遗留有这种分离物;盗窃案件中,现场遗留或带走的纺织品分离物。因此,在现场勘查中应加强对此类痕迹物品的发现、提取和检验。  相似文献   

正在杀人案件中的犯罪嫌疑人,以男性居多,女性少见。笔者收集了10年来已侦破的8例女性杀人案例资料,进行法医学分析,试图寻找女性杀人的价值性特征,供同行参考。  相似文献   

电话网络诈骗案件的受害人研究——基于255例案件的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在电话网络诈骗案件高发的背景下我们对255例案卷进行了受害人特征的研究和分析.包括51.6%女性受害人和48.4%男性受害人.受害者平均年龄29.753岁,学历分布在各个层次中.受害人常见受害类型分布为“突陷困境后主动避难”类,占总数29%;“帮助他人”类案件,占总数23.1%;“天上掉馅饼”类案件,占总数20.4%;“网络购物类案件”,占总数27.5%.有40.4%的案件冒用警察等权威职业身份进行犯罪活动.研究证实受害人学历高低与信任和服从权威职业无统计学关系.(X2=4.627,P=0.201).受害人存在急性应激心理;利他心理;服从权威;幸运心理等心理特征表现.文章针对研究结果提出了相应的反诈骗建议.  相似文献   

1案例资料1.1一般资料1989年至2006年检验本地区伪装性杀人案件共13例,见表1。上述案件中,犯罪嫌疑人在实施杀人后,均对受害人尸体等进行了伪装,伪装手段见表2。表1 13例杀人案件中相关的人员基本情况中国法医学杂志CH IN J FO R EN S IC M ED 2006年第21卷增刊1.2资料统计分析在13例案件中,受害人与犯罪嫌疑人均系成年人。受害人中:男7例,女6例,男女之比为1.17:1;其中城镇6例(46.2%);农村7例(53.8%);文化程度:初中以下8例(61.5%),高中2例(15.4%),中专以上3例(23.1%)。受害人与犯罪嫌疑人的关系:夫妻6例(46.2%)、情侣3例(23.1%)、邻…  相似文献   

目的 在电话网络诈骗高发背景下开展对诈骗受害人心理等特征研究,深入了解此类犯罪,为此类犯罪的控制和预防策略制定提供依据。方法 采用案例回顾法对255例网络电信诈骗案件受害人特征进行研究和分析。结果 网络电信诈骗案件受害人中女性占51.6%,男性占48.4%,平均年龄29.75岁,学历分布在各个层次中。根据受害人表现的突出心理特征,分为“突陷困境后主动避难”类,占总数29%;“帮助他人”类案件,占总数23.1%;“期望好运气”类案件,占总数20.4%;“过渡信任网络交易安全”,占总数27.5%等。有40.4%的案件冒用警察等权威职业身份进行犯罪活动。研究证实受害人学历高低与信任和服从权威职业无统计学关系(F=4.627,P=0.201)。“期望好运气”受害人群有年龄差异,青年人更容易受骗。(F=32.4,P〈0.001)。结论 诈骗案件受害人特征与传统认识不同。受骗后存在急性应激心理、利他心理、服从权威、期望好运气等复杂的心理特征表现。  相似文献   

目的探讨和总结杀婴案的主要特征、法医学检验重点和命案现场分析要点。方法收集2008—2013年苏州市发生的7例已破杀婴案的有关资料。分析并归纳其特点。结果杀婴案嫌疑人均为受害人母亲,年龄较轻,多为未婚先孕;均为分娩后杀婴,分娩现场与杀人现场为同一地点;死亡新生儿多为机械性窒息,尸体多无衣着包裹,脐带非医源性离断,胎盘未与死亡新生儿连接。结论杀婴案法医学检验的规范化、标准化和程序化有助于案件的分析和侦破工作。  相似文献   

现场分析在命案侦破过程中起着重要作用,案犯刻画是现场分析内容之一,现场分析时如能刻画为熟人作案,无疑对确定侦查方向具有重要价值。以往有学者从不同角度论述过如何判断犯罪加害人与被害人之间的关系,而随着社会的不断发展,人们获取各类知识和能力的途径也在不断增加,犯罪形式和作案手段也呈多样化改变,有些案件加害人的反侦查意识也在不断提高,传统的经验和判断指标在现有的案件中需要加以补充和修正。因此,有必要对如何判断熟人作案进行重新梳理,以适应现场分析的需要。  相似文献   

Purpose: in the literature, the term ‘Internet crime’ has been coined to indicate the scenario in which a victim of homicide or other crimes is met through a chat room, and lured to death at the hands of the murderer. Various criticisms have been made of this new concept, on the grounds that the outcome is no different from that of other crimes committed without the use of Web resources, and so the method used has no particular influence. Indeed, it has been claimed that informatic crime just reflects a technological change in the nature of crime rather than a new form of criminal behavior attributable to the use of the Internet for criminal purposes. Method: our reflections were prompted by our experience as expert forensic psychiatry witnesses in three cases in which the aggressors had confessed to having had an exclusively virtual relationship with the victims, in which they spent a lot of time daily in a chat room. Conclusion: this scenario offers points for reflection on the nature of Web-mediated victim–aggressor interactions, to assess the effects on the planning and commission of the crime. Discussion. it’s our opinion that there really is such a thing as Internet-correlated crime, because in this case the quality and quantity of the Internet interactions progressively altered the men’s perception of the real relationship between themself and their victims.  相似文献   

Femicide, the murder of females (most often at the hands of males), is an understudied area in homicide research. Furthermore, femicide perpetrated by females has been all but ignored. One reason this may be is because of the rarity of homicide victimization perpetrated by females. Rather, most homicide incidents consist of a male offender and a male victim. When a homicide does involve a female, either as a victim or as an offender, the other party implicated is generally a male. The primary goal of the proposed study is to provide an in-depth, albeit exploratory, examination of female-perpetrated femicide. Using homicide data taken from the Dallas Homicide Unit, 403 cases of femicide will be analyzed, with special attention devoted to comparing female-perpetrated femicide incidents (n = 39) against male-perpetrated femicide incidents (n = 364). Specifically, the current study will explore the similarities and differences in sociodemographic characteristics of victims and suspects, offense characteristics, and offense circumstances. Contrary to what was expected, results, at first glance, seem to suggest an overwhelming similarity between femicide suspects and victims, irrespective of gender. However, when the relationship between victim and suspect is considered, distinct differences appear. Implications from these findings as well as limitations and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

A closed case file review of a nonrandom national sample of 975 homicides disclosed 11 cases (1.13%) of undoing, wherein offenders engaged in crime scene behavior that has been considered an attempt to symbolically reverse the murder. The frequency of the various methods of undoing involved the use of blankets to cover the victim's body (55%), positioning the body (55%), use of a bed or couch (42%), washing the body (36%), using pillows (36%), as well as removing clothing and adding other types of adornments (27%). Ten of the 11 offenders were male, and one was female; all 12 victims were female. Ten of the 12 victims were family members or relationship intimates. These findings are consistent with prior reports which concluded that the motivation for undoing behavior is an attempt to compensate for guilt or remorse for having committed the homicide.  相似文献   

Plant residue is currently an underutilized resource in forensic investigations despite the fact that many crime scenes, as well as suspects and victims, harbor plant‐derived residue that could be recovered and analyzed. Notwithstanding the considerable skill of forensic botanists, current methods of species determination could benefit from tools for DNA‐based species identification. However, DNA barcoding in plants has been hampered by sequence complications in the plant genome. Following a database search for usable barcodes, broad‐spectrum primers were designed and utilized to amplify and sequence the rbcL, trnL‐F, and rrn18 genetic loci from a variety of household plants. Once obtained, these DNA sequences were used to design species‐targeted primers that could successfully discriminate the source of plant residue from among the 21 species tested.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined life history and cognitive characteristics unique to female homicide offenders. Understanding these characteristics could aid in risk assessment for extreme violence in this group of offenders. The current study utilized t‐tests or chi‐square tests to compare 27 female and 81 male homicide offenders on psychiatric, neurologic, criminal, and cognitive characteristics. Additionally, we explored the role of abuse history in female offenders through Kruskal–Wallis or Fisher's exact tests. Results indicate that in comparison with male counterparts, females are more likely to have history of mood disorder, borderline personality disorder, and abuse. Cognitively, female homicide offenders exhibit circumscribed cognitive impairment in verbal abilities and perform similarly to male homicide offenders across most cognitive tasks. Within the female offender group, history of sexual abuse is associated with higher rates of impulsive homicide and poorer verbal abilities. These findings provide preliminary evidence for distinct factors associated with homicide in women.  相似文献   

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