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When virgin female flies were injected with 1μ of water in the thorax or had the thorax punctured, the number which subsequently mated was significantly reduced. The effect was not immediately apparent, but increased up to 4 to 6 days after treatment and persisted until at least 14 days post-treatment. Injection of water into the abdomen through the base of the ovipositor did not reduce subsequent mating.
Zusammenfassung Wenn jungfr?ulichen Fliegen 1 μl Wasser in den Thorax injiziert oder ihr Thorax punktiert wurde, so wurde die Zahl derer, die sich sp?ter paarten, signifikant reduziert. Dieser Effekt wurde nicht unmittelbar offenbar, sondern wuchs an bis zu 4–6 Tage nach Behandlung und blieb mindestens bis 14 d nach Behandlung erhalten. Injektion mit Wasser ins Abdomen durch die Basis des Ovipositors reduzierte nachfolgende Paarungen nicht.

We confirm the existence of oviposition-deterring, fruit-marking pheromones inRhagoletis pomonella andR. fausta and demonstrate their existence in five additional species:R. cingulata, R. indifferens, R. mendax, R. cornivora andR. tabellaria. Individuals from (1) different species belonging to different species groups did not recognize each other's marking pheromones, (2) different species within the same species group varied in reaction from complete to no cross-recognition, (3) different wild populations of the same species always recognized each other's marking pheromones, and (4) a laboratory population ofR. pomonella cultured on apples for ca. fifteen generations deposited a marking pheromone less deterrent to oviposition than that from a wild population. Finally, the watersoluble marking pheromones ofR. indifferens andR. cornivora proved effective deterrents to oviposition when collected and reapplied in aqueous solution to uninfested fruit in laboratory cages.
Zusammenfassung Bei fünfRhagoletisarten wird der Nachweis von Eiablage-abschreckenden, Frucht-markierenden Pheromonen zum ersten Mal geführt:R. cingulata, R. indifferens, R. mendax, R. cornivora undR. tabellaria. Damit erh?ht sich die Zahl vonRhagoletisarten auf neun und die Zahl von pflanzenparasitischen Insektenarten auf zehn, bei denen derartige Pheromone bekannt sind. Wenn Glieder dieser fünf Arten und zus?tzlich vonR. pomonella undR. fausta untersucht wurden auf den Grad des Interpopulation-und innerartlichen Erkennens der Markierungspheromone, so ergab sich: 1. Verschiedene Populationen der selben Art erkennen untereinander die Pheromone, unabh?ngig von Wirt und Herkunft; 2. Verschiedene Arten innerhalb der gleichen Artengruppe variieren in ihrer Reaktion zwischen vollst?ndigem, teilweisem und fehlendem krouzweisen Pheromon-Erkennen; und 3. Verschiedene Arten von verschiedenen Artengruppen erkennen nicht gegenseitig ihre Pheromone, auch wenn sie von Wirten gleicher Gattung oder Art kommen. — Die bisher nicht identifizierten, wasserl?slichen Markierungspheromone vonR. indifferens undR. cornivora erwiesen sich als stark Eiablage-abschreckend, wenn sie von markierten Früchten gewonnen und in w?ssriger L?sung bei unbefallenen Früchten in Labork?figen wieder angewendet wurden.

Following the Managua earthquake, voluntary aid agencies sought a basis on which to allocate money collected for earthquake relief. They needed a method of rapid rural appraisal and this account complements therefore two previous articles on rapid rural appraisal, those by Belshaw (1981) and Chambers (1981). It describes a practical approach to rapid rural appraisal which in Chambers' terminology was intended to be sufficiently quick and clean. A model was developed for assessing projects on three bases—congruence of objectives, surety of achievement and cost vs. benefits. These were analysed into component parts, so producing a matrix according to which projects could be categorized. The aim was to minimize superficiality and error without being encumbered with cumbersome and costly enquiry.  相似文献   

We consider a game in which three committee members must divide up a benefit among themselves. In response to the large literature on sequential procedures in this type of game, we propose an institution that is inspired by auction theory. The (sealed) bids of the players are proposals for a distribution of the benefit and are given simultaneously. If any of the bids is preferred to all others in a pairwise comparison (i.e., a Condorcet winner exists) then this proposal is implemented. If such a bid does not exist then an equal split of the benefit is assumed. An equilibrium of this game is for each player to suggest that one of the opponents should receive the lion’s share of the benefit, even though each player cares only about his own share. We call this phenomenon “rational benevolence”. Although the end that is desired by the players is purely egoistic, the means of achieving it may be perceived as benevolent. Several applications of the game are suggested.  相似文献   

This case study charts the classic transformation of a small business organisation from being a vehicle of protest that attracted a reasonable but transient membership into a much larger group with a more stable membership and a group with an effective insider policy style. The paper asserts that the change in style and the change in recruiting success are not causally linked, and, indeed, it claims that an insider style may harm recruiting. In the case of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), however, any potential damage through adopting an insider style was more than offset by the separate decision to market the group door to door with a package of selective material incentives (Olson 1965). The paper describes the predominant insider politics style of political representation and finds that while the FSB has moved in that direction, it does not fully fit the stereotype. Copyright © 2003 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

The decision not to build Orme Dam was a great political victory for residents of the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation in central Arizona. This article examines the conditions that gave rise to what most considered an unlikely outcome, and the lessons it suggests for understanding the politics of large water projects. These lessons include the importance of understanding that rationality takes multiple forms; that how value is expressed can be as significant as what, and how much, something is valued; that identity politics which elaborates and celebrates cultural differences can be an effective means for challenging even powerful bureaucracies; and that law can be an important mediating structure in the politics of bureaucratic decision‐making. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A time series analysis indicates monetary growth and the Gallup Poll in Canada are systematically related at ‘electoral cycle’ periodicities (5 to 20 quarters) under flexible exchange rates, and demonstrates the absence of an electoral component in Canadian monetary growth under fixed rates. These results confirm empirically a widely accepted extension of the Mundell-Fleming argument that monetary policy is effective only under flexible rates, which to my knowledge has not before been directly investigated: international constraints on the small open economy under fixed rates lead to the abandonment of monetary policy as an active instrument in electoral politics.  相似文献   

Assuming independent voting and random tie-breaking, we describe a procedure for computing the efficacy of a voting strategy under approval voting (AV) and plurality voting (PV) in single winner elections. When the number of candidates exceeds three, the voter's efficacy — his or her ability to affect the outcome of an election — is greater under AV than PV. The relative advantage of AV over PV increases as the number of voters or number of candidates increases.This study has been supported by grant 84-00329 of the U.S.A.-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), Jerusalem, Israel, in collaboration with Steven Brams and Zeev Maoz.  相似文献   

刘贺 《学理论》2010,(4):121-122
自从我国的经济步入正轨以来,中小企业一直在我国经济恢复的作用中占有很大的比重。中小企业已成为我国经济和社会发展的重要推动力,发挥着举足轻重的作用。但是中小企业融资难的问题自改革开放以来一直存在,近几年尤其严峻,本文从法律规制方面浅析解决中小企业融资难的现存问题,以其为有关中小企业研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

Administrative reform is inseparable from political reform, just as administration and politics share overlapping boundaries. This article reviews the goals for reform established in 1989 for the Maltese public service, against the political culture and administrative history of Malta. It argues that a small state's size encourages certain dysfunctional characteristics of the political culture, and aggravates the difficulties inherent in administrative reform. (© 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.)  相似文献   

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