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职业经理人控制制度的建立与完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘金岩 《工会论坛》2002,8(6):65-66
职业经理阶层作为现代企业制度的产物 ,应该具备良好的经营管理能力、道德观念和对企业的忠诚 ,能够为资产所有者带来最大收益。职业经理人制度在中国的发展还存在一些问题 ,而职业经理制度的发展 ,不仅取决于职业经理人市场的建立和完善 ,更为重要的 ,是取决于企业职业经理人控制体系的建立和完善。  相似文献   

我国职业经理人刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业经理人是顺应市场竞争的加剧及社会分工的深入而产生的特殊阶层。我国的职业经理人队伍尚处于发展的初期,还存在着诸多问题。为了推进现代企业制度的建立和完善,必须从制度、社会等多方面为职业经理人的成长创造良好氛围。  相似文献   

职业经理人是顺应市场竞争的加剧及社会分工的深入而产生的特殊阶层。我国的职业经理人队伍还处于发展的初期 ,还存在着诸多问题。为了推进现代企业制度的建立和完善 ,就必须从制度、社会等多方面为职业经理人的成长创造良好氛围  相似文献   

在新形势下建立职业经理人制度,必须抓住规范法人治理结构、培育和发展职业经理人市场、完善职业经理人的激励和约束机制、建立职业经理人的社会化资质评价制度4个着力点。  相似文献   

盈余管理是企业经理人在既定制度下的一种理性选择行为。导致盈余管理的影响因素是多方面的,其中一个重要制度因素是公司治理结构。公司内外治理结构均对盈余管理行为产生影响,所以我们要从加快国有股减持、建立约束激励机制、建立经理人市场和独立董事制度几个方面入手,尽量减少盈余管理。  相似文献   

对经理人的再认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
这些年来我国一些行业因高级经理人的跳槽引发的公司危机已成为相关企业最为头痛的事情。本文通过对国内外有关经理人法律地位的考察和比较 ,发现问题的症结在于我国立法上的某些缺陷。作者认为 ,设不设经理及经理的具体权限 ,应由公司自己决定 ,不应由法律规定 ,当务之急 ,是要建立规范的职业经理人市场 ,从法律上给经理一个准确的定位  相似文献   

中国加入WTO之后,企业之间的竞争日趋激烈,企业中高级经济管理者即经理人的素质和能力成为决定企业发展的重要因素。因此,经理人的战略决策能力、组织实施能力,知人善任、团结带领整个集体和谐发展,是企业发展所需、经理人必备的重要素质。  相似文献   

张珍 《工会论坛》2006,12(1):105-106
本文通过对职业经理人法律地位的思考和分析,提出应建立和完善职业经理人的控制体系,关键是完善董事会对职业经理人的限制权。  相似文献   

随着我国中小企业的快速发展,对职业经理人的要求越来越高,职业经理人已成为中小企业运营的中坚力量,培育和造就一支规模宏大的、高素质的现代职业经理人队伍是一项非常重要而艰巨的任务。本文通过对中小企业通用职业经理人资质认证体系的深入研究,建立起一个符合中国实际、有利于识别通用职业经理人、培育通用职业经理人的标准和机制。对促进我国中小企业经营管理人才队伍建设以及经理人的职业化、国际化进程,有着积极意义。  相似文献   

职业经理人是一个以企业经营管理为职业的职业管理者和社会阶层。职业经理人应具有良好的职业操守、成熟的职业心态、良好的职业能力,能够把经历的教育培训和职业经验恰如其分地发挥在职业过程中。要振兴新华书店,使企业保持持续甚至超越发展的态势,需要造就一支过硬的职业经理人队伍。  相似文献   

This paper uses data from two countries to develop profiles of policy directors and managers in the sub‐national public bureaucracies of Canada and the Czech Republic. Canadian directors and managers undertake more analytically complex tasks for which research and evaluation is necessary. In comparison, Czech managers are more firmly engaged in project management agendas, and Czech directors tend to rely on personal experience and routine approaches. Overall, the sample shows that different policy styles are emphasized in each country and at different levels ranging from rational‐technical and advisory‐interactive (Canadian directors and managers), process expertise (Czech managers), and a combination of analytical rationality and issue activism (Czech directors).  相似文献   

管理者领导协调艺术在公共危机管理中作用重大。管理者应当加强学习、加强思想道德修养、加强心理素质训练、加强实践锻炼,提高对危机事件的辨别力,增强动员协调力,加强全局领导力,实现危机快速化解。  相似文献   

对培训管理者的培训是一个热门的话题。本文认为,立足国情、面对现实,是抓好培训管理者培训的重要前提。建章立法,健全体系,是保障培训管理者能获得正常正规培训的必要途径。强化训练、提高素质,是做好培训管理者培训的重要基础和价值取向。与时俱进、改革创新不断总结经验,吸收国际培训先进理念与技术,是提升培训管理者培训水平的关键措施。  相似文献   

上市公司应避免采用股权再融资方式筹集资金,以减少对公司价值产生的负面影响。但国内外仍有不少上市公司采用股权再融资,我国则呈现强烈的股权再融资偏好,这说明上市公司采用股权再融资存在一定的理论依据。现实中上市公司管理者在公司股份中只占有很少的比例,因此上市公司管理者更注重非货币利益的获取。为了获取更多的非货币利益,他们更倾向于采用股权再融资。而我国不太合理的制度背景,使得我国上市公司管理者几乎不拥有公司股份,从而造成我国上市公司强烈的股权再融资偏好。  相似文献   

从美国职业经理人制度看中国职业经理人成长环境建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业经理的产生、成长需要社会提供良好的法律环境、经济环境和市场环境及文化环境.从发达国家尤其是美国的职业经理人的产生、成长环境分析来看,我国的职业经理人阶层还没有形成,其成长环境没有形成.要发挥现代企业制度的优势,必须为职业经理人创设良好的环境.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article presents an in‐depth assessment of how performance measurement, public reporting, and internal performance management have been merged in Lethbridge, Alberta. Business‐unit managers and council members both share the view that performance measurement and reporting are useful and that performance information is credible. This finding contrasts with the more general view that performance information is not used much, despite widespread commitments to collecting it. In Lethbridge, a balance has been struck between performance measurement for management uses and council uses. The current system is driven by managers who share the view that performance measurement and reporting are useful for improving programs and providing information that can be a part of public accountability. If performance measurement is to add value in public‐sector organizations, it needs to have the continued support of managers – they are key to developing the measures, collecting the information and using it, and sustaining such systems. Changes that undermine the trust that is critical to a workable compromise for performance measurement, public reporting and performance management ultimately undermine the integrity of these systems.  相似文献   

This article is based on the results of a survey carried out in 2019 to document health managers and professionals’ knowledge concerning their linguistic obligations and the tools promoting active offer in the field of mental health in French, in Ontario and Manitoba. The working hypothesis is that knowledge of the obligations and available tools can contribute to a successful offer of services in French. The more professionals and managers understand their obligations, the more tools they can use to fulfill them. The study shows that there is indeed a link between knowledge of obligations and the use of tools to provide an active offer of mental health services in French. It also highlights the key role of tools to provide French services actively.  相似文献   

Abstract. Government lotteries were introduced in Canada in 1970 and during the past eight years have increased greatly in number and in size. Lotteries have generated a great deal of public interest but the goals of lottery managers have received little attention. The purposes of this paper are to examine some objectives which could be achieved in the operation of lotteries and to use the results of this analysis, along with the experience of foreign lotteries, to make some tentative predictions about changes in Canadian lotteries over the next five years. The first part of the paper discusses the role of government in lottery operation and argues that government-run lotteries are preferable to privately run lotteries, even if government-regulated. The second section of the paper examines various goals which may be important to lottery managers and concludes that revenue maximization is likely to be more important than goals like minimizing the regressivity of a lottery ‘tax’ or achieving the price and output which would occur in pure competition. In the last section, suggestions for increasing lottery revenues are examined and it is judged that more frequent draws, special prizes and increased advertising are more likely to occur than changes in ticket prices, prize structures and payout ratios. Lottery profits could also be increased by eliminating the competition between the federal and provincial offerings and it is likely that further conflicts will be resolved by a joint operation or in favour of the provinces.  相似文献   

协调好企业所有者与经理阶层的关系 ,一直是企业共同面临的重要课题。职业化和市场化的美国经理阶层及美国企业所有者对经理的奖惩、激励、约束机制 ,会给我们的国有企业管理以启迪。  相似文献   

本研究以130名管理者为样本,结合定性和定量研究方法,探讨了国有企业中高层管理者政治品德的结构。研究发现国有企业中高层管理者政治品德主要包括民主、忠诚、有作为、廉洁守法等四个维度。中高层管理者的政治品德结构对领导绩效有正向显著影响,其政治品德如何是影响中高层管理者业绩的重要因素。中高层管理者的政治品德需要重点培养提高。  相似文献   

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