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In the last few decades, proponents of critical race theory have uncovered everyday forms of injustice that continue to affect the lives of men and women of color by exposing the subtle forms of racism that exist in the stock stories told by the dominant group as well as the counterstories told by subaltern groups. However, rarely have we examined the stock stories articulated by subaltern groups to marginalize other subaltern groups. In this paper, I consider the stock stories told by gay White men and the counterstories expressed by gay Asian men to examine subtle forms of racism within the gay community. I argue that we need not only to reveal how the stories narrated by the dominant group continue to maintain social inequality, but that we also need to consider how subaltern groups help to maintain social inequality by adapting the language of the dominant group to use against other subaltern groups.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to differentiate between homicides committed by multiple offenders and homicides committed by lone offenders. Using data on homicide incidents that occurred in South Korea between 1985 and 2008, we compared 134 homicides committed by multiple offenders, with 369 homicides committed by lone offenders. A greater proportion of homicides committed by multiple offenders involved injuries to the victim's head compared to homicides by lone offenders. Homicides committed by multiple offenders were more likely to involve blunt instruments and ligatures, whereas homicides by lone offenders were more likely to involve sharp instruments. In addition, a majority of the homicides committed by multiple offenders were planned. The results of this study have practical implications for homicide investigations, as well as theoretical implications for homicide research on the difference in offense behaviors based on the number of offenders.  相似文献   

提高公务员依法行政能力刍议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提高依法行政能力是公务员队伍建设的重要课题,直接关系到整个国家依法治国能否有效进行。目前公务员依法行政能力与形势的要求相比,还存在着一定的差距,这在相当程度上影响着我国依法行政水平的提高。为了实现法治政府建设的目标,必须通过加强对公务员的培训,建立和完善对公务员评价考核制度,实行行政执法责任制,使公务员真正树立行政法治观念,不断提高依法行政能力。  相似文献   

本文认为 ,要依法治国必须增强法制观念 ,提高全民的法律素质 ,巩固和扩大依法治国的民主基础 ;完善依法治国的制度保障 ;强化对依法治国的监督  相似文献   

In a 2019 article in this journal, which drew on previous work, we argued by examination of a number of extremely important cases that the senior judiciary is in the process of attempting to create judicial supremacy in the UK. It is doing so, not by democratic debate, but by legal procedural innovation incomprehensible to the electorate. Invited by the journal to reply to a criticism of our argument by Dr Stephanie Palmer and Dr Stevie Martin, we have sought to defend our account of the undemocratic procedural novelty of those cases.  相似文献   

With the aim of investigating factors affecting willingness to pay for municipality child care, a survey was undertaken in Sweden of 1840 parents living in five municipalities of different sizes. On the basis of the greed-efficiency-fairness hypothesis (Wilke, 1991) which is supported by results from experimental social dilemma research, it was hypothesized that perceived fairness of how the quality of child care is distributed (equal, proportional to need, or proportional to payment) as well as of method of payment (collectively by taxes or proportional to use by fees) would be important determinants of willingness to pay. Results showed that perceived fairness of how quality of child care is distributed played some role but that other factors had stronger effects. Perhaps also reflecting fairness considerations, willingness to pay by fees was on average higher than willingness to pay by taxes. Predicted from previous research, willingness to pay by taxes was furthermore found to increase with income and degree of use. However, willingness to pay by taxes showed an increase rather than the predicted decrease with municipality size.  相似文献   

论法治的整体性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卓泽渊 《现代法学》2003,25(2):11-17
法治的整体性是法治发展和法治研究中都必须关注而又被有所忽略的重要问题。尤其在具体法治的理论被提出以后 ,强调法治的整体性或整体法治 ,对于完善法治理论与全面进行法治建设都具有重要的意义。法治具有内在结构、对外联系和发展过程上的整体性质 ,强调法治整体性的重要目的在于实现法治的整体优化 ,全面推进和建立法治。  相似文献   

徐银波 《法学研究》2015,(4):164-183
社团决议行为并非法律行为,无法直接适用法律行为规则.物权法、公司法虽设有特别规则,但二者关于决议行为效力类型及瑕疵事由的规定均不周延且相互冲突,无法满足司法需求.非公司法人等的决议行为更面临法律规制漏洞.未来民法典总则亟需增设决议行为规则.规制决议行为的伦理基础并非程序正义,而系社团自治,应围绕社团自治建构规则.应区分决议成立认定与效力判断,经有召集权者召集会议作出多数决,方形成决议.已成立的决议需满足有决议权限、真实性、合法性、合理性要件,方具有法律效力.与之对应,无决议权限、程序瑕疵、表决瑕疵、内容违法、违反规约及侵害成员合法权益将导致决议效力待定、可撤销或无效.  相似文献   

A very unusual homicide of 2 children by smothering and strangulation by means of a rubber adhesive band carried out by the mother who committed suicide by the same manner is presented. Smothering is supposed to be one major cause of death in child homicide. Suicide by smothering is relatively uncommon. Suicidal smothering by winding strips of adhesive tape around the head to cover the nose and mouth is an even rarer method recently described in literature. The circumstances of the crime and the macroscopic and microscopic evidence are discussed to reduce the potential for underdiagnoses or mistakes in such cases in which it may be difficult to establish whether suicide or homicide occurred.  相似文献   

王沛儒 《证据科学》2009,17(6):710-717
单位作证是司法实践中的一种普遍现象,其中尤以单位证明的使用最为广泛和富有争议。本文阐述单位证明作为诉讼证据使用的现状,并对单位证明作合法性分析,解读因单位证明的使用导致单位滥用证人权利现象的产生及成因,提出如何规范和引导单位作证行为,限制和约束单位滥用证人权利,以解决单位作证中遇到的理论和实际问题。  相似文献   

民事争讼程序基本原理论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在民事争讼程序中,解决民事私益案件和民事公益案件的程序原理或主义既有共同的,比如对审主义、当事人进行主义与职权进行主义、集中审理主义、直接言词审判主义和公开审判主义等;又有相异的,比如解决民事私益案件的适用处分主义和辩论主义,而解决民事公益案件的则采用职权干预主义和职权探知主义。这些基本原理相辅相成,一并构成了民事争讼程序基本原理体系和正当性原理。  相似文献   

提高领导干部依法行政能力是依法治国的根本所在,是党的执政能力建设的重要组成部分,是改变依法行政总体现状的客观需要。领导干部依法行政能力包括依法决策能力、依法协调能力、依法执行能力、依法指导能力。必须从人事考核制度、法律培训制度、监督机制、行政诉讼制度、责任追究制度等体制上强化提高领导干部依法行政能力。  相似文献   

Both Holmes and Langdell believed that science was the model for all human inquiry and the source of all human progress. Langdell was influenced by an unsophisticated scientism, which led him to attempt to identify the true meaning of legal doctrines. Holmes was influenced by the sophisticated positivism of John Stuart Mill, which led him to attempt to reduce legal rules and doctrines to scientific laws of antecedence and consequence, justified only by their social consequences. Both Holmes and Langdell concluded that judges ought to decide a case by applying the rules established by precedent, without appeal to any special claims of justice and without appeal to any higher-order normative principle.  相似文献   

确定由公司承担侵权责任的两个关键性的问题,一是公司侵权行为的构成要件,即认定公司侵权行为的标准,以区分公司的侵权行为和对外代表公司的自然人的个人侵权行为,从而确定责任的最终承担者;二是如何科学地界定法人的责任和其内部成员的责任,以使责任主体适格,使真正的责任人受到追究,从而维护公司的利益。  相似文献   

A novel application of replica molding to a forensic problem, viz. the accurate reproduction of the case head of gun and rifle cartridges, prior and after been shot, is presented. The fabrication of an arbitrary number of identical copies of the region hit by the firing pin and by the breech face is described. The replicas can be (i) handled without damaging the original evidence, (ii) distributed to different law enforcement agencies for comparison against other evidences found on crime scenes or ballistic tests of seized firearms, (iii) maintained on a file by the laboratories. A detailed analysis of the morphological features of the replicas has been carried out by standard microscopy techniques as well as by advanced microscopy such as scanning probe and scanning electron leading to a quantitative morphological characterization of the case heads down to the nanometer scale. The assignment of the cartridge replicas to the shooting weapon is demonstrated to hold below the micron scale, while it is hindered at the nanometer level both by the manufacturing differences and by eventual modifications occurring on the firing pin.  相似文献   

Innovation by users is now understood to be an important part of innovative activity in the economy. In this paper we explore the implications of adding innovation by users to existing models of social welfare that currently assume innovation by manufacturers only. We find this addition removes several inefficiencies, and that social welfare is likely to be increased by the presence of user innovation. Implications for policies that can impact users' freedom to innovate are discussed.  相似文献   

While Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner programs have improved the treatment of rape victims by offering more compassionate and thorough treatment, SANEs believe victims continue to face revictimization by the medical, criminal justice and legal systems. The purpose of this research is to explore SANEs' perceptions of the revictimization of rape victims by the police, legal system and medical system. Data from interviews with 39 Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners from four East Coast states reveal that most SANEs believe that the medical, criminal justice, and legal systems wield the power to revictimize rape victims. SANEs were more likely to cite the criminal justice system as a source of revictimization, followed by the medical system and legal system. According to SANEs, police contribute to victims' distress through failure to ask questions in a sensitive manner, failure to proceed with investigations, and by asking victim-blaming questions. Revictimization by the legal system results when charges are never filed, cases are postponed or dropped, plea bargains are unsatisfactory, and victims' character and credibility are questioned. Revictimization by the medical system is marked by long waits for medical attention.  相似文献   

杨士林 《河北法学》2007,25(10):48-54
基本权利是宪法的核心和关键,是宪法的生命和价值所在,是宪法之所以成为根本法的原因.通过历史和实证分析,探讨近代宪法和现代宪法在确认和保障公民基本权利方面的若干发展趋势,即由自由权发展到社会权,由法律保障发展为宪法保障,由国内保障发展为国际保障.基本权利的这些发展趋势对我国的宪政制度建设提出了若干引人深思的问题.  相似文献   

刑事诉讼中私人不法取得证据之证据能力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
奚玮  杨锦炎 《法律科学》2008,26(5):117-123
私人不法取证是私人以非法侵犯被取证人合法权利的方式取得证据的行为。私人不法取证本质上是一种侵权行为,但与公权机关非法取证存在诸多不同。关于私人不法取得的证据是否具有证据能力的不应排除说、法秩序一元说、权衡理论等诸家学说中,权衡理论更具有合理性。针对我国当前立法对私人不法取证问题规定的空白,应根据权衡理论对私人不法取证进行分类排除。  相似文献   

《纲要》作为我国第一部全面规划建设法治政府蓝图的纲领性文件,在推进依法行政的历史进程中具有里程碑意义。坚持法治规律与中国国情的创造性结合,是《纲要》的核心精神,也是《纲要》的最大特色。《纲要》的理论精髓体现在:(1)《纲要》贯穿的内在主线:监督、规范行政权与保护、扩展公民权相结合;(2)《纲要》规定的基本内容:依法行政理念与依法行政制度相结合;(3)《纲要》确立的法治目标:建设法治政府与形成法治社会相结合;(4)《纲要》选择的法治道路:自上而下政府推进与自下而上全民参与相结合。  相似文献   

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