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论"人类共同遗产"原则与相关原则的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葛勇平 《河北法学》2007,25(11):119-122
"人类共同遗产"原则不仅是人类在月球和其他天体上活动的最重要原则之一,同时也是保护和开发其他诸如公海海底资源和人类文化遗产等有限资源的重要原则.它直接引导出"禁止据为己有"原则,并意味着全面非军事化和禁止一切军事活动.为了保证开发的福利在所有国家之间公平分配,应该对所有的使用有限自然资源的国际管理制度的创设活动进行规范,而该创设活动必须以"共同利益"原则和"人类共同遗产"原则为指导方针.  相似文献   

立法过程中的信息问题初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在普遍的人类活动中,信息的传递和交流是人们形成共同生活的基础,“信息不对称asymmetricinformation”①问题的发现,不仅合理地解释了人类经济行为中的一些特有现象,也适用于其他人类的分工合作行为。立法活动作为人类社会高度分工合作的体现,立法过程中也同样面临“信息不对称”的问题。本文从信息理论的角度探讨立法中的质量问题。  相似文献   

法律,作为人们行为的刚性准则,作为社会秩序的稳定器,可以出自国家,也可以来自民间;可以有国家强制力威慑,也可以由社会组织保障实施。全球化进程是在缺少世界政府干预的背景下展开的,这就为全球社会有机体充分发育提供了天然条件,同时也有利于形成丰富多彩的人类共同法。人类共同法的产生出于全球公共事务和人类共同利益的需要,它有自己特定的调整领域,不仅不会消弥国家法,反而会与国家法相互促进、相得益彰。可以想象,未来的人类法必然是一幅多元图景,人类公共事务必然仰仗各种力量共同发挥作用。  相似文献   

环境是人类生存和发展的基础,但是人类总是为了满足自己无休止的欲望而去肆意的掠夺资源和破坏环境,本文主要从可持续发展,共同但有区别责任原则等方面入手,简略谈到了全球环境与国际法转型的有关问题。  相似文献   

18.什么是共同违纪?对共同违纪人如何处理?答:共同违纪,是指二人以上(含二人)共同故意违犯党的纪律。构成共同违纪,必须满足以下条件:其一,共同违纪客观上必须有共同的违纪行为。即违纪人共同参与了某一种或某几种《处分条例》所规定的违纪行为,每个人的行为,是整个违纪活动的有机组成部分。其二,共同违纪主观上必须有共同违纪的故意。每个参与共同违纪的人都不仅认识到自己在实施违纪行为,而且认识到自己与他人一道实施违纪行为。共同违纪故意使共同违纪人之间的行为彼此联系,成为协调一致的共同违纪活动。共同过失违纪不构成共同违纪,一人…  相似文献   

土地是万物之母,是人类经济活动的基础,做为人类重要生产资料的土地,在人类社会发展的历史中起着不可替代的作用,当地等重要生产资料由原始的共同所有发展到了个体家庭的同时,阶级国家和体现统治阶级意志的法律也就开始出现了。由于土地面积的有限性,自那时起人们就开始注意至处地的价值问题。对于土地价值在法律上表现为所有权和使用权。土地所有权是指土地所有者依法对土地享有的占有、使用、收益、处分的权利,是一种自物权,其权利的实现完全取决于土地所有者的意志,在不违背法律和社会公共利益前提下,权利人可以自主的实现自己…  相似文献   

人类共同继承财产原则的含义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类共同继承财产原则已被正式规定在两个国际条约中,一个是1979年的《指导各国在月球和其他天体上活动的协定》,(以下简称《月球协定》)该协定已于1984年生效。另一个是1982年的《联合国海洋法公约》。《月球协定》第11条第1款规定,“月球及其自然资源均为全体人类的共同财产”。《联合国海洋法公约》第136条规定,“‘区域’及其资源是人类的共同继承财产”。  相似文献   

礼仪是人类为维系社会正常生活而要求人们共同遵守的最起码的道德规范。作为当代的大学生更应该了解和掌握礼仪的内涵、要求、规范,全面提高自己的个人修养和综合素质。  相似文献   

从法哲学视角看,知识产权法作为人类共同知识活动的激励机制提供的激励条件,它以尊重个人独立和平等为前提,以"对价与衡平"为立法原则,通过为保护个人创造性财产权而激励个人对知识活动的贡献并最终促进人类共同知识活动发展。知识产权发生于表达自由与财产自由、经济自由及其他政治自由权之间的符合"对价"的自由契约;知识产权法作为制定法上的"法定权利",是国家允诺强制保护的符合对价与衡平条件的"社会契约"。其正当性应该满足宪政分配责任的基本要求。  相似文献   

田景荣 《政法学刊》2002,19(2):94-96
教学过程就是学生在教师指导下认识世界,接受人类已经积累的知识和经验的过程。在学校教学过程中,主张“双主模式”,教师的教授活动和学生的学习活动,是师生双方共同以教材等教学资源为媒介所开展的探求真理的认识活动,它是师生双方共同的认识活动。继承与创新,体现并贯穿于教学过程的始终。教学过程应围绕着教学目的,调动一切积极因素,对所有教学条件实施最有效的配置,有效地控制各种教学要素,使教学过程发挥它们的整体最佳功能。  相似文献   

食品安全非监管保障措施的引入与规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隋洪明 《法学论坛》2012,(2):96-101
针对我国食品安全事故频发,食品安全环境日益恶化等突出问题,绝大多数专家学者研究的结论是"监管缺失",然而,沿此思路提出的对策和政府部门为加强监管付出的努力并没有取得明显的成效。"三聚氰胺"、"毒大米"、"地沟油"等仍然畅通无阻地越过道道监管关卡,通过各种渠道流向公众的餐桌。因此,有必要反思"主流研究"的偏差,改变"监管依赖"思维模式,加强非监管机制研究,构建企业自律、公众参与、信用建设和信息传递等非监管制度,弥补监管制度的不足,走出食品安全监管劳而无功的困境,塑造放心、健康、和谐的食品安全环境。  相似文献   

随着全球环境的恶化,各国环境刑事立法的发展有了新的趋势。与发达国家相比,我国的环境刑事立法存在很大差距,刑法及与刑法相关的法律中的环境刑事立法均有不足,应借鉴国外的先进立法经验,构筑我国的环境刑事立法体系。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(6):657-666
Hair can retain important biological traces for forensic investigations. Forensic scientists are used to looking for such traces on clothing and skin of victims, however, when decomposition kicks in and all that remains of the victims is the skeleton, hair may be the only tissue representing the surface of the body at the time of a crime on which biological traces of an aggressor may have been left and still be detectable. Given the lack of research on this topic, this pilot study aims to assess the capacity of hair to retain semen and blood in hair, and the possibility to detect these fluids with well-known techniques and to obtain a useful genetic profile even when exposed to environmental conditions (Open Natural Environment (woods), Open Man Made Environment (urban)) for three months.Results showed that both traces were always visible and detectable with almost all techniques in the Control Environment, while in the two open environments some difficulties arose. However, biomolecular analysis was effective up to three months on both fluids in the Natural Environment and up to two months and one week respectively on blood and semen in the Man Made Environment. The Combur Test, OBTI, and Luminol were effective on blood up to three months in both environments while Sperm-HY-Liter and observation of cellular components were effective on semen up to at least 1 month and PSA testing was positive up to 1 week in both environments.The present work can be considered an encouraging starting point for the analysis of biological traces on hair in forensic contexts, regardless of the PMI, since blood and semen related to a crime may survive.  相似文献   

33 cases of unintentional handgun use by police officers during operation since 1983 in Northern Germany have been evaluated. These cases have been selected from our own investigations and from prosecutors' and police departments' files and records. It was intended to find out criteria for forensic expertise. The unintended use of a handgun was always influenced in a decisive and causal manner by the behaviour of the delinquents (resistance, assault, escape). The confrontation of the police officer with the violence of aggressive offenders was of immediate importance for triggering the shot in various kinds of police operation. Sensorically caused, reflex muscle contractions as a consequence of a great effort, a loss of balance or fright when simultaneously protecting oneself with weapon in hand can be made responsible for the unvoluntary shot. In 10 cases (30%) persons were injured, 2 times lethally. As a whole, the consequences were of random nature, they could be explained by the series of actions in each case. The type and technical state of the weapons in use have not influenced the unintentional use. A behaviour of the police officers offending against the legally required care was stated in two of the investigated cases. Considering our investigations and the many policemen killed in duty we state that securing oneself in time with a weapon at the ready in critical phases of operations cannot be successfully replaced by any other method of self defense.  相似文献   

A comparison study of the effects of environmental conditions on the development of latent fingermarks on raptor feathers using green magnetic fluorescent powder was undertaken using both sebaceous loaded and natural fingermark deposits. Sparrowhawk feathers were stored in indoor conditions for 60?days (Study 1), and buzzard feathers were left exposed to two different environmental conditions (hidden and visible) for 21?days (Study 2), with developments made at regular ageing periods. In Study 1, latent fingermarks were successfully developed (Grade 1–4) on the indoor feathers up to 60?days after deposition – 98.6% of the loaded deposits and 85.3% for natural deposits. Under outdoor conditions in Study 2, both loaded and natural deposits were affected by environmental exposure. Latent fingermarks were successfully developed up to 14?days after deposition on the outdoor feathers, with some occasional recovery after 21?days. The visible feathers recorded 34.7% (loaded) and 16.4% (natural) successful developments (Grade 1–4), whereas the hidden feathers recorded 46.7% (loaded) and 22.2% (natural) successful developments, suggesting that protection from the environment helps to preserve latent fingermarks on the surface of a feather. Environmental exposure accelerated the deterioration of ridge detail and the number of successful developments.  相似文献   

我国地方非政府组织发展的问题与对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
伴随着改革的深入、社会化程度的不断提高及政府职能的转变,非政府组织的发展及规范化问题,已经提到政府管理的议程上来。迫切要求地方政府加强对非政府组织的管理,并同政府的改革与职能转变相结合,积极培育和发展社会的非政府组织。本文从非政府组织的数量、规模,非政府组织自身能力、特点以及国际化程度等方面分析了存在的主要问题,并提出了政府在法律环境、管理体系、社会化服务体系和非政府组织的自律机制等方面的应对措施。  相似文献   

The electronic sector, in particular, the computing industry, has become an increasing concern because of the environmental impact of its products throughout their life cycle. The United States, Europe and Japan as the greatest consumers of electronic goods have given special attention to this issue. The fast computer obsolescence and its difficult confinement, because of the hazardous substances contained, have required a special effort of technical innovation. Nevertheless, this effort seems to respond mainly to the standards required by the countries in which these goods are produced, consumed and confined, which are radically different in developed and developing countries. Though an important part of the production process (assembling) is done in developing countries, little attention has been paid to the environmental quality at this production stage. This study examines the environmental problems and strategy of the electronic assembly industry in the three northern border cities of Mexico. Almost half of 200 electronic maquiladora enterprises surveyed had not undertaken any active environmental policy and there was a limited environmental standards enforcement. Evidence was found that the firms that had operated for a longer period of time had better chances of taking better care of the environment. Environmental firm policies became weaker as one descended from the head office to the subsidiaries and then to their suppliers. It is also found that some transnational corporations operate with double standards in Mexico and thus strong national policies on environmental standards in Mexico are required to change this practice.
Claudia SchatanEmail:

王旭东  宁宁 《行政与法》2007,(5):112-113
保险公司因其与公众的利益相关性程度较高,所以有助于维护社会的稳定与安全,同时他又对社会具有较强的依赖性,因而,适度要求保险公司担负一定的社会责任不仅符合其自身长远利益以及社会目标,而且有助于弥补保险法律法规不完备的现实问题,有助于在保险业界营造一种诚实守信、利己利人的经营氛围。  相似文献   

夏黑讯 《行政与法》2007,4(3):117-119
法官伦理是伴随着法官职业的形成、发展及社会需要而产生的一种特殊的社会意识形态和行为准则。法官伦理和整个社会的伦理道德观念有相适应的一面;同时法官伦理作为一种职业伦理,在很多方面又区别于一般社会伦理,具有自身的一系列价值特点和评判标准。法官的优良职业道德规范决非可以随意制定的,而只能通过社会制定其职业道德目的,从法官的职业行为事实的客观本性中推导、制定出来的。  相似文献   

可持续发展观及其对环境法发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宿晓 《行政与法》2005,(9):120-121
本文通过对可持续发展观内涵及基本原则的分析,论及了它对环境法发展诸要素的积极影响,以期能对环境法及其创制有所启发和促进。  相似文献   

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