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Ethchlorvynol (Placidyl) is a nonbarbiturate sedative hypnotic. Two fatal cases of ethchlorvynol overdose are reported. Toxicological analyses of body fluids and tissues were performed by gas chromatography using a flame-ionization detector. The quantitative method was sensitive and reproducible. Body distribution of ethchlorvynol in blood and other tissues is presented. Biological samples analyzed included blood, urine, bile, liver, kidney, eye fluid, and gastric contents. Results presented add to the pharmacokinetic data needed to study the disposition of drugs in different tissues. Findings in present two cases are compared with published toxicological data.  相似文献   

A 54 year-old female expired at her residence. Her husband, a physician, signed a certificate stating that her death was due to cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and released her body to a funeral home, where she was embalmed. Since the deceased had a long history of medical problems and drug abuse, an autopsy was performed and no evidence of CVA was found. Toxicological analyses of body fluids and tissues revealed the presence of ethchlorvynol in high concentration in the bile (112 mg/l). The bloody fluid collected from the heart contained a concentration of ethchlorvynol below the limit for quantitation. Other findings included phenobarbital (32.8 mg/l) in heart bloody fluid and methanol (an ingredient of embalming fluid). The significance of the findings is discussed in relation to embalmment prior to autopsy and toxicological analyses. Ethchlorvynol concentration in the bile is compared to other fatal cases due to ethchlorvynol overdose.  相似文献   

A fatal case of ethchlorvynol abuse is reported with blood and tissue determinations.  相似文献   

目的推测氯硝安定在生物体内的主要代谢方式,检测其代谢产物。方法取5只Wistar大鼠,连续3d给每只大鼠灌胃氯硝安定(剂量分别为1、2、2mg),收集灌胃后24h内尿液;给3只大鼠各灌胃2mg氯硝安定,2h后处死,取血液和肝组织等检材;收集3名口服5mg氯硝安定的志愿者24h内尿液。分别对不同检材进行处理后,气相色谱/质谱联用(GC/MS)检测。结果在大鼠阳性尿液和志愿者阳性尿液中,均检出7-乙酰氨基氯硝安定和7-氨基氯硝基安定;在大鼠血液中,主要检出氯硝安定和7-氨基氯硝基安定;在大鼠肝组织中,主要检出7-乙酰氨基氯硝安定,还有少量7-氨基氯硝安定和氯硝安定。结论氯硝安定进入生物体后,其7位硝基被还原为氨基,氨基接着被乙酰化,形成7-氨基氯硝基安定和7-乙酰氨基氯硝安定代谢物,其中7-乙酰氨基氯硝安定为主要代谢物。  相似文献   

Bone marrow may be utilized as an alternative biological sample in cases where uncontaminated blood samples are not available for analyses. Bone marrow/blood ratios of ethchlorvynol as a function of time and dosage level were determined in 40 rabbits. A modified quantitative analysis that produced accurate and reproducible results was employed for the determination of ethchlorvynol levels. Further, ten blood and bone marrow samples containing ethchlorvynol were chosen to study the effects of storage for a period of 24 hours. Studies of blood and bone marrow ethchlorvynol levels with time showed no linear relationship. Bone marrow/blood ratios as a function of dose resulted in close mean averages with a wide range of values. Significant losses in both blood and bone marrow ethchlorvynol levels were evidenced in most of the samples subjected to the 24-hour storage study.  相似文献   

Leb positive individuals may phenotypically express both Lea and Leb in their secreted body fluids. Therefore, the interpretation of a Le(a + ,b-), non-secretor result is dependent on the absence of Leb. This study emphasises the importance of accurate procedure and biased selection of antisera such that Leb is preferentially detected in comparison with Lea. The relationship of the ABO group to the expression of Le is discussed in conjunction with the selection of samples for testing antisera and inclusion as control standards.  相似文献   

目的采用固相萃取、液相色谱一串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)检验方法,考察吗啡和葡萄糖醛酸吗啡(M3G)在一例体内藏毒致急性死亡者体内分布情况。方法提取死者心血、尿、胃内容物、肝、肾、脑等15种检材,经Waters HLB小柱固相萃取后,C18色谱柱分离,采用电喷雾电离(ESI)、多反应监测模式(MRM)检测目标化合物。结果所建方法在0.0l~101μg/mL浓度范围内线性关系良好,提取回收率大于75%。结果显示总吗啡含量(游离态+结合态)在胃内容物中最高,其次是尿、‘肾,在心血、胃组织、肺和腺体中居中,脑组织和心脏含量最低。结论本例检验结果验证了胃内容物、尿液和肾脏等是该类中毒案件的理想检材,其分布规律也可作为体内毒品分析实验依据。  相似文献   

A method has been developed on reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography for simultaneous determination of methyl, ethyl and isopropyl alcohols under refractive index detection using pure water as the mobile phase. A good separation has been achieved between these alcohols. Detector response was linear with a detection limit of 5 mg/100 ml. Recovery studies were performed by adding known amounts of methyl and ethyl alcohols to blood, lung and liver within the range 80–90%. The reproducibility of the results was always >90%. The quantitative distribution of methyl alcohol in postmortem body tissues and fluids has been reported in three cases of poisoning.  相似文献   

A method has been developed on reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography for simultaneous determination of methyl, ethyl and isopropyl alcohols under refractive index detection using pure water as the mobile phase. A good separation has been achieved between these alcohols. Detector response was linear with a detection limit of 5 mg/100 ml. Recovery studies were performed by adding known amounts of methyl and ethyl alcohols to blood, lung and liver within the range 80-90%. The reproducibility of the results was always greater than 90%. The quantitative distribution of methyl alcohol in postmortem body tissues and fluids has been reported in three cases of poisoning.  相似文献   

This paper provides possible explanations for two previously misunderstood circumstances surrounding cases of so-called "spontaneous human combustion"--the nearly complete cremation of human bone, and the failure of such fires to spread to nearby combustibles. Two experiments were conducted. The first involved the cremation of "healthy" and "osteoporotic" human bone and observing the resulting fragmentation and color change. Osteoporotic elements consistently displayed more discoloration and a greater degree of fragmentation than healthy ones. The second experiment involved the combustion of a sample of human tissue and observation of the flame height and burning area in order to calculate the effective heat of combustion. The resulting heat was 17kJ/g indicating a fire that is unlikely to spread. These results, which are among the first obtained for human samples, lend further support and credence to previous scientific explanations for "spontaneous human combustion."  相似文献   

The author critically examines the majority judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada in Rodriguez v. Canada (A.G.) and concludes that the judges in the majority have adopted a legislative public policy mandate rather than carrying out a judicial function that accords with established canons of Charter interpretation and analysis. The author contends that the majority read section 7 of the Charter as enshrining the sanctity of life as an intrinsic, abstract societal value necessary to protect the ill and the vulnerable and not as an expression of the individual's entitlement to autonomy against the State. She also contends that the majority's section 1 analysis was unduly deferential not only to the Canadian Parliament but also to the legislatures of the majority of Western democracies. This came at the expense of considering the legislative pattern of abandoning laws against suicide, the common law respect for individual autonomy and quality of life regarding refusal of and withdrawal from medical treatment, and the widespread lax enforcement of laws critical of the majority's reliance on "slippery slope" reasoning, which subordinated Ms Rodriguez's Charter rights to apprehend wrongdoing by the medical profession and the presumed best interests of society as a whole. The author recommends that legislators who address the question of assisted suicide look to methods of regulating access to assisted suicide that reflect respect for individual dignity under the Charter at the end of life, and reject any reading of the majority judgment that suggests that legislators are free to regulate or to proscribe assisted suicide according to abstract notions of the sanctity of life, pragmatic views of the public good, or the false consciousness or perceived vulnerability of the terminally ill or disabled.  相似文献   

Autopsy on an externally intact decomposed body showed empty thoracic and abdominal cavities with no trace of normal organ content. The process producing this previously unencountered situation is discussed.  相似文献   

目的测量颈椎高度建立四川汉族女性人群的身高推算方程,为法医学个人识别提供帮助。方法应用计算机X线摄影放射学方法,在209例四川汉族女性颈椎CR片上测量C3~C7椎体高度,并准确测量身高。按年龄是否大于45岁进行分组,对各颈椎的测量数据与身高进行线性回归分析,建立颈椎推算身高的回归方程。结果共建立一元回归方程36个,多元回归方程12个,所有回归方程经线性回归模型假设检验,均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。所建立的回归方程的复相关系数(r)在0.628~0.280范围内,回归方程的标准误在4.03~5.03cm范围内。结论本研究所建立的回归方程,可用于四川汉族女性颈椎的身高推算。  相似文献   

追赃制度研究论纲   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
曹云清  钟琳  金麒 《政法学刊》2002,19(1):24-30
未经生效裁判确认身份之前,不能称为赃,而只能称为疑脏。在第三人善意取得赃款脏物的情况下,不能向善意第三人追赃,对此,我们应尽快通过立法解决这一问题以保护交易安全。司法实践中,应通过建立标签保管的方法以完善对嫌疑赃物的保管制度。在追缴回来的赃款不及多个受害人损失总额的情况下,应由人民法院依据每个受害人的损失乘以返还比例的方式进行公平的赃款返还。在赃物认领发生争执时,应由争议的受害人就赃物的归属达成协议,否则,应作为无主赃物,上缴国库。  相似文献   

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