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A New Blueprint     
正The Two Sessions,the annual meetings of the national legislature and the top political advisory body,rescheduled to the end of May and with their duration halved due to the novel coronavirus pandemic,were especially significant this year.While the world has long focused attention on China's economic policies,the pandemic has drawn more eyes onto them.Because of uncertainties caused by the pandemic,no specific target for economic growth was announced at the meetings,unlike in other years.Although the disease is under control in China and some other countries are also resuming work and production,uncertainties will continue.  相似文献   

With the novel coronavirus pandemic casting a shadow on economic growth worldwide,the first roadmap for improving the allocation of production factors outlines measures to give the market a bigger role in deciding where resources should be allocated.The Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council,the cabinet issued a guideline on April 9 to facilitate free and orderly flow of production factors and boost market vitality.Land,labor,technological knowledge,capital and data are the major production factors.The government will make land management more flexible,encourage the flow of labor forces,boost technology and data exchanges and improve the capital market system.It will also make pricing mechanisms more marketoriented and ensure better resource allocation through digital technologies.  相似文献   

<正>Power Construction Corporation of China(PowerC hina)on May 23 opened its Eurasia headquarters in Istanbul,Turkey.One of China’s leading state-owned enterprises,PowerC hina has core technology capabilities in the sectors of energy and power,infrastructure,water resources and  相似文献   

正Plan to build a modern railway network with international competitivenessand influence by 2035 The last batch of 500-meter rails were laid down on August 17 for a highspeed intercity railway linking Beijing and Xiongan New Area in neighboring Hebei Province in north China,marking the beginning of the countdown to the line's full operation.  相似文献   

正President Xi's new book highlights practical innovation By Zheng Changzhong The third volume of Xi jinping:The Governance of China,a collection of President Xi Jinping's speeches,conversations,instructions and letters written between October 18,2017 and January 13,2020,should be read keeping in mind the development of modern Chinese civilization.  相似文献   

The Renewable Energy Law of 2006 has put the development of China's new energy industry onto the fast track. Government investment in this sector has grown at an annual rate of 20 percent over the past few years In 2008 support for new energy enterprises reached RMB 3.8 billion. This is just the beginning for this industry.  相似文献   

Carbon Blueprint     
正Following a successful test run,China is launching the world’s largest carbon market The scheme for China’s carbon emission trading market has been approved by the State Council,and released by the National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC),according to Zhang Yong,Vice Chairman of the NDRC,at a press briefi ng held on December 19,2017.  相似文献   

<正>乡村振兴战略是一个需要不断努力和完善的巨大工程,关系到全面建成小康社会的成功,也关系到我们每个人的生活和健康。中共十九大报告提出了乡村振兴战略,中共中央农村工作会议研究实施乡村振兴战略的重要政策,这决定了未来30多年中国农村发展的宏伟蓝图。农业农村农民问题是关系国计民生的根本性问题,也是国家现代化进程中的短板所在。没有农业农村的现代化,就没有国家的现代化。乡村振兴决定着中国全面小康社会的成色和社会主义现代化的质量。  相似文献   

Architectural firms are using their Beijing Olympic designs to garner work on China's new wave of corporate buildings.  相似文献   

正New guideline for planning,development and management sets overall goa Cities in China are bursting at the seams and scraping further into the sky as the country pushes forward urbanization policies.Consequently,this has also exacerbated urban maladies such as pollu-  相似文献   

2008年12月31日,胡锦涛总书记在纪念《告台湾同胞书》发表30周年座谈会上发表重要讲话,回顾了自1979以来两岸关系的历程,全面总结了祖国大陆推动两岸关系发展的成功经验和启示,提出了新形势下推进两岸关系和平发展的六点意见,深刻阐述了祖国大陆对发展两岸关系的基本主张和政策目标,从政治、经济、文化、交流、涉外事务、军事互信等多个方面描绘了两岸关系和平发展的蓝图,成为新时期指导祖国大陆对台工作的重要纲领性文件。  相似文献   

20世纪以来,世界范围的城市规模迅速扩大,城市的政治、经济、文化等社会结构都不同程度地发生了重大的变化,尤其是近十年来,城市的人文地理环境的变化更是巨大。应该说,城市发展没有特定模式和完全一致的轨迹,而且城市发展因不同的文化背景、地域特点,其未解的问题和新产生的矛盾也不尽相同。然而,总结成功经验、大胆地摸索、探讨、求知是我们需要努力做到的,这应是我们的共识。本期围绕城市发展这一主题,邀请京沪两地的知名学者从不同学科的视角出发,各抒己见,意在与广大的读者共同探讨之。——主持人:沈佩萍  相似文献   

A New Paradigm     
<正>The"Four Comprehensives"aim at putting China on track to achieve its economic and social development targets.In an effort to avoid a hard landing from the economy,China should face the current downward pressure on its growth by boosting effectivedemand and progressively switching to a new growth model.At the opening of the annual National People’s Congress(NPC)in March,Chinese Premier Li Keqiang announced that the of-  相似文献   

A New Start     
Treasury futures trading is back after a near two-decade hiatus,but what’s new? China’s treasury bond futures, suspended for 18 years, has seen some vital progress in its restart.  相似文献   

A New Generation     
The post-90s generation marches into the employment market 18 BEIJING REVIEW JULY 26, 2012 This July has seen some 6.8 million fresh graduates stepping out of Chinese colleges and universities,  相似文献   

A New Dawn     
Following a hiatus of more than two years, the Seventh China-Japan-Republic of Korea (ROK) Leaders' Meeting finally convened in Tokyo on May 9, during which the leaders of the three countries reaffirmed their commitment to economic globalization as well as the liberalization of trade and investment, while also vowing to promote denuclearization and maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. The meeting also coincided with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's official visit to Japan, the first by a Chinese premier in eight years.  相似文献   

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