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The Chinese Government attaches great importance to the exchanges and cooperation between the local governments of China and the United States. The China-US Governors Forum has great vitality,  相似文献   

The Fourth Beijing Forumon human Rights was heldin Beijing from September 21-23,2011.Jointly sponsored by the China Society for human Rights Studies and the China human Rights Development Foundation,the forum was centeredon the theme of"Cultural Tradition  相似文献   

The Fourth China-Arab Friendship Conference (CAFC) with the theme of promoting cooperation through friendship and pursuing development through exchanges, jointly sponsored by the CPAFFC, the China-Arab Friendship Association (CAFA) and the League of Arab States (LAS) and hosted by the People’s Government of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,was held in Yinchuan from September 13 to 14, 2012.Before the opening ceremony,Vice Premier Li Keqiang met  相似文献   

2007年5月11-12日,"中国妇女NGO能力建设"经验交流会在北京举行.本次活动是中国妇女:NG()能力建设项目的主要内容之一,即项目成果推广研讨会.该项目由陕西省妇女理论婚姻家庭研究会、北京农家女文化发展中心、北京红枫心理咨询中心、云南西双版纳儿童权益健康咨询中心、河南社区教育研究中心和北京大学法学院妇女法律研究与服务中心6家民间妇女组织为建立一个能够为中国妇女NGO组织问提供交流与服务的平台,进一步促进中国妇女NGO的相互交流与共同发展的总体目标,委托陕西妇女研究会代表6家机构起草、递交了"中国妇女NGO能力建设"项目建议书,该项目获得德国米索尔基金会的批准和大力支持.  相似文献   

The Second Chinese-Lebanese Symposium,sponsored by the CPAFFC and hosted by the Department of Arabic Language and Culture of Peking University,was held in Peking University from October 26 to 27,2012. An eight-member Lebanese University Scholars Delegation was invited by the  相似文献   

XUEHONGTAO 《人权》2008,(3):38-38
A symposium on how to tackle the challenges to women workers' rights was held in Beijing on March 8, the International Women's Day.  相似文献   

The 2nd Beijing Forum on Human Rights was held on November 2-3 in Beijing. Senior human rights officials and experts from 26 countries and regions attended the forum, organized by the China Society for Human Rights Studies.  相似文献   

The Third China-Canada Cultural Dialogue, co-sponsored by the CPAFFC and the Canadian Fund for International Understanding Through Culture (Can4Culture), was held in Beijing June 25-26. Ms. Lin Yi, Secretary General of the CPAFFC, Dr. Nelly Ng, Chair of Can4Culture, Mr. Mark McDowell, Counselor of the Canadian Embassy in China, Mr. John McAvity, Executive Director of the Canadian Museums Association, among the 100 attendees, who included representatives from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, China National Academy of Painting, China National Center for the Performing Arts, the Canadian Museums Association, Canada Science and Technology Museum, as well as from other museums, universities and cultural organizations of both countries.  相似文献   

<正>The 12th Sino-German Human Rights Symposium was held from July 13 to 14 in Beijing,with a theme of international law and human rights protection.Chinese and German participants at the symposium discussed international legal protection for sovereignty and civil rights,and coordination between international human rights conventions and national laws in respective countries,exchanged their views in a candid method and reached extensive consensus on related issues.  相似文献   

The Japanese Digital Paintings Exhibition cosponsored by the CPAFFC and the Japan DigitalImage was held in the BeijingWorking People's Cultural Palacefrom December 28, 2000 toJanuary 6, 2001. About 100works were on display. A Japa-nese computer three-D animationwas shown in the Sony Museum  相似文献   

An exhibition of Xixia callig- raphy, jointly sponsored bythe CPAFFC, the Foreign AffairsOffice of the Ningxia Hui Autono-mous Regional People's Govern-ment, and the Ishikawa Japan-China Friendship Association, theJapan-China Art Exchange Con-ference and Hokushiten Kai (a  相似文献   

The 3rd Beijing Forum on Human Rights was held on October 19- 20 in Beijing. About 100 senior human-rights officials and experts from 28 countries and regions and international organizations including the United Nations, gathered at this year's forum, or- ganized by the China Society for Human Rights Studies.  相似文献   

本刊讯(记者黄荔)处理好城市废弃物,是全世界大城市面临的共性问题.6月25日上午,北京市全面推进生活垃圾处理和循环利用工作大会召开,动员部署今后几年北京市垃圾处理和循环利用工作.市委副书记、市长郭 金龙出席会议并讲话.  相似文献   

International friendship-city activities are an important bridge for cities to enhanc eunderstanding and friendship and conduct exchanges and cooperation.We should adhere to the principle of mutual respect and win-win cooperation, carry forward traditional friendship, strengthen cultural and personnel exchanges and make joint efforts to create a better future for the cause. Lu Yongxiang, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the  相似文献   

A photo exhibition of Contemporary Portugal jointly organized by the China-Portugal Friendship Association (CPFA) and the PortugueseEmbassy in China was opened in the FriendshipMuseum of the CPAFFC in Beijing on February19, 2001. Chen Haosu, CPAFFC president, Mr.Pedro Catarino, Portuguese ambassador to China,General Li Jing, president of the CPFA, Su Guangand Wei Dong, vice presidents of the CPFA, aswell as Peruvian, Columbian, and Ecuadorian am-bassadors, among others, attended the opening cer-emony. In their speeches at the opening ceremonyChen Haosu and Mr. Pedro Catarino praised the  相似文献   

Chinese people's old friend Edgar Snow lived in China most of the time from 1928 to1941. He travelled a great partof China, knew the sufferings ofthe Chinese people for whom heshowed deep sympathy. He wasthe first foreign journalist who wentto the Soviet areas in Northern  相似文献   

Jointly sponsored by the CPAFFC and theSekido Suibokuga (a Japanese ink painters'association headed by Sekido Unemura), an inkpainting exhibition of Sekido Unemura, well-known Japanese ink painter, was held at the ChinaNational Art Gallery from September 17 to 20. Unemura was born in Kanazawa of Ishikawa  相似文献   

The 13th Conference on Sino-Japanese Friendly Exchanges jointly organized by the CPAFFC, the China-Japan Friendship Association (CJFA), Guizhou Provincial People’s Government, and the Japan-China Friendship Association (JCFA), in collaboration with Guizhou Provincial People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, was held in Guiyang May 24-25.  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Japan-China Friend- ship Association (JCFA), a 16-member del-egation led by Chen Yongchang, CPAFFC andCJFA vice president, as head of the delegation,and Zhang Xielin, vice president of the China Ta-ble Tennis Association, as deputy head. attendedthe Eighth Conference on China-Japan Friendly Ex-changes in Shiga and paid a good will visit to Ja-  相似文献   

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